John Deaton Fights to Save XRP from Senator Warren's Agenda - Recap Deaton / Cain Primary Debate

hey welcome to on the Chain this is Jeff here wait co-host chip is stuck in traffic he's on his way here this is on the Chain welcome to everybody out there in the on the Chain Community great to see everybody as you pop in make sure you give a quick shout out where you're tuning in from we are going to talk today well we're going to get into a couple different topics when chip comes in we're going to dig into the John Deon fight we all know that he was fighting to save xrp is going to continue to fight to save xrp and crypto as he takes on Senator Warren's agenda I was there's there's a little background there with her agenda right now he's in the primary taking on Ian Kane now we're going to do a recap of that Dey and Kane but before we get started in that I am going to dig into some really interesting content on the expansion of the xdc network uh actually Elanor terret had some commentary on commissioner Hester Pur over at the SEC is she really on the side of crypto that's a big question and what is Bank of New York melon or I should say former uh bny melon um CEO his view on stable coins something's going on something hot is definitely going on in this space right now things are heating up everyone's trying to get into the stable coin space trying to figure out where crypto's going trying to figure out the attack of the SEC on nfts is everything now a security well we got a lot of stuff that we want to dig into so let's get right to it let's pull this up and trying to figure out where we should start with this one I think I like this one right here let's go let's go guitar and bells here we go let's go [Music] [Laughter] all right welcome to everybody out there in the on the Chain world we are streaming today on we're live on YouTube we're over on Rumble gonna Monitor and see exactly what is going on with the uh YouTube uh promotion out there to see how they're promoting us normally we're over on X we're crushing on X we're not streaming on X today so if you guys can give a quick push to say hey uh to all those exf followers out there let try to get more people uh flowing in here trying to figure out exactly what is YouTube doing to the channel as they destroy they've been crushing us lately um and you can watch us over on Rumble you want to check out on Rumble let me see if I can pull up uh let's see if it actually look at that it actually went live so I'm gonna pull up we've got one viewer right now uh logged into Rumble takes a little time for people to pop over to rumble so if you're watching on Rumble give a quick uh shout out out to everybody through the chat over on Rumble problem is with streamyard right now is that it doesn't pick up it doesn't pick up the the we can't interface Rumble uh directly into uh into streamyard and so we can't see your comments over here however um I can pull them up by open up the rumble chat we will watch and we'll see everybody over here in the rumble chat so anyhow Let's uh let's get right to it let's talk a little bit about see where should we start I want to I want to talk about the stable coins then we'll get into what Elanor terret had talked about um regarding Hester purse maybe maybe not really on the side of crypto is she just pontificating too much just talking too much getting into kind of the anyhow all right so where are we here all right let's uh share a screen let's get into we don't have to watch the video I guess we could get into and and hear exactly what they're saying I want to thank crypto Eddie for uh for sharing this uh I think it there's a lot of great content lately that she had pushed out over on X um and so let's see see if the volume is loud enough here here we go all right so this is going to get into uh The View on private stable coins so Circle uh usdc tether PayPal and the question is uh do they have too much risk right so let's uh let's pull this up here so crypto Eddie posted this again this is coming from the former CEO of bny melon Anthony Morrow and you know the idea there is again too much risk with stable coins uh and here's the prediction is that they'll be transparent 247 realtime proofer reserves uh that'll actually be a differentiator as to why uh stable coins need to be a thing and stable coins are are maybe uh going to become a lot more common across the mainstream and one of the big players that obviously uh just entered this space was Ripple with their with their stable coin as well so obviously they have a little bit more uh uh behind the scenes uh understanding or experience or perspective I should say on everything that's happening uh in the uh Financial space and as you're trying to move money and things like that so let's just take a listen to this real quick and see what they have to say and then the other you know I think the first trillion dollar asset class that we're going to see in in blockchain land is going to be a yielding stable coin uh it's the thing that I'm personally most excited about I think we scale in order to make everything else work a yielding stable coin that's interesting and hitting a trillion dollar market cap on a stable coin work in the space uh we need to move away from the existing stable coin options which are are have been Pioneers for sure but not the type of things that will scale globally and the reason for that is in their current construct you know are they Securities are they not Securities that hasn't been clear certainly here in the US um but at the end of the day you're taking private company usdc or private company usdt you know tether or Circle risk when you're owning uh the stable coin that they back and again going back to risk right uh from a risk perspective I don't want to take Circle risk when I own Circle a debt of circle um I I want something more sure which is why the the tokenized treasuries have come up tokenized treasuries so now we're going to come back potentially his focus is back on the uh cbdc and a stable coin based on like a maybe a stable dollar or or digital dollar that we'll hear more of what he says but his concern is the risk of these private entities uh and in many cases if we look back at the history of tether an unknown uh variable of what's really in their Treasury and there was some controversy over that as to whether or not they had one for one um or if it was a mixed bag or if they had anything that was actually liquid to quickly trade uh back out of a a tether uh stable coin and and done well uh it's it's a bit more structured from from that perspective and it certainly yields which is great and the stable coins don't yield but generally it's a create and redeem um construct it's generally not tradeable peer-to-peer generally I can't use them for settlement so they have while they're a big step in the right direction they're not the solution I think the solution is imagine a PayPal type web 2 interface that held a sec registered yielding stablecoin so I have a so it's interesting he talks about that they can't be used for settlement now from an inst from an institution perspective maybe there's you know a good chance institutions aren't going to go back and utilize these private uh assets maybe they're not going to use a ser ult maybe they won't use PayPal however um to his his point he's thinking it has to be uh a yield bearing stable coin controlled by and connected back to the treasury and not private more either fed or government controlled let's see what he says a dollar coin that yields 5% it's backed by you know the 10ks and 10 Q's that have to file with the SEC full transparency on the money market fund um Securities that it would own uh you know proper Wall Street you know TR so the stable coin back by uh funds that you know potentially Tres and and custodians in the mix um then you start thinking big picture um you know again good for the US dollar in that um it can scale globally and now you start to be a little bit um afraid for the banks because why do you need a checking account and a savings account that's just here in the US now imagine if you have an Emerging Market a currency in a in a hyperinflationary environment now I can have a US dollar bank account yielding 5% um I'm just going to put all my money in that so you know crypto enables massive infrastructural change throughout the global Financial Services System uh you know it's I'm not saying it's a bit like AI that needs to be controlled because I think AI needs to be controlled you know crypto is enables entirely new use cases that you know we have to be careful with and and The Regulators move slower than technology in all cases as they should but it's massively disruptable and it can move really really fast so we got to be very careful in how we do it and we again safety safety safety uh we're speaking to The Regulators as much as possible trying to tell everyone you know what the users of the Providence chain are doing and um you know well this this was interesting um there was a little bit of a technical glitch now I finally realized again what's causing theuh technical glitch and it's crisp crisp actually just shut my computer down so that is very interesting here's chip chip I don't know if you can hear me but I hear you realized just all right so we were playing this crisp is the technical glitch on my computer and glitched out and shut everything down oh while you were doing live should have waited for me man it's why you never go live without me never go live without you man not a good idea yeah well here we are we're getting rid of crisp we gonna be replacing it with something else it's causing it only works on we're rolling live right now no so it's interes crypto Eddie had posted some no it's not I'm going to bounce out we were just talking about stable coin we're we're going to get into elanar terr's uh kind of you know questioning on Hester Pur Hester Pur keeps blaming herself for the issues over the SEC but she just talks a lot pontificates and then there's never any uh true outcome question is whether or not she's a true Ally of crypto or she's just there speaking and just talking yeah it's hard to know for sure I'll be right back okay I'll be right back this is like musical chairs today it's like boom in out in out in out it's always a mystery but um yeah I got had to run out to an erand this morning and then you know that's what happens sometimes you get caught getting in traffic whatever something happens and that's how it works so it's always an interesting uh always interesting here at at the on the Chain facilities and Studios so anyway so I don't know you guys were talk chatting about but I wanted to get into um I want to talk a little bit about this John Deon debate that happened yesterday and um you know share some of the takeaways that I had with it unfortunately it's on a radio show the ho car show if you guys are familiar with that ho car is like a legend in the massachusett area I've listened to him for many years and been familiar with this show and and um he's I don't know he cracks me up sometimes but anyway what was interesting about this debate was he did his regular show and then after the show he actually went ahead and and and did the debate but because it's because it's radio you know the candidates only had 45 seconds to respond and there's three of them um and there wasn't a lot of I don't think there was enough time to really get into big substantive sort of questions but I thought Deon did an amazing job I thought he was phenomenal and he's clearly the front runner because the other two guys took shots at him and um it's it was interesting to see his you know how he reacted to that so that was pretty good there you are Jeff bam that was crazy yeah well it's like technical issues watching Chris crash and then it just shuts my computer down like it goes into sleep mode I was I was talking a little bit about the Deton um talking a little bit about Deon debate I've got some uh iqed up some unfortunately it's be it's a long video it's like a 4 Hour video because Hoy car did his Regular Show then at the end he did the debate but the candidates only had 45 seconds they had a 1 minute opener 45 seconds and like a 45 second close and then there's commercial commercial commercial commercial it's r right so it's like you hear a little bit of talking and then it's more back to commercial so but Deon clearly the front runner did amazing I thought he was phenomenal and the fact that the two other guys took shots at him it's clear who the front runner is right there's no doubt you know but I I thought his answers were so on point like he crushed the like and he didn't always go first like they you know they did it alphabetical at first and then you know Deon went last but I queued up a few of these segments here that we'll we'll get into and I want to get some feedback from you guys and and hear what you know your thoughts on this but I'll pull it up and you know you have to be a little patient because this is a long show I'll have to queue up the time the time so the first one starts at [Music] um hang on a second 30 302 I think it is oh we're already getting into Deton I thought we'd go right into it man I got the haser purse just like little Snippets real quick all right all right we can do that Crush that real fast un fortunately I don't know how I can cue this up that's the sad part yeah while you're working on that then we can uh let me share this real quick oh [ __ ] that's not it damn it all right chip so while you're doing that you know I find this kind of interesting and uh Elanor terret had pulled this up and Hester purse comes out and it's funny because if you look through the commentary she writes approximate quote now she was watching it you know kind of roll out and she was taking notes as she did it so people are like what does that mean an approximate quote and she said well she was typing the quote out um so it wasn't word for word exactly but pretty much uh but it's interesting because she blames herself on how the commission has interpreted the Hoy test when it comes to crypto and she says I blame myself on part for that something I could have done differently is help bring more legal Clarity really so after all these years of supposedly she's the what the you know she was on the side of crypto crypto mom and really she wasn't you know because if she could have done more and she's blaming herself for how the commission interpreted the Hoy test she either wasn't outspoken enough or you know she had some commentary that that led the SEC to interpret it a certain way and she and it she goes on it's a cautionary tale for other Regulators I think we've got got