Can Wyndham Clark Win in Colorado or Will Viktor Hovland Defend His BMW Championship Title?

Start big Drive energy BMW Championship week it's home it's a home game it's here in Colorado we're here in studio we're going to give you the full preview the weather report with Mitchell's Colorado accent should be an easy one who we think is going to come out on top and the final 30 players heading to East Lake next week for the Tour Championship and it's all coming up right now along with Country Club snob being outed and in Fairway or four all Intro right let's te it up [Music] [Applause] [Music] big Drive energy live BMW Championship week we went out there yesterday checked it out we're going to be out there again tomorrow I'll be out there throughout the weekend it's a great week to have golf back in the state of Colorado I know everyone around here is excited the fans are excited they've sold out multiple days but first how's your week been what what's uh how's your weekend I know we did our Sunday pod Sunday night late night pod pod uh it was kind of fun and different but how's your last couple days been you're just hanging at the house just being in Colorado yeah it's been good man I mean uh I babysat your son so let me ask you how was uh Tyler Childers in Boulder because me and saw dogs just chilled big chilling um the kid has got a motor like nobody's business he just keeps going he's the Energizer Bunny So eventually I just had to let him do his own thing but I had a good time waking up early with a kid is wild like just knowing that you're responsible for another human being is pretty insane uh not something that I'm used to by any means I'm used to worrying about myself uh and that's a handful if you don't know me uh so worrying about another human being is pretty wild like when I'm at the house with you and Kylie I can like play with Sawyer but if something goes down it's not my problem but when you know it's your problem then it's like a totally totally different scenario you know what I mean you're kind of on edge so it went well but how was uh how was Boulder I heard you got a little toasted I'm not surprised but yeah when you have a night and you go out as a parent and your kid's safe with his uncle you know at home and not with you I I assume that he's safe uh we yeah we lit it up a little bit um it was a great great concert Tyler CH big Tyler Childers fan but the first time I went to his concert in at Red Rocks he didn't play he didn't play the hits well I was also there with you oh were you were were well we did get pretty tuned up for that one there yeah but he played a ton of the songs that I didn't know or had never heard so that's always kind of a big let down when you know their music like if you go to a concert where you don't really know the music you just kind of jam out you're hearing new things you're like oh this is cool but when you go to a concert of someone you expect to hear x amount of songs that you know if you listen to them prior and didn't hear any of his songs at Red Rocks but this past weekend in Boulder he definitely played some of his hits and so that was a great it was like great when you hear the first tune coming out and you're like oh I know this is going to be this song this is going to be great and that made it a great concert I've of course had a few had quite a few cers lights that night great time and uh concerts at venues that normally are for football or outdoor sports are just Elite like there's there's usually a great view I mean nothing compares to Red Rocks and I'll always say that but there's f is pretty damn good it's like Tiger Woods in his prime like you compare all the other venues based on Red Rocks being the Top's like Scotty Sheffer yeah exactly fome is the Scotty sheffler of like it's really great it'll never compare to Red Rocks but nothing in the world does and that's why we're so lucky to have it so close to us and be able to have attended 20 30 plus shows there uh but Fulon field was an incredible venue let me ask you this like so you have you ever heard of like fish or uh you've heard of Grateful Dead for sure yeah that those are like foll jam bands they just like don't play well I guess Grateful Dead does play songs are you talking about dead and Co which is like a Grateful Dead well Grateful Dead SL dead and Company um but fish I know just plays no like not really songs they just like jam out for hours like is that something that you'd be interested in or do you want to know the song I saw I feel like if you did some extracurriculars that would be helpful in enjoying just the jam like but I I personally would I've never been to one but I feel like it'd be a little weird yeah I mean it's definitely if you know the songs it makes it more fun to jam out too but it's also the mindset you're in I at a concert in Michigan I went to like a festival and I saw string uh string cheese string cheese incident and I had never heard of them but they basically did the same thing they just jammed out for two hours and I was in a good mood and having a good time so I enjoyed it but normally um well I went to a lot I've been to a lot of EDM concerts and those are crazy because you're seeing an artist but they don't really have a ton of songs like that genre doesn't have songs I was going to say that might be why you're into the like you're down with the jam cuz that is kind of one big Jam yeah it's it's like you know different type of music you know they have songs that have certain sounds but they play a set where it's never never ending and half of the songs they mix in are random songs from other artists that you've never heard so I think that in general like that's what I work out to every day I can't work out to like song after song or choosing songs cuz there's an ending there's a slow part you know that it's just like con just hitting you I out to a podcast that's [ __ ] psychotic I am so like in on podcast it is insane I I like music probably 20% of the I listen to music probably 20% of the time I listen to podcast probably 80% of the time yeah this kid right here listens to a podcast like at night while he's sleeping with an airpod in do you think that that's weird Yaya it's crazy leaping with anything in your ears not listening to a podcast if you had it like on the radio like just kind of playing in the background that'd be kind of dope but actually having like something in your ear that's insane as hell I sleep with an airpod in a lot of the time partially because my girlfriend detests the fact that I do it like but she won't let me play it out loud so if I'm going to do it it's got to be in my ear like the one thing when I started dating my wife is going from single to dating is I used to have Fox Sports Radio because I was just a late night radio on all the time psych no it's not psycho but it's psycho that you just can't let go of it and you actually have to like put an airpod in and continue to listen to it dud basically I want to try to sleep with my own thoughts like when my mind starts racing that's when I I can't sleep and I am I am known to sleep hard and well and that's because I'm listening to somebody else talk about something that has nothing to do with the thoughts going on in my head think a lot of the times when I'm listening to something and go to sleep it turns into a intertwined mess of my dream whatever I'm listening to is like I can hear it in my dream I'm awake but I'm also part of the podcast I just rubed nicotine straight into my eyeball that's not good I rubbed garden salsa sunship into my eye about 30 minutes ago so we're struggling with the with the eyes Well here here's another uh hypothetical remember when we were in high school and kids would try to play with airpod like ear pods in oh yeah and they would say like no headphones and this was back in the day of no cord or no cordless headphones so these