Interview with Meaghan Oppenheimer - Tell Me Lies Season 2

Introduction Stephen is back on our screens and he's more punchable than ever now Jack I feel like Jackson white the actor who plays Stephen I feel like his face is not normally punchable but when he's in this character that's smug [ __ ] oh I want to oh yeah so tell me Li season 2 is out and uh I got very lucky the pr team that's been working on tell me Lies Season 2 reached out and said hey would you want to interview some of these people and therefore they had to give me screeners otherwise what would I interview them on so I've already seen all of season 2 I know I'd be jealous of me too the bummer is that it's over for me and I almost didn't watch all of it just so that I could experience it with you guys but when I was going to interview Megan Oppenheimer I thought I should know the whole thing so that I could ask specific questions about season 2 and so I did get to interview Megan Oppenheimer and I will be playing that at the end of this recap so you guys can check it out the interview does cut off and I will be saving the spoiler specific questions for the patreon and I will wait of course until those episodes that the spoilers pertain to have aired so I will not be spoiling anything for anybody ahead of time uh but make sure you do check out the patreon the middle and top tier is get you all the bonus content that's where I'm going to be putting any extra tell me lies Stuff Plus I'm also releasing exclusive episodes over there as well um and the patreon link is in the description of this episode uh yeah that's it let's get into the recap [Music] okay the open in the 2015 era I'm already happy about that Tell Me Lies Season 2 Episode 1 Recap because we really got barely any 2015 stuff from the first season but anyway here we are we're in 2015 we're at the engagement party wedding shower whatever this is Lydia and Stephen are so over the top with the PDA so over the top uh but the girls they're chatting and so I do I I appreciate how lightly tense it is between Lucy and Pippa you can tell Bri and Pippa and Bri and Lucy have stayed in close contact but Pippa and Lucy I understand there are there are really interesting friendship Dynamic where they love each other but it's like your [ __ ] not not a big fan of it and like pippa's not going to let people get away with [ __ ] even though Pippa has her own set of flaws which we will get into but Bri thinks that pppa is seeing someone and Pippa says I'm hanging out with this girl I'm like okay girl yes it's just sex and I'm not saying any more about it copy that okay we'll get to we'll get to that put a pin in it um the guys come up with the idea to buzz Steven's hair or head what do they say but literally thank you what the [ __ ] was this hair it feels like the worst wig you could have put on this man it's like he he needs the Buzz head Jackson white needs the Buzz head for me to get the attraction the hair that he had like oh I hate it I hate it um Lucy goes to the bath uh to like chill for a second in in the bedroom and Lydia comes out of the bathroom and they're like oh hey hey oh my God it's so awkward uh and Lucy tries to be like are you having fun and Lydia is like I can't do this I know Stephen wants us to be in a good mood and happy today but I will never forgive you for any of it and you're like what tell me I love these tandem storyline or tandem timeline stories I love it cuz then there's two things you need it's like which side are we going to get the reveal on is it going to be from back here is it going to be from over here I love it I don't it's such a it's a trick I'm sure people know it's a trick but I fall for it every time I love the tandem story lines in different time frames that one is going to reveal what's happening in the current one I love it I love it okay we transition from that to Holla Back Girl by Gwen Stefani and this [ __ ] took me back I remember this track okay this is the 2008 Lucy and Lucy has taken up running I was I used to work out to hollow back girl it was it was just it's just funny how these a lot of these songs are like my Nostalgia songs too because that's the era but turns out Lucy has been hanging with Lydia All Summer in her mansion and Lydia hates [ __ ] Stephen it's just like the contrast how do we get from here to 2015 I can't wait tell me Lydia's brother is going to be going to beard which is where Lucy goes to school okay Lucy gets a text from Bri while she's sitting here hanging out with Lydia soaking in the Sun and it's a picture of Bri and Evan and then we flash to her night with Evan when that happened last season when that [ __ ] I was like no no the way they shot it with Lucy waking up I'm like no no no no there's no way no they wouldn't do that and sure enough no so yeah we got that factor that we're working in here meanwhile Stephen and Diana are having what looks to be a very fancy lunch with Diana's dad who looks like a a Powerhouse you can tell that man is all business and knows what the [ __ ] he's doing um and Diana goes she's like oh excuse me go to the restom and it's awkward and Stephen's like hey man I just wanted to thank you thank you for everything you know for this and for that and thank you so much for this iPhone because he's got the iPhone that he won't shut up about her dad reads him down okay he goes look I saw how you operated last summer you're only honest when it serves you and you're a very skilled manipulator whoa and he's like you better get control of that part of yourself or you're going to be in a lot of trouble and I don't want my daughter being anywhere near trouble and then Diana's like hey I'm back and they're like oh totally fine hi hm okay okay back in the dorms pippa's hair you know I had a friend in college that did funky hair stuff and it's I can tell like no one really loves it Diana I'm not Diana whoa not Diana um Lucy and Bri are like your hair it's different it's a choice I had a friend who was all about this [ __ ] my friend just like did not care H oh actually I just remember though she had been dying her hair purple when I met her then she dyed it black then she wanted to go blond and let a friend who was still in Beauty School do it and literally disintegrated her hair like she wasn't bald but her hair was just like it was like mush it was insane so that's