Police Make a Horrifying Discovery in Hotel Air Conditioner

hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this old video when a couple of soldiers were on leave they were out partying and having a great old time but as the night came to a close they decided to call for a ride home but with that call when the car arrived one of those soldiers had vanished the search tra at that city was huge but when the horrifying Discovery was finally made it seemed impossible this is one of the tree stories going to tell you in this old video and you know I'm not already a huge fan of the hyperbole but truly you are not going to expect where this one goes you know this video is almost like a flip of the darkest disappearances I do because in this one it's not how they vanished that was horrifying it's how they were found but before we get into it please subscribe to see new stories for the dark every single week now let's give it a goo [Music] it was late on the night of April 16th 2006 that two soldiers were out having a great old time out on the town this was in Savannah Georgia a city which has by all accounts a great night life so if you were looking to party it would be the place to go these two soldiers were from Fort Benning now called Fort Mo which is across the state of Georgia it was Easter weekend so they were in the port city of Savannah and they were having a great old time one of these soldiers names was Jeremy and he was there with his pal and they had been you know true at all true tick and true tin the other Soldier was specialist Robert Hornbeck Robert was 23 years of age from leir Michigan after graduating from high school he went on to study at the University of Michigan before entering the military and serving in Iraq in fact both Robert and Jeremy had served together they had only returned home from their tour in January 2006 just a couple month before this and so in April of 2006 Robert Hornbeck was just about 2 weeks away from being discharged after that he was due to return home to Michigan he was going to marry his sweetheart and he was going to go back to school so you know he had a lot to look forward to he was almost out of the army and they were just having a great you know as a party weekend for them both that April weekend Jeremy and Robert were in Savannah to party Robert his uncle lived in Savannah and Robert's dad Eric was due to join them so it was that Saturday night Robert was there with his dad Eric they were in a bar they were sipping on SS they were playing pool then listen who in walks Jeremy right to people cheering their beers then Eric's wife comes in all four of them are partying they're bar hopping true out Savannah the drinks were flowing the dance moves you know they were a boogie but you know come bit midnight Eric Robert's dad Eric and his wife they're like all right let time for the lava time for the BET right for us so we'll catch this later but of course Robert and Jeremy the two young fellas they were like yeah more drinks yes please so then after hitting a few more bars TR the city it was at 3:15 a.m. that both Robert and Jeremy as you can probably imagine they kind of had to you know walk like that in case any beer you know falls out Jeremy calls Robert's dad Eric to ask Hey listen you know we can't get a taxi or whatever would you mind coming to you know com come and get us Robert was sitting beside him on the sidewalk and was you know as you can imagine we've all been there or most of us have Eric Robert's dad nice guy I mean Hey listen been woken up at 3 o'clock in the morning to ask if you can pick up some drun people most people would have said ah yeah you can walk him but he was a nice guy so Eric he walks out he's walking towards his car when his phone gets another call this time is from his own son Robert and he picks up the phone and is about to say listen I'm on my way to come get you when he hears Robert say I'm on the stairs and then Robert hangs up so Eric yeah just a call from Jeremy to come pick him up and then from Robert he assumes Robert means you know they were waiting for him on the stairs you'll see us Eric then drove and he arrived in his car to Downtown Savannah about 15 minutes later to pick up the two young books but it was only Jeremy waiting for him Robert was was nowhere to be found so Eric asks Jeremy Hey where's my son he was just right here with you he just ryed me saying he was on the stairs Jeremy pretty pretty Goose at this point has no idea must have just like stumbled off in a drunken ster you know it's 3:15 a.m. so Eric lets Jeremy into his car and they sort of begin just cruising around trying to find him it was the absolute middle of the night the ER of the wolf the streets were deserted and Robert you know fairly fairly drunk so he couldn't have gotten very far but they went up and down the Avenues and streets and he was nowhere to be seen it really became worrisome after a while they kept thinking you know Robert will be around the next corner or he'll be in the next alley or we'll see him curled up in a ball on the sidewalk somewhere in not the best state but they didn't and the next morning when you think Robert's going to be waking up sleeping off a hangover where he probably fell asleep on somebody's you know stairs well he didn't call them then in fact Robert had left his car outside his uncle who lived in Savannah his uncle's house and his car was still there it seemed like he never made it anywhere this is when they became really worried and savan to Port City had he fallen into the water or something like that the Hornbeck family you know they hit the town the search for missing Roberts began the police became involved posters went up they offered a $10,000 award if anybody had seen him the search for missing Robert Hornbeck very quickly became big news in this town days and then over a week would pass pass by as they continued searching for young Robert it was 12 days after his disappearance that some answers uh arrived only in in my opinion um the answers only led to more questions and well it was completely baffling what happened to Robert Hornbeck at the doto Hilton Hotel in Downtown Savannah Georgia