Dallas Wings vs Indiana Fever FULL GAME HIGHLIGHTS | AUG 31, 2024 WNBA

competitive matchup in the middle this is coming off their best win hle with a back door pass league as wheeler gets inside she's got the size advantage on hold draw idea and then here been able to tick it tip it to Hole who's wide into the three spot as danger feet Boston a deep block but that was a great confence entering the night back down low to working and growing head Dangerfield pulls up Mitchell back for Boston Boston has the spins and shuffled her feet two I mean they're twoo B drops it for Howard and as wheeler stunners wheeler is ninth in the league in aore that CHR on the same Accord I mean we know to their to their about 10 more than League average and Quinn as that back door pass goes Mitchell gets inside andin Howard steps into a Smith will launch and goba comes back down with it and L that is her first score Dangerfield pulls up Smith on the hand off from team Stewarts wheeler back on the attack and off a strong performance against Lain for sabali schedule an appointment at Red crossy Sims her first minutes for to really get the defense moving to get a turn it over here's Howard running the floor for Boston this is another deep two there's a goba W on the drive hand off M help your teammates get open this is Mitchell underneath finds some who brings it down can't lay it in playing in her first game out of Sweden the number two overall picking has a 122 run for Wallace on the drive gets inside little Wallace is doing a good drive this is for Howard who comes charging up the middle to string together defensive [Applause] possessions Le without fouling is certainly a Nuance one thing that you can control Sim spinning on and get there I think there had let go veteran leadership here to the back court for Dallas this tight quarters Caldwell on the pullup here's a wer take the three find some space and to shoot it oh Sim somehow the surprise team of the early double streak here this afternoon Amanda zoi be as a goba wal dishes are able to answer to this adversity Wallace pulls up step back too that's a tougher look easy pass for the corner Mitchell step back three back out for z b that's back in not turning the ball over but still fun one to watch here this afternoon Vivian step back on danger field top two rebounding teams M uh and really uh try offensively lately great defense there that they have to make steps into a two get that one to go danger field that was a much better defense off to the RAC here will try it in the post lean history on the women's side bark Indiana got off to a nice start here the Howard maau got a PA Smith everything kicks out Sims the Lefty Boston the spin through the double hole tries to create hole on the drive five points and almost want to see this able to knock down spark Indiana here Villanova stand out seagis hot credit burger for knocking down the but the foul disparity the foul line step back three lobs it in Boston of the team that's seven early points here for Indiana Vegas to might have gotten away with a in the rebound Boston the shot fake off to get it off the rim see if three back door can't get the whistle bust in the rebound and is really where this is starting for the last 3 minutes and 11 seconds s in two here is Howard launches over offensively now Indiana tries it Smith fires here's maau in deep position Tyrese halberton of to be in the starting lineup got up by 13 Indiana cut that but being able to answer Lexi Hull has been everywhere here oh Boston can't get with a two-on one takes it herself Lexi hole that we've seen the last few games really here is Smith in transition you know of course want to be a starter and come in it's not only about the break into intermission Howard right up the her third foul unnecessary inbound s will first half wound down at getting to the Smith find some space the shot fake be in the game now we'll see line fever are playing for the wheeler of the transition take foul that Dangerfield ties the maau hand off danger she kicked on the gear and cut off on the Baseline to a charging Howard bounces Mitchell allow just 16 s inside chess match at the highest degree take the three Vivians on the drive and the here and maau hits the deck but they're definitely getting that W back from maau shot down to Mitchell step back finds pass Mitchell launches to a six-point lead here's Sab off the but all goes here is wheeler blows if the fever keep them out of it it's one.com slti maen out Howard the left hand first half Dangerfield fired wheeler inside Boston deep a little Twan who has a little bit smaller of tiar macau's time off the bench shot clock down a three wheeler the reverse draws the Mitchell step back deep way inside Howard turns the left hand Boston leaves it short Boston the rebound all out so can get a pick and roll situ 14 think single in college it was always to the high per oh look at Boston gets by Howard no chance of getting that ball Howard jump shot over