I missed the lockdown because like I've never felt so much power in my life I go to the grocery stores long lines I go he started it he do you guys miss the lockdowns because I don't and it seem that they might be coming back so today we're diving into some serious news coming out of Massachusetts the state is implementing a lockdown due to the alarming spread of Easter equin and sephtis a mosquito born virus that can have deadly consequences Massachusetts on high alert for a potentially deadly mosquito born virus called Triple E after an elderly man became the state's first case since 2020 as residents so concerned that officials in one town are recommending a 600 p.m. to Sunrise curfew when mosquitoes are most active as we can see they are doing a voluntary lockdown which I don't see anything wrong as long as it's not enforced so as we can see it says for people to remain indoors after 6:00 p.m. through September 30th and then starting on October 1st the recommendation is to remain indoors after 5:00 p.m. until the first hard Frost well that's a pretty long time and also this virus being around before so what do you think we should do about this it seems the only way to get the virus is through a mosquito it can't be spread from person to person so I would think the best thing to do is use spray repellent and cover your skin as much as possible because regardless mosquitoes can still enter your house I know this is deadly but are we going to let lockdowns happen again last time and just bend over and do what we are told to do maybe we should since they know better right I'm just saying there has to be a better way to handle this then just telling us oh it's only for a few weeks then we'll go back to normal but it was more like months what do you guys think we should do either way seems to not be good before jumping to conclusions about any situation whether it's a lockdown a new policy or even a personal issue take a moment to consider the bigger picture by keeping an open mind we can better understand the motivations and concerns of others this doesn't mean we have to agree with everything but it allows us to engage in more meaningful conversations and make informed decisions now regarding the temporary lockdowns it's easy to feel overwhelmed but let's shift our perspective instead of viewing it as a setback think of it as a chance to prepare use this time to gather information stay updated on health guidelines and develop a plan for your family or community so the next time you hear about a lockdown or any other significant change remember to breathe and take a step back keep that open mind consider all perspectives and focus on being prepared rather than fearful