guests staying at this hotel they they sort of began to complain about a smell in the lobby the employees at this hotel they sent out you know their maintenance people and their cleaners to go would you mind you find the source of the smell so they were looking around was it dead animal trash whatever they couldn't find it they couldn't find where this really bad smell was emanating from until that was until they they just follow your nose and it led them to the to the air conditioner vents this was coming from the air conditioning itself now this hotel had actually been searched before by the police and also by Jeremy who had been staying there and the Hornbeck family they hadn't found anything like this hotel was downtown Savannah it was close to where he disappeared so they had popped in but no trace of him no trace of him here so the maintenance worker he goes into the back alleys of this very big hotel truly these twisting and winding maintenance quds to like this industrial sized air conditioning unit unit it's it's really really big it's not like the individual units that the rooms might have like when you would have in your apartment this is one for the entire building and it was a hike to get there very deep in this very old building so he's walking through this very dark Corridor and he comes into the air conditioning room so he goes into the room where the unit itself is and there's three panels on it and on the other side of those panels is you know the fans and the blowers and and such he turns off the air conditioning unit and he whips out a flashlight pushes through one of the panels that would lead into into the interior of the unit and in there he finds the smell to be the strongest and he's kind of looking around Pitch Black in there so he's lighting his flashlight around and then he begins to see a figure a rotting figure he called the police an autopsy would confirm it was Robert Hornbeck inside an air conditioner he had had somehow gotten into the air conditioning unit the industrial-sized air conditioning unit of a hotel he was not even staying at he had wandered in pushed through these steel panels and gone into the very unit itself how he died was that he had gone in there and the fans inside the unit had sliced off his arm and pinned him against a wall he had died from blood Los no one could explain how he had gotten in there it was completely it was completely baffling even if you were staying at the hotel there would be absolutely no reason for you to be in the maintenance section but yes more so inside the physical unit itself uh-uh hell no a reporter in fact went to where this was just to explain how impossible it is to accidentally enter an industrial sized Hotel airon system so first of all the hotel was just across from where Jeremy and himself had been waiting for Eric to come pick them up so for some reason Roberts wandered away from his buddy Jeremy dad was only a couple minutes way he wandered into this hotel across the road okay maybe he was quite drunk maybe he's looking for like a hotel bar you know that might still be open or something like that or he just got confused but then he would have to go through a maintenance store near the ballroom which is off the lobby of the hotel so wondering by I mean again I know this is like 3:00 a.m. at night but you still wander by quite a number of Hotel employees at this stage into a very dark and quiet part of the hotel the door to the maintenance Hall was usually locked but the police found no signs of forced entry so maybe it had been left open or at least that's what they assumed then you had to climb 13 very steep steps that are apparently almost a ladder and remember Robert was very very drunk at this time so he must have had quite the woozies but he still managed to get up there then he would have entered a dark hallway with the airon system in a room on the left inside there were tree panels on the unit he went through the middle one which was only 14 in 35 CM wide and had big danger signs on it he pushed through these metal panels into the unit and then suddenly he would have been hit by an extremely strong gust of wind ice cold wind the unfiltered you know air conditioning and the noise would have been incredibly loud in there there's basically a giant fan staring right at you that is pushing air all throughout this huge building so he kept going through that pitch dark incredibly windy incredibly cold incredibly loud units until eventually the fan hit him and pinned him to the wall I hear you barking big dog what the Hornbeck family later sued the hotel but the judge dismissed the case as the debt didn't result from anything the hotel did or didn't do you simply couldn't expect as a business you liability you simply could not expect somebody to find their way into an air conditioning unit a to find their way in B to go in and he had been there for 12 days before they found him people think that maybe he you know he'd been drunk in a state he had just somehow wandered in the hotel into the hotel and had been trying to find his way out of the hotel when he just kept going deeper and deeper and then thought wow how I get out of here I'll go into an air conditioner even at your drunkest that doesn't make sense I couldn't find any reports that detailed um him having some kind of drugs in his system maybe he was under the influence of something stronger than alcohol he had just come home from war maybe he had some kind of PTSD or something like that led him to want to do this I I simply don't know nobody nobody knows people are still asking what really happened to Robert Hornbeck the police had even been around this area but didn't look into the air conditioning because well they thought nobody would possibly be in there this is like Elisa Lam level of weirdness finding somebody in a part finding somebody dead in a part of the hotel they absolutely should not be it's an extremely creepy bizarre unexplainable uh story but hey if you got any ideas please let me know and before we continue M Amigos let me tell you about this old video's sponsor and that is the amazing my Heritage I love these folks they sent me a DNA test