Take a shot every time Martin says Liam Neeson 🥃 #podcast

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:00:58 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: liam neeson
I go to urino yeah and I look around I am standing next to Liam niss right Liam niss right Qui-Gon Jin from Star Wars in the urinal so I'm standing there as well and I'm having a piss your piss looked like it was like shining like as if it was like on fire as it came out do you know what I mean that's called gona no it [Music] wasn't your piss was like shining as it came out and it was catching the light and I looked down at Leon n's and his piss was like shining as if it was and it all up it looked like we were holding two lightsabers and all I wanted to do was go and I like I snicked across a little bit and I could just see as I've touched his piss with my piss he looks

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