Published: May 15, 2024
Duration: 00:05:37
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: tim boyle
hey my name is Tim Bole I want to give you a bit of a backstory of how we ended up setting up this business finance for nurses I was born in New Zealand and qualified as a chartered accountant uh pretty quickly after that qualification went into the corporate world and ended up working for an American company uh traveling to all different countries of the world working in corporate land and enjoying all the number crunching and corporate life and so on in my early 30s I was on a another business trip um through of many um coming back from Johannesburg in South Africa and I started to develop stomach cramps I've been away for a while on business uh and didn't think too much of it uh and by the time I landed back in Melbourne in Australia where i' recently moved to I was feeling really bad I woke up many hours later um in an operating theater at St Vincent's Hospital in Fitzroy and uh what had happened to me I was had vus of my small intestine um Twisted bow as many l people uh would call it and so uh I needed to get more than 90% of my small bow removed and many of you especially in the gastro areas would know the implications of that so I ended up on a tpn um total parental nutrition for over 12 years following that I wasn't getting any nutritional benefit from food and totally reliant on tpn for all my nutritional requirements uh all of that changed and 2016 um where I had moved over to the Austin hospital um they had an intestinal failure unit there and un fortunately after being on the weight list for a few years I received a small bell and kidney transplant during that time my kidneys had collapsed as well so I was on both tpn um and dialysis at the same time so fa arduous process through those years uh but um life turned around completely after my transplant uh was the first of its kind in Australia uh so fair bit of news coverage about all of that but more so they' been benefit to me um it's given me another chance at life so during that time as a patient uh I didn't want to be a patient a full-time patient you know I'm sure you've all seen them the the long-term patients and I I get it because you just attempted just to give up on things and you resign yourself just to being ill and so um during that time I met many people and one of them a friend of a friend was a mortgage breaker and I thought that sounds really interesting so while I was um under patient care I was um I I undertook my mortgage breaking qualifications as well wasn't doing too much with that at the time just because of my health situation but um during one of my Min stays at the Austin as well um I met a nurse or talking to a nurse one night during night shift as as you often do and um we just had that what do you do type of question and uh she popped the question she said oh gee I've always wanted to buy my own home but I have no idea how and so I said oh well happy to help you and we literally pulled up the bedside table and draw out a sketch she oh this is fantastic you should write a book on this what I then realized is how nurses are are I guess the knowledge of nurses income and how they can qualify for home ownership um just isn't really well recognized and I started to work with a few um nurses during that period and really had discovered after talking with other with lenders especially because I was a mortgage broker then and could do that that they didn't recognize nurse's income and the way that that they really should and wasn't able to convince uh them all by any stretch but just through those continual meetings and enabl them to sort of understand that and it was great because uh we're St to get some really great results from working with nurses at that time I always make the joke spent more nights with nurses than with anybody else um so during that period um i' really had understanding the benefit that you all gave to me literally saving my life many times over uh was was a great way to be able to to provide back as well so I set up Finance for nurses and decided that that's what um that we would do we would just specialize and and working with nurses and why is that important to you just because of the results that we're getting in time and again we just um speak with new clients and they'd say a XYZ bank or XYZ broker told me I could borrow several hundred thousand and we were doing the numbers and saying we should be able to do more than that and what we're finding is that we're able to get better borrowing capacities for you um than what than what you were getting elsewhere and so we really um discovered some really interesting things and we just found by specializing and knowing just what your situation is and working with you with um agencies casual income travel nurses and so on just understanding the different types of income and how lenders treat them so differently so it was a really really great thing and great for me because um for me it had a much bigger heart-based benefit um not just an interesting business to be involved in so best of both world was really and so um after my transplant set up full time set up in in Melbourne um and where we are today we Ser us nurses right around Australia and uh we're growing strongly and we got all sorts of plans which I'd love to reveal to you now but we'll do that in the future about where to next and um that's what we do Finance for nurses that's the background this team of us as we're doing this uh video um about 11 of us in the team and continuing to grow from there so uh we'd love to work obviously with nurses spread the word and um that that's really what we do all of the time so that's a bit of background