Gary Lineker has vowed stop sharing is opinions on X

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:07:18 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] Gary Lin is to stop sharing his opinions on X well that's some good news isn't it Gary Lin will no longer be sharing his opinions on X that's the best bit of news we've heard all so far this year isn't it and I've heard yeah I mean nobody's going to miss L all they onx or Twitter as it was known but I think everybody can applaud that the fact that Lin is no longer going to share his opinions because he says it's X is no longer fun and that since Elon Musk has bought tter there's uh seems to be a lot of people be able is able to say things on Twitter that they couldn't say before and Lin reckons that Elon Musk is in hod bloke well if anybody's hod was H it was him Lin he was always getting into trouble wasn't he he was always tweeting out something about something I mean it was always getting involved in politics he was always getting involved in politics wasn't he saying things and he shouldn't I mean he was always criticizing the last government immigration policy he says he said that was um like the 1930s I mean if Lin is the biggest hypocrite of them all yes it's it's it's a good day for lin not OP putting his opinions on Twitter anymore he was always criticizing the last Tory government but I don't think so far since we've had two tier Kia as prime minister that he criticized them he won't criticize them because like him we uh two tier Kia is a lefty and we have a leftwing government in all but name in this country at the moment Gover in the country and so far liner hasn't um said anything to criticize him as he he's gone very quiet mind you I thought it was too good to last because he give an interview to a newspaper about it moaning that um it's not fun anymore on Twitter well Gary we we haven't uh we've had to put up with your your opinions for long enough and hopefully you'll keep your opinions to yourself I mean I don't know how you um kept your job how the BBC kept keeps you employed you you shouldn't be on match of the day I mean when you when the BBC suspended you and you wasn't on Match of the day the writings went up for much of the day when you wasn't on but when you're presenting it it um goes down the ratings go down I think it's time that you um retired from presenting match of the day I think it's time that to you quit the BBC I mean it you know it's time you call it a day because nobody will miss you when you whenever you decide to retire from presenting match of the day nobody's going to miss you everybody's going to upload but yes see I mean he's moing that it's not Twitter is not fun anymore he can't have any banter and people people have got too many blue ticks H is it's typical isn't it of s champagne shist which linar is I I wonder how he voted at the last election I bet he voted to put labor in I bet he was one of them champagne socialists like I've just said who put to starmar in number 10 thanks a bunch Lin you hypocrite thanks for putting this dictator in Downing Street and it's all going wrong isn't it I mean what's going to happen when I mean you know how much money he get he earns and how much money liner has got I mean they come a time when you'll have to start paying more tax and he won't like that will he he won't like paying more tax but it'll come to him and the rest of the Champaign socialists who support labor because all the rich people who who've got money are leaving the country I'm not going to stick around around and uh pay tax but the the likes of Gary Lin well he's going to have to pay tax and the rest of them he doesn't know this yet but uh he'll end up paying more tax sooner or later and then you'll do some moaning but anyway like I said it's I wonder why um liner is uh been so quiet for the for for a while and he he was very quiet wasn't he up until the build up to the election he didn't say anything then and he hasn't said anything well up till now moaning about uh Twitter is not fun anymore well I'm glad I'm I'm everybody's glad that uh he doesn't find it fun anymore why don't you do everybody a favor Gary and um should down your Twitter account get off Twitter if you don't find it fun anymore well anyway that's the end of this video Mr politics here signing off and remember don't believe the lies

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