a lot of work to do at the SEC and in the industry well yes you know obviously there's more work obviously we have to make sure that the SEC isn't corrupted and the unelected bureaucrats once again are causing harm to this Innovative asset class you know what what what is your take we've talked about her before I I honestly she's one of of uh four of I guess total five right if you put Gary GZA I think there's four Commissioners plus Gary and if she's the only one pro crypto can she blame herself or is she really not on the side of crypto and she's staying silent and she is kind of talking out both sides of her mouth no I think she's Pro crypto I mean she put out that fair Harbor giving first of it was three years to of sort of decentralize you know because to to if they come out of the gates they're not officially 100% decentralized get them three years to get their business plan or some sort of reporting and then they shortened it later to two years so I do think the she is Pro crypto but um there a lot of pontificating right there's a lot of I mean what is she going to do she's one voice and of of as a commissioner you've got a couple other voices you know what is she really going to do the the I forget what I don't know if it's uh was Tom Emer or is Davidson who had the change to the way the SEC is because what happens is you have the SEC chair basically becomes a dictator and it's their way or the highway you know they do whatever they want to do and make the choices they want to make the Commissioners can vote on stuff but if you have a three to2 type of a thing now when when the Ripple got sued I mean it was there were three Republicans and two well you had you had um you had your your Commissioners but at the time Jay Clayton was Republican and he voted as you know the majority so that's what flip ended up you know turning that Hester Pur voted no and then the other commissioner he since left but this is the whole thing that's Davidson okay so Davidson's stabilization act right here to remove gentler it basically it takes out that it adds more more fairness to a almost I think if I remember right it's more like uh more like the Supreme Court we have how many how many people do you have there what does it say I forget how many on on the commission yeah like on the commission I think there's four plus Gary no no but this this new this new this new one removes gentler and it creates a like six or seven seven does it maybe maybe it was seven um let's see let's see if it's in here um something like that uh that's why I'm introducing legislation to fix ongoing abuse of power and ensure protection American investors she goes on here's the background and then nothing in terms of oh under the SEC stabilization act a single political party would never hold more than three commissioner seats at any given time thus protecting us Capital it still doesn't say how many um all R making enforcement article see what is this this is just a peral link for for this because I remember him talking about this I thought it was something like it basically it just removes that your head there's no more commissioner he gets rid of the commissioner which gets rid of against and that's the way you take them out you vote this through and boom you're gone see you later see you later stupid so you passes and look what you do is you hire Elon Musk and you say Okay pretend the US government is Twitter when you arrived and get rid of 75% cut it nobody misses it you know what the the you know what the the politicians are most worried about during a shutdown not this bull crap that they go like oh we're really worried about the you know the people and then this and that you know what they're really worried about it can shut down for a month and nobody misses it nobody cares everything goes on the government shuts down we don't hear from them anymore and it's fine I mean there's when the government shuts down not much is lost so get rid of all the bloat the founders never had the intention to have this massive government there's too much overread there's too much regulation cut all the government agencies get rid of them we're we're better off policing ourselves I mean there's going to be some things out there but people can sell police look at all these meme coins people know they're know they're going to get rugged the possibility of them getting rugged is always there and they do it anyway they don't care that's right so so there's just a a brief we don't have to watch the whole thing but the just the the opening of it here you know frankly your time as chairman has highlighted two problems a Gary Gensler problem and a structural flaw in the SEC and as I told you in April I proposed a solution called the SEC stabilization act uh you're you're making the case for this bill easier every day you are acting as the chairman I love this guy by doing rule making after rule making without any regard to the impact of these rules or maybe that's the feature for you I don't know um but it's having a massive impact on our markets I mean we have markets that truly are the Envy of the world and why would you disrupt them um you know with with processes that are driving Capital out of our markets not because to avoid our laws but to find someplace where they can get clarity where they can work with a regulator and get a decision in a path forward so instead of selectively applied you you are shorten you're not providing Clarity with a rule that's evenly applied you're intentionally shorten comment periods to limit feedback and the courts have even called this arbitrary and capricious you're pushing a a woke political and social agenda and I think abusing your role in the authority of the SEC uh as cover so uh you know I think fundamentally uh the SEC stab stabilization act would remove the role of chairman uh it would preserve uh the current Commissioners but it would add a a sixth commissioner so there would be that's what it is no more than three from any one political party and so that would provide a path that would make the SEC do what you're avoiding frankly you're front running Congress you're front running the courts you're front running even the own Administration and no one has held you to account for that I wish B Administration would say You're Fired uh but they're the list of folks they need to do that for is long Congress hopefully will with the SEC stabilization act there you go that's that's solid right there he brought him to account right there that was uh you're front running the courts you're front running you're front running everything and and the funny part about it is the Crypt Bros that were like no the Harris administration's pivoting well there's so much evidence they're doing exactly the opposite of that right and if you look at the people that are that that she's hiring to be the consultant that we came from all people from the bid Administration and they're all anti- crypto so yeah okay crypto Bros okay Mark Cuban you may be a billionaire but you're literally missing some um some reason and logic there my friend he's constantly going and that interview that they had with Kamala Harris was a it was it was it was it was ridiculous I'm like and they're like she crushed it she did a great job and I'm like what are are we serious like are we watching the same thing I mean really it was incredible to watch how people were so enamored with that Jee I was like I was shocked I was literally shocked man I was like you got to be kidding me was insane this uh this whole thing it's so crazy she had to show up with tampon Tim you know to be to be with her and it's it shows how weak she is you know she's supposed to be an alpha right presidents are alpha leaders we just had a president who's not an alpha leader he's just basically an [ __ ] and now he's an [ __ ] with dementia you know he's he's lied and cheated his entire political career right from University in law school he plagiarized one of his projects and should have been kicked out of law school said he graduated the top of his class graduated almost last in his law school class at Syracuse University he was not the Envy of of Syracuse University and there were a lot of people you know at least there outspoken people from Syracuse University that had certain commentary about him as well and you know it's it's just interesting to see exactly when you when you have when you push beta individuals into leadership positions they're extremely aggressive they're extremely hateful and and they and they will lead through intimidation versus an alpha leader is a leader and you know it kind of expects you to follow them U but people do follow them because of the leadership skills that they that they have and they've been proven over time uh that they but you take someone that isn't and you push them into a position of power they don't have the tools uh to lead and it becomes very very uh Jee you know that's a really good point you know you know one of the great characteristics of an alpha leader too is the fact that they will treat the person that cannot help them with dignity and respect there's long history of Donald Trump helping people you never heard about until the story came out or they went public on it and said yeah Hey listen this happened and then you know I lost my house and then Donald Trump came in and saved it and he doesn't publicize it doesn't do that this is when he was this when he was just a business guy right this is his whole life versus a Camala Harris who 93% of her staff left because she treats him like crap okay so this is a person you know who's a little bit you know a little Sauced up a lot I mean I don't know what's going on there I mean that's the only thing we can really attribute to because has to be drunk she has to be drunk please I hope I at least the eyes aren't focused I mean the whole thing it's just bizarre laughing Jeff the weird laughing you know that's from you know nervousness but it's just like it's it's really so strange but if you go back you know look at like an Allan West you know when he was running up for uh for us house and the following in South Florida that he was able to to gather around him yeah you know he was a lieutenant colonel in in the military and obviously people followed him into into battle into combat and he put himself if you go back to when they tried to uh to court Marshal and they wanted to remove him they wanted to you know kick him out of the milit military uh there was somebody back here that wasn't overseas and you know they they brought him in front of Congress you know and it was and if you go back to that period of time he had to fight you know for for his position and fight for his career and and he had to protect himself and the one thing he said when they asked him if he'd do it again there were some things that happened in in combat when he was over there and he said he would do it again because it protected his men that were serving under him in combat and that meant more to him than than his career and it's amazing when you have someone like that that'll put the people uh that follow them in front of them you know before themselves you know that shows true leadership and you know and that's what he was willing to do and you know and then and then you take someone like a Biden who's lost or a kamla Harris they don't they don't care about the people and Elizabeth Warren she doesn't care about the people it's so obvious she had to cheat and lie to get all of them they all all of them have a Common Thread Biden Elizabeth Warr and Harris have all cheated and lied to get where they are and it's amazing but then they're surrounded by people that put that ahead of actual achievement and accomplishment that amazes me how do you have a play look at Debbie waserman Schultz same thing she was in the DNC and she cheated she gave Hillary Clinton the questions you know and she was doing things they had to kick her out she was a sitting house representative they had to kick her out of leadership from the DNC because of what she did and yet she's still in the house and there where's the Ethics Committee there's there you go Waltz has sto Stolen Valor well they what in the world stolen Valerie talks about his time in combat they asked they asked him about that in the interview and he he said he says well we were talking about something of war and this and like figure of speech no dude no you you were you were telling that you were actually in battle and I mean cheers to uh I mean that was like one of the only questions I thought was tough calling on somebody on their rhetoric um you know Dana Bash did the interview now when she interviewed JD Vance it was all like attack attack attack right and then with with KLA Harris it was like so would you say you did this because of a b or c like hand spoon feeding the answers to you know somebody versus asking a really hard question and he he choked on his words and dude that guy's the same age as me I keep saying it over and over he's got to be 74 well he looks like he's 72 73 or 74 years old that cannot be that cannot be true man anyway I wanted to say it's good to have Donald Trump back on Twitter X whatever you want to call it he put this out this morning he goes think of it America Pocahontas sometimes referred to as Elizabeth Warren is considered more conservative in the US Senate than comrade Camala Harris ever was is this really what we want to be president of the United States she will only bring us poverty chaos and heartache Cala is rid by far the number one most liberal senator now they started erasing that the the the back then the I guess the body that that labeled her that they've erased it from their website like the internet's forever okay I'm 73 P I'm 73 I'm 7 I'm 7 this is what I'm saying Pier this is exactly what I'm trying to tell you man this is what I'm trying to tell you I'm not that's the whole point I mean man let me pull up this guy let me pull up that's really funny you're not4 me let me pull up Tim Walls like come on dude this guy lied about his age too I mean seriously does this guy does this guy tell the truth at any given point here we go look look at this look at this this this I'm sorry dude I will tell you this he's two months he's about a month and a half older than me two months older than me this dude right here is two months older than me yeah dude look at this guy this guy's 73 years old yes or no I mean he's gotta be at least oh yeah he not he has the tell because you know as you get older weird hair starts ear your eyebrows start getting weird stuff I'm like you know it's like yeah he's got the permanent you know know [ __ ] face too I mean dude there's no way that this