Pirates vs Cubs 3-Game Series Recap

hi everybody Jordan steel 88 with another video this is the Pirates versus Cubs series recap so let's get into it not been very good series for the pars I'm going to tell you any minute in this doing this video so let's start with game one pirat get shellac in game one 188 not a very good game overall for the Pirates man just not a very good series not a very good um yeah not good series but not not just this game but not a good game one overall starting pitcher for that game was Mitch Keller he did not perform well at all all man because M kill went four Innings giving up three on runs and only got four strikeouts and G out seven hits starting pitching did was poor Ball P was poor because the Cubs they were slacking the hell out of that ball they would bring out the bet they brought out the bets man I mean it just didn't stop in this game I mean they brought the bats overall they was swinging for the fences and all that type of things man because the Cubs they were bringing out the bats they swung the mess out of that ball they were they were just slugging they came out slugging in game one say not great good for Miss Keller and the rest of Bullpen did horrible job just giving up um 15 runs I mean r came in there once again like he did against um rste give up a run so game one was horrible was um that was terrible terrible performance by the pars overall in game one I mean the offense did what they could because already because off coming from Conor Joe and Jo El not I mean I mean Brian D Cruz excuse me J R and jwan Bay the only person hit r r was Brian Reynolds and Conor Joe because that was the Paris offense and these guys left seven people in base but overall not a great game for the Paris overall in game one let's move on move on to game two pars lost that one nine to five Jared Jones came back came Jared Jones return did not go well at all I mean he started out pretty pretty good for the first um three Innings until the um fourth inning when the um when the Cubs erupted for for five runs and then he give up four runs you know he G he he gave um but J give up five runs excuse me and while the bullpen gave up um just two runs cuz cuz the two were unearned because because um nickas all this era man just changed it for the um for the Cubs man they came out slugging once again I mean but overall Jared Jones return did not go well cuz he went four Innings five hits 500 runs and four strikeouts buen gave up two runs those are that's those um Hill gave up two runs wrest bull put up zeros it was bigs mski Tana andar so and the offense for the pirat they did what they could again because the offense came from Brian De Cruz hit that um two-run home run Nick galz O'Neal Cruz and and yeah yeah that were that was the offense man that was the offense with the Pittsburgh Pirates so so the P lose game two nine to five let's move on to the thir game of the series man oh boy excuse me so game three oh my God P lose that one 1410 Paulk he did pretty good to win the game he did pretty good to for the to get win for the Pirates it didn't happen Paul schs went five innings two un runs and and six strikeouts he did a pretty good job he he did a pretty good job to win the game for the Pirates and I'm going to get back to the picture but and offense did pretty well too you only much of 10 runs guys who had at home runs with Conor Joe and Brian Reynolds guys who got guys got RBI other than Brian Reynolds and on our Joe are akf McKenna and Williams and back to the pitching and again paulski did pretty well Nicholas I mean no I mean San only one did pretty well bigs did okay but the bull because the bullpen lost it for us the bullpen sucked in that game it sucked it's been going on almost all all season for the Pirates it sucked we had a 10 to three lead and we put I think we took out Paulk way too early you should have G him at least six put you at least a six in until he gets into trouble and what y'all did y y p him up too quickly what's up with that that goes on Derek Shelton's head this guy is so dumb that he cannot even manage in this game overall we had a 10 to three lead and a bullpen messed it up because Nicholas give up two runs Chapman Give up three runs bet oh I'm killing betar I don't care he is a bum he get about five runs in the top of the ninth inning five in the top of the ninth inning and then kevs took the lead when we we up by two two runs 10 to eight and they came up and scored five runs off of betor betor is not the closer anymore he don't have it in him no more he don't have it no more as a closer and we lost game three 1410 after having a 10 to three lead ridiculous absolutely ridiculous the bullpen is completely garbage garbage all the year BW a 10 to three lead in game three and and and the Cubs came out and sweep us this is ridiculous absolutely ridiculous and it goes on to the manager and and GM Ben Chon I thought Ben CH was gonna turn this franchise around it doesn't look like it's happening this loss should get daryk Shelton fired but they're not going to do it because this this franchise just doesn't care so Ben CH and Derek Shon y'all need to get your head out of your butts now oh my God the bullpens got to get their together and I don't think they can I don't know what's up with the bullpen it's a bullpen Ru ruin game three for us it's not I'm not I'm not blaming on Paul schemes he did what he could to win the game so game for was the worst loss I've ever seen air fan worst this has got to be by far the worst this is a choke job for the Pirates in game three so we get swept by the Cubs I mean CU fans congratulations y'all swep us fair and square man y'all be as fa and square man yall just kept bringing out the best for all three games and all that so so yeah man let me know yall think down the comment down below about this horrible series I just talked about so other than that that's all for this video this is Jordan steel 88 see you guys my next video it will be no let's go Bucks and I'm not going to say let's go bucks even though I'm saying it but y ain't going to get it from me y ain't get no let's go Bucks forget this man sorry ass team

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