HALLOWEEN AT HOME DEPOT 2024! Decoration Shopping- Everything NEW! Animatronics and more!

all right Katie we're going into Home Depot but look at that look at the sunset behind you kind of spooky right Prett yeah let's hope they have some Halloween decorations as you know we uh just got our house and we needed to come shop for Halloween decorations and we said this is a best life and Beyond moment don't you think absolutely oh right when you walk in look at this oh [Music] my are you kidding me there's Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse scarecrows that is so cool if you think we're not buying this you are absolutely Ely insane cuz then you can buy the corn and all that and make a whole thing like they have at frontierland we've got Mickey Minnie and Donald they're only $12.98 that's nothing yep Snoopy and Woodstock right there KY 40in grave and Bones Whispering Tombstone so does that mean it like makes noises and stuff like you guys stay tuned because we're going to go down there and check out all of those interactive giant Halloween displays but first we have have to look at all the Jacko lanterns over here and then of course I kind of the light up stuff down here oh that's good that's got a good flicker be afraid be very afraid this is talking rotten be afraid be very afraid these are cool uh this this one especially look at this Bolton this guy's got like horns 30 bucks for this one stitched Jackal Lantern and I love love the glow they got going this year okay these big Jack lanterns are 39 bucks and they're cool because the bottoms are hollowed out oh that's cool yeah we've got the blow mold of the Dog Ghost I'm trying to reach it I think the Jackal Lantern yeah lights up so simple and so cute his Milk Bone oh look it the black lab that's amazing he's a glowin the bark glow that is genius 39 for that that's the last one I want to Glow in the bark we've got the mummy Mouse right here it's [Music] animated what does Jack do what I do I am the best for my talents are see what Chuck up to sit back and from the master oh Beetle Juice sand worms you hate them right sand got here tonight oh no oh furry spider no oh good it doesn't have a TR me thank goodness it says it does but it doesn't what's this oh that is disgusting in every way and horrifying that is disgusting I like his cute peekabo I did not know that was going to happen that was good zombie dog I don't know what he does not can't find anything okay this is kind of terrifying spooky bear with mask he has his own mask how about now guys we're getting closer to the all the animated statues stand by oo this is cool I love the sparkle versions these were kind of new last year there's our friend the reaper oh that is cool good old reaps what up reaps creeping it real yeah now for $99 bucks this is pretty cool Graven bones giant oozing cauldron LED look at this look at the bubbling dripping cauldron and then they got the witch to go with it there she is animated marionette witch okay we've got some spiders the ones that you can kind of articulate them you know oh yeah oh okay I was like what is this purple thing oh it's just a different kind with some purple he hasn't had his legs all bent out yet decorative spider Market is it's very lucrative Katie I'm not sure if you're aware they've also got this uh 12 piece pack of bones for $12.98 so that's a little over a dollar a bone yeah well it's the going rate these days all right it's time you guys it's time this guy has been eyeballing me for quite some time all right Let's do let's see what he does he's the Victorian vampire 199 with every drop of blood I consume my power grows stronger and I resistance don't me okay that is terrifying cuz it's so lifelike and real like look at how lifelike that is yeah and we really appreciated the monologue sir did you notice he has the same eyebrows as you if you don't trim them that's literally Spencer brows right there look at those hands those are similar maybe maybe some lotion buddy I little bit okay this is the coolest thing murderous Maple $249 but we know we know look Snow White you guys this is amazing this thing is so cool it's changing color look at how tall it is man if you bought two of these for the neighborhood oh my goodness this is the coolest thing let me know in the comments if you think this is really cool I mean we're going to go through a lot of stuff but 249 pretty incredible Katie I'd like to introduce you to Carnival Carl he's 8 and 1 12 ft tall giant size 199 bucks he's massive let's see what he does Katie yay [Music] step right up come on kids step right up what' you say tricker treat only tricks I mean games of feet are done here dude this is R look at this dog it's a animated LED Fear Valley wolf and it's advertising realistic snarling that's $19.99 better snarl with that that face yes oh dude that that's terrifying tail is wagging it's wagging okay so I think this one activates the plague doctor [Music] whoa the pestilence is here I can sense it bling me your we're going to jump around uh Frankenstein's monster this is a classic let's see that that is that is realistic look at his eyeballs seriously it's so real [Music] this pirate is so cool his name's Captain Cuts oh yeah cuz look he's got a cut in his eye right there and whoa his sword lights up step in line and or cut you down and your death with we also noticed a bunch of skeletons over here that have buttons on them let's see what these do I've never never seen anything like this before that's pretty crazy okay this raven statue is just a statue but it's really neat $39.98 right next door to this scary bunny I don't want any part of this but it does something let's see oh just lights thank goodness very malnourished children over here hey remember when we were talking about fog machines and fog juice they got some cool stuff here oh wow uh I like the ones that are decorated that's cool in that's really cool in case you see it in the corner or something like that okay this is really cool it's a color changing Skelly lighting kit yeah it's just a skeleton lighting okay that actually it is exactly how I read it wow Hey look it's a haunted Home Depot right here that is really neat 1998 I guess they do one of these every year this is the 2024 these probably sell out the Victorian vampire basically uh he does look like noas veratu a little bit there's uh Frankenstein's monster which is official Universal Monsters by the way no wonder I didn't notice that no wonder that thing is so awesome no it scar honestly that thing gave me like a a chill yeah for 279 I think that's the coolest thing yet uh there's the C Captain 249 there's all the lawn steaks uh you know we love these we have some remember we bought some last year yeah I didn't know they have a Chucky one it's an illusion projector these are neat they've got a lot of lighting effects here uh here's kind