dude there's just no way here's Biden here's Tim Walls they might be close at age right right not chip is not 73 I'm not 73 either damn no hell no say that this guy looks Tim Waltz looks no I said he looks 73 this dude is 60 years old I'm 60 years old okay we're both 60 years old this guy's two months older than me 2 2 that's exactly what that'll age you man that that will totally age you yeah Tim Walt Yeah Tim Walt actually looked pretty good A few years ago before he got into xrp yeah yeah before he got an next to hold an xrp he's been holding since he's been holding since 2013 Jeff that's his whole thing that's it's a secret he doesn't tell anybody but he's I look at this dude I'm like dude that's a that's like my that looked like my grandpa my grandpa was in his 80s like you know I was like he looks like my grandpa but I saw a picture of him when he was like 30 um who's it you know uh Jack poso You Know Jack posic posic whatever his name is he tweeted out a picture he goes this is this is me and this is Tim Walls the same age they're both I think 39 and I thought he looked like he was at his 50s I like come on dude big bushy eyebrows that's the other dead giveaway right there gosh internet is forever man in Act of info denial there you go that's true yeah that's true yeah I love this there was a ton of info denial think about you know Mark Zuckerberg coming out and now saying that he was coerced into doing what he did I was just talking about it with a buddy of mine yesterday and we're talking about Mark Zuckerberg coming out and he's like screw him you know here's a billionaire you know a billionaire surrounded by he he can afford as tons and tons of security he never has to mingle with the general public and now he's worried about the government Elon Musk isn't worried about the government Jeff if there's a guy that has more data points and has you think about Facebook you think about meta you think about the data points that he has he knows he knows the sentiment and he knows exactly who's winning the next election there's no doubt in his mind you do not voluntarily come out and and give this information you didn't you weren the guy that funded millions of dollarss into uh ballot boxes threw the last election $400 million you don't thr he said he didn't know he said he he spent the money and he didn't know that would have the why why is he apologizing now why is he saying I was coerced why is he trying to earn Goodwill in that interview he's like that was pretty badass when Trump got shot I mean he was almost like forced to say at like a gunpoint it was like and then coming out of I thought that was badass when he jumped no dude this is a guy you want to know who knows who has the data points who knows the sentiment this guy knows it's not a contest this guy knows that Trump is winning you do not voluntarily come out and start talking about the FBI he's trying to earn Goodwill trying to get on the good graces before the hammer comes down that's what he's trying to he'll find himself in jail because and they might have come and told him already hey we know you did this this and this you know when when this when it the outcome comes are coming after all these guys who corrupted the true misinformation you know in Hawai Zuckerberg sent that letter from his bunker in Hawaii yeah why is he building a bunker in Hawai is they're never going to get me alive coppers you're We're not gonna we're not coming yeah we got our gun see you're not coming for us see you got a gun see you're not gonna come for us these are the guys that don't like guns and walls who have lots of guns and walls right a wall and a bunker underground all kinds of stuff Mark Zuck coming out of the closet yeah and ways hey let's get into some xrp news so there was a big hackathon going on in South Korea this was The xrp Ledger hackathon Kore cring crushing it over there to South Korea wa do you see this Jeff this is insane like I've seen we've been at hackathons we you know look at this right here so this is the cool first of all was a good the way they had this screen set up was phenomenal looked like this giant sort of board and um then just look all the cool people were there I mean I pierce it you know comes out right away but future verse was there um our friends over at cataly were there grin was Garen was there um you know this name bitu a lot of people you know things we know descent was over there so it was like a big event man and I got to tell you that this is this is the Marquee outside look at that dude cool thing with you see the xrp logo over there in Soul South Korea look at that go man xrp lzone and then they had um and then Jay Lee was posting a lot of cool stuff from catalyze he was posting this but he said look at this he goes have you ever seen an xrpl hackathon on this epic scale look at this look at that that's a lot of people freaking massive man that looks awesome yeah look at this I mean these are yeah I mean you talk about where and one of the things we learned when we were at the wave of innovation in Australia was is that there like seven out of 10 people know what xrp is or own it football draft pick yeah that's what it really looks like that that's fantasy football sorry guys Sor was it a real they're they're doing the draft that's what it is that's what it looks like yeah there's always one guy that's wearing a mask like you see this guy's wearing a mask he's like there's always there's always one person that's got to like be like okay dude really like are you that worried like seriously man yeah nothing and you you know what's crazy about that you just have to do it through observation right even like when at the height at the height of all the chaos they kept saying there were certain workers that could work like grocery store yeah the cat thousands of people walk by them a day and they didn't drop dead and then they're like oh no but you can't go and do your thing because you might drop dead so if if the grocery store clerks are dropping debt every day then I would say hey there was a problem but since they weren't dropping dead every day you knew there wasn't an issue but the homeless dude dude the homeless don't have any medical care you get a cold at least you can get something off the shelf they got nothing they're eating bugs I mean they're eating got a dumpsters and where was all the dead like did were they piling up no man there's more there's more homeless than ever it was like there wasn't any they weren't homeless like oh we got to go into this District because we got to collect the homeless who have died like they didn't have any problems like there was no problem the Amish didn't have any issues you know and when you went into when that's a funny thing you went to a restaurant you put the mask on and when you took the mask off the virus is smart enough to know like oh these guys are eating don't bother them are they six feet apart dude the six feet apart was the one I call [ __ ] on the I'm like there's no six feet apart like what is it's the dumbest thing I've ever heard first of all it's Airborne virus number one right right and the microns like if if you can breathe in and out of a mask and it's like one or two microns for a for a uh you know a virus and you're breathing in and out you I see people are vaping under the mask and blowing out the steam it's coming out the mask and everywhere dude but the virus couldn't get in that mask no then you can put any face cover remember like you people walking in with like a handkerchief around their head you know their face that's if I had to wear something that's all I wore like SC I'm not going to wear a mask you know I'm proving the point even even line you know I was flying all the time and you get on the dude that was a pain in the ass you remember we did the thing I had to wear a mask in the airport and people are like why is he wearing a mask I'm like well I'm in an airport they're G to kick me out but as soon as I get on the plane you know the first thing I would do take the mask off and I would sit there with my bottle of water put my headphones on watch the movie no one came to bother me because you could eat you hand hold you'd hold the bottle like this for a while yeah you have the mask off and someone the flight attendant K by you like you drinking it the bottle but I got a lot of times they were telling me like hey put put your mask on I'm like oh no I'm eating peanuts right you eating peanuts for like two hours yeah two hours oh yeah get those little pretzel little little simp no peanuts left like little pieces of dust in there you know that little little dust that's on the bottom that you could just do that but I'm eating it I was in I was in a hotel we were at a in a a meeting this was the crazy we went to a meeting and it was all doctors in this meeting and so in order to get into the meeting you had to do a covid test and I'm like holy [ __ ] if I do this covid test and it's positive what happens I'm in California right I'd be like see uh I'm leaving right next flight out go home right but so he get in but they did that because they wanted they didn't want to wear a masks in the meeting right and so and whatever at the hotel was it was going to be required so we had a nice meeting you know everybody's in there no masks on and it was it was really cool uh and then you know and then when I was trying to use the gym at the hotel you had to schedule your time slot in right so I went to the desk I'm like I've got a schedule so I'm gonna work out at 5 or 5:30 a.m. and she goes oh don't worry about it there's nobody on the schedule at five or 5:30 at the at the hotel gym I'm like all right great so it's just me and the hotel gym see I do slots I went to a conference in C in San Diego and it was the same thing like I had to take a covid test every single day to get into it because I didn't have the official paper Jeff I didn't have the official paper and that was like the condition was like okay and then you had to show your test and then we come up and ask me like they even marked the badges for this thing so you could you were Mark you had like The Scarlet Letter showing that you didn't have the jaff they didn't they didn't give it to the people that was so you like they would come up and ask you show me your papers show me your test show me your test I want your papers and I was like really and the funny thing about it was after I had covid it was this was probably like six weeks after I took a test for the hell of it and I tested positive and I took another test and I tested negative back-to-back tests positive and negative these PCR tests you know the the inventor of them said that they were never intended for that um that's why they cranked up the Cycles so much to like 40 45 to try to like amplify it was reading more than what was there it was correct ridiculous so ridic ridiculous and then we find out you know you talk about crazy stuff we find out all these mammograms that there's like a 70% false positives that have been going on for like the last 20 years so people are getting chemo and thinking they have cancer and they don't have cancer it's insane joke the so the the medical world especially with stuff like that is really circled around uh reimbursement right insurance coverage it's all about just what is the insurance going to cover mammo mammo is a really scary thing because when a woman goes in to have a mamography done the amount of X-ray radiation dose uh to the breast issue can actually cause cancer right and so more exposure right because that's what what that's the whole point with x-ray that's why you limit x-ray now they're do they're putting it right into the tissue and so then you look at a woman that has a dense breast tissue you can't see anything with that M mamography you have to use ultrasound technology in order to visualize it but in order to get an ultrasound year after year after year the woman still has to do a mammo even though it's already been determined that she that it's not going to do anything for but in order for it to be covered this is the insanity of the insurance World it'd be much better to be in a c based environment similar to U you know where where you and I go you know it's much better to be in a cash based world for a medical because you know you're getting the right coverage you know you can get the coverage when when you want to get it and you don't have to jump through hoops but even a scenario like that it's just like it's so crazy and that's how we know everything was was as backwards during that whole period of time for like two years you had government and and news people telling you what the med what was good for you medically speaking and you're like are you kidding me like you guys don't even know what you're talking about all right it's just it's so it's just so ass backwards the whole thing yeah that's insane so what's up with John Deon we have that queued up I do have it queued up but unfortunately because it was like he did it as a spaces I couldn't download the video that's that was that was my trouble spaces so I he he like broadcasts the well he broadcasts it live and that's how it shows up so you can't really download the video so I'm going to the opening statement here and then I'll be able to share it Jim D said my dog practices social distancing by letting me put by letting me put a doggy no scratch cone on its rump what what the I don't know what the hell that is I don't know what that means I'm assuming he doesn't you puts a so nobody can pet him yeah there you go something like that all right here we go this is uh this is how we spaces like that this is how we car well this is how ours show up weird too like when you when you post them it it shows up it's not really spaces it's just like a broadcast now on there and then so this is the other candidate this is this guy's he's over here chopped off here you can't see him he's got the Trump hat on and his whole platform is I'm voting for Trump yeah right America First V he they asked the questions he didn't know the answer to he doesn't know like no one even knew about this guy this is the fake de this is the fake uh plant the Democrat plant you know over here ask him one question where do you stand on crypto that would be the end of it well this guy's broke crypto he claims to have a crypto consulting company and he he did get in there that uh um Ian Kane yeah crypto consulting company now yeah he does he has a crypto consulting company apparently this guy here look at this guy glad John Gil my God John Gil was OG baby been forever appreciate that John thank you thank you man this he he he said and I'm the only candidate on up here that was indorsed