Published: Sep 03, 2024
Duration: 00:08:37
Category: Film & Animation
Trending searches: liam neeson
hey what's going on my name is Jack Lane welcome back to a brand new video here at the channel uh I believe last video there was a bit of delay and then I switched to the Articles came back to the camera real quick and it fixed itself out but I did notice that um during the recording but still put it up because it was a very important topic to talk about and if you haven't seen that video go check it out uh on the channel and then come back to this one as it invol involves Daniel Craig involves Bond and just involves the whole conversation that's going on in the movie scene at the moment about whether Bon should be changed for newer audiences but that's not that's not what we're talking about in today's video anyway today's video we are going to be talking about the one the only Liam niss as he is I to lead new Heist movie with young cast Liam niss I have to say this is he's my favorite actor because he's the actor that bought me and my Grandad like me and my Grandad were close but since watching his movies uh we watch loads of films together but it's always his films we have so much fun with and we always like if a new Nissan film comes out I do not watch it until I see him next and then we watch it together it's like oh uh I think it was honest Thief I paid stupid money to get that it one of most I paid five quid but it wasn't worth the five quid or it might have been honest fif it might have been another one of his films retribution or something but we do it because it's niss and niss plays the same character in every film but it's fun Marlo he didn't though he played a different character than Marlo and I did love that but little bit background on me and niss love Liam n love the guy um keep doing what you're doing Liam Liam n is being Ed to join the cast of a heist movie for four kids walk into a bank the movie is based on the graphic novel of the same name by Matthew Rosenberg and Tyler boss which follows young woman named Paige whose grandfather Danny's former gang is attempting to force him to r a bank so she decides to enlist some friends to help her to in his place the movie will be directed by SMI Creator and star Frankie Shaw from the screenplay by Matt Robinson featuring some revisions by Sha for deadline Liam n is in talks play Danny and four kids walk into a bank Talia Ryder is being eyed to St opposite niss as Paige in the movie which is being sold at the Toronto International Film Festival Market by film Nation also in talks to join the young ensemble cast of the movie are Noah jup Whitney Peak Jack Dylan GZA Deacon Philip Filipe um so as you know Nissan seems to be his biggest name there at least the name that I recognize the most um and it's interesting that they are trying uh which is being sold at the Toronto International Film Festival so this seems like they've got Nissan because Nissan's been doing all these director streaming director video I can't actually remember the last time Nissan was in theaters it has to have been oh God 20 would it have been 2019 did he did Ice Road go on the I can't remember but 2018 2019 something like that uh but he's doing um The Naked gum reboot so he's going to be doing that I'm presuming that's going into theaters uh where you know the stars in talks for kids walking into a bank um Liam niss would be a leading cast of rising stars right niss is the most recognizable act among the cast of four kids walk into a bank having been a major star for more than 30 years since his Oscar nominated into 1993's Schindler's List which he was great in Liam niss and movies have run gamut of Jas since then including sci-fi with Star Wars episode one The Phantom Menace horror the haing superhero bman begins in addition to drama after saring and takum which was a Smash Hit That spawned two sequels he found new success as an action star leading movies including nonstop the commuter and cold Pursuit I think cold purp cold cold Pursuit was the last movie I saw of him in theaters however the remaining cast members in talks to join niss are also notable in variety of ways for instance Jack Dylan graser has already held major roles in two Blockbuster franchises before the age of 20 having played Eddie casbac in the it movies and Freddy Freeman in shazam's franchise I do know if it's the guy I'm thinking of I do know him cuz I've seen I've seen Shazam I'm trying to think if it's that guy though the adult version of jackan great his character was betrayed by Sinister St James Ranson in 2019 in Chapter 2 yeah I know him the only young star who is more of an unknown quantity is Deon Felipe whose prior acting experience is limited to two episodes in Netflix never have I ever however the performer who is the son of movie stars ree Witherspoon and Ryan Felipe has also appeared on screen in M Music videoos performed monly as Deacon while the cast of four kids walk into a bar it's not finalized it Shing out to be an intriguing Ensemble as it comes together so Felipe his mother is Reese Reese with spoons so yeah I they didn't really learn to any deal about the others though did they so clearly one is known for doing a big two big Hollywood blockbuster movies the I think Shazam um if I remember correctly Shazam um it's like a billion dollar film yeah so that is yeah so I know I know Jack Dylan graser was the guy I was thinking of yeah oh know Shazam one was okay I thought it made more than that uh jazam 2 made so he's been about he's been in films that have done really well though it it it would have been high wouldn't it it 2017 box office what was it box office yeah 71.8 M8 yeah so I look at that list and it's like okay you got Nissan 30y old 30 years in the business he's going to be the big stardom he's going to bring all the money in it's going to be his name that brings the money in if it goes into theaters or brings in the royalties ramazon uh the guy from szam will get more notice become more noticeable people go he's a really good actor because he is in his own right he has done some amazing things that Jack guy Reese Witherspoon son you feel like sometimes actors just get their names from their parents and they're not actually that good it's a bit like having a conversation about a particular actor going oh have you seen this actor do you think they're good and you go not really because then then they're not they they know they're not good because they've done x y and Zed and you think right okay but I'm interested to see this film I I love a good Nan film it could be really good it could be really really bad but we shall see sh we so with that being said uh I want to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below drop a like on the video uh smash the Subscribe button road to 70 sub Starts Now um would love to try and hit 70 subscribers by what will be the fourth today so by the 12 gives us I think 8 days to do it I think we can do it guys so yeah with that being said I'll uh see you on the next one as always stay cinematic see you all soon