what happens when you get a little too bold anyway Steven is being over cautious about Wrigley's knee and there's I don't know if this was a choice by I don't know whose choice it was but it's it feels like Stephen Stephen's not doing it out of the kindness of his heart he's almost doing it to rub it and wriggley's face and remind him that's at least how I'm reading it like remind him that like he's useless oh your poor knee your poor little knee I just feel so bad for you when you know Steven loves it cuz Steven's such a jealous hater and Steven is like yeah [ __ ] you and your [ __ ] football whatever I forget why is it so awkward with Stephen and Evan when they say hi is that because Evan decided to get his own place and had to tell Stephen I'm not living with you that's got to be it right it's like hey hey what's going on also it's probably awkward for Evan because he slept with Lucy and he's like oh he's Steven okay um so I guess that's a little tense anyhow but Drew is not speaking to Wrigley and I think Evan might ask about it or something like how's Drew and Ricky's like yeah he's not talking to me and then he goes to the bathroom and Stephen's like Evan we should definitely not bring up Drew like who wants to talk about any of that stuff right we want to forget basically let just forget anything that happened last year we're just going to pretend didn't happen okay cuz I practically killed Macy I didn't mention that did I mhm it's funny this show has so much going on that Stephen killing Macy in the car which I know he didn't like kill her intentionally but you know like that's what he did and then staging it to make it look like she drove the car that's such a huge point and last season we've it felt like a there was a tone of I Know What You Did Last Summer which I say when I'm in my interview with Megan and there's not as much of that this season because there's so many other sto lines and Dynamics going on that whenever they go back to that factor of things like oh yeah Steven [ __ ] killed her it's like oh yeah that's huge this man's a sociopath because he has lived with that but Drew was having all kinds of problems when he was the other car that the that he didn't even do anything really he was swerving out of the way because the other car which was Steven driving was the one all crazy and so Drew's guilt over just that was eating him up so much and then Steven's just walking around doing his thing cuz he's a sociopath all right meanwhile the girls are hanging uh they're getting ready to go to a party and Bree talking about how it's been weird with Evan all summer and Lucy's like Lucy it's funny because she makes it very obvious something is wrong but I know that's like for the sake of the show and the narration but she's like oh is it weird that's it's so weird and then she only ends up doing one eye of makeup they're I love when they break into just like girls getting the giggles I I think it's a it's cute when they do that and she's just like what the [ __ ] how did I do that that was that was cute um but when Evan they get to the party and when Evan sees Lucy or when L they see each other it's so they're like hi M hello hi yes hi hi thankfully no one picks up on it thankfully no one picks up on it we meet the new guy Leo I really like it was a smart thing to say he was studying abroad last year because really like what how are they going to interweave a character have it kind of okay yeah so I like that that was that was a smart choice uh and he's so cute Thomas dhy the actor oh I love him he is my boyfriend this character Leo I just love him and you're probably like wait what cuz maybe from what you've seen from the the trailer but no he's so I love him so much the football team is still being so insanely mean to Pippa and it makes me really mad that Lucy just lets it happen and as much as she's like tell Wrigley to tell him to back off I'm like yeah but like she's literally taking the heat that you should be getting like literally so that that's a tough pill for me to swallow Lucy's definitely flawed there's no doubt about that like real flawed they okay so they're at this party the shot of stepen and Di walking in with him like back hugging her it was like that it was I saw I was in high school again and I saw my ex-boyfriend walking in with the new girlfriend because that's what they would do it's like it's so Juvenile and like kind of sad territorial but like acting like we're the cool ones here at the par I don't know it was just it was very accurate Lucy and stepen end up bumping into each other here and he he expects her to be like [ __ ] you and freaking out and crazy but when she's all cool he be you can see his brain plotting ways to humiliate her he was he was he was needing it he needed to bump into her and have her be crazy because he wanted to like humiliate her so she did mhm way to go Lucy she's like I don't hate you no it's not and then she walks away and he goes hey Lucy I don't buy it I bet you've been thinking about me all summer and she goes it doesn't work anymore Stephen I know that's right I know that's right don't you even yeah okay the next day Bri and Evan have a disagreement in the hall because Bri is going to go with Lucy to Maryanne the English teacher who's a Queen by the way [ __ ] obsessed with her she apparently has uh the students come over to her house the top of the year to like hang and drink wine and stuff I'm like okay cool um but anyway so I guess Bri and Evan had plans she's changing the plans he gets upset about it but Stephen happens to look over and this man can spot a fracture that he can capitalize on from a mile away literally so he goes and sits down and Breeze like up bye and evans's telling him like oh this is what's been happening all summer and because Ste Ste is the most toxic human being he figures out that Evan cheated and then Evan's like just just some random girl but you see Stevens Wheels a turning he's like perfect perfect okay so Bri and Lucy though they go to this fabulous party at MaryAnn's house and enter hot Professor man who Brie saw earlier so Bri trying to get in the class earlier she put on the fake Waterworks to try to get into the class and looked over and hot Professor man was like uh really but then he's here at this party and she's like oh hello Lucy's all bumbly and awkward