Ronald Reagan : Movie-Star POTUS w/ a Complex Legacy

hey safer here Ronald Wilson rean was perhaps the most consequential president we've had since Richard Nixon he represents the new right coming to power and delineates the sixth party system which we may only now be turning to a new one but he is not merely his presidency or political ideology which have made him almost deified in the eyes of many conservatives today much complicated his character and Legacy indeed rean had a long career before 1980 becoming what was then the oldest president only recently surpassed by Trump and Biden so to better understand American history let's look at the biography of this vital figure to get a more complete picture of who rean was and what impact he had [Music] Ronald Reagan was born into a religious illinoisan family in 1911 he grew up in the city of Dixon where he played a small amount of football and theater in high school finding his Dad drunk face down in the snow one night left an early impression that he always wanted to strive Beyond he went to Eureka College playing 2 years on the their football team and became a student body president using his athletic and drama background he became a sports radio announcer from this he moved to California to begin a Hollywood career as an actor for Warner Brothers my name is Ronald Reagan a few months ago I was a sports announcer on a radio station in De Mo Iowa one day I ran into one of these movie talent scouts I think I caught him off guard because the next thing I knew I was taking a screen test for Warner Brothers in Hollywood he mostly starred in be movies beginning in 1937 in 1940 he wed a co-star Jane Wyman they would have two daughters and adopt a son the same year rean began in Hollywood he also enlisted in the Army Reserves but when World War II began his Studio got him a deferment from service knowing better than to appear as a draft Dodger he became an officer as part of the propaganda effort starring in hundreds of Promotional and training films here he showed himself to possess what could best be described as an infectious optimist M something that he'd often used throughout his career finding a silver lining in the worst of times and believing in the power and dignity of the American people a good road for our country and backing them up the men and women of every Creed and speech and color who made these planes and backing them up the most powerful force in the world the strength of the American people once the Allies defeated the Axis powers the US Army discharged Dragon his movie career waned after the war even becoming a freelance star when Warner Brothers let his contract lapse he had always been a rather stiff and straight laced actor so he instead moved up in the Screen Actors Guild and was elected sag president in 1947 he became increasingly anti-communist in the wake of the Hollywood strikes of 1945 seeing the left-leaning elements of the Hollywood Elite as equally repugnant to American values as the fascist the country had just defeated he oversaw the implementation of the Taft heartley act which barred Communists from Union leadership and banned numerous types of strikes and he even went so far as to testify before the FBI and Congress against these leftist elements helping Institute the Hollywood Blacklist and inculcating fear of dissent among the remaining sag members as he became increasingly political Jane became more distant disliking his red baiting she asked for a divorce only a year into his sag leadership their children stayed with Jane and her career flourished but he instantly became Hollywood's most eligible bachelor especially since he remained too aloof to seek another wife but an actress named Nancy Davis sought him out she coaxed her way into his life and eventually she grew on him they would have two children and remain together for the rest of his life just before they married in 1952 he resigned sag's presidency and bought a ranch he remained on sag's board until 1960 but rarely acted in films during that time instead he moved to television his longest recurring role was as a host of General Electric's theater as a GE spokesman he employed his propaganda skills to Market ge's good role for capitalism partially because the federal government sought to trust bust GE it was formative to his politics he believed in Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal indeed he'd been a fervent democ rat for years the first time he supported a republican was in 1952 and that was purely because Ike appeared harder on communism than aday Stevenson he shifted further right than the Republicans were during the 50s though he opposed the bureaucracy that he saw hindering ge's progress and started doing private speeches against government interference decrying regulation Taxation and social liberalism that had defined new dealers since FDR including I time and Nixon's 1960 campaign both parties were led by new dealers hence why the time from 1945 into the late 60s is known as the liberal consensus Regan's Newfound conservatism stuck out like a sore thumb who's president of the United States in 1985 Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan the actor the year after Nixon's failed campaign he railed against the passage of Medicare one of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine it's very easy and prominently befriended members of the John bur society which was a far-right organization of red baiting weirdos who opposed Civil Rights rean was well outside political acceptability leading to him getting dropped from GE and switching parties officially joining the Republicans in 1962 when he seemed