Published: Aug 23, 2024
Duration: 00:03:22
Category: Gaming
Trending searches: maryland lottery
what's up guys it's Parker plays here we got a $50 bill we're about to go into the Roo right here on ponia hold up [ __ ] right there on ponia and we're going to see if we can turn into like let's see if we can double our money let's see if we can turn it into 100 let's go we're back all right here we go we're about to scratch but since I don't have anybody to record me I'm just going to scratch it and then tell you how they do after I scratch them so we got five of the $2 Ravens 2x we have tickets number 6 through 10 so there should be a winner in here cuz usually the first 10 there's a winner usually in the back so they should be good and uh we'll do the rest of them after these let's go all right so we end up winning on two of the tickets seven and eight so we got two Auto WIS we're going to end up scratching them at the end after we get all the tickets done but now we're going to go to the Joker's Wild and just so we can get like just all the winnings at once let's go all right so we were able to win one of them ticket number eight on the first spot we got Mash 15 uh again scratch them later but now we're going on to the Cash Plus let's go all right we ended up uh winning on tiet number 14 of the Cash Plus I acally scratched it but I'm not going to tell you how much I won but cuz we're going to save it for the end but it was good so now we got the $10 the biggest ticket in the batch the Gold Rush sevens multiplier let's go all right so here's all of our losers and then here we go we got the tickets number seven and eight here we go we got the auto win little football auto win then we got the Jokers here we matched 15 first spot then we got this we got the auto win for 25 bucks so that's already half the money and then this we already hit for 20 so and that's a guarantee and then we hit for two more we hit for nine in the middle right and then a 31 right here so we're at least guaranteed a $50 winner on this ticket so we're already at 75 bucks at $25 profit any of these tickets could be through the roof through the roof let's go all right this is going to be hard as [ __ ] to do with one hand but see if we can get her done done okay $2 there's there's the ticket back let's go all right here we go here's ticket number eight oh hell yeah $3 that's a dollar profit on the ticket makes this up to $5 in total $45 down let's go on to the next one here we go 15 right here see see what we get five bucks there's a tiet back it's pretty cool $40 down the drain we're on the way though Cash Plus forgot I already scratched it $25 let's [ __ ] go so we end up winning $85 from all the tickets so that puts us $35 in profit because we spent 50 so it's a pretty good day and I'll see you next time I end up doing them