How To Calm Down A Frantic German Shepherd | Cesar 911 Season 2 Ep. 4 - Part 1

do not attempt the training techniques you about to see without consulting a professional tonight on Caesar 911 a once peaceful community is torn apart by a German Shepherd that is out of control Tass it goes from zero to explosion she's bit my daughter twice and drew blood what if Caesar can't find a way to help her the mayor will be forced to take action if I really see tassy aggressively going after someone she'll probably get put down this is Caesar 911 Caesar's first 911 call is from the mayor of Westlake Village whose neighbor's dog is terrorizing his City nice to meet you Mr Mike Mark how are you it's my wife g g nice to meet you man how are thank you for coming so how can I help you we're very dog friendly here in fact our Street has dogs we have our neighbors George and Mary they've got a dog tassy and everyone can't take their dog out if tassie's out on the street tassy goes after other animals cars and people Mary has real difficulty holding tassy tassy is she by herself no she she lives with her husb husband George okay so George participates he has gotten really tired of Cassy and feels that you know this is probably a hopeless cause Cassie is so unpredictable she's bit me kn get off Cassie she's bit my daughter twice and drew blood what yes bad yes she's very aggressive I've got to do something yeah and I'm the mayor and this kind of puts me you know in a corner in a rock in a hard place as mayor part of my responsibility is the health and safety of the residents here if I really see tassy aggressively going after someone MH we're going to have to call animal control and take her my fear is no one's going to adopt her and she'll probably get put [Music] down yep the mayor is definitely a dog lover you know tassi beat him bat his daughter and then he called me instead of calling Animal Control if I cannot help this dog an animal control his skull she would definitely be put down the mayor has arranged for Mary to take Tass on a walk by the lake so Caesar can observe tassie's Behavior oh oh be careful be careful she's not holding the dog properly look at that that's pretty bad you need me mayor [Music] he we're going to come slowly come slowly there you go there you go that was pretty bad I'm Mary Thomas I'm George Thomas and we have a four-year-old black German Shepherd we've always had dogs between our dogs our cats and and horses uh we've been an animal family and it's been really a source of Harmony we were probably 6 months without a dog about 6 months and I happened to be looking on um Craigslist and um saw this black German shepher that was your first mistake you don't look for dogs on Craigs nothing good comes out of Craigslist tassy came over and if you see her indoors you'll find this dog that's very submissive down good girl this looks like it really is a good dog and then we took tassy for a walk and this calm nice dog suddenly exploded Tass it goes from zero to explosion there's no in between if she would see someone riding a bike and she would bark and she would charge she would jump up in the air and she would spin in circles and almost pull you down I feel that each time she does that crazy behavior I lose control of it there's no reaching her there seems to be something broken in this dog and I don't have the time or the patience to uh invest in in trying to do something I'm not sure is fixable you going with us no I'm not going I essentially said Mary she's your dog it's been hard on our relationship because George knows that I love tassy and I can't count on him to help me with the training tassy has bitten the mayor and daughter my worst fear would be the mayor of westle village C T you bite somebody and we would have to put her down that was bad Mary Cesar this is tassy yeah hold on Mike cuz she's hot right now okay look at the little one this is definitely a tough situation cuz I'm trying to control a dog the pretty much gets set up by any dog that passes by in the neighborhood she was really out of control at that point I want to take her for a walk first so I can calm her down okay I'm going to go that way in the meantime you guys can chat okay but yes you do need help in West Lake with this dog Jesus I'm going that way guys see how she's coming down wait till you see a dog yeah yeah okay step by step Caesar arranges for another dog to stand by in order to see how tassy reacts in a more controlled situation away from her owner now we have the Husky here there you go we removed Tasia away from the owner now she can look at the dog but in a different state of mind I had a feeling this was the case I have to give chass a few Corrections before she went into a lay down comist state the big difference is what tassi feels from me versus what she feels from her owner when I first saw them tassi was excited and pulling Mary all over the place but instead of correcting the behavior Miss Mary just panicked and janked on the leash which only make the dog worse all dogs need the right correction when they get out of line otherwise they get confused and they continue to act out and can lead to a bite are you with me Miss Mary I want to see Peter's dog go by who's Peter's dog the little white one that went that way even though I show Miss Mary that I can calm her dog down she challenged me to control tassi with her friend's dog I'm not a magician I'm not a circus guy I'm a dog behaviorist I was ready to work with Miss Mary but if this is what it takes so be it Peter's dog goes ro ro roof and she goes ro ro ro and all right once I control that what happens to you so once I control that which is guarantee right what's going to happen to you you become a Believer yeah okay Miss Mary