to be on the outs though the party of Lincoln took a swing to the hard right just in time for him to take advantage Barry Goldwater had opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and he ran for president on that conservative platform it was the first instance of what became known as the southern strategy where they made Illusions to more reactionary policies like states rights against civil rights while pushing an increasingly conservative agenda the GOP was still dominated by liberal rules but there was an immense change taking place with Goldwater a new right had Arisen after World War II though it was very unpopular typified by three key ideologies neoconservatism as in hawkish foreign policy and opposition to the counterculture Evangelical backlash as in a traditionalist reaction to social progress and neoliberalism as in a return to free market capitalism through trade deregulation privatization and AER it that had not fully formed yet but the southern strategy ensured Republicans rightward Trend and rean supported that he campaigned for Goldwater adapting some of his GE speeches they were powerful and inspirational but oddly absent of direct references to the candidate himself rigan said well I'd like to suggest there is no such thing as a left or right there's only an up or down man's old old age dream the ultimate in individual Freedom consistent with Law and Order or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism and regardless of their sincerity their humanitarian motives those who would trade our freedom for security have embarked on this downward course you and I have a Rendevous with Destiny we'll preserve for our children this the last best hope of man on Earth or we'll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of Darkness much of his ideology can be found in that speech which he gave on several occasions and raised much for Goldwater but it wasn't enough the southern strategy only succeeded in the Deep South and LBJ won in a landslide two years later rean leveraged his Newfound popularity for a run at California's gubernatorial election against incumbent Pat Brown rean ran on resending the Rumford act which outlawed racist housing discrimination it had been passed in ' 63 then California voted it down with prop 14 but the California Supreme Court struck the ballot measure upsetting the popular vote Brown railed against rean for supporting racism and rean won simply by having the Charisma to ward off personal attacks with a smile and a joke something that would serve him well throughout his political career as Governor he did not do much to challenge the Rumford act practically dropping the matter as soon as he assumed office what he didn't drop was another issue he'd campaigned against which was student activism before 1965 UC Berkeley banned protest on campus but students struck for their freedom of speech and gained it becoming vehemently opposed to the Vietnam War and a focal point for the growing counterculture rean replaced a regent to antagonize the students but that failed though he did manage to push for more fees to be levied on students beginning the slow diminishing of free higher education in the nation's Premier State system when protest took over a park he sent in the police who proceeded to kill a student during the suppression yet that would not be the worst persecution he'd engage in the same year of his election and partially because of it the Black Panther Party formed in Oakland they gained prominence while following police around while open carrying guns ostensibly to keep the officers from brutalizing arrestes a tactic called cop watching many Californians were distressed by the sight of armed black men in militaristic uniforms including rean the legislature started debating outlawing open carry and in protest black panthers went into the capital fully armed as they left rean clearly supported the Mulford act saying there is absolutely no reason why out on the street today a civilian should be carrying a loaded weapon and so it passed yes rean is the reason for Harsh gun control in California he tried for the president only 2 years into his governorship but failed to gain the candidacy being seen as too conservative for the GOP but after having served two terms as Governor he chose to step down and build National support again he started writing regular opinion colums and recording radio commentaries which he started gaining a following as historian Daniel Lux says rean popularized the racist Trope of welfare Queens said to be mooching off hardworking white taxpayers despite Reagan's loss to Ford for the nomination his 1976 primary campaign demonstrated how his brand of racial conservatism was ascendant and the Rockefeller pro- civil rights wing of the Republican party was an eclipse Carter won that election yet Americans felt like the country was in a downward spiral de-industrialization meant a spike in economic problems as the country changed to a service economy the failure of of Vietnam and various scandals around it AIT investigations that proved the government had become out of control the two energy crisis brought about stagflation the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan brought back Cold War tensions after years of dant and the Iranian Revolution destabilized the Middle East and left 53 American hostages for over a year because of all this Carter said the country was in a crisis of confidence it is a crisis of confidence it is a crisis that strikes at the very Heart and Soul and Spirit of our national will we can see this crisis in the growing doubt about the meaning of our own lives Rian ref