kids were legit walking around with their corded headphones trying to play golf but do you feel like music helps you on the golf course do you not cuz obviously they're not listening to swing tips and if they were it wasn't really helping cuz no really good high school players would have their headphones in but do you think it like help helps relax you or do you not care do you like silence on the golf course for like a competitive round not a you know playing with your buddies you're playing music you're listen you're drinking alcohol whatever you know that's a different scenario but if you're playing a competitive round do you think that music or even a podcast or something would like help chill you out I think a certain type of music would I am a 21 Pilots guy on the golf course that's kind of my standard or country um but some sometimes it's usually just like a it takes my mind off of actually playing golf which is nice sometimes my mind is just going with the tunes um and and not worrying about what golf shot I'm about to [ __ ] up next see but that's honestly why I talk so much on the golf course too because it helps me focus on something besides uh the golf in front of me like I I try to focus on the golf shot for 10 to 15 seconds but then after that I'm talking about anything else besides Golf and that that I found helps me out but it is an interesting uh I like podcast just relaxed me songs songs are just so quick that so I almost am now convincing myself that I'd be in with like a jam band because the song like doesn't end like an hourong song I can I can get that's something I can get behind so uh how was so you went to Tyler Childers then we went out to the BMW yesterday so well real quick shout out my t-shirt shout out BMW this humingbird logo is Elite um let's talk about I want to talk about airport etiquette real quick because of some of the things I saw so I was in Dallas on Monday I just took a Airport etiquette day trip to Dallas flew out there in the morning flew back at night and it was a like the things I see every time I go on a flight every time I go to the airport are a disaster so I've I've written some things down here I put some things in my notes so real quick I'm not going to cut you off but then remind me to talk about Highway etiquette after you talk about let's not do that we're we're definitely doing it go ahead with your airport etiquette um so it started out with decent decent day getting into the airport my clear actually helped me for once cuz it's been there's been this weird scenario where clear is actually takes longer than the normal security sometimes because there's only a couple of people with clear they checking your eyes and then I've also had my ID checked like random quote unquote random ID check on clear the last like three or four times I'm like what's the point of this cuz theoretically if I have clear I don't have to bring my ID to the airport ideally like if they do the check I'm screwed but when it Center you know you do your eyes and then you show your boarding pass you should be good to go they've checked my ID randomly like multiple times whatever so I get through clear and then a guy in front of me two guy sorry two guys in front of me starts to walk through the into the metal detector thing you know we put your hands down I think now instead of up it's like the new ones like yeah and he walks in there with his shoes on and you don't have TSA pre-check I do not have TSA pre-check no mistake um but the so then that guy walks in with his shoes so he has to get they're like go take your shoes off like what are you doing yeah so then the next guy comes and he's got his wallet in his pocket that's chained to his belt buckle oh my God you know like the old school like slip knot type of scenario where you chain your wallet to your your belt loop he's got that in his pocket so he they start to scan him they're like sir you're going to have to remove that so I'm like this is this is insanity I'm already annoyed with all these people because it's taking me longer than it should be and then I get on the plane everything's fine and I look down and I'm a window guy it's Southwest flight which they're still doing the choose your own seat so I chose my own seat got got to the window just like I like it and the guy the last person on the plane my my uh spot next to me is open last person on the plane takes the middle seat right next to me of course you know huge L but Southwest is actually going away from non assigned seating uh which is like the end of an era because they're the only one that does does it and I honestly don't mind it at all like now that I've flown United a significant amount of the time and I also have a bone to pick with United while we're on the subject actually had a guy really helped me out today but uh now that I've flown United a bunch I cannot get on a plane and not know where I'm sitting like that [ __ ] freaks me out um do you have any other airport etiquette that you would like to clear up well yeah so I was on the plane I get on the plane sitting in the window seat and I look over and I'm like why are my my legs feel like kind of cramped my legs are a little longer anyways but I was like they feel cramped so I look down and the guy next to me has his foot over the metal into my seat area oh yeah that's out of pocket that is I've had that happen multiple times and it is so clear like where your area is and where somebody else's area is and if they are coming into your area I mean you've seen people like put their feet on like other people's armrests and even like I think this is out of pocket when it's mostly females but if I I've never seen a dude do it if you have longer hair and you throw it over the back of your seat and it's like hanging over your TV or like in your [ __ ] that is like not okay at all either people taking their socks off on the plane completely out of pocket um question on that one yes I don't take my socks off I don't but I do wear Crocs to the airport no socks almost never socks on Crocs that's weird that [ __ ] don't do that I do actually wear socks on Crocs he wears socks with slippers he's a [ __ ] psychop see that's weird you don't do that that I rather you have no socks and no shoes than wear socks with Crocs or slight but is it acceptable to take off your Crocs or your slippers if that's what you have on at the airport I think if you wear Crocs because they're ventilated then your your feet are not just sitting in a hot box if you're wearing like fullon like slippers with no socks and then you pop them off those things are going to be ripe your feet are not going to smell good so that is out of pocket but no if you're wearing Crocs and no socks but then it brings me to another point you do you feel comfortable going through security sockless and shoeless like that's the part like when you have dog security you have to take your [ __ ] shoes off and you're barefooting it through the security I always feel bad for those people I'm like they must have not t this through they no or they know what they're doing and they're just [ __ ] fit for a straight jacket so what I do I don't know if You' seen the little baggies you put on feet I usually carry one of those with me so once I go through I just put those on real quick walk through and then get back I foot baggies on yeah foot baggies are the way like you're doing like a foot mask yeah basically like that's that's the way you do that fair enough I mean yeah that is crazy I've worn boat shoes a few times on a flight and I don't have socks on I'm like wow what a [ __ ] mistake this was um but real quick I want to talk about United Airlines so I have accumulated miles you know you get Miles when you are with an airline um so I found out and I Spencer already knows this but I was trying to transfer some miles to my mom they charge you $7.50 per 500 