you're a challenge I see what we working with now Caesar agrees to Mary's challenge so she arranges her neighbors malt to walk by Caesar and tassy to test Caesar if he can keep tazy calm we're going to control even an excited dog you stay calm bring it back Bring It Back Sir she have to go back there you go there you go you just repeat took a little bit of work to correct her behavior but actually was very easy I just every time she misbehaved I pull in the leash to let her know that that's not what I wanted after a bunch of repetitions she learned that's better hopefully this will open Miss Mary's eyes what's possible so this way she learns that no matter what Toby's energy is she have to learn to stay calm what are you thinking I'm thinking she does very well with you I'm thinking you need to take her home with you maybe Miss Mary she's not quite a Believer yet Mary's husband George arrives to check on Mary and tassie's progress this is this is being excellent I'm being honest with you Caesar I told my wife she may want to find another home for the dog where they can work with her I can't believe they're not immediately like this they were you sure that's my dog something remarkable happened today when I came upon the scene and saw Caesar and saw the number of dogs and saw the number of people I became a Believer I was wrong and now I'm committed that I will be part of of working with the dog so we can be a family so what do you think you have we have a dog [Laughter] that I used to say couldn't be outdoors and she's outdoors and she's and she's behaving but let me tell you what you have you have an excited anxious dog and there is no commerative leader and that combination creates aggression and that combination creates frustration and that combination can also create that's your dog that's not my dog oh yeah I've seen but it's not the dog it's the way that dog is being led in the environment that's why I always say it's not the dog it's the human behind the dog I wanted to show Miss Mary and George how their energy is affecting tassi so I hand Miss Mary the leash okay Miss Mary just stay calm just grab the dog relax no no oh no that's mommy yeah but that's excited Source she saw Mommy no she saw excited Source watch pass it to me Miss Mary C I'm taking Direction come look I'm leading I have tassy in the right frame of mind and just as I expected when I handle the leash to Miss Mary tassy acted out it's not the dog is how the owners handle the dog the first thing I have to do is get him over the fears from all the problems they had had over the years so this is one of the dogs that I do take with me this is the guys that uh you know she's at a level 10 we got to bring it down so that's my suggestion for this case I want to take tassi to my dog Psychology Center and bring the owners back tomorrow for a fresh start the next morning Mary and George arrive at Caesar's dog Psychology Center to work on tazy's rehab you and I Mr George are going to go on a horseback ride I decided to work with Mr George first because he's a horseback rider so he feels more confidence around horses his confidence would affect tas's Behavior Mr judge will see what's possible and take his mind off the past I asked Miss Mary to watch on a distance because I don't want her energy to get in the way now she's never seen horses so she's never seen horses no okay on [Music] boy the benefit of this is definitely you know to bring you back into the horse and something that you're familiar and at the same time to see a different Behavior she's calm it's calming her something that I would always think would make her wild is is she's actually calm and she's off leash she can easily take off yes which is what we always feared so we had a awesome awesome horseback ride until Miss Mary can close to the horses no no no no no no no no no no Mary stay back and that when Hell broke loose oh oh oh tassy being on the back of a 1200lb animal with a dog lunging at its throat it was a disaster waiting to happen oh oh tassy miss Mary stay back as soon as she got closed tassy changed Miss Mary stay back I wonder if it's me I really do see that's what I'm saying about that was a scary moment tassi launch at the horses they got spooked but Mr George got it he stayed calm confident and in control all it's definitely miss Mary that I have to get through to but notice that she jumped When Miss Mary came closer I didn't think of that I didn't think that would be a problem yep it's definitely miss Mary that is the issue in this relationship George and tassi are responding well I want to work with tassi on my own to see what I can get out of her but I clearly had my workout out when Miss Mary returned the next day Caesar continues his work with tassy without Mary or George so my goal yesterday was to help this family begin a new chapter in their life and for them to forget about the past it went really good with George but it was absolutely a disaster with Mary I want to see what this dog can do away from his Mary's [Music] energy this dog is bred to hurt sheep hey hey the trick here is for her to hurt the sheep and not attack them every time she goes to bite and not to hurt I have to correct her let me borrow that if Dai learned to hurt in that attack it makes it very clear what I already know this is a great dog is just simply needs for her owners to just change see without Miss Mary around I get a I get more [Music] control watch what happened when the when the Sheep gathers and they stop look see slows down look she just stopped on her own this is what she has learned she has learned that when the chief stop the game is done she did her job I'm done with tassi I did my job Tass is ready Miss Mary is not ready this is where we are