Flavor of Love: A taste of MESS (finale & reunion recap)

hello hello and welcome or welcome back to my channel so we are I'm so sad to say but our Flavor of Love rewatch ends today with episode 10 which is the finale and episode 11 which is the reunion I think those episode numbers are right I know we skipped I'm pretty sure it was episode 9 but anyway let's get into the finale which is called Viva lafl because again the girls are in Mexico and we've got heaps and we've got New York and of course we've got flave and New York of course is still reeling from the spit thing because I think they're packing very same night so she's like angrily packing meanwhile heaps is like silently packing and then flave goes up to her and it's like oh what did you think about all of that that went down and hes is like I mean that was crazy but I know if it were me they would be still trying to pick that girl up off the floor no no for the most part hes does give like pacifist Vibes but looking at her arms I'm like damn if she punched me in the face she probably break my damn neck so they're in the airport about to go to Mexico and basically unprompted in the confessional hes is like I [ __ ] hate New York I'm so sick of her I'm so tired of her and obviously maybe this is coming from the fact that she's like oh my God I have to do a trip with New York and it's just us two and we don't have anyone else to talk to but I noticed and I'm I know I'm going to comment on it more throughout this episode hbes came off as kind of unlikable in this episode and it's specifically because she was more focused on New York than she ever has been this whole season so they land and they are in Puerto viarta and as soon as they land flave gets like a clock and I love it they had a 20 piece Marchi band hey all right how do you like this the part we have for you and boy did we get a nice warm friendly welcome it's meant to look like the Mexican flag but there's nothing in the center so it's kind of giving Italy but it's the thought that counts and that had me thinking I wonder how many clocks flave has been given throughout his life because it seems like the most obvious gift you would give him I hope he's got like a museum or like a wall of clocks in his home and so FL does like a little love you leave you go get ready for dinner they have 30 minutes and so hes is already upset because she got ready relatively Qui I'm assuming but New York is taking forever and I'm like why would you give me 30 minutes to get ready to even go to the gas station after I get off of a flight like I want to take a shower I want to do my makeup I want to get settled in and mind you like they're supposed to be looking nice too I'm not saying it's going to take me 3 hours but I think 30 minutes that's not enough time so they do make it to dinner and flave is drip out and New York is like oh my God he's always wearing something silly for me typical flave I do love his outfit though I love his outfit heaps on the other hand is like oh my God God this would have been so romantic and so fun had New York not been here like girl you knew you knew she was going to be here when flave dismissed y'all to get dressed he made a clear that it was going to be a group dinner and I'm like what you need to be focused on is making sure you do not get left seated at this table this time around when Flav New York leave but then I was reminded that New York also got left at the table last time with FL left with Goldie so they both need to be focusing on themselves in their game and so New York is not oblivious she knows that flave has the hots for houes and it is it's pretty obvious so she she's kind of worried I mean that's kind of nothing new flave he's also worried because we're down to the wire and he's like at the end of this only one girl gets to win and the other girl is going to be crushed because she made it so far so I'm worried about hurting their feelings and I really genuinely don't think it's like a romantic type of thing but he is like damn even if they're not really here for romance it does still suck to lose something if you wanted to win and spend this much time trying to win and so he asked both of the girls why they think the other one made it to the finale heeps goes first and she's like well I don't know York just clearly wants to be on TV and she's not real and I'm like girl play the game we know that you don't like New York but this is not the time to be messy and to be rude like that's not going to make you look any better to flave even if it is genuinely how you feel but you could have even spun her being like weirdly obsessive flave to the point where she's crashing out all the time that's just being like you know I bet anyone would love to have someone be that territorial over them or that protective over them or loyal to them and it's like on paper know the hell you wouldn't but come on there's a way to sort of highlight those negative qualities and still give a classy answer to the question that's probably going to make you look better because really that's not even what you were asked and also at this point I'm like all of y'all need to give it up because it's been brought up in front of flave several times at this point that they think New York is fake they think that she's just here to be on TV and I'm pretty sure fla said at least twice that