The Girl ATTACKED By VIOLENT Man In Nandos Explains How She Was IGNORED By Police!
Published: Aug 27, 2024
Duration: 00:16:53
Category: News & Politics
Trending searches: nandos
this man suddenly slapped a Nando's worker around the face with a plate while he was dining with his family in the Stratford Nando I don't know the context but this is an insane reaction his wife seems to be as shocked as us as she can be seen kind of holding him back while he seems to be advancing towards the lady that he just slapped now this attack happened just after the staff brought the food to the table so I'm just trying to figure out what went wrong if you look at the way she puts the food down on the table it looks like a piece of the food might have fell off or she put the plates down too hard wherever it is this is an insane reaction okay so the clip you saw in the beginning has been circulating for about a week now and it shows a man in Nando slapping the worker with a plate now regardless of what the Nando worker did I'm sure it didn't need to get to as Extreme as it got to whereby he smacks and whacks her over the head with a plate now for most of us watching this video at some point in our lives we've eaten at Nando and we know that the plates at nandos hold a bit of weight to them and to smack someone over their head with it you know in broad daylight in a Stratford Nando shows absolute irrational behavior and absolute carelessness over the situation I'm going to read a little bit about this incident in an article very very quickly and then we're going to watch the response video from the woman and she's going to explain what happened and why she was hit over the head with a plate by that guy well that Thug you know that wanted to behave like that during the day whereby everyone was going about their business so yeah andando worker who was hit with a plate in an unprovoked attack by a male customer claims she was grossly let down by police and again it goes on to my point of two-tier policing you know when it was riots you know two and a bit weeks ago you know police were everywhere they were knocking on people's doors dragging them out Etc this is an incident in in Stratford someone's at work they're being assaulted literally getting smashed over their head with a plate yeah police ain't really got no time for that but anyway let's read on the female staff member broke us silence after a Savage assault took place in March at the branch in statford London with footage of the incident going viral this week after it was shared on X in a 7-minute video posted on social media she criticized the Met's response to the incident stating that she was really disappointed and let down with what happened at the time with police she also spoke to camera in detail about what happened in the restaurant in the moments before she was struck and claimed the force had reopened the investigation thanks to all the support and attention it the video had been received even online so you mean to tell me the case was closed or they just dismissed it and because it went viral online and people said hey what happened to that they had to reopen it that's ridiculous the woman said I don't think the situation would have garnered as much attention as it has but the support has been overwhelming so if all the attention that the video has gotten and seeing everything in the news about violence against women violence against young women violence against girls I think it's important to speak up about what actually took place now before we proceed to the video I feel like it's appalling that this happened and it's gone viral we're in August right now so it happened in March so the case was basically closed not much happened and then you know it went viral like as of what a week ago and now you know police reopen the case and now they want to do something about that and it just goes to show you how policing is really done in the UK and where their priorities are you know their priorities are about what you said on Facebook what did you say on Facebook that's what their priorities are about the policing policy seems to be utilizing taxpayers money to administer censorship um come to your house for what you said on social media and to turn up rapidly in regards to UK rights that happened over two weeks ago whereby no one died but then you're missing an action when there's knife crime and there's realle crime on the streets phones are being stolen you know assd attacks I barely ever see police you can get assaulted you know in Nando it gets swept under the rug and then a few months later things resurface and you're like okay yeah we need to do something about this but you wouldn't have done nothing about it if the video didn't resurface on the Internet it's because the video surged on the internet again um that they've now taken initiation to do something about what happened to the woman that got assaulted in March beginning of the year we're almost at the end of the year but anyway let's watch the response video of the woman who got attacked in Lando and hit over the head with a plate and then we'll analyze as always so for those of you that don't know I was the girl that got assaulted in the viral video going around that happened in Nando um before I get into what actually happened I'd like to thank everyone for all the kind messages and the support I've been receiving and I'd also like to clarify why I'm making a video this is probably going to be the first and last video I make on this um someone who values my privacy I didn't think the situation would have GED as much attention as it has but the support's been overwhelming so with all the attention that the videoos got in and seeing everything in the news about violence against women violence against young women violence against girls I think it's important to speak up about what actually took place lastly before explaining I want to say what's more concerning than the man's behavior was the failure of the Metropolitan Police and their conduct I was grossly let down by them they've reopened the investigation now thanks to all of the support and the attention it's been receiving online and for that I'm grateful however I was really disappointed