by Cynthia lus I mean does anybody want to be endorsed by her yeah the Bitcoin Maxi who can't see he can't see there's only one cryptocurrency it's Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitcoin and then she then she endorses the Democrat plant good job I've called her out hundreds of times on well not hundreds of times bunch of times over on over on Twitter right and you know how uncomfortable it must have been for for for these two to be sitting next to each other right this guy is like uh on the corner here but let's see um 302 let's see if tell me if you can hear anything here nothing wow barely so low welcome to the m wow it's really Lal from Cape gun in hyas primary day is Tuesday polls will be open from 7:00 am until 8:00 P.M any voter registered as either a Republican or unenrolled independent is eligible to take a ballot this uh this debate is brought to us tonight by the massachusett GOP to learn more about the Massachusetts Republican party go to mass mass thanks to the mass goop for its sponsorship tonight to Cape Gunworks for hosting the debate and also for the three candidates here tonight for the final in-person debate before the voting uh the voting begins uh at the at the precinct level on uh on Tuesday the candidates here tonight are to my left Robert antonellis of Medford say hello hello hello for Trump Ian Kane of queny hello good evening and John Deon of Bolton hey everybody the rules of this debate are going to be simple we'll start with each candidate's opening one minute statements to be delivered in alphabetical order if you go over one minute the buzzer will sound and you must stop back in will be handling the buzzer tonight to maximize the amount of questions to be asked responses of the candidates to my questions will be limited to 45 seconds if you wish to respond to someone that some something that some of the one of the other candidates said please do it within your 45 seconds but also be sure to answer the question that was asked if you totally deviate from either the question or another candidate's previous statement or if you make liess comments we reserve the right cut your microphone and uh and please no no no shouting out of things from the audience I mean I you know I I don't you know obviously you're gonna applaud or chuckle or something but just you know don't direct your remarks to please Ian Kane's you don't have a mic but that's the L of the okay the or The Ordering of the questioning of the answering will vary again we will start alphabetically with Anon Ellis first the he will be the first candidate uh we'll start off the first candidate to answer the second question will be Ian Kane because he's so Jeff you haven't seen this I I obviously no picked out the segments but I want to hear your take after they give their opening and then we'll go just to the Deon ones second alphabetically the third question we'll start with uh John Deon and then we'll go back to ant Ellis it will it's all alphabetical at the end of the hour each candidate will make a closing statement the length of each response will depend on how much time remains most likely either a minute or 45 seconds so let's begin with the one minute statements uh why people should vote for you we're introducing yourself to the audience and the uh the voters we'll start with you Mr Anon Ellis well thank you very much Howie for having me here today uh I'm a Reagan Republican conservative for my lifetime and you've noticed I'm wearing a trump hat sweet and I do support Donald Trump I plan on voting for Donald Trump in November that's why you should vote for and this is the one time because it's a very restrictive schedule here for me to point out that I'm the one candidate that'll vote on the stage of three who actually is going to declare to vote for Donald Trump in November so I know uh that we've got two new members of the Republican party and u a chance to you know discuss that issue I do plan on running with a very conservative uh America First agenda okay what is that fighting for um ending Massachusetts as a uary State strengthening the Border fighting inflation crime uh parents rights are a big big deal for me and when it comes to taking on B done thank you Ian K thank you how and thank you to cap Gunworks for hosting this event tonight all in the audience for being here my name is Ian Kane I am a Massachusetts native I was brought up in quiny Massachusetts I was schooled in the public schools went to Boston College High School before graduating from Boston College and 2004 with a degree in political science uh by professional background I've spent time in private equity and Venture Capital across a number of spaces including commercial real estate energy Tech and Telecom I've been an elected City councelor in quiny for the past nine years I've been elected five times and I'm currently the quiny city council president I've demonstrated uh representative experience in public service and we all know what this is about this is about eliminating an entrenched member of the United States Senate that has been using RC to propel her own celebrity and and I'm representing myself here as the best person to do that thank you John Deon great thank you uh thank you hoe listen when you learn about my life you learn that I am the walking living breathing embodiment of the American dream and everything that's possible in the great country like ours single mother on welfare and food stamps living in one of the worst neighborhoods in America I got in this race because that American dream is dying before my eyes because of the elites like Elizabeth Warren in Washington Washington DC who do nothing for this country and nothing for this state we have illegal immigration that is ruining this country and bankrupting this state we have a debt crisis that is threatens our economic stability we have opioid addiction Foreign Wars and prices that are pricing regular people out of the economy but the greatest crisis we face in this country is a crisis of leadership because of people like Elizabeth Warren who sit back fuel the division amongst us to try to stay in power I want to change that it was an honor to represent the Commonwealth in the Marine Corps for 22 years I've been representing Working Families in the state and I continue to do it all right so what these what you think of that opener I think that there's only one true leader amongst the three and that's John you can tell John Deon is out there to fight for the people the others are you know the guy on the right over there uh Antonello obviously he's just like just he's the the only one that's gonna that's Pro Trump that's kind of a weak platform to come out you know hopefully you know if you're a republican there you're voting for Trump you know you don't have to he does he's putting on too much of a show with the hat and obviously he's in front of the GOP you know trying to say hey I'm the one but uh Ian Kane it's interesting because if you look at cubic labs and the support they've done in the crypto space since 2019 if you go to his website you know he has his my GSD get [ __ ] done agenda he's trying to appeal to like hey I'm the common guy I'm there to do stuff for you but what have you actually done he's been on city council okay you know he's accomplished from a business perspective but John Deon has put everything on the line is a fighter has fought for the people and the intros those three intros puts John Deon Head and Shoulders above the other two by far as a true leader that's the leader that people want to follow he said here it is here's what we got to do here's the problems boom you know let's go get it done and he's and a get [ __ ] done type of person I would say that the Ian Kane even though he has a get [ __ ] done agenda on his website I don't think he's the guy that's gonna get [ __ ] done he's been on City he demonstrates it he demonstrates that another an answerers one where Deon totally dominates on on um he answers it so weakly it it's such a weak answer yeah um I have some of the time frames again I did this uh early this morning so and just get up now walk off yeah get out I I vote for Trump and I'm uh and they you got to hear some of I we can't listen to the whole thing there some other questions get answered that's the other thing they're trying too much to wear their red ties John Deon dressed to look good you know you can tell blue suits him you know it's a nice look that he's got on you know it's just very you know these guys always wears the red TI these guys are trying to wear the red right exactly they're trying too hard and the Trump hat dude come on not designate themselves as sanctuary status and that is connected to this issue in the state of Massachusetts when you don't have any power to make changes to the right to shelter law because there aren't enough members of uh the legislature who are willing to take I like to look in John's eyes he's got fire in his eyes it looks like it's any given point he's gonna whip out some nunchucks and just clocked me Kan and knocked down an the other anelis whatever his name is right yeah he would absolutely crack nuts and get [ __ ] done of course he's going to crack some skulls along the way too exactly he's just getting fired up like he just tell he's like fired up just courageous uh move then you have to start making noise at the local level uh the city council over the next couple weeks will be back in session C can't amend the right to shelter law and that's where we have we have to start making noise at the ground level to make our elected leaders at the state level know that we mean business and it's time for change B so the question was if I remember correctly the question was like how are you gonna you know what are you going to do and like how are you going to affect change something along those lines of that and he was like we're going to organize the level sounds exactly like a Democrat we're going to organize it's going to be organic we're going to organize at the ground level we're going to shake it up we're going to see what we can do Jeff we're gonna shake it up right isn't it funny it looks like a gun M Jesus it's weird too because you you you know he's I don't know I mean the whole thing is he's hitting like the key Target bullet points that people would care about like beat communist China I mean he's using all the right buzzwords in his website too and I don't know because he lifted him off at Trump's website this is a guy that's a plant he doesn't know he doesn't know what he thinks he's been a democrat in Dem and and basically donated Democrats his whole life I think in July he donated his Republican party like because people were calling his ass out on that but um yeah beat communist China what what does that mean what do beat communis China mean why why even bring that up why is that relevant on your platform he's a sto he's aad he's a squad USA John Deon what would you do about this uh terrible problem how it's not what I would do this is see this is this is like the greatest answer is not what I would do hang on a second it's not what I would do it's what I'm doing right now I'm the only candidate up here that has a joint fundraising agreement with the Republican party I'm the only candidate up here that has a victory fund that Victory fund isn't for John Deon I'm raising money for down ballot candidates people like Kelly duner Paul Frost and others I'm gonna open up 41 offices across the state we because I'm doing something about getting Republicans elected in this state legislature that's because they wake up right now 88% of democrat at the goes I'm out yeah exactly brought the Trump hat the Trump tie and I'm out I'm already out yeah I'm gonna join up with John Deon he's like uh I'm voting for Trump and say you know what today we're gonna take mother and father off the birth certificates and we can't do anything about it or they're going to create a gun law so vague that you can't comply with it so it acts as a defacto ban I'm doing it right now by helping get Republicans elected in the state legisl when I become a US senator you can see what I'll do then wow boom these guys are like what the yeah these guys are came to win baby he's a fighter he's winning this thing when I become a US senator that's how you talk that's how a winner talks I'm V for Trump I got brought Trump hat he's got he's got a perfect spot on the look look at Kane's face right here he knows he's like damn going he's gonna crush me this guy's looking at he's hiding under his hat he's like I'm out he's like that was a pretty good answer that's the first question we will be uh we will be back with okay let me go to the next one here this is Antonelli here you mean you can get me some money John did I tell you I'm voting for Trump yeah right so look at this break he jumps five whole minutes John has just leaning back like you use the promo code how sign up at home title lock Matt or who's whoever's doing this Matt you're next uh who was uh jar Jared Jared and what are the results thus far do you believe that kamla Harris ever worked at a McDonald as she now claims without any threat of evidence we'll make this the first question of this seg for the candidates do you believe she's ever worked today in McDonald's I don't John I doubt it Robert I don't think so who has a question they're following they're following their voters here what what are what are the results Jared 97% say no 3% say yes who what's funny about that is like they can't they start stopped talking about the McDonald's thing because they couldn't find they couldn't find which McDonald she worked at because she never worked at McDonald's you start making up stories and inventing things about your life and your past yeah that's a dead tip off that you let's not trust that person right all right back to the uh back to the debate the uh the question the first uh question will go to uh today to uh Ian Kane what are the two top issues that you disagree with Elizabeth Warren on oh uh the two top issues I think first is um the school loans you know I don't agree with her policy on forgiving student loans I think that has been a very unfair measure that she has taken now the funny thing about that funny thing about that that's his number one his number one number one issue forgiving the schools not okay it is an issue but it's not really her she's championed it but it's a Biden it's a Harris Biden administration number of as taxpayers and that's something that um you know she is still touting John deon's ready to get something out of his pocket just unload on this so much look at him he's just sitting there waiting his turn man and this is the first one choose