thanking Maryann for letting her in her class and the way Maryanne is just so controlled and so together and just says relax have a glass of wine like oh this she's gorgeous I'm obsessed with her love her but okay briy tells Lucy Evans piss because I'm coming to this thing with you I changed our plans and so Lucy's like oh I feel bad why don't you send him a cute picture or something so Bri goes outside to take her awkward selfie and it is mortifying when you see someone is already there and you're like oh my God I was just I wasn't hi uh and so he's like oh were you coming out here to smoke she's like mhm yep coming out here to smoke oh dang it I don't have any cigarettes and he's like here you can have one of mine and so she takes the cigarette and here's the thing I realize how like on the nose this is that good girl Bri who had the boyfriend and was just the sweet innocent virgin now she's got this older Professor man and he's given her a cigarette and she doesn't even smoke and I just kind of love how on the nose it is it's a little it's like it's just juicy it's just silly almost okay then Oliver calls her out for her little performance to get into that class and she Brie's line is some men respond better to little girls okay that's a line that's a line especially to a man who's about to you know be hitting on this or flirting with or something with this girl I mean maybe that's just because Tom Ellis who is married to Megan Oppenheimer the show Creator and showrunner uh it's he's just a sexy man so I I don't know if he's in intentionally flirting or if that's just because he's so attractive I would consider it flirting if he just looked at me um I want to say that I love I do love all of the actors and the cast and everything but I'm G to say that cat who plays Bri does have a bit of a limitation to her depth sometimes in scenes it's endearing to me in a way it's almost comforting because not every scene is going to be really that heavy heavy heaviness there's just a little bit of a woof acting moment when Oliver is like well I can't wait to tell my wife that you fought so hard to get into her class and she's like she goes no you can't tell her that would be so embarrassing o sorry I'm sorry but I love her it's tough because what I loved so much about this character was how genuinely kind and sweet and and innocent even though you knew she had a a troubled past I love that about the character and now they're taking her into this like naughty whatever side and that's I'm sure a lot of fun for the actor because you get to play a lot more with that but it's tough because I really don't want Bri to be the bad girl I want Bri to stay she wasn't innocent she actually probably had the toughest life of all of them but there was a just a just a different tone to her that were corrupting which you know is good but still corrupting it and I'm like oh no I don't want to okay but Diana's at this event okay she's such a [ __ ] dude she Lucy's like oh are you even in her class when she bumps into her and Dian Diana goes no but I'm a fan of Jane hershfield the way she looks at her the poet doing the reading the reason this event was happening in the first place well actually Diana Lucy was invited by her teacher okay cuz she's in the class okay that's what happened all right and then Lucy but Lucy just goes I see and walks away and Diana goes wow that's nice [ __ ] okay Luci goes why do you think I owe you niceness Diana says look I'm sorry you got your feelings hurt but Stephen and I have a long history that you were never a part of [ __ ] [ __ ] how do you know no and that's just what it is deep down you had to know you two weren't right for each other okay [ __ ] then you think you're right for Stephen okay okay all right okay [ __ ] that's fine all right next day they're in MaryAnn's class and someone is reading one of their pieces of work and it seems like Lucy is going to be able to kind of relate it to Steven but then it turns out it's about her parakeet and Lucy can't stop from laughing but the weird thing is the Laughing turns into crying it seems and then she runs out so then she's like Bree's Bri comes to check on her and Lucy goes okay did Maryann seem weirded out and Bri goes a little she yeah it wasn't great it wasn't your best work [Laughter] Lucy so Lucy goes back to apologize to Maryann but Maryann gets deep with Lucy okay she tells her like she gets Lucy to open up a little bit more about and Lucy talked about stepen I didn't say Steven by his name but she says that there was this guy and whatever and he's just an [ __ ] and I'm just trying to take the high road and Maryanne goes um you don't always have to take the high road okay it's overrated and I'm like I knew I loved you she's like you no thanks but then she even offers Lucy extra credit she off she's writing her book book and she writes it by hand which is crazy and she wants Lucy to transcribe it for her so we got that but we love Maryann all right Steph though Stephen is in the dining hall and he happens to look over and see that Lucy Bri and Pippa are sitting with Leo the guy that we met at the party little cutie pie Leo and Stephen goes M that's not going to work for me so he goes and sits there first he walks up he goes Leo back from China and Leo goes uh no France and Stephen just goes Lucy I've been thinking about you a lot lately and I owe you an apology oh my God he goes okay I'm really sorry for hurting you so badly last year I embarrassed you over and over and over again and you kept forgiving me no matter what I'm GNA just oh oh you I probably eroded any sense of dignity you had that's my fault that's my fault and the thing is I knew I was still in love with Diana it was so [ __ ] wrong with of me to use you like that I just I hate this man God this whoever wrote this line whoever wrote this little monologue I'd like to talk to you I'd like to talk to you H he's like it was just so deeply shitty of me anyway I just wanted to say I'm sorry cut to Lucy next next shot is Lucy on that treadmill trying to trying to you know just take the high road and get her anger out on the treadmill but I swear she thinks about what Maryann said about how it's not so not so necessary to take the high road and she marches over to his dorm room and she rips the iPhone out of his hand Chucks it and says you're right