he's not feeling that he's not seeing that from New York so just contining to bring it up especially in the finale like you're beating a dead horse honestly me acting like anything that's happened in this season could be changed it's been 20 years but anyway cubes does give us a piece of tea that we didn't really see that much in the show other than that I want to see if I was powerful enough to twist her mind and that was in confessional but according to hes every time something popped off in the house New York would run to the other girls I guess whoever wasn't in the argument oh look at what altercation I started look at what argument I started and we have seen New York start several arguments we've seen her do it with hes without I only asked you once thing I'm on Hoopes side I would have never forgiven New York for that like I get why she's still pissed about that cuz it was it was good on New York's part like this was good for TV good to get under her skin but yeah she would have gotten under my skin with that with New York I don't think she's one of those people who is necessarily like let me Drum It Up H it up for the cameras she's definitely doing that but I do believe that to her core New York is a trickster God is an agent of chaos is a potster so I'm like she probably would have been doing this anyway if y'all had to do the show with absolutely no cameras I don't know how that would have worked I don't know I just it's hard for me to believe that all of New York is just the cameras definitely like some cuz I feel like a lot of us even though we're not on reality TV we know messy people we know poers we know wanabe Regina George's so it is New York's turn to answer the question and she's like I'll answer like a lady she says that she thinks Hoops is probably here because flave thinks that she's athletic and likes that about her and New York is like I know I'm not athletic so she's definitely offering something I don't have in that department but then right after that New York starts talking about herself again she's like well I may not be athletic but I am seductive I am romantic so it just flips the whole thing back on herself which in my opinion you're not answering the question girl but I think that's better than dragging the other contestant obviously they start arguing at the table and like arguing over flave and flave is situated right in the middle of them and it's it's in the midst of this argument that heops is like damn maybe her feelings for flave are real because we are genuinely arguing right now over this man flave says I think arguing over me is childish and it looks like he's like almost dissociating in the middle of this argument I had so many screen grabs of them just screaming at each other and he's sitting in the middle of them with a Blank Stare FL gets so fed up with the girls this date does not even happen I don't even think they started eating at this point because they started arguing almost immediately after he asked them that question so he's like I can't do this I don't want to do this fighting over me is childish my name is Ben I ain't in it which honestly tracks for how we've seen flave act this whole season so he makes the decision you know what both of you will get an individual date with me you get 24 hours and we'll just work it out then so what's the next day and like I said the girls are sharing um a resort room together and they are not speaking one bit like they're walking past each other not talking and honestly I kind of respect it because they don't like each other they're not like move [ __ ] and like shoving each other they're just not interacting had it been pumpkin she would have been interviewing New York this would have been 73 questions with Vogue so big rck comes with their Tyra mail or their flavor gram what have you and we find out that New York is going to get to go on her 24-hour date first is so good for her cuz New York almost never gets to go first so congrats to miss girl I feel like I've said it a couple times now and not just New York I know I said it about red oyster but also New York I don't get how she gets left out of like the 2000s mid-2000s whatever Fashion Icon discourse cuz she's been survey looks looks looks especially as we get later on into the season I love this little pink look so it's hs's confessional and she just goes in about how much she hates New York like I said it was kind of getting on my nerves this episode because she would do it every now and then but this episode every single confession damn near was not her talking about herself or flave like that was like 10% of them most of them were like I can't stand New York like we get it girl and to be fair New York is guilty of this as well she's been doing it all season the heaps definitely has her beat in this episode so New York goes to meet flave on a boat I don't know why he's hanging off the side of the boat but like he almost kind of maybe not really but looks like it falls to his death and I'm like dude even if you didn't die or snap your neck like that could have been a twisted ankle at the very least like what are you doing she is so slim man oh made me almost fall off the boat baby let me come get you wait wait wait wait St I got it your man got it he is silly like it's he's silly he's fun to watch so they go on a little boat trip and then