this is your number one issue deon's going like that's your number one issue I love this guy come on plant but it is not something that works for the American people and also I don't agree with uh her policy on expanding the Supreme Court you know this is a person doesn't her her policy she doesn't have a policy she has a critique of it she's not she hasn't floated any policy she hasn't Flo any bills to do such so this is weird it's like he went to her website or went to Twitter and just picked off a couple things and that has continued to try to change the rules in different branches of government except for the one that she actually serves because she's an ineffective legislator so you know she seeks to change things in the Supreme Court those are the top two top two sorry and that's uh yeah those are your top two nothing to do with crushing the economy Here Comes John de you cannot limit it to two come on brother let's see we've got Medicare for all the Border green but it is not something that works for the American people and also I don't agree with her policy on expanding the Supreme Court you know this is a person that has continued to try to change the rules in different branches of government except for the one that she actually serves because she's an ineffective legislator so you know she seeks to change things in the Supreme Court those are the top two John D John D how you cannot limit it to two come on brother let's see we've got Medicare for all the Border Green New Deal packing the Supreme Court uh student loan forgiveness and overall her approach her approach is about fighting against things fighting against people and issuing things is not the same as fighting for them for example she fights great against the rich that is not the same as fighting for the poor in the middle class so I fundamentally disagree with all her policy issues but certainly her approach you do not have to attack other Americans and tear them down to lift people up I'm gonna lift them up without tearing Americans down that's right that's awesome that's such a great comment I would say the two biggest is great comment would be she's against the border wall she's against having America having the ability to protect its own dude did you know antonelis is voting for Trump I had no idea sovereignty thought it was U and then the other issue would be parents rights uh parents should have the right to make the decisions regarding how their children will be schooled and whether they'll be whatever you want to call it cooped when they go to school if you put a a girl named Jill on the bus his problem he's talking too much I don't even know what he's talking about dude put him on a podcast boom boom bo a different knew what he was talking about it's already boring his voice is question is for John beon John deon's going to take the next question here to answer first hang on dude I can't hear what they're saying to you who is the Republican US senator currently in office that you would consider as closest to your political beliefs and styles economically I would say uh Langford um he was also he was ranked number two most conservative uh Senator um so I would say him economically um okay that's interesting Bob um I guess I would go with u probably Rand Paul uh I like his Paul sometimes libertarian views on certainly on medical issues that's interesting and his see that coming I didn't in constitutionality Ian there probably we go three that I would look forward to collaborating with fortunate get the US Senate the first is uh Tim Scott so Carolina dude Tim Scott is the guy you don't want to collaborate with Tim Scott the Rhino no dude first of all you pick a rhino to collaborate with yeah that's what I'm tell dude that's why I keep telling you shut up let them talk I can't hear what they're saying you keep talk keep talking I I paused i w talking but let's you know keep pausing I think he has been trying to refocus the party uh from uh you know to look more for opportunities trying to Rebrand it as great opportunity party uh Cynthia lumus from Wyoming who has endorsed me in this race she was focused on Innovation and digital assets um and as well as that escaped so who's the third this is great how how he calls him all I had a third that escape me and how he calls him who's the third I said the third escaped [Laughter] me the third escapes him you can't come on and say you have three and then remember who your is oh my God I have three they ask you for one but I have three I'm cool I'm gonna go three I'm gonna try to pull a Deon here I'm gonna go three and he choked and he's laughing third one es me because he doesn't know any other names just pick one up dude he doesn't he doesn't know enough Republicans that's the whole problem he's a Democrat plant dude he doesn't know he's probably got 10 Democrats in his head Governor Perry I'm just kidding yeah he says Governor Perry wasn't he a Democrat dude why doesn't anybody say uh John Kennedy Senator Kennedy man that guy's awesome oh my God love Kennedy look at how he just took a shot at Kane look up Perry look up Governor Perry dude look him up real quick let's see what the name doesn't come off is that a senator Perry Governor Perry he said Governor Perry it was governor Perry what yeah govern Perry no um no this is what how how he chimed back Governor Perry he talking about Rick Perry he talking about no I don't know he said Governor Perry Oh I don't know Governor Rick Perry yeah from Texas really that's what he said no no this is what hoe shot back and said oh was it Governor Perry he was just goofing on him he was trying to goof on him that's all we we don't have a we don't have a lot of time left in this segment so let me just uh just throw one out here uh how how much money are are you guys going to have tell tell me how you g to finance she's got tens of millions of dollars so uh we'll start this one with uh uh with you Bob huh with you Bob you so this this question is interesting right yeah there was a rick govern Rick Perry moment maybe he's based out on something I don't remember you don't remember Rick Perry no I remember Rick bar but did he space out on something did he say something and let us know in the comments I don't he he I think he uh had a major I he was he was hammering them with something yeah but listen to this listen to this question how the other two guys and versus John deon's question here we'll listen to it all the way through well uh the way I would Finance the campaign is if I am elected on Tuesday that I would expect to have a good amount of donations coming from all 50 states because it would be um the cultural clash of the ages anelis versus Warren and that would bring in a tremendous resource for advertising and all kinds of um activities that wasn't his question okay uh Ian sure so the calculation for my getting in this race is not full harded it's uh you know if we're able to get popular GOP support and represent the party to the US Senate election uh there's a considerable amount of digital asset funds in the political action space there are plenty of people in Massachusetts that have been sitting on the side lines uh that certainly make this uh an opportunistic play Elizabeth Warren is someone that people want to see go away and that is not unique to this room that is a special feeling that people share in Massachusetts and across the country so I know that at 900m on September 3rd next Tuesday the faucets will turn on John well the faucets already turned on for me and let me explain to you a campaign successful campaign comes down to three things comes down to money message and work ethic the message is on point she's incapable of outworking me so it all comes down to money that's why I put a million dollars of my own money because I built the infrastructure immediately to be competitive to win but some of you may have seen commercials on TV I had a friend that c text me from the cape that said John great commercial I called The Campaign I said Hey how do we make a commercial I don't know anything about it it's not us John it's the super pack that was created for you that's already raised $3 million and so there's out agencies out there already and the nation party toi the first poll that shows me in Striking Distance money's going to come in hand over fist we're going to win this elction we'll be right back with there you go dude it's already coming in see it's like these guys are about someday one day John deon's now this is what I'm doing now this what currently happening this is how I organize you know it's clear yeah I have xrp Clarity back me damn he's got he's got a huge amount of support in the crypto space you know but it's it's interesting that that Ian Kane has run cubic Labs which is a kind of a hub for blockchain and web 3 so it's kind of interesting he's been in that space But what has he done to help people in the space you know it's great you run a company in the space and you know you do some Innovation he's bringing people in business and government and Academia together to develop and innovate hey that's great mean it's like buzz more buzzword I don't know what that means exactly but then John Deon went out there put himself on the line pro bono and fought for the people it's a totally different scenario right John de yeah but also as you know fought for people with mesola I mean he fought for them he sued big companies fighting for the people yeah he F fought giant corporations and you know want [ __ ] ton of money Massachusetts and even in quiny everyone has seen the most recent news where we now because Logan airport has been shut the shelters are overrun uh T stations are now 4 500 4242 the Republican senatorial debate is brought To Us by the Massachusetts GOP learn more about the Massachusetts Republican party at Mass that's mass and now back to the questions and just uh to reintroduce the the candidates uh to my uh far right is is John Deon a lot that people would want to see President trumpus Republican party at Mass GOP is John Deon and to my left is Bob Anis all right Ian this next question goes to you first would you support president Trump's proposed mass deportations of illegal aliens I would um and I think that you know this is something of a proposal that I hear a lot that people would want to see I would just like to see how that would be done uh I think we're you know clearly in a precarious situation where things have gotten out of hand in Massachusetts and even in quinsey everyone has seen the most recent news where we now because Logan airport has been shut the shelters are overrun uh T stations are now uh bearing the burden of our of our new homeless class of migrants that have come here illegally and so you know I think that while this sounds like a good idea I certainly want to understand how it's done because I think it's going to be a very complicated and expensive thing and if this issue is about money in Massachusetts which we're spending billions of dollars on then it's it's going to come from somewhere so we want to know how much it cost John yeah listen uh I've said that deportation has to be a part of it but when you say Mass deportation the devil's in the details I would not support you talking 30 40 million if talking about people who have been here for 10 years who've had children here who are taxpayers but I went to the border and I learned that the actual number is 12 million when you count getaways in the last three and a half years certainly you start with the people who had felony convictions uh who came across people who came across and have committed crimes uh they need to be deported so deportation has to be part of the overall solution but it has to be sensible uh and you have to honor the laws of America if a child is born here they're a natural citizen until those laws are changed you can't break up families so it's just got to be a common sense approach bobis yes I would support Mass deportation it definitely uh would be a logistical complexity an enormous complexity and how many would be based on of course look it and so forth um one thing I would consider is having not an incentive program to leave but a disincentive program to not leave which could mean that the longer they stay past a certain threshold the more difficult it becomes for them perhaps to hold on yeah I don't know whatever I don't know what he's said I don't know what that guy says he's so boring he's so softspoken I me it's okay but I Sophie said poor guy he's totally out of his League should never have run you know what's what's the purpose of him put he's trying to run for US Senate he's not running for even if he was running for city council which I find if you at the local level when you go to like a city council it's probably more vicious right and more you know than than a national campaign like this that people are just super Petty and and and horrible but you know this guy's not prepared like what is he doing up there the guy doesn't have any platform what's soever totally out of his League you know I was I was just at an event and they had a debate between two City Council Members they turned out to be cousins which I thought was pretty you know awkward you know as as they were saying things about each other and one woman had been in there for like six years and her cousin's now trying to run against her and she had no platform like it was like watching this guy and it was just like a waste of like 40 minutes of my life like and you know if you get that guy out there who's going to vote for him I mean come on that Ian Kane is bad enough you know but obviously John Deon is the clear winner you have to have a primary I mean I think a primary uh season like this is perfect because it allows their true leader to stand out amongst amongst the others and John Deon is the clear winner here you know everything that he's said has been spoton you know and spot on Jee spot on over the mass immigration thing I think you know you have definitely a major issue with all the illegals here and and you'd have to chart back and you'd have to start going you know obviously there's people who have been here for 10 years we definitely have a broken system you know you have people that were you know that have been raised here their entire lives you know you can't start deporting them to countries they don't they don't belong in you know but you have to find a path towards legality with them and there has to be some sort of a solution there but all these illegals that have come in over the past three and a half years it's very clear we know where to start we don't have to start 10 years ago we have to start like you know John Deon it's a very you know it's very