so I could find out about my own Heritage like legitimately guys I've never done a DNA test a gen genealogy test never done so I was fascinated I couldn't wait to see what my results would be like you guys know how good at accents I am but is there any more to it let's find out together it all begins with this kit I was sent by my Heritage a few weeks ago and it has everything you need to find out about yourself it's all right here in this handy little box it's super easy to use only takes like a minute and you do a little swabby on One Cheek a little swabby on the other cheek you pack it all up and ship it to the return address they get it to their lab and then a few weeks later you will receive an email in your inbox they send you a percentage breakdown of your Origins from 42 supported ethnicities across over 2,000 geographic regions which let's be honest I think they got it covered all right right so time to check out old Mike's percentage breakdown all right so here we go I click my DNA results and let's see what I got Michael are you ready to explore your ethnicity I guess so let let's see where he goes all right what do we got here Michael you are 98.7% Irish Scottish and Welsh all right interesting okay I'm 1.3% Central Asian was not expecting that one uh from Kazakhstan oh my I can do Bor Impressions right no that's I can technically do Bor Impressions full ethnicity uh estimate I'm actually really surprised at that you have two ethnicities and five genetic groups okay okay and starts matching me here with who I'm related so other people who are in the my Heritage system they'll come up I have one close family member that's my cousin 12 extended family members and 12861 distant relatives and these and so I can go through here and it shows me every I'm related to and what that relationship is and I can probably like contact them I guess if I want I mean this is wild we all have people in our family we're trying to you know avoid and now I've just got a whole lot more new family more Christmas presents question mark or have about uncovering some family secrets now we're talking see that's the thing about my Heritage it isn't just you know a platform for finding your own ethnic origins or where your people came from it's also a platform to explore research and start to build out your own family tree also super important to note is is that my Heritage in its private policy has committed to never sell or license genetic data so you know your DNA and everything that they have it's completely safe with them it'll never end up in any place you don't want it to so buy your DNA kit down in the description and use coupon code chapter for free shipping as an added bonus you can start a 30-day free trial of my heritage's best subscription for family history research it's super interesting honestly I'd never seen anything like any of this before it's wild to to see all my DNA broken down and I hope you enjoyed me sharing it with you you are literally seeing it live as I found it and ow I got some questions so once again if you want to learn a little bit more about yourself and your family history please use the link down in the description or in the pinned comment and use code chapter to get free shipping please support my Heritage learn more about your good self now let's get back to the video on May 8th 2008 18-year-old Joshua Maddox told his big sister Kate that he was just going for a little hike around their home in Woodland Park Colorado and he'd be back you know in a couple of hours or be back by that evening his sister Kate but nothing of it this was something Josh often Joshua often did he'd go off for hikes for errors at a time but he'd be back eventually no biggie he' always been an active and outdoorsy kind of kid preferring to be out amongst the trees exploring and constantly pushing his own Horizons further and further only Joshua didn't come back that evening H in fact Joshua would never come home ever again as well as being an explorer at heart Joshua was also a creative kid he loved to play music and write stories often combining the two talents to write his own songs he even created his own comic book called Stickman and smiley everything about his personality screamed for adventure and he also had a wicked sense of humor nobody had a bad word to say about Joshua he's just one of those guys who could find kind of familiar ground with literally anybody and you'd be you best buds however two years earlier when Joshua was only 16 tragedy had hit the Maddox Clan see Joshua he was the youngest kid in his family he had two older sisters and he had an older brother named Zachary but sadly Zachary took his own life when he was only 18 years of age Joshua had always looked up to his older brother Zach and so Zach's death hit Joshua the hardest I mean it hit the entire Maddox family extremely hard uh his parents Mike and Roberto they would eventually divorce but it was something that Joshua himself really was grieving from grieving for and even two years later when he was 18 himself he was still grieving his older brother his older brother's passing so at first when Joshua went at the that day for a walk his family weren't kind of overly concerned May back soon almost everyone Joshua spent a significant amount of time with would tell you he couldn't wait to escape his small town and get out into the world he was a free spirit and his sister Kate recounted the many times that her little brother had talked about wanting to run away and begin a whole new life he would often tell his family you know I'll go away you know for a while uh but he'd always be back eventually so when he left I mean that's kind of what they were thinking is as he ran away and they wouldn't blame him if he did he was just that kind of guy so while his sisters were convinced he had just moved away and he's probably doing just fine his dad Mike wasn't so convinced in fact his parents started to become more more worried and more worried as you can imagine parents will always worri but they began asking R his friends you heard anything from him seen him tell you what he was doing nada in fact 5 days would pass and they still hadn't