like they're like making out and doing like I don't know sexy boat stuff New York is like I'll make you a drink Future Husband like that sort of stuff they get to a private beach and I was like oh this is very romantic they're going to walk on the beach hang out maybe have like a little not cabin cuz they're at the beach but like a little a little setup what do you want to drink I'll have something waiting for you on the Rocks milk but then once they get to the beach they go kaying or attempt to go kayaking and Flav says that he does this because he knows New York is not outdoorsy but wants to give her like a little test to see if she would be able to at least try to do the things that he likes to do and New York is a really good sport about it cuz they get flipped over in the kayak and she just laughs and Giggles like she excellent sport about it and like New York wants to win cuz I would not be getting flipped over at in kayak I would not be getting my weave wet for just anybody I don't even think they made it off the shoreline but they have fun trying and we're just like you know what that that was fun we tried and they take a little walk on the beach and while they're on their way to dinner we find out that New York's master plan is to deplete flave of all of his energy that way there's none left for Keeps and she estimates that on the boat trip over on the multiple kayak flips she's taken at least of like 75% of Flav's energy so like the 25% left over dinner that should be slight work so they're having a little romantic dinner moment and we find out that according to flave he knew that New York was real that time when I think it was pumpkin and hes climbed in the bed with flave and New York also showed up and climbed into the bed but couldn't get like right next to him because like he had two other girls on either side of him so she kind of just like lays like off to the side of the bed and like tries to touch him and stuff and he was like yeah that was kind of crazy but you even knew that you couldn't touch me but just being in the bed with me that was enough for you and I'm touched I would have been spooked we also find out that as much as she's been joking about it and playing around about it marriage is not on New York's mind immediately because she's like well what's next if I win and F was kind of like well marriage is a big step or something like that looking at my notes and I was kind of like why did he go right to marriage I would think the next step would be dating if you win and if this is like a real thing like is this ending with a proposal and you y makes it clear she was like I'm not rushing marriage I'm not trying to rush marriage I think at this time she was only like 23 or something like that so it makes sense but I'm like I wonder if she would have ever genuinely married Flav or what because she also said that she did not want to have any kids with him so maybe she was just like the companionship the partnership is enough for me but they are having a great moment together a genuine moment together and flave tells New York she's doing well on the day and she starts crying almost immediately because the realization hits her that this could possibly be their last date together their last dinner together ever but at the end he does gift her this cute little name plate chain that says New York on it and I was like I know Hoops is going to get one too and then after that flave invites New York up to I guess his hotel site for a night cap and I was like oh New York going to get to work and deete all of his life force at this point so the following morning for New York is like a miserable walk back to the resort because she knows that her time with flave is over not only that hopes is time with Flav is about to begin so she gets back to the resort and it's like banging on the door and hes is like ignoring her and won't let her in and then finally lets her in moments after that big RIT comes with the final flavor gram and New York is the one who answers the door so she carries the flavor gram in and then gets it to the table and it's was like well I know there's nothing in there for me so I'm not reading it so petty so dramatic but I love it so we find out that heap's date with flave is they're doing like a high ropes course and also ziplining and I'm like damn that would have been so fun I've gone ziplining quite a few times actually and I'm not afraid of hi so it is so fun to do and not only that they're also ziplining in the jungle and in the wilderness so it looks really nice my only complaint would have been like damn it's going to be hard for us to talk to each other on this date cuz we can't like zipline at the same time or we're going to like crash into each other so basically you can only kind of like talk and kiss and all that when you're like climbing up to the coures or when you're both waiting to go but it does actually look like they still have a great time regardless and flave ever the clown he is he he wears a cape and cuz New York is heavy on her mind and confessional heaps just like if this was New York she would have been sitting here miserable in the van and I'm like nah you don't know the new New York she gets down and dirty now she just got flipped over in a kayak and so they also after the uh zip lining they take a walk on the beach and like the first thing