involved man man that guy's solid he's so solid John Deon is is just so spoton September 3D John Deon the people's fighter he is the people's fighter I mean that's it you know it's it's just so so clear so let's see September 3D is Tuesday of next yeah ex watch Wednesday Wednesday we'll have you know what have some good commentary on September Comal Al here but it's uh it's it's been on the minds of many people all uh all summer long and uh this was go to you first Ian where do where do you stand on the Karen Reed trial do you think she was guilty so so if you don't know about the Karen so Karen Reed trial is this this is the case where there was a uh um a woman who who was accused of uh of of killing her boyfriend SL uh cop yep and uh yeah so this is if I mean it's it's really local it's a local case but it's also been sort of Nationwide as well so that's why they're talking about this because it's been in the news and local and everything it's been kind of a circus so you know here here here goes uh here goes Ian Kane I'm I'm waiting for part two to come out I uh you know last time look at the way John Deon just rolls his eyes about this guy I was to show you after this and I have not been I've been campaigning for US Senate across the state and haven't been sitting in front of the television uh watching the Caren re trial like like some others have I think though that you know we had the same discussion months ago and uh it's a circus uh it seems like a total disaster it's made Canton look pretty bad and you see some other things that are unfolding uh through the federal through the FBI right now uh that involve other members of the C Police Department so you know we'll we'll see what happens in the second part of the trial which I'm sure you'll cover extensively you didn't even let me finish my question he just this is the best part he didn't he just went into an answer yeah how didn't know what the question was dude that was gonna be my answer anyway [ __ ] okay well the second part of it is for John and Rob should she be retried on the charges that the jurors said they unanimously found her not guilty let me tell you that a lot of people may think that this isn't that relevant I'm going to tell you an honest story I've had two phone calls where I go call donors and I'm trying to get them to donate and I've had two of them say to me what's your position on the car and R trial before I give you an answer and I swear that's the honest truth I'm a former Federal prosecutor former Special Assistant United States Attorney for the District of Arizona the government didn't come close to proving its case uh they should not retry her again uh I was disappointed that it wasn't unanimous uh for innocence but it's the government is not going to win that case Robert yeah I'm also disappointed that it wasn't unanimous but I did note something interesting in the be the book by John Deon and that is a there was a knife incident which just happened to be very similar to the Karen Reed situation where you have a woman accused of a crime she didn't commit that was his sister um sent to jail for that crime and then there was a bad cop on the scene sorry John that was manipulating the evidence it's just such a spooky situation that's page 547 of the book um which you can read about wow do it remember the page number I U was shocked by that particular scene because it seemed very anti-woman uh to and it seemed very similar to Karen Reed's case can I I guess I will I I will let you respond sure uh my sister 30 seconds yeah my sister was a heroin addict who overdosed twice Flatline my brother saved her EMT saved her she robbed my mother at gunpoint drugged out of her mind and I uh in an act of love I went back and I cut my arm made a false police report my sister went to jail for about six weeks dried out and you want to know something she's alive today I love my sister it was an act of love and I would do it again because I get to talk to her and speak with her on a daily basis wow he just took that and shoved her yeah I mean dude you give Twisted you give John Deon an opportunity and he is going to kick your ass and win every single time you're not gonna get one he this guy thought he was taking a knock on John Deon and John Deon turned it around to like look and what that said right there about his character I did what was right I did the best thing for my sister because in the book he talks about when you know because when he cuts himself that way he can you when you say a false police report yeah his sister got tossed in jail she didn't have an like it was the only way that she was going to be able to dry out she was on a path of destruction and she already OD twice right so this is where you know he he's that's one thing I respect about John Dean he's always gonna do what's right and he has a good sort he has a good character and he has a good barometer for what's good you know and what seems right and he that was a great people are gonna go out and I want to read this book tell me I want to go you know it's unbelievable they both took shots at him and and that was one of the shots that they took right right there that was like an underlying shot because he didn't come right out at least he could have come right out and said hey this is what John did it's in his book and here's what here's an event but he tries to make it like it you know he's trying to underline how is an anti-woman right he says it was anti-woman it wasn't anti-woman it was very bizarre yeah it was very bizarre how he twisted it and you knew he was prepared for it it was kind of a a strange situation I haven't watched this before I haven't watched this yet but he knew the exact page in like so you knew he was prepared for the attack you know at first he's talking blah you know it it's very similar to the outcome and you thought he was gonna side with John then he's like it was on page 47 like how do you know it's on how do you know you read a book and you know exactly what page number this incident is on Research man and then John just comes out and hammered it just John John's good John all right we're going to take a break and we'll be back with the the candidates final statements and probably one or two more now there's one there's one part that I glazed over there's another question that he asks so Deon answers Bob answers and then how he goes on to the next question and then Ian goes are you gonna let me answer it he totally like just like ignored him it's it's sitting here buried somewhere sorry we didn't get to it but I'll get to the closing statements here and then we'll let's get to that let to wrap it see WP it it recap it wait 349 is that it yeah let's see here it is WR border reduce crime fight inflation closing statements B uh windshore uh I'm going to be fighting for social issues uh that protect parents rights and protect children in bro I could get up there and be more prepared than this guy I mean I I you and I could go up there either one fire away is this guy even prepared to even talk schol from dangers and fent andol but also in some cases from their own teachers thank you all right Ian so we have a big shot to take out Elizabeth Warren this year okay people don't like her she's sat in the sea too long they don't like you and there's one of us here that has a chance because two of us have credibility issues one is to my left who in his book that he's been Distributing on the road sounds more like Hunter Biden than a US Senate candidate what and Bob antonellis while a good guy is too much focused on 911 and the Deep state I'm a Massachusetts native I've served in office demonstrated experience in local and Global development with a track record for making Partnerships September 3rd I humbly ask for your vote because we have a shot to take out Elizabeth Warren bang done John yeah listen uh Elizabeth Warren and the two other candidates up here keep talking about the same candidate and who do you think that is that's John Deon because I'm the real threat to Senator Warren she's participated in a joke about my book as well and my book's out there I am an open book literally and most people that read that book come to me I have the most devout supporters you can imagine I have the most devout Trump supporters knocking on doors doing fundraisers for me because they know I can win I have one test will it be good for Massachusetts and America if it is I'm Allin doesn't matter who the president is if it's not I'm not doesn't matter who the president is I will be loyal to this state and my country the same oath I took as a marine wow all right we have we have a few seconds left so I'm going to ask each candidate this is to be a simple yes or no answer uh will will you pledge to support whoever wins the primary on September 3rd Ian yes yes yes okay it's the first time he said it because when when Kane was on Ho's show you recall that he said no he he he kept walking around it walking around it but he would he wouldn't endorse because he asked him if Deon won would you endorse him and he just like typical politicians speak the other thing I like about John Deon he doesn't talk like a typical politician he's hard-hitting funny thing is he's probably more like Trump where he just says what's on his mind he just says he's a real sort of he says he's open book because of his book's out there dude and his book is like I I mean the courage it took to write something like that to be able to talk about things that are so incredibly difficult his childhood and just growing up and you know losing his best friend like the way it happened I mean it's just rough his mom I mean the guy is is about as real as they get and you got the guy in the left look a Polish uh you know sort of a politician and the guy on the right who doesn't have a clue just I'm voting for Trump I got a trump hat cool look like someone said in the chat earlier yeah you're not ready for the US Senate but we'll take your Trump vote right so it's pretty much I think that was pretty much a wrap but that was it we wanted to share this with you because it wasn't hard it was wasn't easy to find um I was looking for it and yeah he's the best candidate without a doubt there Mr baly Mr baly Mr baly to you Mr baly there you go right there see some words there you go on his mind but so articulate and you got John Deon with the pow Kaboom a f and amen baby fighting words Jimmy oh [ __ ] he's gonna get slammed for that comment funny thing was he John ignored it just like he should have been ignored Warren just took a note when they're talking about the book don't bring up the book you know when it comes down to I wonder if she'll debate him when it comes down I think John probably sold more books coming out people this sounds s like a pretty good book but people are in there they're they're GOP people so they're they you know they know and you saw the Applause that John got after after they slammed him he's he's a real guy and and and Deon said it hey who's look at the two candidates up here they both took shots at me why because I'm the threat yeah that's right they went after me I'm not going after them there's nothing to go after right they're empty suits so John de needs to bring home the win on Tuesday and then get in front of Senator Warren and Warren is all that slippery goofy [ __ ] that she tries to pull Deon will have none of it it'll tear her up and uh it's gonna be phenomenal to witness and watch man he raised a good amount of money man this open Secrets oh it's the Deon Victory committee summary I don't know if this is his stuff I'm looking on open Secrets what they posted but I think it's uh incorrect there's no way that that's oh here we go is what I was looking for so look at this right here what you got money raised Ian Kane so far 384,000 this as of August 14th John Deon 1.7 million antonellis 46 who's the serious candidate based on money raised antonellis is done uh Ian Kane done you know it's it's gonna come down to it's John Deon at 1.7 million you know this shows the guy has a complete lack but then there's the three million in the super pack remember so you had don't forget you had as well yeah they had the super pack so the Ripple Ripple donated a million dollars to the super pack yeah yep okay and then you also had um the wink ofos twins also donated to it you had people in crypto you had um I think Charles hoskinson so you had like a lot of pro crypto people and then you're GNA you're just going to see the lumus is another lunk nut loser because she don't how would you back the wrong candidate man and and so don't forget that lumus was very Pro she's also Pro Gary Gensler you remember that interview she was in with uh she L yeah you remember she was talking really highly about Gary Gensler so she she back she's backing the guy she didn't want to back the guy who destroyed Gensler and and embarrassed and beat the you know the SEC so that's that's one of the reasons I don't like lumus I'm happy that she Pro crypto but she's so narrow narrow-minded it's like you know she's I mean she's like just Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitcoin it's like no it's it's digital assets it's you know it's Crypt it's it's it's more crypto isn't just Bitcoin it's a whole entire market and it's blockchain it's decentralization but she's all like focused in on you know it's just incredible to it is right here hang on here we go let's see if uh this has volume you got the volume turn up the volume turn up the volume bu bum here we go see if this plays should be replaced as the chair of the do do you think that Gensler should be replaced as the chair of the SCC you know my instinct is that gendler understands this asset class and I just am speculating that his reticence is more political than it is misalignment of understanding of the fundamentals so the only way to replace it is to get a new president and of course I support um having a a Republican president um so uh we'll just see where what the public thinks in November slimy slippery politician yeah and she doesn't say Trump she says a Republican president you know just weak some super weak sauce there look at that was really weak weak sauce I saw this tweet by Elliot Lee I don't know he used to be with ripple I don't know if he still is but anyway he says I see a lot of parallels between never trumpers like RFK Jr coming around to Trump and never bitcoiners like Ray doio coming around to Trump people learn and change Trump included that's a good thing that's right that is a good thing and you have to embrace it a lot of people have been saying like you know um Nicole um Shanahan who is the who is the VP for for Bobby Kennedy Jr was she's been out there