heard any word nobody had heard any word from from Joshua and that's when they reported the 18-year-old missing though the police did take this seriously they also were sort of on the idea that he had absconded by himself talking to his sisters and his friends and his family it's like yeah that seems like something he would do they took it seriously but not as serious as if he was you know quite a bit younger but officers were notified to be on the lookout for Joshua a 6' 18-year-old slim at roughly 150 lb man with shoulder length dirty blonde hair they also made sure to note he could be distressed over the loss of his brother as well as a key distinguishing feature of Joshua's he'd lost the tip of his index finger on his right hand the result of a childhood cycling mishap his description was put out and you spread around the various agencies who would got dis part of Colorado but the years began to pass by with no signs of Joshua his dad Mike never stopped looking he began to visit homeless shelters further and further a field from their hometown of Woodland Park to see if anybody had seen or heard from them his sisters Kate and Ruth they still were like he'll turn up one day he'll just RVE back as if nothing nothing happened in fact they were just hoping that one day they'd go to a bar and see a band playing at the bar and he would be the guy there playing away singing into a microphone and he was just doing his own thing but that all came to an end in 2015 that summer um the madx family finally got some answers about what happened to missing Joshua but these are the kind of answers that just give you some more goddamn questions ones we still have today on August 7th 2015 a construction crew was working down at the old Thunderhead Ranch roughly A4 mile down the road from the maddox's home the main house on that site had been restored in 2013 but now on that side also was an old cabin kind of at the rear of the ranch and so they like listen we that's got to go that's got to go the cabin had been used as a rental property up until around 2005 but it had been abandoned ever since the building was in rough shape and showed the wear and tear complete with rats and rot in spite of the demo Crews already you know like down down there you know expectations about walking of hole this place would be even their expectations well they they weren't expecting the um um the smell the the the smell coming from the C it was that kind of unist unmistakable uh smell and so the owner of the property of this Ranch a fellow named Chuck Murphy he decided to investigate it was more more of a smell than just dead rats or something like or Chipmunks or something this was like something bigger and looking further into this old cabin he found wedged inside the chimney The partially mum corpse of 18-year-old Joshua Maddox the body was upside down and in the fetal position with a hand over the face the knees were right above the head but the skeletonized legs were separated from the rest of the body the body was it was dental records that would eventually confirm it to be certainly Joshua Maddox in a chimney just a couple of blocks from home he did the entire time his family had been looking for him I mean you could practically see you could practically see this cabin from the map house I had a hard story to tell but it ends with a Southern Colorado Family finally getting closure the remains of a teenager missing for the last seven years have been found Joshua Maddox was 18 when he vanished in May of 2008 his remains were found in a cabin chimney that was torn down last month the cabin was empty and his family thinks he was looking for a place to hang out it's not what we wanted obviously we wanted him to come home but um at least now we can stop looking for seven years Joshua maddox's family was left wondering all these mixs cuz we did hold that a lot his sister Ruth says Josh left one day and never said why the cabin at Thunderhead Ranch had been in the hands of the Murphy family for over 60 years since 1950 Chu's brother had lived there for almost 30 years before leaving it to fall into Ru in 2005 since then chook would drop in occasionally just to check the place was Secure from time to time there would be the odd break-in or Vandal but nothing really serious he'd noticed the smell a long time ago but given the mice and Chipmunks running around freely he didn't really you know think too much of it so why would he be in the cabin more specifically why would he be inside you know the chimney well Joshua's cause of death would eventually be ruled to be an accident that at Joshua had for some reason decided to get into the chimney and climb down Santa Claus style uh down the chimney but uh there had been like a wood stove burner at the bottom so he hadn't been able to get out once he reached the bottom of the chimney and had simply been stuck there maybe he had tried to move around to get back up but and that's why he was in fetal position but uh he hadn't and slowly he died in there it had not been a it would it was was a horrible way to go when he realized he wouldn't have been able to get down through the chimney dued a wood burner there well there was no way back up and it was either hypothermia or dehydration that ended his life there was the The Coroner would say there was no signs of um you know violence on his body like that either way it probably would have been a couple of days before he passed away but booty when Chuck Murphy you know the owner of the cabin uh he heard about the carer's deductions he was bit are you sure he had been the one to find the body of Joshua and ever since he had he'd been like when's the when's the sheriff or whatever going to ring me and talk about a criminal investigation cuz there's something smells well worse than what other people were smelling something smells awful here Chu could not understand when it was ruled as an accident no investigation necessary to him Not only was the scene suspicious as all heck uh well Chuck also had other other information that the police just seemed to kind of discount about the state the cabin was in well for a start chuck could think of no reason why