miles you transfer so it costed me $330 to transfer my miles to my mom I was like this is the most asinine policy I've ever heard in my entire life like I spent a lot of money to get these miles I mean it's 20,000 Mi not 200,000 but that would have cost me 30 $3,300 if I would have transferred 200,000 mil it's [ __ ] obscene like how can you charge somebody for the miles that they paid for you I like I can't even put it into words it so then I I had this dude on the phone really helped me out he got me my miles back um but then they're like yeah it's nonrefundable this and that and I was like Furious I was like I'm canceling everything I I am not that guy that gets angry at any customer service rep and so I emailed him and I was a little Curt in the email um but then when I got on the phone with this dude he was pretty cool right off the bat and so I was like I'm going to be straight up with you it was my [ __ ] up like I made the mistake I did not read the fine print that it says you get charged to transfer miles and I just want to reverse this whole thing and almost an hour later he got me my miles back but he didn't get me the payment of$ 300 and some dollars that I paid but that is going as a flight credit to in our mom's account so she can use that basically I was just putting money in her account for her to pay for a flight so I don't care about that it was more just the principle of me giving up miles anday to give my miles to someone like have you ever heard of a dumber thing in your life no there could be like a onetime transfer fee like 20 bucks 30 bucks whatever something simple like that where they're still making money off of it but I don't understand and also I don't know why you know I'm not sure why you didn't do this in the first place I mean the transfer miles thing shouldn't have worked out like it did but theoretically you could have just booked her flight under your miles and changed the name to her and made it her flight think you can you can definitely do that you can just change the traveler because it always asks you who the traveler is it also just feels like Mitch's mad that he didn't think about that soon no I I honestly tried to do that and it didn't give me an option to change the traveler like I would have to add her as a traveler but then I don't know if I can you can't book through my Mileage Plus I can't book for her you can't book for other people so I could use my credit card to pay for her flight but I can't book her flight in my account I don't know it's it's true unless you're booking your own flight at the same time because I booked my own flight but added someone on but also cor if I'm not flying though I can't add somebody El I I can't just book a flight for someone else if I'm also not traveling with them yeah 100% all right so Mitchell was just saying how he got nicotine in his eyes this is a chance to tell you what kind of nicotine he got in his eyes and that is our friends over at Lucy nicotine Lucy is 100% pure nicotine and always tobacco free they have gum they have pouches and they have Breakers I've got the berry Citrus Breakers right here and full disclosure I learned uh about 3 days ago that you actually pop the breaker with your teeth so put it in pop the breaker oh you can actually hear that on the mic I love that this is a great luciad so you pop the breaker and then it's incredible flavor so I wasn't all the way in on these breaker 8 mgram uh Berry Citrus until I figured out that if you pop the breaker with your tooth it's an incredibly different taste and an incredibly different uh length of how long these last um if you're not a pouch guy or gal though Lucy gum is available in 2 Mig 4 Mig and 6 Mig see I almost feel like though if you break the breaker early that that's like taking a bite right into a Tootsie Pop you got to let it Mar inate and then break on its own you got to earn that well the big thing was is I wasn't cuz it refreshes the flavor after you've had it in for 203 minutes but I wasn't thrilled with the taste of it in general when I was starting so now that I know to break the breaker breaking breaker One n that it starts off with just an immense amount of flavor right off the bat so now these Berry Citrus 8 Breakers are my absolute favorite and I throw in a Lucy whether I'm on the golf course whether I'm on the podcast whatever it ends up being being I am always with a Lucy with different variety I love the winter green I love the mint I got some mango in this last subscription I also got some espresso in this last subscription so let's level up your nicotine routine with Lucy go to lucy. co/ bde and use promo code bde to get 20% off of your first order Lucy offers free shipping and has a 30-day refund policy if you change your mind that's lucy. use code bde to get 20% off and is always free shipping here comes the fine print Lucy products are only for adults of legal age and every order is age verified warning this product contains nicotine nicotine is an addictive chemical and Mitchell you wouldn't have gotten the Lucy nicotine in your eyes if you had your shady Rays on our friends over at Shady Rays incredible sunglasses that won't break the bank they have over 300,000 f-star reviews they have durable frames Crystal Clear Optics and they're the perfect choice for all Outdoor Adventures there's so many choices on the website to choose from so head over to Shady rays look what you like we prefer the golf uh prism or not excuse me not prism um what is the word I'm losing the word po polarized golf green wolf glasses those are our favorite um I'm wearing Shady Rays all the time on the golf course I keep them in my car I keep them in my backpack and I keep them in my golf bag and if your Shades ever go missing or Tak an unexpected hit do not sweat it they have the most insane protection in all of iare every pair is backed by lost or broken Replacements so if you break some not a problem you just send them back in they send you a new pair their customer service is incredible so head over to and use code ac35 for 35% off polarized sunglasses try for yourself the shades rated five stars by over 300,000 people I think that was the BMW Championship flag behind us telling us that it's time to talk about the BMW Championship so let's get into it do we The BMW Championship want to do the when are we doing this giveaway here so we there will be a giveaway for those of you watching live we have a couple things to give away we have a flag we have a BMW Championship hat and we've got an insanely sick it's kind of hard to see with like the the lighting but says bmwc and we've got a insanely sick there we go swag golf putter head cover with the milkshakes on it so we're going to do the giveaway we're going to post that later today on our Twitter on our Instagram make sure you subscribe to our YouTube that's how you get in to win but we'll do a whole post with a real on how to get in but make sure you're checking out our social media later on this afternoon we'll have the full giveaway and it runs until Sunday night Saturday night sat well it through you can enter through Saturday night Sunday on our live show recapping the BMW we are going to announce all the winners so we've got a bunch of stuff to give away make sure you're subscribed to the YouTube go click that right now and then following us on either Twitter or Instagram whichever you prefer to see the details of the giveaway all right should we start out with what do you want to start you want to start with the weather report I think we should do a weather report on Castle Pines in your best Colorado accenter so let's just talk about this for a second do you think coloradans have an accent like Yaya do you feel like just my Midwestern pasty white ass is like I feel like this is just the standard white person language F mountain mountain oh God you [ __ ] me up mountain mountain I