this is my dilemma right now what are we going to do tassy tassy what are we going to do she's a happy dog I mean this is a ranch dog look at that oh that's very good helper we need that Mary and George returned to the DPC Caesar wants to work with Mary by having her walk tassy next to his horse conad door horses are dumb stupid animals they are they're dumb stupid animals I know Miss Mary doesn't like horses and she's scared of what what happened the other day Miss Mary stay back I want to challenge her to face her fear and ask her to walk tassi next to a horse we we just walk Miss Mary come on I hold the horse have you seen some of my shows yes all right so when the owners come that's when is the biggest problem for me exactly come on she still hasn't seen that you change you have changed yet so that's but we're giving you a more manageable dog right not that she's completely rehabilitated but she's more manageable Mary needs to walk tazy in control next to the horse or tassy will continue reacting negatively to her this is how supposed to feel relax I did not know what to expect from tassy before when she was close to the horses she was lunging and carrying on and being crazy and she wouldn't quit so I was a little concerned it's a challenge because she have to learn to stay at a certain energy and that takes concentration right so obviously you know people get nervous and and and and they want to quit and they want to stop and and and they just want to get back uh to safety but that's the moment that you get to help now if you don't mind Miss Mary I would like for you to walk with a [Music] horse just grab the leash Caesar she can do it Miss Mary's pretty apprehensive about that idea I was really nervous and I didn't want to do it but George and Caesar were rooting for me you can do it Miss Mary all yeah okay come on Miss Mary very good right next to it very [Music] good there you go right that's the feeling right there Miss Mary Can you feel it yeah yes enjoy the wind the reason why most people move to California right the Sun finally she was able to let go of her fear and just walk a dog and tassi stay calm I see tassie's potential and that's a huge step forward it may seem like a small step but it's actually a big breakthrough without a doob Miss Mary was a tough lady to work with but at least she found her strength to face her fear and lead her dog if she can do that at home Tass is going to be way better George has agreed to document their progress with tassy for Caesar to review will Mary become the leader tassy needs or will tassy continue to terrorize the neighborhood after two weeks of working with tassy on their own Caesar meets with Mary and George to review the footage that George filmed of their progress well we miss you tassi you want to sit down yeah yeah come on I was originally called by the mayor because tassi was out of control and she has been some of the neighbors it was definitely miss Mary's energy that was affecting tassy and it took a lot of work for me to get through to her tassy now miss Mary stay back I hope her and Mr George take what they learn and make some progress on their own let me see what you the surveillan said cuz I haven't seen it so I want to see it in action okay I love the way you started Miss Mary yes better better that tail right there is perfect waging and metals perfect you're definitely a dog walker now to be honest I did a lot of soul searching after we left Caesar I realized I had to face my fears and start fresh to be a strong pack leader for tassy I I love how calm you stay throughout the whole time stature is awesome your calmness is awesome commanding it's awesome so you pass by dogs or you don't pass by dogs or it's no dogs when you are walking R dos yeah we're getting there yeah yeah you have a plan right and you have a goal right so you have the plan and that you have the goal and now you're just developing the skills it's a work in progress but she's definitely changed her energy I can see her now walking calmly and having confidence I have to say I'm impressed Miss Mary you get it you get a hug tassy is not fixed 100% she's an animal but I feel much more confident being able to nip it in the butt before it gets carried away it's drastically dramatically from what I saw the first time yeah don't you agree I love it I really love it this has been a fascinating Journey he's taught us uh what we need to learn about ourselves and how we need to apply what he's taught us to working with the dog I'm definitely glad the mayor called Caesar to help us how are you guys we're doing good hi Mr Mayor how you hi Mary how are you hi J how are you hi hi oh wow wow now that's what I call respect for the mayor there you go may I was amazed at how calm tassy was I mean it was a totally different dog I'm actually looking forward to seeing Mary later this week or whatever walking tassy outside and I'm going to go out and get the newspaper and be neighborly like we like on our Street Junior come here see that's that's her that's her best pal there you go look at that I was not feeling Miss Mary in the beginning I tell you the truth she was challenged because she wanted she wanted to learn I just didn't know that's what she wanted you know I I feel more like she was challenging me but Miss Mary step up to the plate and uh I love what I see I'm very happy I'm very proud of her I think dassi is definitely in the right track to becoming the greatest citizen West Lake than thank you so much you do great things you made me so proud thank you I got the Le maner guys I hope you enjoyed the video make sure you like subscribe and comment and join me on my mission of better humans better planet

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