he would be in the chimney Chuck was familiar with people like this was an old kind of abandoned spooky cabin in the woods and Chuck was familiar seeing able break through windows and break through doors to get in and vandalize the place so if Joshua had wanted to get into the cabin he could have through much you know easier ways than trying to climb through a chimney joshu was skinny enough but like barely that skinny and if he was wanted to get in so badly there's many other ways to get in secondly there was the little detail of the chimney being blocked at both ends so how would Josh have even gotten into the chimney and the in the first place according to Chu the top of the chimney was blocked now in some interviews he says it was just like chicken wire other times he says it's a full-on like rebar happen like steel bars have been placed there but either way he would say it was impossible for somebody to get into the chimney via the top so how did he get in there in the first place and Chuck insists that it had been blocked the demo crew had been sent in there initially to get all the metal scrap that they could out of the place first several of Chu's contractors agreed there had been a heavy metal bar on top of the chimney so he couldn't have gotten down that way and obviously I know what you're thinking Josh had been missing for a long time but no chck would say it had been there when he went missing it had been there long enough for what it's worth choke Murphy always says there's something more here this does not make sense how he got in there now of course though the police investigator say no it's an accident if there had been a bar there like it had been removed by the time his buddy had been found due to the demo crew but they say you know even if he could have moved it Joshua could have just simply moved the bar and gotten in that way though if it's like a kind of put in birds I mean maybe okay so that's kind of one issue another issue then is um well the clothing that Joshua was wearing when he climbed down the chimney if he climbed down the chimney of his own accord Joshua was found wearing a t-shirt which is fine he was completely naked though other than the T-shirt he was absolutely but naked the rest of his clothes was found inside the cabin now some of the contractors who had gone in there and been kind of the you know first people to discover him or at least sense the smell they they kind of differ in their some people say the clothes was just thrown on the floor other people say it was neatly folded However unfortunately like you know this wasn't a crime scene at the time set of clothes had just been thrown out either way how would the clothes have gotten there if Joshua had been in the chimney now you could also say well Joshua had been in the chimney he' gotten stuck he'd taken off his clothes and then thrown them down the chimney but the bottom of the chimney was blocked with a wood wood burner stove so they couldn't have gotten inside the cabin there was something blocking the entrance to the chimney the a lot of the question about what happened to Joshua only make sense if there had been a second person there other than the cloes the carer's report made it explicit there was no signs of Joshua being in a fight no defensive injuries in fact no injuries at all did someone have a weapon a gun enough to frighten Joshua into following their instructions without a fight was Joshua scared as person enough to get into the chimney had Joshua been naked because he had met somebody in the cabin maybe there have been something sex ual going on there and then this person forced Joshua to climb into a chimney therefore essentially murdering them had Joshua been in the chimney and case of paradoxical addressing you know when you you get hypothermia and you feel like you're burning hot so he'd beun to take all his clothes off he was still wearing his T-shirt maybe there is more to the mysterious death of Joshua MX in a post on on a good old Reddit written in 2015 there was a person who claimed to have gone to school with Joshua and they wrote that shortly before Joshua disappeared mysteriously disappeared well he just made a new friend a friend named Andy this is believed to be Andrew Richard Newman this guy is sort of bad news and it's just interesting that Joshua made friends with a person who would be bad news and then he just vanished Andy had allegedly been telling people at school that himself and Joshua were planning a trip to New Mexico together soon after Joshua went missing and he had told people at school that he had quote put Josh in a hole the thing that throws way behind these claims is that Andrew did in fact go and he kind of sort of killed somebody there well allegedly uh killed somebody there so done it once maybe he did it before he stabbed and killed a disabled man and went on the Run finally being caught in Texas months later he freely admitted to the stabbing plus an unsolved robbery in Washington he also claimed to have murdered a woman in ta New Mexico but police already had a suspect in that murder and chose to charge him for the disabled murder instead Andy Newman had a long rap sheet and rumors about him had been Rife while living in Woodland Park Colorado and he certainly seemed to be capable as of today however Andy Newman is a free man uh allegedly he stabbed this disabled person in New Mexico and he admitted to it but the only witness to him doing the stabbing um he died he died separately in a in a bar fight so it was never really enough to convict him of doing it many of Joshua's friends though and people who kind of in the know about this case of lobid for the police to reopen it and reinvestigate Newman's possible involvement so was he perhaps others involved in forcing Joshua at goodpoint had Joshua been you know under the influence of drugs forced under your influence of drugs and then forced into the chimney a lot of unanswered questions in the horrifying case of Joshua MX being found in a chimney you know a lot of these horrifying discoveries they kind of s start out kind of innocently okay well in innocently is probably the wrong word but you know