focused on his media output trying to soothe an increasingly disillusion Nation historian Rick pearlstein characterizes this by saying blly optimism in the face of what others called chaos had always marked his uniqueness it marked too what made others feel so good in his presence and what drove still others though suspicious circles for whom doubt was the soul of Civic wisdom to annoyed bafflement at his success he built up support for a 1980 run at the presidency through that optimism claiming to be the solution to America's crisis of confidence which is what clenched his nomination and defeated Carter as rean assumed the White House he did did not waste time in organizing his cabinet he took an approach akin to the governing philosophy that he espoused as in Le a fair three higher-ups formed an inner circle that ran the day-to-day activities of the executive branch known as the troa these were counselor Edwin me Chief of Staff James Baker and deputy chief Michael dver most presidents take a more Hands-On approach but rean preferred to focus on the big picture and he had a whole raft of policies to enact first and foremost was a tax cut alongside sweeping deregulation and negotiating free trade agreements abroad which came with the economic recovery Tax Act passed in his first 100 days this marketly diverged from previous conservative plans because it did not bother to balance the budget rigan repeatedly argued that the economy would grow enough to make up for the loss and revenues despite the increases in military spending that he kept passing this argument became known as ronom though it may also be called neoliberalism supply side economics or the derogatory term trickle down economics because it supposedly expects the rich to pass their gains down this expanded the deficit immensely and the economy never caught up enough while income inequality began a rapid escalation that hasn't ended while employment actually shrink for his first 3 years only abating once he passed the first in a series of tax hikes completely undoing the reductions he sought stagflation likely stopped due to other measures outside of the presidency though many called this the rean revolution it did not change much at first before he could do much else a lunatic attempted to assassinate rean the attacker injured four including rean himself James Brady the namesake of later gun control legislation died a few decades later from complications related to this assassination attempt Reagan had to go through some serious surgery joking as he went under the knife he said I hope you all are Republicans the head surgeon responded today Mr President we are all Republicans when he returned a new crisis was brewing the air traffic controller Union had failed to come to a fully supported contract so they decided to strike but they couldn't legally due to being essential federal employees so rean fired all of them who refused to return to work and decertified the union union membership had been falling for decades after the taed heartley act de-industrialization and civil rights but it accelerated in 1981 as though union busting wasn't reactionary enough Reagan tried to support a serious regression in race relations during his time in 1976 the Supreme Court ruled that private schools could not practice segregation and remain valid for various programs like tax exemption rean immediately lobbied against it saying prosecutors were leading a new wave of carpet baggers to look over the shoulder of your local officials just as Reconstruction did in 1865 yeah rean was a bit of a lost causer reconstruction was about civil rights not suppressing the South the treasury Department under Don rean and do take note Don rean is different from Ron Reagan they recognized that their names were pretty close to each other even at the time and joked about it but rean is not rean the treasury Department announced in 1982 that they'd give tax exempt status to private schools still not complying with the scotus ruling known as segregation eies an 87 act specifically outlawed Federal support for segregation eies rean vetoed it because disallowing discrimination in schools somehow violates religious liberty to him God Has No Place Within These Walls just like facts have no place with an organized religion but Congress overrode his racism debate over declaring a holiday for Martin Luther King's Legacy came up rean initially opposed it because it was too expensive and King was a well-known leftist but eventually rean rehabilitated King's dream speech with conservative values misconstruing that King wanted some sort of colorblind Society Americans had defeated his racism on multiple occasions and his patrio iotic optimism actually celebrated that unfortunately that did not pertain to the drug war Nixon had initiated it in the' 70s but it was mostly about hippies and radicals under rean that shifted the crack epidemic became a serious problem in the 1980s it was a cheaper version of cocaine that could be smoked as such it appealed to poor people and in the cities black people over represented that population So Reagan proposed a major Crackdown which passed and disproportion Ely affected black people Nancy made this her signature issue starting a campaign to just say no mass incarceration followed leading to a notable increase in police brutality if the most powerful Nation incarcerating more people than the supposedly tyrannical communist countries elsewhere wasn't a clear sign of neoliberal slippage towards autocracy the drug war was not confined to the United States Regan's policy was far worse for Latin America a series of American supported Wars against