Category: News & Politics
Exposing the magic in pixar's upcoming releases here's what you need to know pixar has been on fire lately remember inside out too it was a massive hit tapping into the teenage mind like never before and who could forget elemental a unique world where fire water earth and air beings live together but... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
It's time for you to decide say you're upset with me in the end you're the one to play try to put it out and reconn just reignited the [music] flame don't know where to turn with this stupid game can't escape with pain dear father for i have s just going to stand there and watch me flo i gave it all... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Disney might have created the happiest place on earth but their legal team not so much while w's company is famous for fairy endings in reality they're dealing with more lawsuits than they have sequels buckle up for a roller coaster of drama as we dive deep into disney's juiciest recent legal battles... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] when i first saw joker when i saw you and murray franklin the whole time i was watching i kept thinking i hope this guy blows his brains out and then you [music] did and for once in my life i didn't feel so alone anymore forget your troubles come on get happy better chase all your cares away... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] yes hello this is donald trump uh from mr cone thank you so much donald who 1 2 3 4 roy con nice to meet you you roy con you're brutal guilty is charge i didn't always win there's rules the first rule is attack attack attack it's going to be the finest building in the city maybe maybe the country... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Mrs vakis i appreciate you coming mr bali we buried my brother-in-law two days ago i'm sorry for your loss a terrible accident this isn't that simple i need the best investigator i can't trust the local police why is that my husband's family owns some and if he finds out that you hired [music] me any... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Things in inside out that just don't add up like embarrassment without the feeling of shame at the end of the first movie riley's parents paint their faces and cheer loudly at her game for riley this is both adorable and mortifying here's the puzzling part if riley clearly feels embarrassed how is she... Read more
Category: Entertainment
This is mr marquez he is here to teach you all about non-binary a non-binary person is somebody who does not identify as male or female oh like a her mafa day no yes not at all and that word is not in use anymore is it i i don't know i cat there you go an s with grades like this i'm going to have to... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Okay let's see if we can get through one of these skits sketches baby please okay ready c maybe maybe [ __ ] you want me to break uh okay do we go again act on theire my name is laen michaels i'm the producer and creator of saturday night we're excited because there's never been a television show like... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
द लोरेक्स इज अ पॉपुलर लवली मूवी लच इन 2012 एंड डायरेक्टेड बाय क्रिस रेनो दिस मूवी इज बेस्ड टोटली ऑन डॉक्टर सोसे फेमस किड्स बुक ऑफ द इक्वल कॉल द टेल इज अबाउट इन अ कलरफुल विश् मिकल ग्लोबल वेयर इन अ यंग बॉय नेम टेड इं गोइंग ऑन अ क्वेट टू डिस्कवर अ एक्चुअल ट्री इन अ सिटी मेड टोटली ऑफ प्लास्टिक एंड मेंटल थ्रू हिज एडवेंचर ही लर्न अबाउ द लोरेक्स अ मैजिकल क्रिएचर हु स्पीक फॉर द ट्रीज एंड फाइट्स टू प्रोटेक्ट द एनवायरमेंट फ्रॉम ग्रीड एंड डिटेक्शन... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Rogue one a star wars story is considered by several fans of the franchise to be one of the few disney era projects that holds up in a galaxy far far away however disney is facing a lawsuit over the likeness of peter cushing and recreating grand moth tarkin hi everyone my name is jacob ar welcome to... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Excusez-moi monsieur gendarmerie nationale vous savez ce qui se passe c'est là-basord on éac dans le cam s'il vous plaîtête stop oh arrêtez-vous chers clients nous vous informons qu'une opération des police est en cours dans notre magasin veuillez vous diriger calmement vers les caisses merci n pas... Read more