I am still mad and I know you probably love that but I swear to God if you keep [ __ ] with me I will ruin your life she says I will tell everyone what you did in the car that night starting with Diana I love that get him get him they play um a cover of crazy and I think this is cat who plays Brie singing it cuz when I interviewed Megan Oppenheimer she mentioned cat sing another song I can't remember which one and I believe this sounds like it could be cat um or Bri which is a fun little little fact toid isn't it that she also is a quite a lovely singer okay back in 2015 Stephen has just had his damn head buzzed and now it's like great Lucy's right back to college in that era but the big reveal we get at the end of this damn episode is pippa's friend who she's been hanging with with is Diana Diana when I first saw this reveal I was like what it almost didn't even really make sense at first but the way they o the way they do it this sh it's good it's really really good we recently did a revamp of the merch for the Rebrand and I had a couple people ask what platform we use Shopify I've been using Shopify since before I even did the podcast because I wanted to be a drop shipper and Shopify lets you build websites without needing to know how to like code or whatever the hell it's called they have a bunch of templates super customizable lots of freedom to make it look however you want it to look I don't even use all of the features Shopify has Shopify has a billion different apps and add-ons and things to make the checkout process more lucrative they have shop pay which apparently boost conversions up to like 50% meaning way less cards go abandoned so you got more sales coming in Shopify integrates with like every provider too I've changed providers that we were using someone before that was a little bit too expensive and when I switched over I was like oh God it's going to be so confusing I'm not going to figure it out literally all I did was type Shopify into the new supplier website and like linked it and it was done my Shopify dashboard is updated so all the sales are coming from the right place and the inventory is being tracked and okay thank you if you are running any kind of online eCommerce whatever Shopify is sort of the only company I would think to use upgrade your business and get the same checkout we use with Shopify sign up for your $1 per month trial period at sheaks all lowercase go to sheps to upgrade your selling today sheees well well well I know that a lot of you won't know what's happened here Tell Me Lies Season 2 Episode 2 Recap because I'm just going to edit this episode together but yesterday when I was recording what you were just listening to or watching I didn't realize that the computer program I used to record just stopped just stop the recording and I didn't realize it until about 6:00 p.m. when I went down to I sat down to edit it and I was like okay that's great so here I am back again to record episode two the recap again it's always challenging to repeat a recap you've already done because even I'm like I'm like Emily you just said that even though you guys don't know any who hi hopefully it doesn't happen again episode two of tell me lies I for some reason I left out some scenes yesterday I noticed it when I was editing I was like did I not even talk about when Lucy and Evan see each other at the party I didn't I didn't uh but Evan can't even look at Lucy that's how disgusted he is in himself um and there was also a moment which is now relevant because Pippa was flirting with Chris Lydia's brother and now in episode two we get into some more stuff okay episode two is Bree's birthday I love the pwa inside joke I feel like I had a bunch of inside jokes not that I can't I can't remember any of them but that was such a thing you know making shirts too that say your like phrase on it so I I I love the little pis inside joke that they are continuing but then Evan gets Bri these earrings and like the the process of finding the perfect earrings for this moment they nailed it cuz they're they're they're beautiful they're just so not Brie at all like she's like what the [ __ ] so she's like thrown off and he gets weirded out cuz he's like oh wait you don't like the gift which wouldn't be a big deal if he hadn't cheated so he's like reading into everything and this is such a classic like birthday fight like they get in this fight and then he leaves and it's her birthday and it's just like a big let down and then she re just sneaks out of her own party Leo was at this bar how are these kids all using these fake IDs man these this bar does not give a [ __ ] about these fake IDs I tell you that Leo was there anyway so Lucy and Leo are flirting but Bri leaves she bumps into Oliver who is smoking a cigarette in front of some bar I I love him going what's pwa what's pwa and then having to explain it like oh it's a s inside joke to this like grown adult Professor you know uh but she talks about the earrings that Evan got her and when Oliver touches those earrings it's like uh oh it's over now she's in the next day Stephen does what every one of us used to do back then and you look through the Facebook posts you look through we really were documenting every single thing I remember those Facebook albums like the photo albums you put together I should probably I actually I tried to delete some of my Facebook pictures recently like I was going through because my Facebook is connected to the she speaking Facebook page like you have to have like a main Facebook and then have that whatever and all of my [ __ ] is on there on that Facebook page that people could totally go through it's so embarrassing but it wouldn't let me I don't know why like some of I I was trying to mass delete a bunch but it was like you can't perform this I don't know it was very confusing but Stephen's looking through the Facebook posts from the night before and he's look I couldn't tell if it was Bree's page or I'm sorry Lucy's page that he was looking at or if it was just pictures that were posted but that was so a thing where you would just like obsess and just like look at those photos like oh my God they were there ah and so Stephen's like how was at the party last night acting like he had no idea who was there and then Evan's like well you know pipp and Bri and he's like or Lucy God