drugs sprung up throughout Latin America while these countries were not unfamiliar with political instability or American subjugation they were suddenly supposed to stop the importation of drugs rean did everything he could to associate communist elements with drug pedaling even though some of the groups he supported funded themselves through smuggling this is where the pervasive lie comes from that the CIA somehow dealt crack it's false but as with every myth there's a kernel of Truth there the drug war was messy yet his anti-drug operations abroad were less about drugs and more about communism which cost hundreds of thousands of lives if not Millions Americans supported anti-communist operations in Central and South America resorted in mass killings and even genocide all of which red biters were happy to condone in the USA rean eventually composed a new doctrine to justify what he did in Latin America which stated and we must not break Faith with those who are risking their lives on every continent from Afghanistan to Nicaragua to defy Soviet supported aggression and secure rights which have been Ours from birth he kept up the naive idealism of WRA Wilson whom rean happens to share a name with though they are of no relation WIS son while simultaneously denying the very violence that Wilson Justified his position with rean had said I want to speak to the people of the Soviet Union to tell them it's true that our governments have had serious differences but our sons and daughters have never fought each other in war and if we Americans have our way they never will in fact Soviets and the Allies led by Americans had directly fought each other in 1918 to 1920 on Russian Shores hell the Allies occupied more of Russia than the Soviets did there's a ton of complex reasons for that but denying it all together was the height of absurdity especially coming from a president proposing a new way to fight communism rean antagonized his Soviet counterparts burying Deton for good breev was still general secretary in 1981 the decrepit and corrupt man was exemplary of the Soviet economy doomed to die his next two successors viewed rean with extreme suspicion and rean happily heightened those tensions during Andrea's brief rule rean announced the Strategic Defense Initiative which the Press quickly dubbed SDI the Star Wars program it was supposed to create a space-based defense system to prevent ballistic missile strikes Soviets viewed it as potentially giving Americans the ability to attack first and prevent mutually assured destruction SDI was just an idea but it marked a new new escalation in the Cold War and that wasn't the only way that rean antagonized the Soviets Carter had initiated American support of the mujahadin who were fighting Soviet Invaders in Afghanistan reian kept that going and even started sending Stinger missiles which were extremely effective against the Soviets and since it's such a pervasive myth no the mujahadin were not the Taliban or Al-Qaeda supporting them did not lead to the Taliban nor Al-Qaeda either that is completely false I've done done an entire video on how those groups Rose to prominence Iran had returned the hostages just before Reagan's inauguration and they had a war ongoing with Iraq so America imposed an arms embargo on Iran but the Soviets started supplying them via North Korea Iran supported the southern Lebanese terrorist organization Hezbollah who began taking American hostages during the Civil War there and fight against Israel an American Coalition began an attempt to keep Lebanon from spiraling out of control in 1981 which was fairly ineffective terrorists bombed the US Embassy just as the Iranian embargo began and later that year they blew up a Marine Barracks both attacks killed 370 a year later the Coalition abandoned Lebanon to another 7 years of Civil War rean authorized the overthrow of a Communist dictatorship in Granada the invasion was stunningly successful taking a mere week to complete Soviet and Cuban forces fled the island making a clear statement to other communist rebels south of the United States that they were not safe further supporting the massacres happening Elsewhere for Americans Granada was a stupendous Victory one that rean needed for his reelection buoyed by success his campaign declared it's morning again in America and under the leadership of President Reagan our country is prouder and stronger and better but in his first debate with Mondale rean came out looking a bit lost he was the oldest president in history at that point but he turned it around in the next debate by saying I will not make age an issue of this campaign I am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent's Youth and inexperience he won the election in Landslide his cabinet got reshuffled as many second-term presidents do most significant of these changes was that Baker and Regan swapped positions this broke up the troa and destabilized the administration Reen's second term steadily destructed because of this spontaneous decision to relieve stress just a couple months after the inauguration Miguel gorbachov became the new Soviet General Secretary he sought reform and rean recognized this change quickly they came to a summit together in Geneva to discuss arms reduction there hadn't been one since rean assumed office they couldn't come to an agreement because Reagan refused to give up SDI even though it was still basically theoretical they'd come together and ruic the following year and get stuck on the same argument gorbachov had been willing to completely destroy all nuclear Armament so long as SDI didn't break the anti-ballistic missile Treaty of 197 