Barcelona’s Official Squad For The 2024/25 Season: Barca Draw To Bayern Munch & Borussia Dortmund!
Published: Aug 29, 2024
Duration: 00:17:32
Category: Education
Trending searches: barca
Hello everybody welcome back to the channel so in today's video I do want to speak about the set squad for Barcelona for the rest of this season we're also going to be talking about what's currently going on in the league and speak about the brand new format of the Champions League because Barcelona have been drawn with Bayern Munich and Bia Dortmund who teams that has had Lewandowski before and a team that hanzi Fleek has coached before and that is Bayern Munich so there is plenty to discuss for today's video and I do want to begin with this a couple of hours ago we just witnessed Las palas thae against Real Madrid Real Madrid currently do have three matches played and five points if you guys are wondering why I continue to speak about Real Madrid it's not because I hate Real Madrid or because I have an agenda against Real Madrid I mainly speak about this team because this is the perfect example on why I continue to say that when Barcelona is United when they are strengthened when they have a team that has a set plan they know where they want to go they know how they want to play Barcelona is Unstoppable and if not Unstoppable then just call it the best team in La Liga and that's basically it yes it's possible for Barcelona to lose the focus in the next match and lose points of course it is this is football but as long as we continue in this route no team in the league can stop us I've also stated before it does not matter if a team has all the stars in the world if you cannot make them click it doesn't it does not matter like have you guys not learned what happened with PSG how many champions leagues did PSG win with a front three of Neymar Messi and killan mppe how many tell me yes of course they won so many farmers leagues but did they win the Champions League no of course they did not because it does not matter what stars you have what matters is what type of coach do you have that can get the best out of your squad and right now hanzi Fleek is getting the best out of FC Barcelona this is the reason why I don't understand why so many YouTubers why so many people on Twitter why so many people on ESPN on Mundo and everybody in the media like to say that Barcelona are doing poorly that it's over that Barcelona cannot catch up against Real Madrid that Joon La pora is the problem deo's the problem remember who hired hanzi Fleek remember who brought in Danny Olo remember who brought in Bernal gado this team that we currently have it has been made by hanzi Le Deco and J Lea and surprisingly it has been working out because it's not easy to make a team click it's really not like if it was that easy to make a team click you would see Real Madrid at the top of the table with kiling and Pape scoring six to eight goals by now with three games in but no it's difficult and that's is why you see Real Madrid dropping points I'm not trying to shame Real Madrid I'm not trying to say that look let's laugh at Real Madrid and let's hype up FC Barcelona no I'm not saying that I want to give you guys more context more understanding on why I believe that Barcelona are on the right path and why Barcelona will do very well this season there is no reason for us for any of the Barcelona fans to attack Dron P or Deco it just it does not make no sense at all why do you continue to say that Deco and Dr laa are liars that they told us they're going to be able to sign players like this look the reason why drw laora said that they were able to sign players like niiko Williams it is because it's true it is true you are allowed to say something like that when you know that you are bringing in 900 million a year or 850 million a year per season but the only thing that is stopping you from signing Big Time Players it is because of the league Barcelona have have done what they did in this past summer they have done everything Barcelona is still one of the top income generating teams in the world and in the top two best income generating teams in La Liga and that is like € 150 million EUR we have reduced our wage bill by € 200 million we have sold so many players and you want to still say that the reason why Barcelona is so trash is because of Jo La andco understand your enemy understand the situation and to the people right who have Barcelona channels please understand where Barcelona was at before and who we are today and how well we are currently doing importantly there's no reason to bash on this team of course the transfer window was trash of course we were supposed to sign niiko Williams zoie meni Joshua kimich Mikel medino all of these players right it was going to be beautiful but because we have been limited restricted this is the reason why we cannot do anything and why the people who don't follow Barcelona as closely like those random fans from Arsenal Liverpool City wherever right they call Barcelona broke they call Barcelona broke and they mock Barcelona when they don't understand what's going on and so it's embarrassing to see that most of the Barcelona fans that have channels want to go with the exact same agenda because everybody else is saying it why can't you just think for yourself why can't you just not listen to the masses and understand the type of obstacles J pora has to go through if J Le Ando signed a player that cost 60 to 80 million EUR for example let's just say it was Joshua kimich or let's just say it was Leo and they end up being trash and they can't fit at Barcelona we can't find a way for this player to