don't say the T NE neither do I but that's the Colorado aent right there okay yeah yes I also people say Colorado if you're not from Colorado so you say rad you can't spell Colorado without rad um but my girlfriend being a Philly being from the Philly area and living in New Jersey thinks that I have an accent um I don't think I do she does she she also doesn't think she has an accent which is just that's insane but we should definitely I wonder if there's like a I wonder if there's a map you know how there's always a map of everything in the United States like who votes for who or what what this region is cheering for like what states don't have an accent or do have an accent I guess it depends upon who you're looking at how you're looking at it and who's doing the math see I would say there everybody has an accent I feel like see I would say there's only a I would say Colorado Wyoming like Utah Washington Oregon um probably Idaho California cal Califor well you see said Oregon instead of Oregon or Oregon I can't stand when people say Oregon I'm like I think that's an East Coast thing they pronounce every single syllable um how do you say caramel Yaya caramel you say caramel see I say caramel do you say carel yeah see that which is how do you say crayon crayon you don't say crayon you know say crayon you say crayon yeah crayon okay so that is like I feel like an East Coast thing or maybe just a a nonc Colorado thing but I don't pronounce like every single syllable of those words um but I feel like Oregon Washington Wyoming Colorado probably Arizona but even California has an accent they've got like that and maybe it's more just a Vibe like yo what's up dud obviously that's very very stereotypical but Vibe and vocabulary every state is different yes actual different way of speaking like when I was in Dallas it was amazing to hear y'all like three times in the same sentence and I over yeah I feel like people just overdo it I think they I don't think they're inally how they like I think that's just how they've talked since they were little and how they've heard people talk and and I wonder in you know in four or five years blue is a very popular kid show that Australian accent the Australian accent how many kids learn to talk from bie and pick up some Australian bit like [ __ ] like that I actually heard an Australian girl say that and I was cracking up I'm like you actually say no with like an r at the end um okay to the weather report all right we are sending it over to Rick ricken what about no that was you pick a local radio or pick a local New Station um Chris biani isn't that Chris bian I'm Chris bian uh with Fox 31 all right coming at you live from Castle Pines this week yeah here we go uh 6,400 ft of elevation it is going to be a little cooler than the Denver metro area so Thursday we're looking at a high of 82 and cloudy uh we actually have a pretty nice nice week for these guys it's not crazy hot looks like a little cloud cover Friday 85 uh partly sunny Saturday 85 as well partly cloudy mostly cloudy and uh Sunday is 80 degrees so that is pretty damn nice I would say when it goes as far as weather goes for this area because Denver I know is supposed to be in the 90s but it has been mentioned one million times um oh we you know we should do is create a drinking game for all the phrases they're going to use over and over and over again at Castle Pines what what do you think like in terms of like distance the elevation how the ball flies longest course in the history of the PGA Tour um the higher and so did you know this Spencer now that because we actually were at Patrick klay's press conference yesterday um a lot of people don't realize this but did you know that proportionately speaking in Colorado percentage wise your your wedges and your short irons go further relative to their sea level distance versus your long irons and your Woods yeah so Patrick talked about that yesterday because the higher you hit it the further it goes Patrick talked about that yesterday and he said the biggest issue are you done with your weather report yes okay weather report's all done all right cool I just wanted to make sure uh the biggest issue with Klay was talking about was it's not that necessarily the difference in distance from your clubs at sea level to altitude it's the difference in distance from Club to club because of the gaps that altitude creates and that's kind of what you're talking about is basically let's say he hits his pitching wedge 150 yards at sea level he probably hits at 160ish 165 here let's say 165 and even 10% 110% of the distance at sea level 65 pitching W is long well now he hits his let's say he hits his nineiron 165 at sea level so now that times 160 or times 1.1 essentially is you're looking at 172 so now there's a gap or excuse me2 so now there's another yard and a half two yard Gap in his pitching wedge and in his nine iron that wasn't there before but I'm saying the multiple changes for the irons and the wedges versus the driver like the driver's probably like you said a 1.1 multiple so if you hit it for round number purposes you hit it 300 at sea level it's probably going to go 330 up here at altitude but the multiple for say a nine iron is like 1.2 so say you hit a nineiron at sea level probably 150 um then 1.2 of that is going to be 180 so you're gaining more with the short irons and wedges than you are the driver and the long irons in the woods because you're not hitting it as high up in the air it sounds wild but it's true the air is thinner the higher up it gets so um it's actually a very wild concept but we were standing on the Range yesterday watching some guys dial in distances and Victor havin was hitting nine iron 190 yards um which is just absolutely bananas uh and then Rory bless you uh was flying balls over the net which if I remember correctly when we played out there you were hitting drivers like in the middle of the net correct correct yeah and if you've never been to Castle Pines Golf Club the range it it's a great Golf Course obviously but the range is not set up for any sort of PGA Tour no it's straight up the range is straight uphill and it's got the net I believe right at the base of the net or about 10 ft up on the net it says 250 and maybe at sea level that's an okay driving range uphill yeah to basically stops at 250 now a lot of these guys every single one of them for in actually not a lot of them have a track man so they know exactly how far that Ball's going when they hit it based on the numbers and based on their computer but the amount of guys just pounding balls into that 250 fence was insane yeah and you could tell just the difference the the it does look cooler I will say the uphill driving range as lame as it is with a back drop makes the ball look like it's just floating like watching these guys hit balls was insane and real quick kind of to finish up that Patrick Klay Point not only is distance a big issue this week he spoke on trajectory and and the trajectory of your shots where you can almost get it to you know obviously you're still going to have to take some off but let's say you hit a a nineiron that's flying you know off the the angle of uh approach or the angle off the club is 37° that's not right yeah the launch angle if you flight it down to 34 or 35° you can almost get that club to go the same distance as sea level still going to go a little bit further but you can control your and go back to almost your stock Sea levish yardages by fighting the ball down a little bit yeah you definitely I mean that is the main key to controlling distance is controlling trajectory so I feel like the guys and you know my picks are hypothetical betting picks if we were to take them um I picked a couple guys that aren't great at controlling their trajectory and therefore their distance so I actually uh now just talking through this I don't know