I keep doing that uh he's like Evan goes what are you worried about I just I just don't want her talking about me that's all you know Evan's like what the hell would we would she say that we don't already know about you and he's like right oh just that I killed someone just that and left her body and staged it to make it look like she was driving that's it that's it you guys probably don't care about that then Steven's wheels keep a turning they're still turn and he goes hey is Bri the one and Evan says yeah and he's like well hey you know you really need to come clean then because what if you do end up together it's going to be eating at you forever I just don't trust this I don't trust you Stephen what anyway smash cut over to Wrigley and it's clear that Wrigley has just had some empty excuse me some very empty sex and he doesn't even care about the person but this extra that they have playing this role this non-speaking role is cracking me up because she she does nothing she this extra does nothing in this scene she's just picking up her stuff Diana walks in looking for Steven and this extra just stands there like waiting for her C to leave and then she just walks out I was like okay she's like I was paid as an extra and I shall remain as such got it but then Wrigley's like hang out Diana his shirts off and she's like you know I should go because I don't want Steven to feel weird you know because we slept together once and Wrigley's like what and then he remembers it but then as Wrigley figures out he's like wait a minute how come Steph didn't tell me about this which is what Stephen does holds on to information and you can't trust him with anything because he will drop it he's conniving he's calculated he plays that long con ooh ooh but Diana's like please don't say anything to Stephen and Brinkley's probably putting some stuff together like wait is that why he said this you know Leo and Lucy get drinks I really love Leo I really I would I am in love with Thomas Dy he's such a cutie pie with his smile and she and she she goes it's nice of you not to bring up Steven's little monologue and Stephen I'm sorry not Leo is like yeah I just never like the guy you know I've seen him be an [ __ ] too many times so we're like oh okay cool Leo has this connection all right he hates stevenh too we love it they have a really cute first kiss and you it's interesting you just know that it's not right because Lucy needs toxicity you could just tell like it's been clear from season one that that Lucy needs that toxicity and uh Leo is a nice boy so you can tell that she's like yeah it's great but it's not like but there's nothing wrong with Leo and then only the people with like perspective on the situation not feeling the chemicals could be like go with Leo yay but it's like no that toxic like that pole that Stephen has it's still there and it's different and it's sick right uh okay Bri goes over to Evans to makeup but unfortunately this is when he confesses he goes I think I cheated I'm like oh he says it was a stupid drunk thing and I'm so sorry I love you so much and she's like wa wait hold on did you kiss someone and he just shakes his head and you're like oh she says who was it well well nobody nobody I was wasted it was just some random girl this is again where like breeze acting can only go so deep it's I I find it comforting though I find it comforting that she is kind of like not that emotive that's not a word I don't think if it is cool but she doesn't have like she doesn't go to really deep places you know what I mean but anyway uh Stephen cut over to Stephen step's in class and it's the end of it and he's packing stuff up but he sees that the next class has Lucy in it and he goes up to the teacher and he's like hey can I stop by your office later to discuss something and as we know from the trailer that we have that he is going to be the new ta for her class cuz he's sick he's like she's not mad enough and I get off on her being upset which is ex disgustingly true but anyway Lucy finishes up her class she goes to the into Bri and pippa's room and Brie's crying and pipa goes Evan cheated on bri but this is where Grace vanan Patton's acting is top tier because you could tell all at once she's like but then you um wait hold on act what did he say who no just some random girl okay now I can just breathe here a little bit and uh okay grace F Patton really does have some acting chops I got to tell you she's a tour deforce I have to say I think she's excellent excellent excellent but it is funny because pippa's like we're staying in we're gonna be with you all night and Bri Brie's like oh yeah Pippa do you mind getting me some to drink and then she's like Lucy if you don't get Pippa out of here I'm going to kill her I can't have her doting on me the whole time and she's like Okay cool so then Lucy and Pippa go to this party and Diana is the first thing they see but also at this party it's a quick moment there's this woman who looks like a lesbian her name is Quinton and she's all like hey Pippa and she's kind of like almost feel like they're having a connection they're flirting and I I love that Pippa is like toying with her sexuality so much and that they and she's having these cool connections with with this clear lesbian but then enter Chris who is Lydia's brother and so they start chatting it up and whatever meanwhile Miss briy who made it seem like she didn't want pppa doting all over her is walking into that very bar that she saw Oliver in front of so now we go why she didn't really want them to stay in with her cuz she had a plan uh so she sits down next to the professor God this man Tom Ellis can oh God he's fine she goes I teach her now I teach college and he goes we have to acknowledge that you came here looking for me I'm like that's right we do okay I'm going to say this though I thought I was going to be more turned on by this professor student storyline but I was actually like excuse me because as a as an adult more of an adult woman now with years on my under my belt I'm like oh yeah this isn't sexy this is predatory this is real dangerous what the [ __ ] does a 45-year-old man need a 19-year-old for ew so once they start kind of getting more into this little Affair thing I'm like wait a second I guess it's not as good as I wanted okay it's just interesting seeing