Daily Word Games - 2024-08-26

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:29:54 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: nyt games
hello and welcome this is the Asylum it's time for another daily word games today is Monday August 26 2024 and we're in start with the world as we always do and we always start with our penultimate guest so we get to start with steak yesterday was skate right did I really just get a do the impossible and get a whle in one which is impossible for my penultimate guess rule or so I thought but if people but but but why would they choose State because there's lots of people people who used the word from the previous day as their starting answer so they'd start with skate and they'd get it too I am flever Gast I'm going to hit me fresh August 26th that's the right day see stats it was steak I don't know how I feel about this let's let's go on to the symbol and leave this Bizarro world of the Wordle today symbol we get to start with Karma okay green is yellow CR looks really good but I'm trying to find out how to finish it oh yeah about crowd oh cross yeah four is not bad squid rle we get to start with fields [Applause] oh man none of those letter are there holy cow um I got to let the cat in give me a [Applause] second um okay for um wow what the [Applause] oh I didn't mean to repeat the L that was silly of me um whoa that's accepted as black that's a good sign oh yes fibble we got trust with justtin r [Music] you just came in [Music] here you I don't care you just came in here so you're staying m [Music] I don't I can do St [Music] uh let's go for all right those are in contradiction and this is in contradiction with this so the U is definitely true Blair no we can't have an ass Blair doesn't have a a lion Trust so this B is lying this T is in l no this R is lying and we're bloat oh but we can't be because this R would have to be lying to oh I don't know what this one is um no no can't be flare can't be Blair I just want to guess Blair for information I'm going to do it just so you don't have to sit here and make me watch me think well look at all of that so we know all of that is true there is a b and an L in the [Music] word one of them is in the first or the second position there's an A in the word oh there's no s the wise got to be the LIE what can this possibly be I'm going to guess another filler it's been all uh it's not it's badly yes just how we did on that F badly word and one let's make up for it h and an n out of place vs remaining are an A U and an i the C is gone the N can't be second to last another hard one today for I'm going skip this one from now I might drop this game it just takes too much time of the too much of your time I enjoy playing it but it just takes up too much of your time mini soccer players prominent muscle uh CF member of an underwater Colony uh Mario's Luigi fluster H source of a buzz or without with or without its last letter huh twodo car coup get up or come up arise light color variety of eight across move swiftly like a butterfly lit this is coral I thought it was Coral but this is upset this is at the club be uh beer orbits play now on screen play dead dead set set free free world worldwide wide on oh dead sets wrong dead on and it's set free so I got to take all these off WID screen on set set free free world worldwide oh yeah connections slice sneak Tire support Bagel slip loaf whiff blessing Wade Lifesaver consent shank approval hook wreath blessing approval cons sent and support all seem to go together things with holes in the middle yeah Taurus shaped things yeah those are all the starts of shoes loafer waiter slipper and sneaker shank and slice both mean to cut hook can mean to cut whiff can mean [Music] to oh wait hold on if you slide that's those are all golf terms slice hook Whip and shank those are all do things bad engulf this is this is perfect Footwear plus ER sound perfectly in the perfect perfect connections bad golf shots perfect connections very good job we got everything on on that connections good job let's do the strands see you in court on the court see you on the court the only word I see is voice and I don't think that has anything to do with what's going on here um I just have had like 4 hour sleep in the last 24 hours 36 hours something like that I don't know it's been a long time it's been a really rough kind of couple days for me it's been a rough week for me it's been a rough couple months from right actually yeah I'm tired I'm going to lay down I'm going to I'm going to play the strands by myself later I'm not going to make you watch me do it but hopefully you enjoyed me playing the other games you getting a nice perfect connections and figuring out what all of the all the categories were um that was pretty nice Ming up the orbits kind of was kind of annoying and uh getting the only ever I don't have a guess for tomorrow for the world I just realized that cuz I don't have a penultimate guess I didn't think my rule would ever fail me [Laughter] well it was an interesting day at least we'll see you later have a great day

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