6 Warning Signs of Pancreatic Cancer You Shouldn't Ignore

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 00:00:47 Category: Travel & Events

Trending searches: pancreatic cancer
none of us want to think about cancer but knowing the signs could save a life let's get into it first up unexplained weight loss if the pounds are dropping without trying it might be a red flag next persistent stomach pain not just an occasional ache but constant discomfort that doesn't go away third jaundice that's when your skin and eyes turn yellow not a look you want trust me number four loss of appetite skipping meals because you're just not hungry pay attention fifth changes in stool if it's pale greasy or floats it's time to check in with your dock finally new onet diabetes if your blood sugar is suddenly out of whack take it seriously remember these symptoms don't always mean cancer but they do mean you should see a doctor stay informed stay healthy catch you next time

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