my age and how it's affected cuz I I talk about this in the interview with Megan so I'll just save it for that I'll let you guys hear that part anyway Wrigley and Steven are playing Xbox and they cut they show make sure to show us Wrigley popping some pain pills that's not a good sign not a good sign for multiple reasons but not a good sign especially when he's drinking uh I got so sick one time because I was taking who had vicin in someone had vikin in and he had been popping his Vicodin and drinking I did not realize that Vicodin would upset my stomach so much I have never thrown up more gross but rley tells Stephen how sad he is that Drew is not talking to him and Stephen's advice is to just stop wait for Drew to reach out and I don't love that advice because Stephen is just trying to like isolate and alienate everybody that's what he's doing it feels like you know but then Wrigley makes fun of Stephen for not having his iPhone like oh what happened your iPhone and then Stephen's like it was Lucy actually having one of her Tantrums oh shut the ooh that's so condescending having one of her Tantrums that I totally instigated or that I that I poked at I poked at her enough until she snapped and it worked mhm rickley is like I'm surprised you let her get away with that and Stephen's like what what do you mean and I think this is kind of pointing out like that doesn't track like you step wouldn't let someone do that so but then he goes but it's it's good that you're being the bigger person I could tell for once I could tell wriggley's like I'm kind of on to you it's the D when Diana told him that that he knew about them having sex and Wrigley didn't know Stephen knew he's like ah interesting Lucy and Leo are hanging at the party having a good time he's so cute and then she looks over and she sees Pippa and Chris making out but then when she looks back over they're gone put a pin in that the scene with Bri and Oliver in the bar it's G it's giving me all the things I would expect from this affair like it's like it's checking all the boxes they're connecting in ways that she hasn't connected to with Evan he's listening to her um then he says his first wife died and I don't know why that would make a woman be like oh my God it just it do it's stupid but it it it's like then you know loss and you know pain it's so it's dysfunctional but okay there but then Brie starts asking about Maryanne and she's like are you two just so happy with each other and Oliver goes sure sure but then he goes it's pretty obvious why you came here tonight so let's just get to the point and Brie says do you think I'm pretty and this is the this is the the the pocket I love this actress in because she really does this genuine insecurity so in it's just so endearing and I I was kind of getting irritated because I'm like no I don't want Bri to be this way but then this line was like that's so heartbreaking and then he just says I think you know know I think you're pretty and I think we both should leave but then they go smoke out front while while she waits for the cab and they do this kissing thing back and forth and it is oh I was excit I was like oh yeah oh this is working for me it was a wo the energy then the cab comes and they're like get I got to get in the cab I'm like ah it was good good scene but then what does she cuz she is horny she runs over to Evans and jumps his bones and I'm so here for it I do think I'm just going to be ripping on this person but I do think that the sex faces that breakes are just not my favorite they don't work for me um and it's kind of a gross thing maybe to say that about an actor who's doing a sex scene is that like totally pervy but like Grace Van Patton she makes some faces that I'm into even even um I don't dang it what's pippa's name hold on the actress is Sonia Sonia Sonia makes some pretty good faces but she's had some different type of sex scenes Pippa um like breeze faces make it seem like she's in pain which I know that's kind of sometimes the face okay anyway we don't need to talk about that anymore Diana back at the party walks into a bedroom and she sees Pippa with no shirt on throwing up it looks like and Chris walking out of the bathroom like oh hey Hey cuz there was stuff in front of the door like he was clearly trying to block the door so Diana go she kicks out this creep and goes and gets Lucy which is such a big thing right having to go say hey Lucy I know that whatever but so they take care of Pippa together and it's a cool moment it's a cool moment and they get they get Pippa back to the dorms and Diana tells her what she saw and that Chris it looked bad she basically says it didn't look good I don't have any proof but it didn't look good and then Steph starts calling Diana's phone it's like ah yes there we are so Diana leaves Lucy actually stays with Pippa all night it's so sweet but when Pippa wakes up she's claiming that she doesn't remember anything other than making out with him in the hallway and the rest is totally blank and then Lucy tells her well this is what Diana saw and you had half your clothes off and but Pippa goes well that's embarrassing and this tracks for pippa's p like what we know of Pippa so far this totally tracks because she's been hiding her truth from everybody since last year she wouldn't want to be in this situation she like even though she's a strong woman who wants to stand up for other women and herself this is pippa's weakness is she's like like it's she's had a really hard life being bullied and picked on and singled out and this this does track this does track and so Lucy though keeps asking like did anything hap anything weird happen and pipa goes why do you keep asking that it was an embarrassing night I'm sorry besides I was making out with them what's he supposed to do keep checking in with me to make sure I'm not black out grow up Lucy yikes but Lucy's that Lucy and Lucy and Pippa both have done this last season when Lucy snaps at Pippa for being like Pippa was asking about Stephen and Lucy's like I know okay I'm pathetic okay whatever and Pippa doesn't get mad back she just kind of goes no hey hey that's not all what I'm saying and Lucy does the same thing here for Pippa Lucy goes hey maybe we should just talk to somebody about this like she realizes what's happening with Pippa and doesn't take it personal