Category: Pets & Animals
[music] hi i'm darris national dog training manager for petco you know training can be tricky and as a health and wellness company we are all in on a fresh approach to training dogs that goes far beyond dogs just mining their manners it truly supports their physical mental and social health it's called... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
हेलो पेट पेरेंट्स यहां पर आप देख सकते हो यह जो लेब्राडोर है जिसे फायर क्रैकर के लिए हमने ट्रेन किया है जिसके अंदर जभी भी फटा के फटते हैं तो वो घबराता नहीं है वो भी कम्युनिकेशन के बेसिस के ऊपर और साइकोलॉजी के ऊपर क्योंकि अगर हम अपने डॉग को ट्रीट या फिर किसी टॉय से डिस्ट्रक्ट करके ट्रेन करते हैं तो उसका माइनस पॉइंट ये होता है कि जितनी भी बार अभी दोदो घंटे तक अगर दिवाली के टाइम पे वो फटा के फटते रहेंगे तो या क्या पूरा दो घंटे तक ट्रीट्स लेते रहेगा खाना... Read more
Category: Pets & Animals
هذا كلب ضال أطعمه كثيرًا ولم أتوقع أنها ستحضر طفلها إلي. هذا غير متوقع حقا هل تريد مني أن أعتني بالطفل؟ ظلت تحاول إحضار الطفل إليّ، لكنها كانت خائفة من إيذاء الطفل. عندما رأت أنني لم أتفاعل، خفضت الكلبة رأسها، والتقطت طفلها مرة أخرى، وغادرت ببطء. ظهرها العاجز جعلني أشعر بالحزن ومن باب الفضول، لم أستطع... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Well, in our ready pet go series, we run acro across many wonderful working dogs in northeast ohio. all expertly trained to guide protect or support among them. a schnoodle, that's a schnauzer poodle mix who is very busy helping out in schools from kindergarten all the way to college. yeah, a hard working... Read more
Category: Comedy
In springfield they're eating the dogs the people that came in they're eating the cats they're eating they're eating the pets of the people that live there Read more
Category: Sports
È deceduto all'età di 63 anni dopo aver combattuto per tanto tempo contro un cancro sydney eudi noto nel mondo del wrestling come sid vius ricordato dai suoi cari come forte gentile e amorevole l'omo aveva svolto la professione sportiva di wrestler per quasi 30 anni ritirandosi nel 2017 tra i suoi grandi... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I'm doing c go dating make sure you watch um jay actually makes quite a few appearances i do doing and she gives great advice i don't always listen and take it on board but c for me best experience in my life yeah you'll see why you'll see why i'm excited i'm excited any any goss from the show i may... Read more
Category: Pets & Animals
What if donald trump the 45th president of the united states married kamla harris the vice president under the biden administration a question that sounds like a plot from a political drama series doesn't it donald trump a republican known for his fiery rhetoric and kamla harris a democrat known for... Read more
Category: Pets & Animals
Foreign [music] thank you so much for uh speaking with me today i am super excited to talk to you because you are a certified dog trainer for petco so i've got some questions for you to help pets prepare for the holiday i [music] actually work in veterinary clinics so i see a lot of pets around the... Read more
Category: Pets & Animals
गाइस यहां पे ना हमारी लेडी वाली को ना शायद को हीट स्ट्रोक आ गया है क्योंकि ये पार्क में गई है और गर्मी के अंदर बहुत ज्यादा फेचिंग करके आई है खेलकर तो हीट स्ट्रोक के बारे में आपने देखा हीट स्ट्रोक तब होता है जब आपके डॉग का इंटरनल बॉडी टेंपरेचर बढ़ जाता है वो तीन रीजन से होता है हाई टेंपरेचर हाई ह्यूमिडिटी या फिर डायरेक्ट सनलाइट उसके ऊपर पड़ रही है तो काफी लोग मुझे कहते हैं कि हमने अपने डॉग को एक्सरसाइज ही नहीं कराई हमने उसको इतना भगाया ही नहीं... Read more
Category: Pets & Animals
As i wake up the world feels like it's moving and fast forward but not for me i stretch slowly savoring each moment my day begins with a leisurely climb to the treetops where i munch on tender leaves taking my time to enjoy every bite each meal is a feast of patience as i digest my food for hours letting... Read more
Category: Pets & Animals
Ceries are fascinating flightless birds often dubbed killer birds there are only three species found in australia papua new guinea and indonesia thriving in tropical forests they primarily eat fruit with bright blue heads and striking eyes cassowaries are captivating females lay large green eggs usually... Read more