and let down with what happened at the time with the police which I'll get into so the man's comeing with the wife I assume and the baby and they were sat down by a new colleague the new colleague didn't give them a high chair usually you're supposed to ask but I think they assumed that they were just going to be given one anyway that's when they got my attention because they were sat right behind me my back was faced towards them they got my attention it was the lady initially and and she already seemed irritated um they asked me for the high chair I started bringing it Midway through me bringing it I realized we're not allowed to put it in that area because that's where we run the food we run the food back and forth in that area and that was my station for that day so Midway through me bringing it I realized we're not allowed to put it there I told them I'll double check with the supervisor which I did the supervisor said we're not allowed so so I relayed that information back to the couple at this point the man got quite aggressive with me he started swearing at me saying I'm wasting his effing time to sit him somewhere the F else then at that point I said I'd be happy to sit them in another section but to just give me a second at that point he said you're a little effing girl why the F do you work here sent me the some somewhere the F else so it's then I said let me get my manager involved because I didn't want to deal with that so my manager come now the guy still shouting being aggressive arguing the manager has just sat him somewhere else with a baby chair I asked why we're still serving him to the manager I was ignored and that was that some time passes and we notice that the table is clear now no one sitting there we all just assumed they left the restaurant the manager asked me where they've gone I said I don't know we've all assumed they've left I'm continuing to do my job and I get a thing on my screen to go to a specific table it was a table in the corner of the restaurant to run their food so as I'm going and on my way to give the food to this table I noticed that there's two police officers already in the restaurant waiting for their food so I've gone to this table now and as I'm approaching this table I noticed that it's a couple with the baby as I'm putting the food down I ask them because they have moved basically without telling anyone without informing any anyone usually you're supposed to tell someone um at Nando I I place the food down and I asked are you not using the high chair then because they moved by themselves without taking the high chair it's at that point the man has picked up the plate and whacked me on the side of my head with it and there was Cutlery on the plate too I didn't register what just happened I I remembered that the police were in the restaurant so as you can see in the video that's when I said I'm going to the police I walk off and I go to one of the officers there were two officers present a male and a female officer I first go to the female officer and I said this man's hit me on the head with a plate sorry before that I just like to also add that at this point the wife is now chasing behind me calling me a fat b word and repeating that as she's chasing me very quickly before I continue the video we can clearly see here that this is a mentally unhinged family you know he's a he's doing it when the police are in the restaurant that's how much he cares about re enforcement police are in the restaurant The Woman chases after her callus her a fat bee they're chasing her you know they're chasing her in the restaurant as you can see in the clip from the beginning of the video in the introduction you know they're chasing her um and you can clearly see that they're mentally unhinged the manager does nothing about it um only God knows why but let's see what the police actually going to do about this situation the officer now this man's just hit me on the head she didn't seem bothered she said go speak to my colleague which was the male officer sitting down waiting for his food I go to him and I say this man's assaulted me he hit me on the head with the plate he said who this fell over here and I said yeah he said okay and he takes the guy outside and my manager takes me to the back office whilst I'm in the office I can see from the CCTV screens that the police let the guy go so the male officer who took him outside basically let him wander off without taking any of his details without taking any statements without checking the CCTV and I could see on another screen that the female officer was having a laugh with the wife and playing with the baby yeah as I predicted you know police would not do anything about the situation um female police officer just playing with you know the wife and the kid of the guy the male police officer takes the man outside just talks to him a little bit and lets him go and and yeah that's how policeing is done you know that's how policing is done you know I've been talking a lot about policing on this channel for these past couple of months saying that you know the real issues at hand that need policing never get attended to but then you know rise for a few days you know whereby no one dies no one dies in The riots you know obviously yes I condemn everyone that was involved in the r that were taking it to the um social descent destroying vandalizing property Etc but no one died in the right you know um it's not hurting anyone it may be hurting a few feelings for someone to go on Facebook and post something that's not what I care that's not what I'm paying my tax pounds for police to be police in you don't need to police what someone is saying online I don't care about that it's freedom of speech we need to be policing real things that are happening in the UK like I've highlighted many times you know um crimes you know knife crimes you know machetes people are worlding machetes all over South End where B was on the news talking about this you know but police don't really have much time for you know phones are being stolen you know people are getting robbed left right and Center cars are getting robbed from people's driveways not nothing much is being done about that but here we have