of an example of how they look you know here's another one oh look at the spider one that's good the spider one's great that's convincing you know I would love that how much do they charge 29 for that you know it's it's kind of crucial yeah but it's pricey cuz it's specialized hey look there's The Cauldron they have it on display there's like even skulls in there oh good this is the Box we saw yeah oh is it lighting up a little bit oh I guess it's lighting up you can see on the bottom all right yeah a little underwhelming but I do want to see Sally [Music] [Laughter] dude she's got a you come over here eyeball on her hand T much better when you're afraid wow she's pretty gnarly okay Jack of Spades kind of want to hang out with this guy looks like he's having a good time let's see what he does Welcome to my gate moral I'm the dealer who always knows when to hold and Mr caretaker right next door with an owl nonetheless got a little friend he got his shovel here 199 see what you do there buddy every Halloween in this town it seems that the graveyard here Wills up or me don't worry I'll save a fresh to for you now we've got this cool hearse right here uh it says 3.99 we couldn't find the button for it I don't know if uh all I found the button for was this I think it's just him no I feel like it's something else yeah cuz this one lights up these there's a horse that's separate the uh skeleton Pony for 99 that you could add to it so maybe it's just the maybe the hearse by itself and then all these are just different pieces I love zero I think he just lights up he's only 99 bucks dude look at that size of that Sickle that thing is massive thatle is massive 299 uh 12 foot let's see if it [Music] works here's one of the dogs uh let's see if it [Music] works that's awesome that is awesome right next to the gargoyle right here 99 bucks yeah we hear you buddy I know he's he's pitching for the gargoyle are you a salesman here at Home Depot you are said yeah all right so we've got giant Siz Skelly I mean look at this thing pretty tall looks like it's about 10t he's got those really cool animated eyes look at that he's looking around and then there's his girlfriend back there she's looking around too she's probably the same size it's just she's far away you could get the you can get both of them so these are really neat this is like walking dead style to me it's you can pose them and they'll stay in the position and their eyes are lit up I mean that's really awesome hey Chucky the good guys I am Chucky there is a limit to how much I can take [Music] was up we got skull stack this is like what is this so awesome 8 foot for 199 and the red lights are really neat I think it makes it they also have a pumpkin one by the way oh I was going to say oh look at that it says you can do it vertically or horizontally by the way oh the way you can stack them Isn't that cool I don't know which one I like better I think I need both this dog kind of goes with the big Skelly it says skelly's dog cuz his name is Skelly and it just it says it has led eyes but I don't think it has one of those like tryy things okay so we're not able to see it that witch keeps talking back there the marionette one marionette witch yeah look at her she's crazy but I like that Skelly has a girlfriend in the back back there well yeah you can frame up the shot so you can see Skelly and Skelly yet just realized this goes to that hearse yeah it does it's separate it's a separate item but yes it goes to the hear you come here I have a bone to pick with you you see how he is pointing his finger yeah I was not a fan pretty aggressive not loving it we got to do Beetle Juice dude Beetle Juice fears Through The Years collection oh boy you guys are really a couple of aren't you it's show time here why I won't do two shows tonight anymore babe I won't I won't do okay clown stack the trickster Trio it's the perfect night for some genus Cy both of you okay this guy The Inferno Deadwood skeleton this Groot looking thing with the eyes oh my gosh and he's huge I don't think he's on a pedestal oh no he's yeah no he's man he's got to be 12 feet this as big as Jack Skellington over there pretty intense like the opposite of skelling I'm kind of digging these angels here uh kind of spooky nothing uh you know no light up or anything they just look kind of real I like that you just light them with something else you know okay look at this giant skull Arch inflatable and look who's in the middle hanging out Jack Skellington a smaller inflatable with a tombstone what is he 79 not bad how much is the big one Katie uh 129 uh what 129 that is awesome I feel like I hope that the the size kind of reads sometimes like that's the hard part you know yeah well and there's there's Miss Skelly did you see she's wearing Mary Janes I saw she has a purse too and she has a purse little cross body so cute pigtails yep we're super digging this skull Arch 199 surrounding a gargoyle for 99 what a great prop we're getting movie quality style stuff going here now you like that correctly and man that's that is really cool and then right next door got some inflatable Chucky and and a pumpkin stack Jack Leonard stack hey there's Donald Duck up there 34 bucks inflatable he's a little one but he's really cool I love these bats look at that animated like a neon animation type of thing that is really cool and we got the spider doing the same type of thing like it's walking brights and lights done right everyday little prices on cords and timers and stuff and look at the look at the hand I love it but yeah all the all the stuff you need right here even though you could you know find it everywhere else in the store they've kind of compiled it nearby look at some lighting don't you love that extension cords are already Halloween themed by being safety orange dude this is old school I love this this is amazing how much are those Ghost Dog Ghost Dog Okay the haunted house is awesome look at that Katie is she always loves the cinnamon broomstick I love the cinnamon broom and you kind of tried to deny it for a little while all right that was a good first look good Recon we wanted to kind of scour and we weren't really going to buy a bunch of stuff but like it was good to see everything right we knew because like I said because we got the house now we have no idea what our Decor like plan is going to be this was a good way to get inspired I know we have more stores to go to though but we did leave with the old cinnamon brew and Spence used to kind of be like I don't know about it I was going to fight it you know you got to pick and choose your battles if you're a smart man yep I believe uh even a smart lady should pick and choose her battles I don't know anyways you guys hope enjoyed it we're inspired hope you are see you next time byebye everybody [Music]

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