she put out that amazing ad which we we have to play here it's phenomenal I might have to play that we oh yes we got to play that too we got to play that ad well I I'll I'll queue it up in a second um but you know what's interesting about this is is like okay listen RFK Jr 80% of his platform is either lock step with Biden or even more to the left but let's focus on the things we agree upon right if you can bring everybody into the Big 10 and you give him the position to take over and oversee all the medical stuff let him start you know this country his whole his thing is make America healthy again and I'm all for that and I I stand behind a lot of his his policies and I've supported a lot of what he says a lot of I don't disagree but we can focus on the pieces that we agree on and they're coming around you know how they're coming around because they got sued they got taken out by their own freaking party they're both Democrats were Democrats and they got sued now they're trying to get them off the the ballots uh they're try they're suing to keep him on the ballot in the swing States because they think it's going to hurt Trump you see how they're vicious people and they're suing them um Bobby Kennedy said in a recent interview he had a he had to pay 10 million do to defend himself for false BS from the Democrats 10 million 10 million from the Democrat to defend himself from his own D party so this is how they know and this is how he's been talking about the false you know accusations the indictments the you know let's change the law so now you can go back retrospect and now you you couldn't go past seven years but now you can go back 20 years because and funny thing is the Democrat just got indicted because they changed the law so they were able to go back and indict a Democrat some low level dude but still I mean it's funny that you know they they always do things in their own you know for their own gratification these people it's unbelievable let me um pull up this uh I'll pull this up here and we'll take a look at it but it's uh man it's a good one I have it right here here it is I'm going to have to do cuz Jeff let's face it Independence is not for everybody it should be for everybody but it's not for everybody let's do this uh let me I'm going to have to unforge I'm GNA have to get this and we'll have to okay and here we go but um it's funny because her team did this right so um this wasn't a trump ad but God does this make so much sense and you know what's going to you know what's great about this too is this plays all over the world this is not just something you would get living in the US it's something you get just um you know being understanding your own politics and your own country because this applies to every country but let's watch this this is it right here you go are you or your loved ones suffering from illnesses such as TDS as derangement syndrome second hang on a second that's what I want to do put it full screen here we go there we go here we go are you or your loved ones suffering from illnesses such as TDS also Known As Trump derangement syndrome do you dismiss or deny the current issues facing our country such as historic inflation illegal immigration corporate corruption World War III escalations and the chronic disease epidemic are you willing to elect someone who was the least popular vice president in modern history and who offers no policy or vision for America simply because your brain keeps telling you anyone but Trump if so you might be struggling from TDS introducing Independence Independence allows you the freedom to finally think independently once again instead of believing everything you hear from the mainstream media Independence allows for constructive critical thinking I used to hear people on the news say things like Donald Trump and the movement he has encouraged are a threat to democracy and I instantly believed it with Independence I now realize the media is run by the Democrat Elite who are a corrupt oligarchy that censors Free Speech silences political opponents supports forever Wars and abandons democracy by anointing it candidates Independence may not be for everyone if you enjoy being lied to about your president's cognitive abilities support or willan totalitarianism or are excited about communist fiscal policy Independence may not be right for you common side effects of Independence may include an Awakening of rational thought successfully identifying propaganda Freedom of Choice loss of hatred anti- narcissistic behavior and love of democracy I used to blindly hate whoever my party was running against I didn't care about facts or policy because I was hopelessly indoctrinated with Independence I'm much more interested in policies that uphold democracy and I truly care about the health of our country and its citizens ask your doctor if Independence is right for you and enjoy your freedoms once [Music] [Applause] again that's solid Jee that was good I like that Independence Independence isn't for everyone TDS Trump the arangement s man it's insane right I can't never respect Democrats they have no critical thought no and a guy like Mark Cuban has been so successful the guy I mean I admire I admire him from his success he's had as a uh you know as an entrepreneur and everything he's achieved in his life but I just wonder how's a guy like that how is he how does he miss stuff right you know I mean he's he's he's a brilliant business guy but man you just go like dude how how are you how is everybody especially in business in Silicon Valley like coming to the thought of like dude this is bad communism is not right for our country but he's oh this is all in he thinks it's one of the greatest things ever man why they keep saying democracy it's a republic exactly they they always say democracy interchangeable here you go chip this this this is the one so uh Charles is actually asking if we had this this is just a brief snippet 40 million eggs were concentration in an industry we have seen much great look it up look at her look increases do you attribute the inflation that's what you think we need to do to solve it never stops talking not random one off it is problem when you've got she just never stops talking she keeps talking over them and over them and over them she's a witch she's a witch yeah I remember my my girls were small and I like driving in the car and somebody cut me off I go you witch why do you have to be such a witch and then the young one asked me one day she's like Po how do you how do you know she's a witch I'm like because I could see the black magic just like you know how do you know witch I was like well it's I'm trying to be clean here she's a dragon she's a she's a she's not even like a no it's the Year of the Dragon then anyone is a dragon it's John Deon man this is the year of the dragon baby this the year of the dragon mik is saying I'm may be wrong but two more minutes breaks the show record thank you you are yeah you are wrong well you're right I think [ __ ] you're right what was it was it 141 thanks for REM are thanks for encouraging us to break our own record versus debate that's a good well first of all first of all Deon has to win the primary against those two so those two three are running for who's going to be the candidate to square off against Warren look at this Mark hbin who what whose Persona and charact character would you like to see young children grow up to have so far Trump's winning by 62% out of five almost 460,000 votes 10 hours left that just tells you everything you need to know all the other fake polls out there that just shows you those people are voting for Trump okay breaking Mark Cuban's joining Hoops for Harris a Maverick and a shark on off I mean how gay is that he's just so ridiculous need to he hasn't woken up yet that's pathetic man let's try again why is everyone a trump Whisperer why can't he just say what he means we'll put that we'll put the independence video link do we have that queued up in the keep what's that that Independence video the r yeah I'll I'll so go to the website um yeah if you go to hang on a second be on our website yeah when we post it go go sign up to there because we we send out all the links out the show so you can see it that way where oh go go to go to on the chain hang on a second I got to find it go to on the chain um. iio and go click scroll to the bottom put your email address in and after the show you get all the links you get the videos and then if you miss a show you have direct links for the either to listen to the podcast or to watch it so we do that after every single show guys we need more people to sign up we we slowed down over the last couple of uh weeks here here so post the link for that you'll be able to I keep typing badass yetis well I know it's not a bad thing we go where the heck was that this is where you guys got to go go to on the chain.i just hit uh subscribe it allow you to go you can go into if you want to support us you can or you can just go to subscribe now do it for free put in your email address and you'll get a you get one email every time we stream and I'll have links to the Articles we discuss uh you'll see the YouTube video uh you'll see you can also listen to it I'm just trying to go into the the link here but like this here's uh from Wednesday's uh stream you can go down here you can listen to the show you can watch the show get a little summary and then links to all the different articles that we uh that we talked about so you get to read and see and and experience everything that we C sometimes we'll have a topic we have lots and lots of Articles and we'll only talk about like two of them but go in and get get some background to all the research that we did for every every show you know what we're reading what we're watching uh to get into uh the topic at hand so um I think that's always a lot of great uh we don't spam dude we just send you this after every show and way you have it and so you get it in your email go back and see the interviews too go back all these cool different interviews that we've uh that we've done there's a whole bunch of them in here so it's always cool and that's right there on the chain.i and then chip badass yetis coffee go check out badass yetis and show some support for us as well get some of the obsidian bold of the Noir Symphony both super dark roast these are roasted when Mike Mike Morra Mike tell them Mike Mike is a uh is a Super Fan so we thank you for you know supporting that but michaeel tell you throw it in the comments man yeah here we go bills Cardinals chip Steelers Falcons there you go where's Boom Boom baby yeah the coffee's good Mike is Mike will give it a glowing and you know he's he gave an endorsement last last time too but um but I want to say something more about Cuban here because Cuban is doing good things man like this whole thing he's got with drugs like his uh his his Cost Plus Drug Company where you can buy stuff like some much cheaper um clene is uh the 6 Mill milligrams generic for C I don't even know what this is but normally was like 22 bucks it's nine bucks it's great stuff man I'm like he's doing stuff whatever that is he's doing good stuff like he offers like you know the drugs for uh for really inexpensive that's why I like the guy admire a lot of what he's doing I just don't agree with him politically because and I think the how is this guy so put together and gets it and such a phenomenal entrepreneur you know for gout that and he does stuff like you know there you go that's what that is gout chip gout oh for gout there you go yeah he's just uh and I'll say this about him he looks pretty good for 65 or 66 he still keeps keeps pretty you know he does it he's a good dude I I I like him I I really do like a lot about this guy just I just don't agree with his politics and it's kind of like a guy you admire you think he's really and he says squirly things I'm like dude how does that like mesh with all these awesome things you're doing over here I don't get it it's like at some point I see him coming around I thought he would kind of come around with some maybe some of these other guys but I don't know here's another one was 40 bucks now it's $10 it's Cost Plus drugs if you live in the US is great for getting drugs cheaper and this is like this is he's doing this just to offer it he's not making money on it he's just doing it to to um than that the guy's a squad other than just with this politics but everything else look at this well here Ru you well the thing about how did I how did I in the these it's crazy he talks about that then he's supporting the systematic dismantling of our of our political infrastructure on our Republic got the wells notice he says makes you wonder if Gary Gensler is secretly a John Deon supporter he's doing everything in his power to end Senator Warren's career he supports John Beaton as a rep this doesn't make sense exactly yeah he's come out he's been one of the biggest John Deon supporters you know like I said like he does a lot of great stuff and like but he hates this this TDs is Real This Trump Arrangement syndrome is real and Mike have we officially broken the record Mike I think we broken the record so I'll show you the other one who also doesn't make sense um I think it's it's in here somewhere where'd it go um eser purse oh here we go so so it's interesting because we have these dynamics of you know supporters and you talked about like RFK and you know embracing some of the things he supports where we have commonality and then you know those that you know the side that he doesn't support but here's so here's Richie hang on here's Richie Torres you know what are you doing I was trying I was trying to add yours and you were trying to add it at the same time that's so funny here's up here's Richie Torres on Robert uh on RFK right has no business holding any elected office let alone the presidency anywhere in the United States let alone the White House his antix extremism is a disqualifying as it's disquieting his latest endorsement of trump is as embarrassing as the man he endorsed now it's crazy because we've seen where he where Richie Torres stands on certain issues and we have to embrace him for the issues that he's that he's definitely in favor of uh and to that point if you're going to have uh and you're going to establish a government to achieve uh positive outcome like you know what Trump is bringing in to his administration a Tulsi gabard and an RF K and then like you said it before Embrace what rfk's impa that he's passionate about that we're passionate about health right our food um the FDA being another three-letter agency like the SEC that is crushing uh certain