how much I love my picks but maybe that's the perfect um uh reverse psychology scenario for me where now I hate my picks so they actually might do well uh but yes controlling trajectory in General on the PJ tour is massive uh especially when you get into that 125 range and there is certain guys that are better at it than others um I just now off the top of my head Cameron young is not great at controlling trajectory he hits everything high and hard as hell uh and he is one of my picks so I do not know how much I love that uh by the way this is we'll get into our our betting picks towards the end of the episode but I think it's a a blacklist week for Cameron young I think you got to know when to quit somebody and if Cameron young can't win this year as many leads as he's held and as many runner-up finishes this course is somewhat built for a guy like him that just hits it an absolute mile I know he's not from altitude so he's not super familiar with playing at altitude but guys like him and Windham like Windham this actually sets up super well for him first of all he grew up playing the course second of all he knows how the ball it at altitude and third it's in his hometown um so I think there's definitely some Hometown Vibes so but hasn't that been like a struggle for PGA Tour players yeah it is a little bit more of a distraction like that's it could go one of two ways depending on the player some guys rise up to the occasion they're like okay I need to show out in front of my home crowd um I got all my buddies here I got my family here or they completely get shriveled because they've got 10 dudes or you know 50 friends and family pulling him in all these directions asking him for tickets asking to get into the the players tent this and that and so it could definitely go one of two ways but ultimately I think uh Windham knowing this golf course even though it has been renovated I think is a huge leg up like think about playing the golf course you legitimately grew up on that has to be huge for anyone on the especially at that level like when you when you go to a place you've never played before and can fire you know 10 to 15 under in a week then I think it just gives you those extra few Strokes when you know hey I know where to hit it here I know where to hit it here where especially with this venue not being played by literally anybody besides Adam Scott what was that 20 20 years fun fact 2006 okay so 2006 was the last time 18 years ago 11 years ago [ __ ] 2006 was the last time a professional event was played at Castle Pines and Adam Scott was in that event he's the only player that's ever seen Castle Pines that's why it was interesting making picks because all the other PGA Tour events you have the opportunity to like look at how guys did last year or two years ago or how they've played there um we know one thing that this week is going to be an adventure for the players and if you're headed on your next adventure make sure you're doing that with rugged Road rugged road is dedicated to creating Innovative and durable outdoor gear for adventurers who demand the best their products are designed with the highest quality materials and craftsmanship ensuring they perform in the toughest 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our favorite pairings and then I also want to talk to you about we did this last week and I think it kind of plays again this week the guys looking on the outside in 31 through 50 who we Who can show out this weekend? think could make a run or who do you think is set up well for you know winning because last year let's face it last year in this I don't remember exactly how he played in the St Jude but remember at this point Victor hav was kind of eh he was he was having a good season but not the season not as bad as the season he's having this year but he was kind of middling and then he went on and won the BMW and then turned around and won the Tour Championship so are we going to see a repeat of that a guy goes back to back are we going to see Hideki go back to back he's got his caddy back um but let's talk about some pairings first of all first one I wanted to get to was Patrick Klay and Sun JM kind of an interesting pairing Klay I'm I'm high on can't lay this week we got to hear him talk yesterday and I will say not as vanilla Elmer's glue in an interview than he looks on the golf course would you is that a fair assessment oh totally I his his interview is actually somewhat intriguing um the worst part of it was this guy from the Associated Press is that who it was I went to I looked at his and Doug Doug from the Associated Press was the most annoying dude in the media I've ever heard he legitimately yeah yeah have you been to a like a a press conference before for like the Rapids or anything yes okay so this dude you know you you you get the mic you ask a question you hand the mic back he held on to the mic for over five minutes twice he went he asked like three or four consecutive questions was like having a conversation with Patrick and then hands the mic back and then they're about to shut down questions Patrick's like thank God I'm about to get out of here dug asked for the mic again and asked another like and it's the most non they asking him questions about Castle Pines and Doug goes did you grow up watching golf on TV yeah that's exactly one of the questions or no no it was even better he goes did you grow up watching TV and K's like uh yeah and he's like oh I meant Golf and then he was asking these open-ended like he was almost trying to like pull a quote out of kley that wasn't there he's like did you watch TV and then kentley's like uh like looking around and I feel like he's almost trying to make him look like an [ __ ] cuz then he goes well like golf on TV and he's like oh well yeah and then he goes what was your favorite and he goes well you know I grew up going out to Riviera he's like I meant to watch on TV and then so then kl's like well yeah the Masters and then did you have a favorite player it's like dude holy [ __ ] let the guy it if you want to go buy this guy dinner and [ __ ] sit down with him go for it but this is not your personal conversation did you see he grabbed him after the interview can't was trying to walk up oh my God and we were leaving and then he goes and grabs him again I don't know what was said there I kind of tried to listen in but couldn't hear it I'm sure players see guys like that and they just you know and you working at our old golf course you'd see a member and you're like nope can't get involved right now I can't you walk away you hide you do whatever you need to do to to avoid talking to them I feel like players got to have some of that with people cuz this dude is probably at every single golf tournament and he's asked this he's asked everybody so many questions that he's at the point where he's asking guys if they watch TV growing up like what the [ __ ] are and then there's another lady that uh was trying to she was in the front row but she was trying to ask Patrick a question without the microphone did you realize that yeah and then he answered she finally asked it with the microphone he answered and she had something to say back she didn't hold the microphone up so nobody could hear what she was replying with um so it was just the press conference in general I mean can't handled it well uh and then somebody else asked him do you grade yourself and like all these all these open-ended questions it was do you grade yourself feels more like uh something you do in private when the wife is gone yeah right like I I did not know what the hell they meant by that and then I think it was the same what was his name from it say Doug Doug he go he goes how do you learn from your mistakes like what does that process look like that was a legitimate question he asked and he's like when do you learn from them like if I'm