unassumingly and then they are found in the most horrifying of circumstances like okay here's one I said on do tree but here's one quick story as well about another horror FY Discovery this was The Disappearance of Larry Mario Mado he was a young man who lived in Council bluff's Iowa who was only 25 years of age he was originally from Honduras and had been working at the No Frills Supermarket in Council Blu he had been working there for 5 years and he loved it Larry was believed to have his own intellectual disabilities but he l working at the supermarket it was a safe space if you know what I mean he loved his co-workers he loved the customers just really liked the supermarket so when Larry went missing the supermarket where he worked was where they went to first see Larry had been experiencing a severe bout of paranoia when one day he ran out the door without a coat or shoes after he got into a fight with his parents after finishing his work shift Thanksgiving 2009 he went out into that ice cold Iona winter barely where wearing anything on a on a pitch dark night November 28th 2009 see he had just been prescribed some new medication and it it wasn't helping it it sounds like so his finally they went looking for him you know immediately knowing well not really knowing what he was going through but Larry just vanished they could not find him anywhere they searched the entirety of Council Bluffs nothing they went to the no for Supermarket where he worked where's believed it was his safe space they couldn't find him there they asked them his co-workers and you know the employees there hadn't seen him the search would go on for days and then weeks and finally years with Larry just just Vanishing into a Winter's Night you know canel bluff's coming up actually seems to come up quite often because a lot of stories Robert Ben roess was from canel Bluffs Iowa so a lot of weird happens there and this story adds to that ever expanding list see Larry hadn't taken his car he wasn't even wearing his socks and his family knew he was not in his right State of Mind due to his mental illness and the medication so his family they kept coming back to no for Super Market they kept thinking he will appear here we just feel it he's going to come if he's going to go anywhere if he's the SWAT he will come here they kept on returning haven't seen him they' return again the next day no he's not here and time would pass a lot of time 7 years after Larry vanished uh now we're talking 2016 the no FR supermarket in K kenel Bluffs it actually shut its doors for the final time it was shut down even then his family would still will regularly go out of their way to drive past this now closed down Supermarket just in case in case he would be standing outside waiting for them waiting for his shift to begin every time though they rubber necked and they were disappointed but then in 2019 the building was finally due to be emptied they were going to renovate it for something else Builders came back in and they were removing everything from this Supermarket including a giant freezers that were at the very back of the building now these were the big huge big freezers they would use for stock they weren't in like the customer area of the supermarket these were in like you know the the back rooms the storage areas the stock rooms of the of the supermarket and as they were removing one just like in The Other Stories didn't they just get a smell behind this one freezer in an 18-in gap between the freezer and the wall they found a mummified body it was Larry he had been there for almost 10 years that explained why customers had been for a long time comp complaining about a bad smell in the supermarket Larry had for some reason come into His safe space he' come in there when he wasn't due to work but as I said his safe space he just wanted to come in there be there and he had for some reason climbed behind this freezer he' fallen down there he' gotten stuck down there and the freezers were so loud that nobody could could hear his screens the freezer being so loud he couldn't be heard and the freezer being so cold it it kept him mummified and his parents had been right the entire time he had been there I was informed that employees would randomly go up at different times and be up on the unit and uh we believe that he may have accidentally fell behind the unit the mother she kind of had an idea that he had never left the No Frills I don't know how she came up with that idea but um you know they were they were pretty upset how he ended up in there no one knows and how the store didn't notice him or search there or anything remains kind of a mystery the store owners and the employees at the store were questioned numerous times but allegedly the authorities have been met with a wall of silence and again kind of like Joshua Maddox and I mean Robert Hornbeck another story of a horrific way to go and the horrifying Discovery at the back of the freezer in the air conditioner in the chimney and finally this one last story I have for you today isn't the B the horrifying discovery of like where exactly it was made well like actually it is I'll take that back it's not really though in what he was found it was H far away he was found which also like these all these other stories does not make sense see the story of David Glenn Lewis only begins with his baffling disappearance David Glenn Lewis was a Texan and he had attended Texas Tech and gotten himself one of those degrees in political science then didn't he go get some more of those degrees and began practicing as an attorney you'd think with all these degrees you'd be done practicing getting ready to actually work but here listen I don't know it was in 1993 that David was finally working in that Jewel of Northern Texas the city they call Amarillo David he had himself a wife named Karen they had been married for about 12 years come 1993 he had a young daughter named Lauren who was the light of their lives David was a Boy Scout leader a Sunday school teacher he was one of those guys who was you know really involved in the community vol teing charity folks you know the drill the the worst curses he would say would