Family Support Center of South Sound receives Green Power Solar Grant

Published: May 28, 2024 Duration: 00:01:52 Category: Education

Trending searches: puget sound energy
[Music] today we are at the Landing which is an affordable housing development that uh Family Support Center just finished building is almost completely leased up Family Support Center of South Sound serves families who are experiencing homelessness who are facing a housing crisis like a pay or vacate maybe their utilities are about to be turned off and we also serve survivors of domestic violence sexual assault stocking and human trafficking we've been serving our communi since 1992 and have grown to almost 50 Staff Agency that's just really working to meet the needs of our community and those continue to grow and as those grow we will continue to do what we can to meet those needs we are cutting the ribbon on a brand new 50 KW solar array that was made possible by psse solar Grant the funding comes from our 93,000 uh customers who enrolled in green power and solar choice in order to reduce their personal carbon Footprints and a portion of their funding goes toward funding these solar grants that we can put projects all over our community what it does is it brings an energy source locally right you don't have to build long power lines the more projects you have within a community you're creating a a localized Grint being able to partner with somebody like psse to be able to hit those goals that aren't necessarily Mission driven but still allow us to serve our community in the way to be value and that in sustainability um it's just really great so it's not just the solar grit PSC has really supported us in a lot of small and big ways and we really appreciate that [Music]

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