big so cute not hot when people in get really hot I want to take your I don't know where the weapons are mama said they're with probably you cheing a video well that expain we're going the wrong way now Okie doie we're over to the right and been to close um information thing where where the ladies U where the ladies lady I think ponytail I like the purse the is wonderful picture of my oh those [Music] I want the those are hair things those are pretty so like put a ponytail holder and then it just goes over and you just slide it down in and then H your hair and then back out the other side [Music] it works best if you have a hair [Music] tie either way way depend on [Music] come to the church get Ackle get a drink 10 minutes till church service princess [Music] [Music] happens if you break that's yeah so those rocks right there that are whole and brown those what's inside them that there so you can pick out one of the Rocks down there there's like5 $225 ones and then we can break them here you you take them home andak them but that's what it looks like once they're broken I mean know i' say that was in store but I think i' SE them home yeah yeah you know you might be somewhere and can be buried just right there I I yeah I need to watch for that smile oh okay were um wine bottles that were melted in in my what' you find so those rings are $40 unless they're Price Less unique things we make [Music] made made out ofo Le GG Potion bottles are 25 they're 250 M just over 8 O hold an entire fif of whatever health potion you desire then we get our glass out of Missouri and it's poured double thick so it's highly resistant to break like two 3 did you yell yeah and nobody cared go yell them to their faces pickle L's louder I like when the ladies are louder anyway oh just a few more minutes actually it's time time now right you think it's time yeah that was okayish there's a lot of is stuff here on the stage so just so you know that was questionable all right well we are the body Buccaneers we've been performing on stage for the past 15 years mostly in the mid class and we decided to drive8 hours to come and Entertain You weirdos yeah but we like the weirdos because they actually will sit down and and interact with us because we're not boring all right all right cool cool cool all right so most Renaissance Fairs I mean who's been to a Renaissance Fair before you know you haven't you're raising your hand we don't raise hands at Renaissance okay we raise Shields all right all right no we get loud we get Rowdy we have some fun right so who here been to a Renaissance there here we go now everybody that's never been to hi [Music] Elsa yeah a type of it's a type of whatever she is yeah how old is she that I don't can't tell you I'm not I'm with the petting zoo up top are you all having a good day yeah are you first time on the torch for the day doing a little warm up my we're going to see if we can keep it from breaking reason why glass is so expensive you have to make you get it it's a very tempal feature we will say um and being out in elements with wind or put cooling no kill interesting together um it's interesting watching you fall apart so we're probably going to do a little bit of those today I should gra from yesterday I'll be right like do a little warm up and just kind of bend the glass kind of just get it um you know see how it's moving today um you know I've been able to tra air creating a vacuum inside the but is still you know it is so throughout the day I'm going to try to make more of these at the end of the day you come by and see all the weird stuffing out [Music] ready to back away from your partner back your partner and back the left arm re back there now right with your partner you can decorate for Christmas and Halloween and everything Easter Dragon you can't go long we are House of dragon poop yes you poop I poop Everybody Poops everybody poop you every Dragon poops too poop we also have pirate poop and so many other unique items it's very educational away inter I'll also be using that time to look for an apprentice cuz I could always use a good number two do you want to be a number two and and going to the poop business yeah it sounds like you know a lot about poop