say hitting it left all day when do I when do you learn that you need to not hit it left like this is a a PGA Tour press conference do you think this is [ __ ] yeah he and then at one point he asked do you ever go back like do you ever go back can look at and Patrick's like yeah like obviously I look at how I did and It ultimately felt like this guy was baiting him into like being an [ __ ] and getting worked up about something uh and Patrick like kept it together but you could see there was a few times where like rolled his eyes and was like uh looked around like is everybody else here in this [ __ ] yeah well they did get a semi funny clip out of it because the PGA Tour tweeted the clip where he was grilling him about asking T watching tournaments as a kid and he was talking about watching the rider cup with his dad but his dad had it on tape delay so his dad told him like I bet the I bet the us is going to lose all these matches whatever and then he watches it and they lose all the matches and then found out later that his dad already knew what happened because he was watching it on tape delay so it got a semi funny quote but yeah every you could tell everybody in the media center was like this guy's just Mike hogging it and no one else wanted to ask any questions well there was like four Dudes that asked probably 30 questions between the and it's like I I think and maybe maybe they know that nobody else is going to ask questions so they are almost kind of giving uh you know material for the press conferences they're they're trying to like start a conversation but it just felt so weird and like uncomfortable I did not not enjoy it at all no we're not big Jays for sure yeah real quick with that writer cup thing I lost $80 like that one time they played me and I was like yeah like my grandpa when I was younger he's like let's bet on this thing man knew the outcome he already knew the outcome and I lost 80 bucks he gave it back after he admitted that's nice I was going to say I'd still be salty about that like you know you're getting hosed on that um how real quick how would you rate the uh we we get breakfast and lunch every day we should have drove down there just for lunch like there's nobody playing golf right now cuz all the pro am's over I mean 2:00 is lunch is over we could make it after the Pod yeah so the lunch bread was incredible like they had full hot side and a cold side the cold side had chicken salad croissant I cop there was like a chicken breast but it was like four chicken breasts on one sandwich or like almost chicken like chicken cutlets essentially then the hot side they had salmon burgers they had regular Burgers which were absolutely except they didn't have ketchup they they gave you like they had the burgers and then they they're going over the top here but instead of giving you like condiments like a little plastic thing they gave you glass bottles of they had Deon mustard and regular mustard those are the only two glass bottles they had they had no ketchup maybe we were late on the ketchup but I feel like if you're going to give someone Burgers you got to have ketchup with that all times yeah 100% it's just like crazy but overall I gave the food like a nine the cookie was phenomenal cookie was gas the chicken salad was awesome I didn't go into the actual salads I was more concerned with the burger and the chicken salad you know like the chip mix um they had like chips out and it was like a mixture of like Sun Chips and like regular chips it was fire I didn't see that I miss that I just had like a chicken salad sandwich and some chips and a cookie um and I think we were the only people to bust our own plates in the media center uh so we probably looked like idiots but I think we were just trying to help the people out so yeah just just trying to do you know just be lowkey yeah cuz we're apparently uh not always lowkey at this place um real quick I want to get into two more pairings just the interesting ones um in my mind obvious you've got chaet and Sheffer together friends uh going against each other one two in the in the FedEx Cup right now but um this one I found interesting as well you have love the fact that's Tums by the way yeah Tums make it super easy oh where did that pairing go I just oh Rory's playing with Windam so they're giving wam you know Rory mroy who hasn't played here but has a chance to obviously win any of these single events and Windam is Windam is the the focal point of this week which that's why thought it was crazy we walked down the stairs right behind him and he was just hanging out yeah and he didn't have anybody with him no caddy no you know team essentially he was just walking around and yeah it's his home Club well yeah I know but I'm just saying probably pulls up to the valet and like knows Everybody by name and [ __ ] it was cool to see since it's the BMW Championship obviously every single Courtesy car was white BMW X5 every single one and they all had their own designated parking spots um but RoR and Windam should be an electric pairing yeah there's going to be some very long drives coming out of that group uh before we get to our beding pcks which we are not betting on we are not betting this is just pcks that we like uh we are not betting them um but what are your favorite holes so we played out here a little over a month ago what holes will you be like watching Favorite hole at the BMW Championshsip a little bit more closely because I feel like there's a few out there that are more compelling than others well you're going to have to help me with numbers here because we started on N we started on 10 so what's the the long par five like 14 13 13 okay so that one not that hole which that's the one I three puted for par correct I'm sorry from back of the green 14 14 okay so the next hole 15 incredible golf hole we didn't know what to do that well I mean we had our caddy RP but uh we had R Danny Boy we had our caddy on that hole and we all hit less than driver but I didn't see when we played there on the par five no on the next hole after the par five oh so four so 16 15 I don't know um yes six 15 cuz then it went 5 4 3 54 okay so yeah so 15 is theoretically drivable that dog leg right if you cut enough off but well from the t's we played it at yeah but they playing another 100 yards back but still they also hit it probably 50 to 100 yards further than us the the thing is is I don't know on the whole right side there's water but there's also trees and there's also going to be probably grandstand so that probably changes didn't you hit it into the grand stand area or did I no that was on the part five where I was close to him but I was still putting I didn't hit it into them okay but I was that yeah so 15's going to be a fun hole to watch because guys can take off a lot but we did have some inside info today from one of our friends working uh he was on 15 and saw Vig bear hole out for eagle from 150 yards so that tells me that they're playing that way back because you know we played te's up but I hit hybrid and had like 110 120 in but also I bet they're hitting less than driver there that's what I'm saying they they're playing to the fat part of the Fairway because I tried to hit Three Wood to work it into the the neck of the Fairway it's a dog like right and I hit it in the trees right and end up making bogey um which was just [ __ ] stupid do you know what I realized so I shot I think three overpar there I played the and towards the end of the round I think I bogey the last three holes but between 18 and nine I was three over on those two holes the two so our ninth hole and our 18th hole I was three over [ __ ] stupid um well and just the craziness yesterday's looking at number eight number nine is it number nine that we were standing next to or 18 cuz now we started on 10 so it was our 18 was the one with all the grand stands that Matt