that's very evolved for college students I got to say very evolved Pippa says do not tell anybody don't tell Bri even she doesn't want to make it a big thing meanwhile over over at Evans Bree's waking up and she is a little hung over and she pulls this test on Evan where she says that she also cheated and then Evan's like well if that's what happened I don't know if I can forgive you which honestly is probably prob exactly what he would that did that does make sense it's like would you cheated I know but you did too this is bad this is bad and apparently that was her test and honestly this [ __ ] was just looking for an excuse to be like and I'm going to stay with Oliver I'm going to keep pursuing this Oliver thing and now I won't have to feel guilty about it how about that because I was like oh she just she tricked him first first she got laid then the next day she's like oh I cheated too oh you can't forgive me well guess what I didn't cheat [ __ ] you we're broken up Oliver hello okay Lucy and Leo they're getting coffee they're over in the this college looks so fun I don't remember having a little coffee shop maybe I did I don't remember they're getting coffee and she turns around she bumps into someone and this guy's like you [ __ ] idiot and Leo's like hey watch your mouth so Lucy's like no no problem goes and gets napkins and when she turns over Leo headbutts the guy okay so the last like vignette that they do I don't think that's the terminology for what I'm trying to say but I hope you know what I mean is you got Pippa walking to do her laundry with this kind of haunted look on her face where she's clearly trying not to think about it and trying to but she's so not present great acting I thought in that part but then Lucy goes to class fresh off watching this guy that she's been talking to having headbutt this stranger and there's [ __ ] Stephen the [ __ ] ta okay I'm gonna say something really shady but I don't care did did Jackson white gain weight or something like he doesn't look the same as he did last season and I know there was there was a big gap in between it but his face looks different to me maybe they're just shooting him different or something but I'm like what something's I I was like slightly attracted to him last season maybe just because this season the the the the Allure is gone the Allure is over for Stephen maybe that's what it is something's different but anyway Bri meanwhile she then her last she's walking through the campus like excuse me she goes to Oliver's office walks in in his office and says I'm ready for you to kiss me ooh and there we go there we go it's feeling juicy isn't it all right I'm GNA throw this over to the interview I did with Megan Oppenheimer and I'll see you guys next week right yes okay transitioning my wardrobe between seasons is usually quite a challenge for me but I've been getting a bunch of clothes from Quint the last few months and their pieces are really Timeless so the transition is not so challenging after all like this washable silk top I've been pairing this with shorts or a little skirt but for the fall I'm going to throw on some jeans with it a little jacket maybe oh it would be so pulled together Quint also has cashmere sweaters for $50 and the reason quint's items are priced 50 to 80% less than similar Brands is because they partner directly with factories which cuts out the cost of the middleman and they pass those savings on to us and they only use factories that have ethical practices and use the top quality fabrics and finishes so you know you're going to get something good make switching Seasons a 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other essential fatty acids also rich in phenolic compounds which is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent found to reduce oxidative stress so that's what we got here if you haven't been protecting it so protect your skin Oak Essentials also makes a moisturer bomm also to be used right out of the shower or the bath on damp skin for the face you get it all warmed up and you apply it to your it gives you like a glass skin look so say hello to clean Spa quality skincare Essentials that deliver a moisturer glow my followers will get 15% off their first order when you use code she speaks 15 at checkout that's 15% off your first order at o a k s n t a promo code she speaks 15 go ahead and to yourself get your best radiant skin this fall with Oak Essentials the changes you made from the Meaghan Oppenheimer Interview book now like with Lydia and Stephen did you know going in you were going to get a second season and did you like start from the end of where you wanted it to end up and work backwards um no so I when I pitched the show to Hulu I pitched that ending before I even got the show Green lighter had the job um so I no I went through it though chronologically I just at the ending I was like who is the last person he would possibly be with so I thought it would be really fun um and it made me kind of laugh gleefully so I felt like it was the right move yeah because like it's so many connecting factors had to happen in order to get that to work and so it's like how did she map that out it was it was a fabulous reveal thank you thank you yeah I mean once you know what certain big moments you want in this season I when I'm starting out I always kind of know a few big things I want to happen and then it's about you know know finding the way there and finding all the little details and the logistics okay so it is like a starting here this is where we want to end up and then we weave it through a bit Yeah a bit I love that now the development of the other characters because for what I've seen is there isn't much from the other characters in the book and so it took a lot of extra development on your guys's side yeah I mean the you know the book I felt like when when Hulu first approached me about this to begin with they said you know we don't really know what the show version is so pitch us whatever your version of it would be and so the book I felt like was so wonderful but it was all internal dialogue and so we sort of had to make the show its own thing to have it yeah be externalized properly and I thought that building out the rest of the characters was a necessary thing because in TV you know you don't want to be too claustrophobic with