Flav says is like man it would be cool if New York is here that way I can have two women on my arm and everyone would see that but after that like they swim around kids in the beach they watch the sunset together so it's very very clear even at this point that hes is doing very well on her solo day as well and so they also have a little solo dinner heeps is giving every bit of Cinderella I love her look and flave on the other hand is in his finest top hat so they barely get to eaten and heaps is like I know why I'm still here but I want to know why New York is here and I'm like damn girl for real I will give her this though as much as she is talking about New York in confessional and two flave she is not letting New York know that she is weighing as heavy on her mind as she apparently is flave says I like her and she's a good person so I'm like girl stop right here keeps doesn't get the hint and she's like well I don't like her and she makes me want to vomit or something like that pleas gives her the most aggressive side eye and I am too because I'm like I know you don't like her but just stop and flave also says I think he says it in confessional he says it regardless he's like HS kept [ __ ] on New York and I really didn't think that was cool I was kind of over it but regardless all is not lost because heaps does still get her identical chance to New York well I guess the names are different everything else is identical but heaps is like I'll do you one better flave I have a gift for you also so she writes him like a little sweet sentimental letter and also gets him like an asay which I guess is like a pun like a funny gift and he's obviously the type of person who is going to love something like that and he clearly did my first thought was like girl how did you get this cuz obviously like being able to order stuff online existed in 2006 like not the way it does now but you're on a reality TV show so you're basically like locked up so course buered away I don't know maybe she like went downstairs and got it from the resort gift shop not really a spoiler but I was so mad about these necklaces nothing was made of it I wanted them to get back to or hops to get back to the resort after they both had their dates realized they're wearing their identical necklaces and then like New York flips out or something like that and they do like the little Spider-Man meme or something yeah nothing nothing comes of this so heaps gets invited up for a night cap also so it's kind of clear that New York's plan to deplete like Flav's life force and suck the energy out of him that failed unfortunately and then we skip to the next morning and flave is saying goodbye to heeps and he is sending heeps in New York on ahead of him back to LA but they're not going back to like the flave Mansion or the crib whatever it's called they're going to be put up in a hotel and then flave is going to come back later to the crib that way he can have some space to deliberate and they do get their own hotel rooms probably because they're also going to have their own little makeovers I love makeovers so they have their their little makeovers and I guess they don't want you know there's got to be a big reveal can't do that if they're sharing a room hes goes first I was so pissed off for her in this segment so at first I was confused she gets there sits in the chair and is like oh I'm getting hair extensions or something like that and the lady is like no we don't have hair extensions and I was like shoot if it's on the house might as well might as well and so then it comes out that hopes apparently was told she was getting hair extensions because she says to The Stylist oh they said I was getting hair extension then the stylus goes oh you can't get hair extensions cuz the lady who does hair extensions is not here today and the lady who says this she's also the same lady who decides to anyway put in the extensions in the Hoops head that first they said they didn't have and you've already told me that you can't do it or the lady who does it isn't here which implies that you can't do it so don't touch my head so we switch over to New York and she's definitely fairing better than hes they do a flip-flop so right now hops is getting her hair done so New York is picking out her dress and then they will switch New York is so nice and sweet to the attendant who is working at the boutique where they're shopping and I'm like this is the nicest we've seen New York be to another woman probably cuz she's not competing against her at this point and New York has a great time she has a very simple time finding the perfect dress so she leaves her spirits are high we cut back to hopes her hair is finished I am not a fan she's not a fan either I think they did her dirty and like if this is the best stylist could do they could have saved their time and not have then just she could have done better herself she has done better herself and so now it's time for New York's hair to get done and I'm like they're having an easy time curling her hair and it's obviously a weed just like Hoops is was so I like maybe it's different types of hair but what's the difference it just feels like they were like oh no we have to struggle with Hoops that way one of them goes into elimination stress the hell out I maybe it was a time issue cuz I guess if Hoopes they would have