The Accident (2024) - Episode 10 Recap, Ending & Review
Published: Aug 21, 2024
Duration: 00:06:12
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: the accident netflix 2024
Episode Recap episode 10 of the accident begins this finale with barasi threatening leita with $1 million or he'll tell the cops that she hired him to kill moncho he gets cocky and eats the Apple she has kept for kito's grave and she caves in meanwhile Carla's expose has created a huge stir Amano tells Daniela that it was David who stopped him from going to prison which Carla fails to mention he also misses danela but accepts that their marriage is over as for Carla she's excited that her interview is a big hit but Yola doesn't care she just takes the money and leaves things aren't looking well for the Lobo firm as the theme park investors want Emiliano out or they will sue everyone and to make sure that there are no more delays Javier and David are forced to bring chro on board as he runs a construction company Javier is apologetic as he fires a Milano from his own firm David is also upset that Carla threw her sister and brother-in-law under the bus for fame she finds it hilarious that he is acting as a moral police as he manipulated moncho and Amano and slept with Lita they continue to fight daily until one day David disappears Carla starts getting worried and looks for him everywhere but she confides in Daniela that she thinks David must have run away meanwhile emilano and Daniela stay true to their promise and get Yola and her kids US passports they also give Kik Roder tablet and hope that the kids can have a new life Lucia avoids salom and finally tells Daniella the truth about the stake out Daniela is shocked to learn that her daughter is doing drugs and was the one at the drug dealer's house Alex has been innocent all along and it is Nico who is the dealer Daniela apologizes to Alex for arresting him and heads out to catch the actual culprit she and fona find Nico at the high school and arrest him danela also beats herself up for not looking out for Lucia and helps her get clean in the epilog we see that Lucia has been attending NA meetings and is still dating Alex the commotion surrounding Paula's Miracle continues with even her AR strange mother Roxana showing up with the priest they want to take Paula to the pope but Fabian veman refuses calling out Roxana for using their daughter Roxana threatens to go to court for custody but Paula begs her not to she shares that she wants to stay with her father and that she doesn't like the attention or the interviews she is still happy to spend time with her mother and AED roxan complies once the clamor dies down Paula and Fabian visit the Virgin Mary statue in the river Paula prays to her and then tells her father that she won't tell others about the miracle anymore as it is hers in a counseling session with Fabian Brenda reveals that she regrets hurting aier and cheating on him with Mauricio Javier also frames Mao's puzzle as homage and Promises to do his best to save his family he sets up an appointment with the vasectomy specialist in hopes of reversing it and shares that he is ready to have a child with Brenda she is touched and they get banked together after getting Amano fired Cho pays ulyses to put him in jail with CCTV footage from charo's driveway Amano is arrested for assaulting Cho during the trial ulyses is able to bring in the bouncy house incident and claims that amano's negligence and greed have not only led to the deaths of free children but the wrongful imprisonment and murder of moncho Javier defends Amano and shares that there was no malice behind the axe and the judge sentences Amano to two years in prison without bail unfortunately the theme park deal falls through as the construction workers find some archaeological remains jaier instantly alerts the investors who don't want to mess with the government and counsel a deal without demanding any compensation jro is furious but realizes that the contract was the only thing protecting David jro calls him to the sight under the Guist that the deal is back on he then reminds him of the death threat he had made when they first met and David had eyed Lupa he follows through by shooting David in the head and has the construction workers bury him fona reveals that moncho's killer has been found and we see bar Roo's dead body turns out leita poisoned the apples at baraso ate after he dies leita steals all evidence and throws it in the water Yola is still not happy as she claims that the person who hired baroso is still free Daniela promises make the culprit pay and find some documents in his car meanwhile Alex wants to move out but litaa promises to look after him he comes back home and is annoyed that Cho continues to be his insufferable cocky self however Lita Advocates patience and it pays off a while later Daniela arrives and arrests Charo the documents in baroo's car were planted by leita and linked Charo to him this is enough and Charro is convicted for moncho and Bar's murders Lita is Victorious as she tells Alex that she always keeps her promises as he can next to dotts he looks Disturbed during the epilog to the accident Daniela visits Amano in prison and updates him on everything that's taken place she shares that she is ready to forgive him and accepts that mistakes can be made they promise to wait for each other until Amano is freed when she leaves we see that Chara has paid to be put in the same prison as ailano who isn't deterred as ailano walks back to his cell someone sneaks up behind him the Netflix show ends there but we can deduce that the person is either jro or a god paid by him to kill or hurt ailano Episode Review and with episode 10 coming to an end this exciting Thriller also draws to a conclusion we're almost worried for a minute there since the second half of the show kind of drags on with a Lucia drama and Emiliano's back and forth but the finale thankfully Finds Its footing and neatly addresses all the issues and many conflicts that have Arisen across this show everyone gets a due from David paying for hurting mcho Milana Carla and Lita toola finally leaving for the USA amano's trial has us conflicted but even the prosecutor makes sense as his negligence and greed caus most of the drama chro though that's one bad guy we'd love to see if a season 2 is ever green lit with that sneaky little last minute Shadow behind Amano before the credits roll it instantly brings back our attention as if the story is not yet over and hopefully it isn't as carer is yet to learn the truth about David Alex being upset with his mother for being deceptive and amano's possible attack there's certainly plenty of prospects for a second season if the accident is renewed thanks for watching and do let us know your thoughts in the comments below smash a like or subscribe to the channel your support is very much appreciated I'm Greg Wheeler and from all of us over here at the review geek we'll see you on the next video