be heck and gosh dang it and you know he wouldn't even call him curses he would say cuss words and you know what all that means he's got something to hide let's find out what it is well first of all let's find him because he mysteriously vanished uh Super Bowl weekend of 1993 it was on January 28 though a couple of days before the Super Bowl that the Story begins so it was Thursday January 28th 1993 that day 39-year-old David Glenn Le he was in work in his private practice and he kind of you know my my tummy he has a tummy bug he decides to leave work early later on that day that Thursday evening though he goes to teach a class at a local community college the very next day is a Friday his wife Karen and his daughter Lauren are heading into Dallas they're going to do some shopping visit some family they'll be back in a couple of days all good however when his wife and daughter return home late on Super Bowl Sunday they arrive to their house just outside of Amarillo and the house is empty it's empty of David but it's not empty of weird signs if that makes sense the TV is on uh the Super Bowl is is over or almost over but the VCR is recording it now weirdly enough the vcor was one of those ones you couldn't just automatically set it to record you have to manually press record so therefore he must have been here just a couple of hours previous it was very strange though it was the Cowboys Bill's Super Bowl he was a DI hard Dallas Cowboys America's team fan um so they were like wait this is weird it's not here there were Savages in the fridge as if he had been you know getting ready to settle himself in for the big game they thought maybe he's gone to a neighbors or friends to watch it there but he hadn't he was missing the very next Monday morning he was reported missing to the Amarillo Police and then David's activities while his wife and daughter were away came to light what he had been doing over the weekend and the previous couple of days made this case a hell of a lot stranger folks stranger danger so he left work early on Thursday cuz he said he was feeling unwell he taught his college class that evening the next day the Friday his wife and his daughter they leave they leave town that same Friday however David was spotted at the Amarillo Airport they have a small local airport there fellow churchgoer said they believed they seen him at the airport but he looked anxious hurried like he was going to rush through the airport meeting somebody there going somewhere we don't know but he was at the airport then later on that same Friday David's car was seen parked outside the courthouse then it reappeared outside David's home then the next day it was outside the courthouse again so it was like David had gone to the airport was going to the courthouse it seemed like well let's keep going on the Super Bowl Sunday morning the car was once again outside the courthouse and a man saw David photographing his own vehicle then later on that Super Bowl Sunday his wife and daughter come home and he's gone but it seems seemed like he had just left his car was later found outside the courthouse once again the keys hidden under the floor mat and his ID credit cards all of that inside the car very strange and then later on uh a taxi driver would come forward and said say he believed he had driven a man who looked a lot like David to the Dallas Fort Worth airport this was on the Monday February 1st after the Super Bowl he said his guy once again seemed nervous seemed anxious and he paid for the cab with a wad of $100 bills cash cash only his fell although he left his credit card back at the car but yeah weird and that was it so David seemed anxious and nervous about something was going to the airport to the courthouse to home to the courthouse to home to the big airport in Dallas as if he was trying to meet somebody trying to meet people or on the run from people and David of course you know local attorney I'm sure his clients were only too chuffed that he had gone missing and now so other cases were probably in the dust he was also the assistant County attorney so he would have dealt with a lot of cases including criminal cases in the area and Karen had reported to police that he had received death threats before due to his involvement maybe he'd been on the Run um somebody he had put away or somebody he had defended who was not happy with how David worked had gone after him David was also a defendant in a suit brought against him and a couple of other uh attorneys around the time of his disappearance maybe maybe that had worried him but this it wasn't believe that was like a serious one it wasn't like a criminal case or anything like that on January 30th which is the final day he was definitively seen the day before Super Bowl Sunday somebody had deposited five grand into his bank account and also purchased a plane ticket in his name from Amarillo to Dallas if that ticket was used we don't know uh essentially if if he had actually flown from Amaro to Dallas and then later on another ticket was bought in his name from LA to Dallas once again we don't know if that ticket was used we don't even know if he bought them now friends and family did not believe that David had disappeared of his own vition I mean there reports of people who seen him and how he was acting seems very erratic and very strange as if he was panicked worried about something people believe either he ran away because somebody someone or something was after him or he had been kidnapped due to some case maybe he had been involved in however the police of course they don't believe that they believe he disappeared of his own valtion they put that down to to two things one was that he had bought a plane ticket so kind of there you go he had been planning on leaving and he bought a plane ticket and he had left also his wedding ring and his watch were found at home things he would have left behind you know if he knew he was going to go away but David Glenn Lewis's disappearance is only one mystery we have two it was in 2003 that a Washington State Patrol detective named Pat ditter was working on identifying some John Do's from the yaka area genuinely good work