fit then we can say okay this is laporta's Fault this is deco's fault because that is how it was back in 2017 18 1920 that is that is the reason why many of us do hate BTO today is because you bought those players Griezmann de coutinho and they never ended up justifying their price tag and the same thing has to apply today like how are you going to critique de and Jon laa when they cannot even bring the players in the first place for us to judge in the first place and so listen this is going to be the strongest 11 that I think we could place this season when everybody is healthy and I do see that this team bringing us great results positive results The Chemistry Between all of these players is going to be amazing and I hope that we can feeli an 11 like this by the time by the time we do head towards January 2025 it's kund aruo Christensen Bal with our double pivot being Frankie pedri and our attackers being Lalo Rafia and leandi just to give you guys some quick updates yes there is still about 14 hours left for this transfer window to close but Barcelona are not going to be signing any more players it's over the the whole thing about Stefan going to salsburg it's over Jonathan T from Bayern Leverkusen is not going to move away from that team he's not going to byon he's not going to FC Barcelona it's over this is Barcelona's team and I just think that with again an 11 like this is very positive very technical and the backups are really decent we have Hector Ford to back up kund Kari to back up aruo enigo Martinez to back up Christensen and Jared Martin to back up Bal I trust gado to be backing up bedri because he's much more of an eight than A6 which is the reason why I put him behind pedri Gabi and Eric are almost the same thing I just think that Gab is more self-aware on who he is and how well he is and how confident of a player he is which is why I think that Gabi would be the second choice to Frankie if Frankie ever gets injured or he wants to let his guard down or if he wants to have bad games which has been happening then gab is going to be taking his place and we can field and 11 that it contains gavi bedri and ormo or let's just say ormo is not doing well let's just say that he has a good 10 to 12 match run he ends up dropping his level then we can have Gabi next to Frankie and then push bed up top to play as a 10 for Dano and then you do have the other Alternatives like fine Lopez and Pablo T who can always back us up in the number 10 position a lot of you guys have been claiming Kevin no Barcelona is stupid because you know they let go of Gan I mean like look look at how many Alternatives and substitutions we have in the number 10 or number eight positions we do not need gugan okay what we need are more sixes gundan is not a number six so letting go of gundan makes complete sense within the context of what Barcelona have today we need more number sixes not more number eights or number 10 on the flanks we have anati to back up Rafia hopefully anati has something to say this season there has been multiple reports about anati claiming that Barcelona's transfer window is done and yes anati is going to be very much relied on and his return is getting very close most likely he is going to be returning after the international break and hanzi Fleek has a lot of Hope for him so we could back to see Anu get a minutes on the Left Flank with fan Torres being the backup to La Minal because we have no backup to l minal so might as well just put fan Torres on there and then in the striker position we have leowski and then po Victor to be the backup to him po Victor can also play on the right wing for lamal you get the whole point now could this team be stronger yes of course I mean Barcelona had targets we had Bernal also but now he's going through an ACL injury we almost signed niik Williams but niiko Williams just doesn't feel confident signing with us and that's okay if you don't want to sign with us that's fine and to the Barcelona fans who want to say oh yeah yeah niik Williams rejected you guys I go for niiko Williams niik Williams FC then go support Niko Williams and athletic lube and don't don't come back over here and support Barcelona please okay like done shush bye as for the other Alternatives like Mikel Marino that was never going to happen even with Bernal emerging right of course Mikel Marino was going to end up somewhere else we also thought that we were going to be able to sign zuie meni Joshua kimich not going to happen zuie meni did not even want to go to Liverpool he wanted to stay atas Sudan joshu kimich is very much not being looked at anymore because of our again the emergence of gado who replicat Joshua kimich and Bernal and we have Jules kund who is like the best right back in the world right now so it makes no sense for us to ever go for Joshua kimich and then of course he have Dano we have achieved it niiko Williams not going to be here like I've said chavy seamons was also eyed on a couple of months ago but we don't know his situation I don't know if he's fine with being at his current lonely team or just staying at PSG we'll see Barcelona were looking to sign a backup striker in case VTO Ro did leave that was the whole plan last month and VOR Ro did leave and we do have a backup Striker which is T Victor who has been chosen after VOR Ro there was also talks about Barcelona signing a left back when Hans Fleek first came in I don't know if you guys remember but we were trying to get galdo like some other left backs but that never ended up happening Jared Martin is the definitive one so if you look at the 11 that Barcelona were supposed to have by this point and