gets back nicely defensively look backward direction that pass a little too hot Sierra maau checks back in crossing over launching ma her one-onone game now lock down to two Burton from way out it is a 19point on a Goomba W hold the spin what do you do you got to counter here Howard has the size Advantage draws the uh is ready to the Gody scoring of that night those things that you do all Vivian out for zi B steps into being hounded by Wallace just got her own rebound a goba wal a goba get hot at turned it over here's Sims to a cutting Howard de maau these are precious moments for let sees the double team no look it's Howard B scen on the drive Burger had her p a major part of that championship team at Burton she'll hand off Burger having this called against them IU maau Lofts it in there for off of that opening third quarter 16 minutes here tonight zo beam rebound will go great match that is with aiyah Boston but possible take that Smith trying to muscle their way for Smith here is Boston field spinning on Burger fading firing almost look like a little Miss hold it down out for Boston you B up on the ramp but it's your pro Smith to a rookie ball inside Smith who muscles her way I really stay in it direction as well Smith driving into Howard Defensive Player of the Year back in 29 Howard a Goomba Euro had to make a play learn [Applause] more wheeler up top for Howard cuts her off hole has to Fire and the other one go on a run it's maowen with a tap pass back to again and that's a push on Howard paint and really make a play all of three minutes going to Dangerfield on the drive you go and help somebody's going to help you as well it inside Smith finishing if this three straight guarded by Hol she will look AUM wal crossing over have that ability in and out they in out in his honor agumba W steps back Austin attacking maau looking to snap a six game AA wall off balance and his get the ball you can't let her get anything easy game is within five points AA competive first you don't win them in you have Howard Lofts it inside driving on danger field floats it up arque again this one to the free throw line for two and hold stepping back on Wheeler all sorts honor that's a tough match up however at least on that there going instead it's a Goomba wal play gets it inside to Mallen shot here for Latricia traml and the wing finish inside Smith to the the fever do not have a foul to give lobs it to maau who's fouled maowen on the first home floor and out to hole for the win Wings Hold On To Win It Indiana also doing better as the first half wound down at getting to the quarter it's been Indiana's undoing lately as Smith finds some space the shot fake Smith couldn't take these free throws she couldn't be in the game now we'll seeable contributions and bragging rights on the line fever are playing for the wheeler with the addition of the transition take foul that Dangerfield ties the of action maau hand off danger field this her her speed uh and the way she kicked on the gear and really Indiana goes in front Solly cut off on the Baseline to a charging Howard it's a two-on one Vivien bounces Mitchell lays it in allowed in the first quarter they've allowed just [Applause] 16 so the inside it's really a chess match at the highest degree off wheeler crosscourt Vivian shot takes the three Vivian's on the drive and the bank that high bounce Lexi hle nearly took it away Tira maau hits the deck this is no easy chore either yeah absolutely they're definitely getting that uh dad is here maau on there W back from maau shot clock down to one points and it was in the first quarter Mitchell step back finds gets it ahead to hle Hull bounce pass Mitchell launches oh Mitchell look to lift that one to a six-point lead here's Sab off the not playing the way that she wants to play but all goes on the drive gets underneath here's wheeler blow is going or if the fever keep them out of it it's One Way by visiting fever basketball.com slti Austin has the assignment of Howard now with maau out Howard the left hand after trailing by as many is 13 in the first half manger field fired wheeler inside Boston deep here is Howard K A little Toom man you do you try to get it into aiyah Boston who has a little bit smaller Indiana looking to take advantage of tiarra macau's time off the bench to the top scores in the league here is wheeler shot clock down to three wheeler the reverse draws the Mitchell step back deep there is Howard backing her way inside Howard turns the left hand it inside Boston through a double team Boston leaves it short Boston the rebound moving on the perimeter one thing call her out so can get a pick and roll situation here in the second half she's got a game high 14 all uh anything single in college it was always a this league in this P high oh look [Applause] at Grace Berger fans in the house for that one Boston gets by Howard from the defense Natasha Howard has no chance of getting that ball the part of an All-Star starter Howard jump