had to install the extensions and then curl them maybe something like that but they clearly had time to hit it with a curling iron so why did you do a bad job and I genuinely like I said I do feel bad for hopes because I know myself and I would have been having a breakdown at this point she is upset but she is is still relatively calm and she's going to choose her dress out she's having a terrible time with that too she's keeping it together far better than a lot of people myself included would have kept it together and so flave he's off like deliberating and now he's gone to what seems like a jeweler or something like that to pick something up and I'm like what the hell is this ending in a proposal cuz he's definitely whatever it is it's in a ring box I'm like this is so unserious and so the girls finally they get back to like the flave crib or whatever in individual limos so there's kind of like a face off they get out and walk in and at this point we see that heaps was able to finagle like an updo for herself it looks better than what she left with I'll say that she salvaged it the best that she could have we also see that New York's curls fell but at least they tried I bet they didn't even hairspray they're just like here you go hair nut I don't know what that Salon is what they was doing but and they are twinning I've obviously seen the memes before I always thought they were wearing two different dresses that just look similar no they are wearing the exact same dress it is just cut a little bit differently like in the shoulders and bust they're wearing the same dress and they're also wearing the necklaces it's giving like Spirit Week like twin day during Spirit Week in like school and so they obviously have a moment where they realize they're wearing the same dress and then New York is like look at the material you could be the judge of it it looks better on me anyway slave be the judge of that look at the material you should be going home any you be the judge of it so look at me yeah look at you miss tattooed all up I know you ain't talking the tattoo on your oh yeah doesn't it look scrumptious and obviously she means not just the material of the dress we know now that they're wearing the exact same dress but she means like the allog together look also at this point New York is acting like she's already won the competition which is pretty different from her her behavior in typical eliminations bu someone well guess what I don't wish you good luck cuz I don't want you to win you're fake ass I don't give a finish fake ass and I hope I see you go home tonight that's all I have to say to you but Hoops you have hope I don't need hope I don't work on hope I work on fate and fate says your ass out that door that you are leing honestly hes gagged her a little in this argument and it goes on for so long that I'm like where is flave isn't he at home already this is his house and then right when I'm wondering that he shows up I love his pink look so flave is talking to the girls like would you be mad at me if I pick this one would you be mad at me if I pick that one and is just doing that dilly dally and wasting time I was getting mad I was like dude just say who wins so we find out heaps is our winner she is the winner of Flavor of Love season [Music] 1 I love you man I love you FL thank you are definitely a woman thank you and you are definitely down for your man absolutely I'm going see you again sure and she actually looks a little shocked looks a little surprised honestly I would have been a little you know surprised too I think she was feeling confident but like New York she is a formidable contestant love her hate her she was a formidable opponent and I feel like at this point New York's sort of persona her mask drops a little bit and we get to see genuine New York's reaction to losing like Tiffany actually and she is gracious with her loss like she has a smile on her face she's very calm very Collective like Flav I still love you and it's funny because I'm assuming everyone at this point would have expected New York to have a meltdown completely lose it snap throw a tantrum and she she doesn't do that I knew like I said at the very beginning I knew that heaps won I knew that her and New York were the bottom two or the final two I honestly when I was first watching those first few episodes I was like I'm not seeing it for heaps like she seems like a cool girl seems non-offensive she's pretty and it's like those she probably has qualities that you probably would actually want in a partner but for reality TV for the Antics and Hy Jinks I was like she's not giving and I also feel like for New York it's like an American Idol thing if you will where it's better if you don't win because now you're not locked into this relationship with flave especially with this insane of a breakthrough appearance on reality TV you didn't find love you're not committed so it leaves the door open for you to take those spin-offs which she does and take those other offers and sort of continue this narrative so I think it worked out just fine for her obviously not I'm saying I think obviously it worked out just fine for her that she didn't win y'all it was grills in the ring box like maybe I'm happier that it wasn't an engagement ring so I like this is too over the top but it was grills he putting the grills in