let's just say that you know Javier tabas gave us less restrictions and Barcelona had the capacity to sign whoever they wanted to sign this most likely would have been the 11 that hanzi Fleek wanted since he first entered the club it would have been the same backline Christensen Aro kund and balet with our double pivot be zuie meni and pedri Olo as the 10 with niiko Williams on the left wing position Ling Mar on the right leowski up top it's a 11 that I think Barcelona were really aiming for it seems very realistic because it does resemble Spain in a sense because you have Bal pedri zui Oro L and Niko Williams that's basically the Spanish national team that won the Euros last summer so in terms of what we have now and what we were supposed to do this summer but because of yourba said no I don't care no get out of here right jaier tbba just said barza trash Real Madrid get Kina Pape get Andre get whoever you guys want so because there is a huge difference between what we were supposed to have and what we have today I'm just going to say that this transfer window was a 4 out of 10 now because I rate this transfer window a 4 out of 10 that does not mean that I am not satisfied with the 11 that we have today and with the squad that we have today with all of our players healthy does not mean that I completely satisfied with this team this team is good enough to achieve results there's a reason why Barcelona are in first place in the Liga with nine points Viet Al is second Sela vgo is in third place yes is very early in the league yes you guys may say Kevin it's too early shut up please you're you're speaking too early like something can happen tomorrow Barcelona might go through another injury and Barcelona might lose points nope I don't think so I think that when you start strong you build momentum from there it's not easy to be starting strong like I've said Real Madrid with MPP with vin with andri with Bingham I mean he was injured but that's besides the point kaminga when you have so many stars in your team you're supposed to have seven to nine points by this time how do you make excuses on top of this and the worst thing from all of this is that tomorrow we're not going to hear a single report about wow ancelotti a coach that can't get the best out of these Stars he needs to be fired should he be letting go of in January we're not we're not going to be hearing stories about that if this was Barcelona if we signed some stars and we underd delivered and we were in fifth place today do you know how many reports from M deportivo and Sport and whoever would be saying today that Barcelona is trash that Barcelona's finished that this is the reason why Real Madrid is the best team in the world and Barcelona's not just let It Go Let It Go please all the people that work in the media all the people that have Barcelona accounts Let It Go and support your team stop being toxic stop acting like a kid you're not 10 you guys are all over the age of 20 years old please back your team you have influence in the media all the YouTubers you guys all have influence please say the correct things understand where Barcelona was at a couple of years ago and where we are today just because we don't have an 11 that we were supposed to get right that was supposed to contain zuie meni niik Williams and other players does not mean that this team cannot compete today hanzi Fleek has the capacity to upgrade all players and we see that we see that with Dano he's already clicking with most of the players in Barcelona and that's not normal you guys may see it like if it's normal but it's not normal it's not normal for for for a player to just come in immediately and connect with the team if it was that easy Maru would have scored a couple of goals with Chelsea by now if it was that easy kilan MPP would have scored 5 to eight goals by now with Real Madrid with Bellingham and kaminga behind him if it was that easy Julian Alves would have had four to five goals right now with Atletico Madrid but he's finding it tough to adapt to the team understand what Barcelona's doing here have some context look at the other teams Barcelona's doing wonderfully so far so now let's move on towards the next conversation and now let's talk about the champions league right this is very interesting because Barcelona have been drawn with Bayern Munich Atlanta young boys breast no it's not boobs is breast from the country that they are from that does not mean boobs or tities or any of that they're called breast so we have dormund Benfica we have vesda and Monaco I don't know if I said vesda correctly but it's my first time seeing that team welcome whoever this team is I'm I'm happy that you guys are over here joining us because I know you guys are new overall in the Champions League but welcome I hope you guys do end up achieving the results that you guys do want but it's very interesting because we have been drawn with Bayern Munich and dormund two teams that we are very familiar with Dorman right has had leowski before leowski I ask you for one thing please just please do not help your former teams please score goals against Dortmund when You Face Bayern Munich as well please score goals against bayron I remember back in 2022 when we had leandi in our team in the first two or three months and we had to face Byron and he did not score any goals he missed so many chances and we were all like come on dude like why do you want to help your former team why are you trying to play for Bayern instead of FC Barcelona it makes no sense please like forget about that it's over so now leowski this is your second chance we're facing Bayern we're facing