helping to give names to those who have none closing cases giving families peace and he would to the lwis family though in doing so opened just kind of another another a whole other kind of worms let me tell you see he was trying to identify a John do who had died in the yaka area all the way back in 1993 the same year David went missing and as he was going through he you know he's investigating old newspaper records trying to see if he can match who this John Doe is he eventually came across the story of missing David Glenn Lewis you looked at the picture of David Glenn Lewis looked at the photo they had of the John do and he said that's him that's got to be him same guy he eventually reached out to the amarella police department and yeah DNA tests were done it was David Glenn Lewis he had been found I mean a decade over a decade after he went missing found on the opposite side of the country 1,600 M away from where he disappeared and how he was found dead in yaka made no sense what they knew was that at 10:30 p.m. on February 1st 1993 near the town of Moxy close to yaka passing drivers saw a strange man walking along the side of the road he seemed out of it disoriented and so one passing motorist drove past them but then turned around to see if he needed some help at dark Winter's Night this guy walking along the side of the road stumbling you know something bad could easily happen to him and something bad did easily happen to him when this driver drove turned around and go back to him by the time they did he was a body in the middle of the road he had been hit it had been a hit and run he was dead they called the police they arrived and pronounced him dead there and then he was wearing military style clothing like fatigues or something and heavy boots he wasn't wearing glasses which David needed to see but he did have some on him neither drugs nor alcohol were find found in his system them and the car that hit him it was never found either but of course this body was found with no identification on him so he would be remain a a John do for a decade until he would finally be identified by detective ditter that was how the hell did David Glen Lewis end up here he died a day after he had been in amorella maybe watching the Super Bowl maybe not and David Glenn Lewis had no known family or Connections in the yakim area so maybe maybe he disappeared on the Sunday he was found dead on the Monday night 1,600 mi in between that's a 24 25 hour drive maybe even more back in the early '90s so he could he didn't drive there from Amarillo to yaka in that time frame had he flown there had he used that ticket from Amarillo to Dallas and then flowing from Dallas to Washington State maybe then maybe using that other plane ticket the one from La back to Dallas but he didn't make that plane ticket he was found I mean okay I got to show you the maps because this makes no sense where he is found Moxy is truly in the middle of nowhere nowhere near Seattle airport or near Spokan airports which he probably would have needed to fly into to be found where he was at the time he was it's so far away and he was found like within a day of him disappearing and then even how he disappeared made no sense the VCU in his home must have been manually activated to record the Super Bowl when his wife and daughter returned home that night they said the VCU was still recording so therefore it couldn't have been on for that long right cuz the tape would have ran out if it had been recording all day the Super Bowl started at 5:30 p.m. so maybe he must have been there to press record at 5:30 p.m. and then he pressed record immediately leaves gets on a plane from amarelo to Dallas from Dallas to Seattle or probably Seattle and but then it's another two hours to Moxy and why was he in Moxy as you can see on the map Moxy is in the downtown middle of nowhere Washington maybe that C drive driver was right on the Monday morning he had driven David Glenn Lewis to Dallas Airport and he had flown there the cab driver said he was weird he was nervous he had a big wat of cash in him he had flown from Dallas and then died in Washington why was he wearing military style clothing why was he wearing military style boots and why was he so far from anything or anyone or even any travel points why was he disoriented in the middle of the road in the middle of nowhere and hit and run that car has never been found was he killed was he truly kidnapped by somebody who had dressed him in strange clothing his wife would say he never wore that clothing like that before in his life listen here folks I haven't know conspiracy captain in a while but this sounds like a weird government conspiracy with military and some maybe David as an attorney had been investigating something a little too suspicious for liking of some nefarious Bad Boys people doing something no good like all the cases in this video there seems like there's more to this old one than meets the very sadly unsettling in the most possible way so please as always let me know your thoughts on all of these cases in the comments down below because um well I'm not going to be sleeping good tonight please don't go missing thank you so much for watching it means the absolute world to me that you're here watching this whole video I hope you found it as fascinating as I did when researching into each of these also a huge thank you to my Heritage for sponsoring this little video please click the link down in the description and use code chapter for free shipping if you're looking for some more of that chapter please check out the that chapter patreon where it's two books a month you get Early Access ad free all videos there's exclusive videos there's a patreon only Discord right there please give it a goo or the that chapter podcast which has a brand new episode out every single Monday morning and it's all completely different stories what I tell here on the channel but speaking of the channel next video will be up in a couple of days so look forward to that but until then please take care of each other please take care of yourselves cuz I love you my go [Music]

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