Fitzpatrick was on that's the hole that's so 18 is there's a ton of room right before the grand stands with the grand stands no joke there's 10 ft of rough there was roughly a 75 to 100 ft of rough that's why double on 18 then there was you know Fescue past that that is all covered with grand stand so no joke if you miss the Fairway by 5 to 10 yards you're hitting the grand stands yeah well people sitting there need to keep their heads on a swivel but yeah that's going to be one of those drunk club like scenes where there's a bunch of people having a good time and then there's going to be multiple BS up in that 100% um but even just to give you an idea so 17 the par five the uphill par five do you recall yes yeah I I had I MH driver and had one we had had 125 yeah I had like two 205 in whatever um but you remember that bunker on the right side like so we played it so far up that you had to like thread the needle we we both hit it like past that bunker they're playing it so far back that I watch Rory hit that t-shot he was aiming directly at that bunker so that means they're a good 80 90 well they're behind that pond that we teed off next to they're at the back of that pond so I mean everything is obviously stretched out they're at 8,100 yards so everything is going to be long but I almost think this sounds crazy but I almost think it makes it somewhat easier for those guys because they I've always even being a shorter hitter I have done better on the same course if you put me at the blue T's versus the black te's I almost tend to do better from the black te's in a roundabout way because I can hit driver everywhere if you're if you're hitting you know an iron off the tea on the blue T's it doesn't really make that much of a difference you know so being able to like Let It Fly off of the black te's uh there's going to be a lot of spots where those guys can hit driver into the f part of the Fairway with their with driver as opposed to you know laying back with a three-wood or or four iron something like that so well and I I kind of have the same sentiment where driver for me the further back I go the more room I generally have whereas if I'm hitting driver on a shorter course I'm getting up near the green you know in in a much thinner Fairway area more rough more potentially water that's you know 100 yards short of the green whatever so it does make it a little bit easier the further you go back but then the approach shots are obviously longer and harder if you don't hit driver well yeah everybody was saying that the front 9x is significantly easier than the back nine do you agree with that I it dude I just think it's so we played it from so far up that it's I don't even think what we did is relevant like I think our the t- boox and the golf course we played especially since it wasn't the greens weren't near as fast as they're going to be I think it's semi-relevant I think the most the the thing we got the most of that they're going to get obvious see par 3es and approach some approach shots yeah is really what we can take from our round so uh let do you want to get into our our picks let's talk about our picks for this week um once again we are not Big Bets of the weekend betting these we are not betting any of these picks these picks have the odds from bet 365 but we are not betting any of these we're just giving them out so we've got Patrick Klay I have Patrick Klay plus 1,000 on the eway 1 through 12 and that is boosted 30% just feel good about him this week um you know he's won the BMW Championship twice he talked about it yesterday that it is fun that it moves around so he's been able to win it at two different places and maybe this week is a third I've also got Billy hell he's been playing really good golf and I have really good vibes off Billy horel watching him watch Aaron Ry win that tournament and how much he was cheering on a guy that hasn't won a PGA Tour event I do like him more now after that yeah I'm a big billy Hall fan now so I'm going to go with him at plus 2,000 and then Nick Dunlap so Nick Dunlap is one of the lowest odds in the entire field obviously kind of barely squeezed into the top 50 even though he's won twice on tour of course won one of those as an AM did something that no one since Jack Nicholas has done this year but where I'm going on this is like I talked about earlier we don't have any course knowledge but this guy played a Million holes last year at the usam winning it at cast or Cherry Hills excuse me 12 miles up the road from Castle Pines he's played an elevation played a ton of holes at elevation kind of has the feel you know these courses are definitely different but have some of the same feel the same grass all that kind of stuff so I'm going strictly off of Nick Dunlap winning the usam in Colorado having a comfortable feel in this state that he's won at and winning a PGA Tour events much harder than winning a usam obviously but winning a usam you're playing so many holes match play It's a Grind it's a lot of golf so I'm going to take Nick Dunlap using some of his experience from being here last summer okay very good I like that um so I am rolling with a heavy favorite Xander cha uh I think that after last week making a charge on Sunday not getting the win I definitely think this is a golf course he can succeed on um his iron play is on point and that is what's going to be needed ultimately because driving the ball is I would say Castle Pines is a relatively easy driving course um a lot of wider Fairways you know not super narrow not super treelined they're not going to get in a lot of trouble off the tea I would say so it's going to be more of a second shot type of golf course which I see Xander succeeding on um so plus 450 not great odds there but you know I it's it's there for a reason because I think that he's more than capable and I actually think you can boost a win only uh up to like plus 700 correct so uh Plus plus 700 if you're taking win only I like that and then you have Windham Clark plus, 1600 uh like I said once again it's his home course he hits it a mile he knows where to hit it here uh just Good Vibes I I I'm going off Vibes here I think uh he will do well in his home state and then cam young plus 2200 I kind of talked my way out of that pick earlier but I still think with his length he has a distinct Advantage um relative to a lot of other guys in this field he's going to be hitting you know probably mid-irons into some of these par fives uh not mid irons probably long irons but he will definitely be able to get to every single one of these fives and two uh which is obviously a huge Advantage so if he can keep his head on straight I like him to do well this week love it so we got Klay horel Dunlap chafl Clark and Young that's about to wrap it up for us this week do you want to do a quick Fairway or four or you want to talk about Country Club snob real quick oh yeah yeah we let's do that Country Club snob basically uh got cancelled by one of his assistant pros and I just want to get your general so Foreway or Fore the assistant Pro kind of didn't directly out him but apparently this dude Country Club snob was talking [ __ ] about you know somebody on Twitter the guy on Twitter reached out to this assistant Pro they found his LinkedIn basically so you got to cover all your tracks um when it goes back to LinkedIn the weirdest part was he said he was a black man and like how he was in and he was white as hell like that's pretty weird saying You're A different race than you are um but he's a member at Holston Hills in Easter in Knoxville Tennessee I want to say um looks like a nice pretty nice track it's definitely uh not an elite not one of the you know um 100,000 plus Initiation fee very exclusive clubs by any means so it was just funny because he was so divisive on on social media I I personally thought a lot of his [ __ ] was funny and