assault when police not even police was around or they came after in the restaurant and you know the police officers are probably just thinking about eating lunch so they can't be bothered to deal with the situation too much and this is why you must always take every situation serious because you never know when it can just resurface you can you never know when CCTV has caught you and it might just put you out on X or on Instagram or Tik Tok and then you end up going viral and then you end up being seen as as an incompetent person um in your role so so yeah but let's carry on you know at this point my managers have seen the CCTV they agree that this man needs to be arrested and they they asked for the police to come in to view the CCTV the police have now viewed the CCTV they realized they made a mistake but the male officer asked me what I wanted to do I said I wanted to press charges the officers are now telling me that I'm not allowed to press charges or that I can't press charges because I'd have to go in front of a jury of 12 to convince them that I was unprovokedly attacked and apparently the man has told the police officer that I threatened to punch him in the face as you can see in the video he's about a 6 something man quite built I'm just about 5 foot I it doesn't make sense I point out to the officers that in the CCTV footage you can see that at no point there was there was there was not enough time for me to have even threatened the man before I got assaulted to which the officer replied well there's no audio attached to the CCTV so you can't prove that we go around in circles for about an hour or something what felt like 5 hours basically of them telling me what do I want to do I said I want to press charges they said I can't and gave me reasons as to why I couldn't invalid reasons my I I had yep very tactical strategy you know just talk to her talk to her long enough that she just forgets it and she doesn't really care because police can't be bothered to deal with the situation so just kind of talk to her go around and around in circles say you know you can't press charges and hopefully she'll just like you know what it happened I can't be bothered to you know follow up with this and I'm just going to drop it so that's what police wanted to hear they wanted to hear her say I'm going to drop everything don't worry about it I'm not going to take this um any further so that they don't have to write up an incident report or carry on with this so yeah man it goes to show um incompetency on and negligence on the part of the police officers involved in this case so so yeah but anyway we're almost there let's let's finish off the video I filed a complaint against the officers a couple days later their supervisor got back to me and basically said they're humans and they made a mistake at work the same way you can make a mistake at work and the officer the mail officer called me back also and basically told me well I couldn't hear or understand what you were saying and that you didn't you didn't tell me that he hit you on the head their supervisor also told me that these officers are very experienced and that due to the commotion and the busyness of the environment that maybe they didn't understand me they also told me nothing could be done about the situation and that the case has to be closed since all of the attention it's gotten online the police have now issued an apology to me and they've opened up an investigation again the man still hasn't been found as of yet but they're looking for him I just like to say this was just a part-time job for me I'm a uni student and this was just supposed to be me being able to be financially independent and it's just a shame that safety in a workplace especially for young women isn't something that's promised and and that police being present also doesn't promise you safety I again want to thank everyone for all the kind messages I've been receiving the support has been overwhelming and it means a lot to me and I appreciate everything and I'm glad the case has been reopen again okay so she finally got the case reopen thanks to social media this is one of the positive traits that social media has we talk about the negatives a lot but it does have some positive sides to it and this is clearly one of them so so yeah that's all she wanted at the end she just wanted Justice she just wanted to be heard she was told she can't be heard and it's crazy that it's take this surfaced like a week ago literally a week ago as of me recording this video on the 28th of August uh 28th of August 2024 so we're almost at the end of the year this happened in March so you were told you can't be heard in March when it happened you know she's a uni student you know it could have triggered off stress it could have triggered off trauma whatever in her mind but police didn't care but now the video is surfaced online and it makes the police look incompetent and bad to what they do then all of a sudden they care about what happened they issue an apology they reopen the case they're going to look for the guy now you had the chance in the beginning of the year you just couldn't be bothered so I think that's just what it boils down to and I think this is why a lot of people are are Rowdy and they're talking about two policing because it seems like police have so much energy as to the rise that happened you know 2 weeks ago and again I'm not you know I condemn you know the people who were involved in destroying and destruction of communities but that isn't that that was a one-off and that happened for a few days you know crime has been happening in the United Kingdom for a whole year and it just gets overlooked and this is just one of the situations that were overlooked unfortunately so I'm glad that she finally got um some kind of of compensation even though it's not really any kind of compensation because the mental damage would have been way more costly than what she received but at least this is a step in in the right direction um all thanks to social media and not the police so yeah but anyway guys let me know what you think in the comment section down below like comment and share the video and I'll catch you at the next video peace