shot over's looking to pick up the pace Dallas gets back nicely defensively last couple possessions look back for direction that pass a little too hot 6-1 for the jump ball tiarra maau checks back in Mitchell crossing over launching Kel Mitchell really gets going maow almost Master her one-onone game no Howard gives it to Burton shot clock down to two Burton from way out from Midway in the second it is a 19 Point here's ho driving on a Goomba W hold the spin to recognize that the defense is cutting her off so what do you do you got to counter and here is Howard has the size Advantage draws the tell who's down there if the help uh is ready to trap while she doesn't have the gudy scoring of that night at second quarter yeah things that you do all Vivien out for zi B steps into a w being hounded by Wallace just a goba wal tough look got her own rebound a goba wal rebound and push you don't want a goba W get hot at Vivians nearly turned it over here is W Sims to a cutting Howard just like those moments without Tira maau these are precious moments for uh to really make a play on on that b make it difficult out deep goba wal drives on Wallace sees the double team no look it's Howard to start moving Berger off the zoei B screen on the drive Berger had her pass a standout fever player a major part of that championship team got in behind the defense good recovery by Burton she'll hand off burger and is near the top of the league and having this called against them two two from the floor she's got the fever back in front by two BL ball looking to repost maau and Lofts it in there for have a right eye evaluated off of that opening third quarter this is played Just 16 minutes here tonight Zoe beam maau misses maau the rebound will go so powerful uh and what a great matches that is with Ayah Boston but down there so just trying to make it as difficult possible to the Smith trying to muscle their way oh looking inside for Smith here is Boston Dangerfield spinning on Burger fading firing two almost look like a little my Goomba wal into a crowd Smith pulled it down out for Boston you that was a beautiful way of trying to get the ball up on the ramp but it's how about the Poise there from a second-year pro Smith to a rookie ball pack here is burger inside Smith who muscles her way she capitalizes on that finish of the game I really stay in it Focus has gone that direction as well Smith driving into Howard she was the defensive player of the year back in 29 with a steal right there power to Goomba W Euros recover put stress on that defense and let your had to make a play Slash fever to learn more goom wheeler up top for his hole back for Smith shot FES the three Howard cuts her off hole has to fire another one up the intensity and the other one go on a run it's earlier in the half mowen with a tap pass back to scen shot clock winding down again and that's a push on Howard on your jump shot and see if you can get two feet in the paint uh and really make a play and a walk kuir who's played all of three minutes going to still got a Goomba wall Dangerfield on the drive but you also have to trust that once you go and help somebody's going to help you as well back up ready to check in Wheeler steers it inside Smith finishing through the contact up Smith is three straight Goomba guarded by hole she will launch to Smith just a bit behind her auma crossing over whatever but being able to have that ability in an out they in and out Outlet to AA W Boston is honor AA W steps back perect foot or has been tactical all night Austin attacking maau left to go in the fourth Indiana looking to snap a six game been able to close their opponent out a Goomba wal off balance in his it's almost like you got a face cter you can't let her get the ball you can't let her get anything easy as a clutch game which is when the game is within five points but it goes to show you a the competitiv don't win them uh you know in the first minute you don't win them in the last you have to power it inside wheeler driving on danger field floats it up shoot over a slightly smaller Howard hand off it's arque again this one out there will head to the free throw line for two and hold Goomba walai stepping back on Wheeler all sorts seven H's got Howard on her that's a tough match up almost always see this replay come however at least on that guess what direction they're going instead it's a Goomba W here is auma gets it inside to Mallen shot clock the four starters and a w ker here for Latricia traml and the wing H her spins ride fire wheeler can't finish inside Smith to the they did just that by attacking board the fever do not have a foul to give crossing over auma W gets inside lobs it to Cowan who's fouled three of six from the line here tonight Cowan on the first center stands on her old home floor and trying to evade here's Boston out the hole for the win see if you can get the next one the Dallas Wings Hold On To Win It

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