Stormy - Stormy Daniels Was Not Afraid To Fight Back

Published: Sep 15, 2024 Duration: 00:01:27 Category: People & Blogs

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without telling me he was going to necessarily do them. I found out he actually filed the defamation suit by reading about it on Twitter. ♪♪ I figured that Michael's main goal was to be able to depose Trump. You need really solid false claims for a solid defamation case rather than opinion. ♪♪ Daniels: I remember saying to him, like, "Yeah, Trump called me a con job. I get called way worse, by the minute, every day." Looking back, I didn't realize the gravity of that was like Trump basically called me a liar, and that is actually defamation. But it wasn't what I wanted to focus on. Nuzzi: Anytime Trump is on the receiving end of any allegation from any woman, his standard playbook is to attack, attack, attack, and to defame. You've called women you don't like "fat pigs" and "disgusting animals." Your Twitter account -- Only Rosie O'Donnell. Nuzzi: Whereas, for Stormy, what the general public saw was a woman not afraid to fight back against the sitting president of the United States. She was liberated, and she didn't seem scared of him. ♪♪

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