to that looming threat of nuclear war between the superpowers could have been eliminated if rean acquiesced on SDI even a little bit gorbachov was winning The International public relations battle so rean applied pressure by going to the brandenberg gate in West Berlin and saying Mr gorbachov tear down this war though it would fall in just two years that had nothing to do with rean Reagan smash Reagan smash something had to come from this tit fortat they met in Washington to sign a treaty eliminating intermediate range ballistic missiles rean had another significant success in international Affairs Libyan dictator muamar Gaddafi had supported terrorism since at least 1979 Gaddafi attempted to lay claim to the entire Gulf of cedra in 1981 but two of his Fighters were easily shot down by to American jets for years he was merely a threat but a Berlin bombing that killed Americans was linked back to him so Reagan launched a punitive bombing of Libya it was seen as a success but further Libya link Terror attacks would continue Lebanese hostages remained a problem around 1,700 abductions happened there with over a hundred being foreign Nationals a few of whom were American Hezbollah held most of the American hostages and and they are closely aligned with Iran despite the arms embargo the administration sold arms to Iran in the hope that they'd convince Hezbollah to release hostages these included Tow and Hawk missiles in massive quantities and maintenance equipment for previous systems rean repeatedly claimed that he did not negotiate with terrorists so the administration came up with a Dodge by having Israel fly the arms with the United States simply replacing their supply it was entirely obfuscated and Don rean failed to put any way to control and quality check this operation as such one of the leaders of it Oliver North was able to siphon millions of dollars into an independent slush fund completely devoid of congressional oversight he'd use it to support a totally different effort Halfway Around the World nicaraguans overthrew their dictatorship in 197 9 and the leftist group called sandinistas took control many factions opposed the sandinistas and they became known as Contra both the rean and Carter administrations had funded the contras but some were found to be funding themselves through cocaine smuggling leading Congress to Outlaw CIA support of the Contra even though surprisingly enough the CIA didn't know about the smuggling or at least looked the other way but North had his secret fund he started funneling this money into the contras after only a couple of years this operation was blown wide open rean at first denied everything and simply blame the media but then he said a charge has been made that the United States has shipped weapons to Iran as Ransom payment for the release of American hostages in Lebanon that the United States undercut its allies and secretly violated American policy against trafficking with terrorists those charges are utterly false in spite of the wildly speculative and false stories about arms for hostages and alleged Ransom payments we did not repeat did not trade weapons or anything else for hostages nor will we this was a Flatout lie so he spun an unconvincing story about breaking the Embargo in order to get certain elements within Iran as allies he definitely knew about the arms trade but Don rean hadn't been able to control control the administration like Baker before him Congress began an investigation alongside a presidentially appointed one when the tower report released rean stepped down after some silly squabbling with Nancy well Don you know I'm glad this thing is finally coming out and as we agreed your future here as Chief of Staff depends on how you Faire in the report oh boy that's a big one or does it say I approve shipments of arms to Iran uh yes yes it does did I buddy congratulations I didn't realize that you were still here rean was forced to concede a few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages my heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not he had authorized the initial operation but perhaps this was because he was in fact losing his memory we'll get to the that later uh Iran Iraq stag might stag tight that's the even more controversial part was how North had gone around the Boland Amendment Banning support for the contr reigan said I didn't know about any diversion of funds to the contess but as president I cannot Escape responsibility North shredded evidence and the rest of the administration feigned ignorance numerous indictments came for that but none proved rean was in on the scheme you're that good as sales lady maybe I could use you up on Capital Hill byebye back to work what if something should happen to you you're the only one who knows what's going on and that's the way it's going to stay to quote monc power without knowledge is power lost president there was a ton of infighting because of this rean would even publish a scathing Memoir with a new revelation that embarrassed Nancy she had been Consulting an astrologer since the assassination attempt to see when was the most fortunate time to do things Reagan claimed it never impacted the administration but it had in fact changed particular dates around astrology is false and basing any national policy or diplomacy on it is flat out stupid nonetheless trading arms to Iran hadn't made them more amenable to American policy only a few hostages were released several Nations including the United States had been flagging Kuwaiti oil tankers to protect them from Iranian attacks along with Naval defense there' been a few incidents like the supposedly accidental