Atlanta let's get the goals in and so far leandi has been doing well by the way so many of you guys have been questioning what this new format is all about because like many have been questioning like Hey Kevin why is there so many teams in this group aren't we supposed to be playing with only three other teams and not a total of eight teams in one group so let me explain the champions league is introducing a new format called The Swiss model this season they are replacing the old eight groups of four format so instead of the group phase that we were at before now we do have something called The League phase all teams are basically placed into one large table aka the Super League no one wants to talk about that right but yeah every team is placed in one large table but they don't play every other team so the number of participating teams has increased by 32 to 36 total teams each team will play eight matches in the first phase against eight different opponents depending on the draw for us once again it was Atlanta young boys breest vesda Monaco benefica dormund and Bayern and that is what we are going to be doing instead of the previous six matches total and facing three opponents Home and Away there's going to be a total of 189 matches instead of 125 so there is an increase that does accumulate towards the final in Munich on May 31st 2025 the reason why the UEFA build this competition is to aim to make the competition in a more competitive form by having more bigger teams in one group and they can face each other earlier which makes the competition more attractive so after the league phase right the top eight teams will advance to The Knockout rounds so the top eight teams with the most points in this big ass table will be going to The Knockout rounds hopefully Barcelona can get that Barcelona have to win every match to get into the top eight they have to right there is no resting there is no okay if we win this game it does not matter we'll still end up in first place that does not exist we must win every match and for the rest of the teams that do finish between 9th and 24 once again in this big ass table they will enter a new set of two-legged playoffs to determine the spots in the 16 Team Knockout rounds so the teams in the top eight are safe to go into the next round but the teams between 9 and 24 will be go into the playoffs and that is going to be the knockout round and the teams below 24 all the way down to 36 they're knocked out automatically terminated done and no Barcelona do not have to play home and away for every team that they have within this group we're playing Bayern only once and Barcelona will be home we're playing dormund only once and Barcelona will be away we're playing Atlanta only once and Barcelona will be home we're playing Benfica only once and Barcelona will be away then we play young boys just one time and Barcelona will be home we play Red Star only once and Barcelona will be away and then lastly the last two Barcelona will be home against breest for just one game and then one match against Monaco and Barcelona will be away I know it's strange but it's going to take I would say maybe two more years for us to get used to this because it is very complicated I understand the whole point of this is to increase the amount of attracting games very early in the Champions League aka the Super League they just don't want to call it that and so that is it I can wait to see Barcelona face all these teams in the Champions League but I do want to say one more thing right I want Barcelona to prioritize La Liga before anything else like yes I know that it sounds great to be to defeat bayron Dortmund whatever Benfica they're all going to be tough Atlanta is going to be very tough we don't know how young boys are going to be approaching this but I assume that these teams are going to be coming in with their all I understand but we have to prioritize La Liga we have to it would make no sense for us to drop points in La Liga end up in second or third place and then we get knocked out in the Champions League like in the semi-finals and then then what do you have what do you have you have to now have you have to climb on top of Real Madrid or Atletico Madrid like in March or something crazy like that and we'll be screwed like no prioritize La Liga make sure that you get as many points as you can in La Liga because we want we want to win it we are the kings of La Liga and then comes the Champions League do not let your guard down any time between right now and until January maybe after January and in February then yes go all go all in in the champions league go all in bring your greatest starting 11 your strongest like 11 who cares go all in but for sure do not let your guard down right now okay we have a huge Advantage with Real Madrid losing points right now and so I do trust that Han Fleek will do well with the squad it could have been stronger of course of course it could have been stronger right we could have been a Chelsea today where Chelsea was able to spend like what 200 million EUR in one summer with no problem we could have been arsenal we could have been City we could have been whatever psgs just signing a player every other day with no problem everything's relaxed everything is Chill just get a blunt smoke it relax let's get this player that player but with Barcelona no we don't we don't have that we don't have that type of uh luxury within this league that Javier tabos likes to run but I do think that this team will fight for it all so that is it that is going to be wrapping up today's video thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys in the next one