a lot of even people that are are members at the mid clubs that he talked about with the the tattooed bevcart girls and the uh you know the guys in flipflops after their round [ __ ] like that um I thought it was pretty funny you're a member at what would be some would be considered a mid Club obviously I love inness but it's not super exclusive it's and and so then you you know you being a part of that now you can kind of did you find his [ __ ] funny like I did find it funny but now so long story short Country Club snob was a guy that was created this Twitter account and was talking [ __ ] about a lot of members out that did certain things from a unan or uh or Anan anonymous anonymous anonymous source animous Anonymous same sh the way he talked made it seem like he was a member at Augusta National essentially when he was outed and found out where his country club was a lot of people thought his takes were misguided but also some people saw through it in the original things where they're if they're seeing all the things that he's seeing and tweeting about then he's clearly a member at a course that's not that high up so if you took it for satire which it mostly was then you're not that offended by what he posted and you're like ah whatever it's funny it's just meant to be funny yes but if you're a member at one of those clubs or you're a high level member at a club and you actually care about this guy on Twitter which if you're a high enough level member at a club you don't but if you're a high enough member that you care what this guy says then you're kind of like wow this what are where who are you to talk essentially is what happened oh 1,00% and a lot of their responses were like when they found out he was a member at this club in Knoxville people are like yeah this club's mid as [ __ ] he was saying stuff that was so specific you knew he was coming from a a place of of self- owning or but that was kind of the other side of it was like he was a mid at a midc course and so he almost but I guess I don't know everybody said he was punching down like punching down at people who aren't members As Nice of clubs as him blah blah blah but I think in an ironic way he was actually like punching exactly across because I think he was kind of shitalking himself a little bit I will say though he did provide some like insight into you know just general LIF stuff and so this assistant Pro that outed him has been getting a shitload of hate on social media um calling him soft saying he's never going to get a job again um so if if this was you would you have uh would you have done the same thing or you you keep your mouth shut and you carry on I would have tried to use it to my advantage at first um tried to figure out maybe blackmail thing not blackmail but been like hey like I Know Who You Are black well yeah maybe it is black male that is literal literally a grade a case of blackmail yeah I don't think I mean it's just the internet is satire a lot of the times so I think taking it over the top and being too serious about who he is shouldn't really matter that much but people did get offended because a lot of the a lot of the things that it's kind of like we're kind of like a mirror of him in a way where a lot of the things we portray as a joke on on our videos are PE people do those things but then those are the people that get mad so when you'd say oh you know when you go to another club and then you buy a head cover and you're and you're playing with that head cover on and that's stupid head cover rouette with a bunch of places you're not a member at correct like that pissed people PR but if the shoot it's kind of a whole if the shoe fits type thing you only got offended if you felt like it was pointed directly at you but you were essentially pointing it at you like because you you felt offended because it it felt like your thing it hurts because it's true exactly that's what had people upset um but I thought it was hilarious I personally didn't mind Country Club snob at all but I can see I I can't see it but I get it people get upset about it so yeah uh quick Fairway 4 I you drove us down to Castle Pines yesterday you literally rode in the right the far right lane of the highway the entire time like we were going probably 45 and 65 um this is inaccurate information no actually not you did get over one lane into like the third from right or the third from left lane but you were going significally under the speed limit with zero sense of urgency uh so I that's my is riding in the right lane crazy because you know sometimes when you're going a significant distance like if you're not ready to get off we had like a good 15 miles and you're just sitting there going 20 under some of the times I honestly was looking ahead I could see a truck in the second to right lane or a massive like that one Digger that was being pulled I was like trying to get away from that c people in the right lane well people in the right lane were going a little faster than that guy in the second from right lane so I did have my a method to some of my madness but I also don't always drive like I'm in a hurry I don't need to be in a hurry most of the time when I am in a hurry I drive like it so yes maybe it's crazy but that's just how I drive and Mitchell texted me and so it popped up on my car plane I was like what did you say and it was get out of you were doing Spencer's doing voice to text while driving and I'm like should I voice to text you and then I just text him and I said get out of the right lane so yeah well Mitchell has a lot of comments on my driving but I was actually happy he didn't voice them it was nice it took a lot of self-control I'm growing as a person I just sat there and stared at the back of a [ __ ] dump truck in the far right lane going 10 under the speed limit um all right my Fairway 4 are normal fans and like vent f F above stoves too loud because I honestly they make me go crazy like last night we brought the fan up because our upstairs was hot we brought this big fan up and we're trying to watch a show and I was like this is I can't focus and like when we turn like I hate turning the vent fan on my my kitchen could be so Smoky that I can barely see but I loathe turning that vent fan on because it just that noise just makes me feel like I'm going crazy it feels like it's like I can't think 100% it's like the old turn down the music so I can see what street I'm turning on like you it shouldn't affect your ability to think but it does like I am the exact same way it it would it heightens your it's like sensory overload it heightens your senses so you're hearing that you're trying to cook you're hot as [ __ ] like dude your kitchen you need to do something about that cuz it is a an of like I whenever you cook in there you just sweat your ass off so it's not obviously you know the oven's hot the stove's hot so there's nothing you can do there but holy [ __ ] every time I cook in there I am just steaming it is not a good time no my kitchen is a a mess so thank you guys all for tuning in uh BMW Championship preview once again check our social media later on today Wednesday we have a great giveaway that goes through Saturday night so you can comment through Saturday night we've got some awesome stuff to give away from the BMW Championship make sure you're following along I am at Big Drive Spence he is at Big Drive Mitch big Drive energy on both Tik Tok and x and big Drive energy pod on Instagram make sure you're subscribed to the channel throw a thumbs up on this if you're watching it we appreciate it and we will talk to you guys on Sunday afternoon as we're crowning a BMW champion and we are going to East Lake headed to the Tour Championship where the FedEx Cup will be on the line we'll talk to you guys on Sunday [Music] peace we all sitting like the mayor

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