Iraqi missile strike of the USS Stark but Iran started mining the Persian Gulf and even attack some American vessels they learned to regret it when rean first had the Navy destroy a couple Iranian oil rigs and then attack their Navy it was supposed to be proportional retaliation but the US Navy destroyed half of Iran's Navy it was quite a stunning afternoon but it kept the US Navy on high alert they ended up shooting down a civilian passenger flight from Iran thinking it was a bomber which was quite the black eye for American foreign relations rigan's disintegrating second term had many other blunders perhaps the most famous of these was his response to the AIDS crisis when the first cases became known the CDC did start Research into it but the administration kept silent on it as the epidemic spread and more people died Americans called for action and a clear statement from the administration in 1987 act up and AIDS activist group even began a campaign claiming that his silence was equivalent to death claiming the Nazi symbol used to persecute homosexuals though the cause of AIDS as an HIV was not known at this time people knew it was sexually transmitted and AIDS ran rampant in the gay community so much so that it was initially known as Grid or gay related immune deficiency and so of course homophobes especially evangelicals like to portray the disease as though it was God's Wrath even though plenty of straight people were dying of it too during Reagan's time as Governor he'd actually been quite Pro gay rights opposing a significantly homophobic ballot measure and having a prominent gay friend but he had to appeal to the bigotry of evangelicals in 1980 hence why he said my criticism of the gay rights movement is that it isn't asking for civil rights it is asking for a recognition and acceptance of an alternative lifestyle which I do not believe Society can condone nor canot I so he ignored AIDS until act up made him speak he held a conference to announce support for research and regular testing it was controversial with the typical opposition from both sides of either too little or too much there were several other blunders that rean had to deal with for instance he visited some vafin SS graves in bitburg on an invitation from the West German Chancellor he supported the apartheid government of South Africa despite having met with anti-apartheid activists Congress passed a divestment bill for that and then they had to override his veto these mistakes seemed to portray a further Lurch to the right but there were significant exceptions rean supported immigration reform the 1986 Bill outlawed hiring illegal aliens but it also granted amnesty to all those currently in the country he also supported gun control signing the firearm owners protection act while it halted some ATF abuse uses it also made civilian ownership of machine guns manufactured then forth illegal it is the only complete abolition of a small arms class though he could not X postao Outlaw previous Weaponry he continued to support gun control measures beyond the presidency after all he was responsible for California's harshest restrictions he supported the Brady Bill which required gun purchases from federally licensed dealers to go through a background check and the federal assault weapons ban which outlawed particular gun parts and large capacity magazines though that ban lasted only a decade rigan's Vice President George HW Bush didn't support gun control so when he won the 1988 election Reagan had to wait until Clinton to go further so rean focused on his legacy writing an autobiography and formulating a Presidential Library during the publicity tours for these it became clear that rean was losing his memory he also appeared in a congress investigation into the Iran Contra affair and was unable to remember key people and facts from his time as president he was suffering from Alzheimer's disease but wouldn't be diagnosed with it until 1994 after that he stopped appearing in public and kept to himself Nancy became his public face as she watched Ron steadily Fade Away into the cruel Oblivion of forgetfulness he passed away in 2004 Nancy remained actively shaping her husband's leg y until she passed away in 2016 Republicans have practically deified Reagan as the man who instituted a conservative turn in American politics in a way that is true but this long biography complicates that Legacy he did begin a right word turn that we may only recently be changing but at the same time he was not the conservative hero his acolytes have made him out to be he was unwilling to face the problems that he created sometimes a racist and so naive that he completely ignored the failure of Reaganomics yet he United Americans in a way that no president has done since in 1984 at the height of his Prestige our country was prouder stronger and better his myth may have overshadowed reality but much like the man himself his optimism outlasted his memory as rean said while announcing his diagnosis I now begin the journey that will lead me into the sunset of my life I know that for America there will always be a bright Dawn ahead thank you my friends may God always bless you where boy you came running from the r from the other room this time hi there thank you yes you're a good boy [Music] [Music] because I had to record for like 1 minute boy [Music] hi yes as an actor for Warner [Music] Mel Bor Bor Mel G as she watched Ron steadily Fade Away into the cruel Oblivion of forgetfulness Nancy remain somehow that got me a little emotional I guess because both my grandpas had Alzheimer's [Music] a [Music]

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