things that could be very very positive uh for the people Richie Torres has been very outspoken on crypto very much against Gary gendler but then and then when you see him say things like this you're like holy cow you know how could you be so wrong I mean it's like a polar opposite it's like we agree on certain issues and then he comes out and says something like that without I don't think he's done enough back research to understand understand where RFK is coming from because if you look at the level of autism in this country that is directly correlated back to the uh some of these injections that they're giving kids on how they respond to them and food sugar the lack of nutrition you know all of it's correlated and yes small poox of course smallpox was eradicated polio there's all these things that were definitely positive outcome but we also don't know what the long-term impact oh you might get rid of polio and then maybe we're we're killing people soon maybe we're causing autism I'm not saying it's related to that but do we really know because obviously there's and RFK is like we got to research it you can't take it at face value you know the fact and that's I I said here I said you're on the complete wrong side of this issue and it's a major issue time to do your own research I don't think he was doing any research on this I don't think he's done any background he's just taking whatever the government and the Democrat talking points might feed him from a media perspective he said hundreds of millions of Life have been saved not be but RFK is not antia across the board he's saying we got to research it you know we got to figure out what is causing the problems you can't go about it blindly and in this and on crypto on what's going on in the Middle East in Israel you know Richie Tor has been super outspoken does his own researches here's an issue he hasn't researched you know he's just taking the talking points that's why I like RFK but look at this J this is the late 1940s okay this is what you got you got uh you got dtp which is deia tetanus and uh pusis and you got in small pox that was in the late 40s late 50s they added the polio right but here's what you never had to do you got the polio vaccine but you never got a polio booster because why because it was a vaccine that actually prevented you from getting polio right where why why would you need a booster if you need a booster you know that that tells you that it's ineffective right that's the first like right and then you got 1960 look at they so they entered mums they added measles mumps and rubella right this the late 1960s the 70s you got you know pretty much the same thing and then 85 to 94 pretty much the same thing you've got this uh you got HIV but you got MMR the measles moments rebell same thing right and then look at this 94 to 95 then you added he B in there then you got the 95 schedule look at this in here you it's just gone to hell man it's like and look at and then this is 1998 then you got 2000 2002 and what do we have Horizon yeah I mean it's not coordinated right here's the 20 here's the 2006 I mean G be way too much it's just got really crazy there's certain things you just don't need it it's like yeah that what about the flu shot why why would anyone get the flu shot what sense does that make look at this Jee this is the 2018 vaccine schedule okay yeah that's pretty much today so this is like all the stuff that you have to get you know who dosn't get the vaccines Amish you know who's not having issues the Amish first of all they eat healthy food they eat they don't have any garbage in their food like more akin to like European style food and this is what RFK wants to do and I fully support him on that like let's let's talk about the things that we agree on you know Nicole um Shanahan coming up with that video put that together but she was one of the largest anti-trumpers she was like one of the biggest Libs there were and I was shocked when he when he chose her for the running mate because I was like oh my God she's more left than he is and meanwhile they both come around because they see the corruption firsthand until you feel it until you see it firsthand it's like oh no one cares about the Border yeah so what if it's open well when they come to your town your town has you know 20,000 people and they bring in 25,000 you know illegals and all of a sudden you wake up and start caring about it right start and the people the [ __ ] in Chicago and in Massachusetts if you're still going to vote for for lefties you're in New York and your your city's being overrun I saw this woman in passion she said I fought my my husband and I you know younger we were on drugs we fought off of drugs we got off of that we ended up building a life together we ended up working we bought our first house and now in California they're going to give $150,000 to illegals to buy a house they're here illegally on top of all the other money listen they hate you they want to empower they want to have this this uh military class of people come in here remember when Obama said he wants a military uh uh a non what what do you call it a civilian uh C civilian Force that's only answered to him that's the illegals that answer to them right so that they tell them what to do they only vote Democrat because they get all the freebies and handouts you're giving people if you want to hear about a government and a party that doesn't care about you and pretends about well they keep bringing it back to well we had a border Bill well that border bill allowed between five and 10,000 people a day illegally to come in this is the Border bill you keep hearing Camala Harris talk about I've called people out I've said have you read it and they said no I go here it is and here let me grab these two excerpts of the paragraphs to tell you that they're saying it's okay for two and a half million illegals to come in a year that's what they're saying that's the Border bill that they keep or the Republican and Donald Trump gave his minions the Republicans the order not to sign that because he wants it to be his deal no Biden came in in day one and delet and and undid every one of his executive orders that Clos the border so you know enough of the gaslighting enough of the lying enough of the BS you know you got to call people out it's one of the reasons we pivoted this show because it's too important for us not to talk about Jeff yeah and and to that point let's say you have two and a half million coming in a year let's say 10% of them are bad right that's one% even even so yeah let's go with 1% that's 25,000 people that are here that are bad and bad like what we're seeing in Aurora in Colorado where you have gangs that come from another country that are extremely violent and they've taken over apartment complexes and and the weak you know beta uh government uh that's in that's in Colorado just lets them Rail Road right over them and and look at what they've done so it's so destructive and it's more than 1% are bad because every single one of them that cross the border immediately you know broke our law as soon as they came in illegally they you know committed committed a crime that's number one uh maybe they didn't all have bad intent once they got here but they had bad intent coming in the country because they broke rule number one you know don't come in here illegally that's number one now that they're here and they're on the streets or they're wherever many of them will end up going into crime how many crimes have been committed against those people that are coming here but they're not they're calling them you know migrants uh they want to give them you know all sorts of uh benefit from coming here they're coming from uh Africa they're coming from Asia they're coming from China they're coming from the Middle East they're coming from all parts of Latin America these people are not coming over here for Asylum they're coming over here to invade this country uh and however you want to look at that it's a it's a net negative there's no positive to be gained out of out of what they've done and that's just how it how it stands you know and you know to all these points you know chip it's it's really destructive I mean it's it's amazing that this is like the major issue of our time all the crypto in the world isn't going to save it isn't going to save anybody if uh if our if our if our country crashes and the economy crashes along with it Jee did we only go live on two platforms today we did I did that on purpose I wanted to see what the uh balance was on on YouTube to see what if it make an impct show with John Deon I know bad one to experiment with my man well I that's why I thought we could experiment I broadcast it on X and you know I wanted to see how many people we're drawing from X uh to push back over here so the YouTube balance is is exactly the same yeah doesn't the re broadcast it will push it back it doesn't change it didn't have an impact it's crazy no it doesn't we've been crushed it just shows that we've been totally crushed Shadow banned and crushed by YouTube by the sensors it's amazing to me you know Mike says you can't go wrong with the badass Yeti coffee I truly endorse his coffee yeah it is really good coffee listen we wouldn't pedal garbage we don't do that if it it's not stuff that we drink ourselves we would would we wouldn't pedal a garbage for you if it wasn't merch that we you know didn't believe in heavily um there's a good question here from oneeyed Willie wants no here he says uh in regards to Ripple case does the appeal from the SEC have to be improved by gentler does it have to be voted on by the Commissioners I don't think so I think it's an internal sort of a I don't it's not one of these things that that gets vote it's just a you know a call by the legal team and um I don't know why a lot of people are so invested in this I don't give a rats behind if it goes on or doesn't I first of all the signaling the official statement that Ellie tra put out there right after the right after the you know um this verdict was was was put down um it sounded to me like they were going to accept it and if they do appeal it who cares chances are they're going to lose I mean like why would you why would you open yourself up to you think you're going to win if it gets appealed that means you didn't agree with what was said and you didn't agree with the you know what was it 200 how how much what was their fine 100 million $200 million what was the fine whatever it was so what do you think you're not going to pay $100 million you're going to pay they wanted them to pay $2 billion you think a court after all this is going to is going to side with you if anything they'll reduce it so they could open themselves up to taking a loss but why so many influencers are talking about this listen the only thing that matters is xrp is not a security everything else of that listen the company Ripple God I wish them a lot of luck I I it's it's a great company I want them to do great things I don't care about the appeal I just don't what I cared about was xrp you messed with it and we found out that that and Bitcoin are the only two that have regulatory Clarity and are not Securities end of list that's it that's it that's it they appeal don't appeal I I could care less I don't even follow it they're like the date's coming up and it's going to be and will it be appealed who cares I don't care chances are if they do appeal and they're that dumb and they want to appeal SEC wants to appeal it they'll probably the judge will probably cut the the fee in half probably say like okay for being you know morons you now it's going to be 50 million you know no maybe 10 million maybe it was a wrongful suit maybe they shouldn't pay that much money at all maybe they just pay a million dollars and be done with it I don't see the SEC opening themselves up if they do God bless them because they're probably gonna they're probably going to lose even bigger so right and we party I'm not yelling at you dude I'm just passionate that's all are you yelling at him CHP I'm not yelling at you it's just like I see these influencers talking about it like it's the most utmost important it's not at you man I'm not I'm not yelling at you I'm just like getting passion because I'm like I see it all the time on Twitter and I nobody cares I don't care Louis was saying he shows that there's only 34 watching we're at like 45 now it's 41 this is it's horrible it's really horrible what's happened on YouTube and the more we talk about it I think you know that they've they've dismantled and crushed us probably the more we talk about doesn't worry X is coming out with the platform X is coming out with the TV app um I think they need to have a mobile app too but I have a feeling that don't don't rule Elon Musk out I have feeling if anybody can take down and take on YouTube it's Elon Musk first of all you got he's had more traffic than ever when he took over act and contrary to popular belief people think oh it's just filled with conservatives no there's tons of liberals still on there it's about it's still about 5050 yep great Joe say hello to Castro yeah hey we wave to him 90 miles away from CUO drive from C from the Florida to Cuba so all right guys listen we officially broke a record we're at 158 we just got to do 1 minute and 10 seconds to say goodbye and we've officially done a two-hour show of damn it hey why do you say Bitcoin is Clarity chip well it it has because there's no they're never going to go after it because there's no one to go after that's the reason it has Clarity they can't take it down they can't cancel it there's there's no there's no one to fight that's why it has Clarity it has unofficial Clarity in the sense that it's not going to ever be taken down and I always people that are anti- Bitcoin I'm not anti- Bitcoin at all I think I never forget the man who dug the well and the and the the crypto that dug the well for all of us to be here was called Bitcoin and everything because it paav the way because it was first paved the way for digital assets to you know come behind it so I'm always gonna be Pro Bitcoin Bitcoin I was a Bitcoin Maxi at one time everybody was at some point so there you have it well Jeff officially are going to get there we're 10 seconds away ready set in 10 seconds no no I'm sorry my bad no no my bad we're 45 yeah there we go 10 nine there you go nine eight eight ready seven six five 4 3 two one zero blessed off we'll see you guys on the next one chip and Jeff are [Music] out are you down with OTC please like subscribe and click the Bell to be notified when the next video drops

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