just two people so it was really fun just kind of getting to start from scratch with right yeah yeah yeah and it's cool because like if you will the main or maybe the biggest plot point is that Stephen essentially un alived Macy if you will but because there are so many other moving parts and vital storylines whatever like for example in season 2 when we get reminded of it I'm like oh yeah that's the big point cuz there's so many other things I care about yeah I mean for me the Macy storyline was really just meant to be the Catalyst um the thing that started all the little tiny lies and secrets and toxicity and for me what was more interesting was how that initial tragedy impacted everyone and the Ripple effects within the group and so it was never it was never really a murder mystery to me or about that to me what the most interesting thing is always going to be what people really do to each other um I that's that's usually messed up enough so yeah yeah right totally uh it's cool because like season 1 and I mean this with the utmost as as a compliment it had a tone of I Know What You Did Last Summer like underneath it I was like oo this is sexy we get maybe a little bit less of that tone in season 2 it's a lot more character driven an in we got two new characters now I went into this the teacher student relationship thing thinking I was going to be like totally turned on like this is so sexy I'm so into it because the last time I remember getting a storyline like this was like the OC or Dawson's Creek and I was like a college student so I remembered being like totally turned on but now as it was so interesting as a 40-year-old woman watching I was like get away from her sir I'm sure it was intentional but it was very sensitively done it wasn't overly romanticized still romance still sexy but I was surprised that I wasn't like yes get it I was like where is her mom it is funny people react to it very differently there are some they're like it's hot I love it and there are some people that are I mean Tom who played Oliver was very in a very dark place by the end of it he was like I feel very depressed you know and because he has a 19-year-old daughter um and I think he has a 19-year-old daughter oh so it's it was it was complicated felt felt very guilty but um I think the idea behind it was that when you are 19 or when you're a young girl at all the there's something so powerful about being wanted there's something so powerful about feeling sexy I mean and especially when you're young and it's never happened before and I think you can believe that you have this power especially when there's an older person who's risking all this stuff for you and it's like oh my God look at what they would do for me and then certainly in hindsight now you know as a 38-year-old I look back at experiences and I'm like oh my God I I had no power I was a complete pawn and he had all the power and so I was really um yeah pulling pulling on all of all of that how fun was it though for you to get your husband looking all sexy sorry that must have been fun it was it was just we love working together it was really it was really fun having him there and it was nice um having him do such a different role than he's than he's done because he's such a nice guy and he's so warm and lovely and always smiling I kept having to be like be meaner be colder stop smiling so it was yeah no it was really fun having him there though I love Leo I like I want to put him in my arms and I want to cradle him and protect him from everything I love the character was that that's totally an original character right yeah yeah that was an original character I knew you know when I first started season one I knew that in season two we would need a love rival to come in and we got to just sort of again start from scratch with him and I we worked really hard on making sure he felt like a real person who was flawed but different than Steph because there's nothing more boring than when a love rival comes in and it's like this F guy am I allowed to swear I don't know okay great it's like this guy this vanilla guy you're never going to care and so we really just wanted to make him complicated and Thomas is the most Charming person in the world so it was he really is though that face on that boy oh my word I'm like he's my boyfriend now okay we are dating me this fictional character we're together now cuz it was the it was a smart move to give him a different type of anger a different type of of rage you know it's like it's it even it may appear more dangerous on the outside but it's actually a lot less dangerous than what like a Lucy or a Stephen can be capable of in a way yeah definitely I mean I think the thing with Leo is that he expresses his feelings and he's not calculated and he doesn't have control over his feelings they explode in ways that are not healthy but he um there's something better about that than someone who can go in for the long P like Stephen and doesn't show anything and then 10 years later ruins your life um yeah yeah literally so well thank you so so much you've been a blessed to talk to I really appreciate meeting you thank you so much for this amazing television show can't get enough of it thank you so much and I love your podcast because I'm obsessed with Bravo so I listen to while I'm the treadmill when I'm running it like gets me through I love it yeah shut up oh my God that's you I was like so get out of here okay that's that's made my damn week okay EXC me while to go tell every single person I know this thanks for tuning in to she's speaking with Emily Hanks this show is produced posted and edited by me Emily and brought to you in partnership with Cloud 10 media if you are looking for bonus content check out the patreon the link is in the description to show some support you can hit that subscribe button and turn on notific ific ations so you never miss an episode Another free way to support the Pod please rate Andor review on whatever platform you listen it's free and it helps the algorithm or something you can also head to buy meac shespeaks and buy me a coffee or too make sure you're following me on all social medias I am she's speaking with Emily Hanks across all platforms threads Tik Tok Instagram Facebook that's it thank you guys see you soon

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