her mouth made me laugh and I was already laughing but then there's one point where she like awkwardly laughs and I don't know why I thought it was hilarious but it was and so New York is being I guess taken home escorted away I'm like she don't get to pack but she's in the back of the limo they're already at the house so she's going somewhere and she's like you know what I'm fine with losing and she's very chill and then seconds later she starts crying and she's like oh no this loss is actually hitting me and so she's just kind of reminiscing and being a little emotional about her loss and it seems like she's a little drunk then she has this moment where she's got a glass of champagne in her hand and it's very very clear that it doesn't tip over she like kind of goes like oops sorry like purposely spill some champagne in the back of the limma I guess this her this is her final get back to flave but o no surprise here we C of confessional and heaps is like I bet New York is crying right now and I'm like are you excited about winning or are you excited about her losing oh my God sorry I hope she drinks herself to a coma I'll take that whole bottle actually I'm glad I got to see her ass walk out that door and for the record that's my man [ __ ] and then you know her and flave have a little Kissy Kissy moment on the inside and the cameras swirl around them and then we get an exterior shot of the crib because the season is over and Miss hes is our winner she is the winner of Flavor of Love but but not to fear the season is not completely over because we do get to reunite with a lot of the girls at the reunion so let's go ahead and talk about the final episode of the Season which is the reunion episode titled after the love I love a reunion episode like Let It Be loveing him hop Let It Be Bad Girls Club especially back in the day that I was in high school cuz I don't really watch Love & Hip Hop anymore I should say I'm not watching the current seasons but they put them older seasons on Netflix and I was like I can't believe I was watching this in middle school and high school but it's so messy and fun anyway so we're at the reunion it's being hosted by our VJ Lala Vasquez I'm like I would love to have Lala's job and obviously this has been the vibe of the whole show but even the reunion as well it's just interesting to watch the girls show up like business casual cute casual a little bit dressy and then Lala herself is even hosting in just like a nice to and some jeans like now the reunions the girls the H they're wearing full on ball gowns like times have really changed also I'm like it would be so awkward to get invited back to one of these and I got eliminated like first or like early on in that Fell Swoop of girls who just got sent home and it's like what do you have to talk about with the other girls I didn't even get to experience anything and also if no one knew who I was and I went home the first night and didn't even do anything crazy or memorable I wouldn't even be bothered to come back maybe if my flight and lodging is free and it's probably not like that would be maybe the only instance in which I'll be bothered to come anyway they bring out the first five girls to get eliminated Cherry is serving very appropriate attire for the occasion my bestie Picasso also gets a comeb back they don't let her say a word during this reunion she doesn't say anything they don't ask her anything I was so pissed and if I was shells and if you recall that is the girl who FL couldn't even think of a nickname for her I damn I would have come back also apples like why are you back weren't you scared of all the girls because they were potentially ghetto so like stay home stay safe so when the girls come out F was like oh I wish I would have gotten to know all of you more and I'm sorry that you had to go home so early and immediately Georgia is like well I'm kind of upset that you sent us home early because we were some of the realest girls in the house also Thea is brought out in this group and she shouts all like flave I'm still available if you still want to get down I'm available which is funny because I remember when she got lemonade she was like man I hate flave now I'm not even a Public Enemy fan anymore she also looks great like the girls they're serving speaking of serious peaches and sweetie come out sweetie is giving every inch of Galleria garabaldi I love her outfit and she still says that she is holding on to her belief that it was stupid that she got eliminated and like over hottie and they use very 2006 language to discuss this and the audience starts booing sweetie at first but Flay was like no no no no no actually sweetie is right I probably shouldn't have eliminated her over hottie because we found out that hottie is lying and scheming and is doing the rounds on reality TV and speaking of they also put Peaches on blast and they're like you've been on a lot of reality shows also and you were clearly just to be here on TV and she was like no I was here for flave because I'm a fan of him based on what he's done and to me it always seemed very clear that she had no idea who flavor flave was not wanting any kind of celebrity status or any up in their popularity you know they'd be lying but based on what Flav's done that's why I did this show because even I think in the first or second episode when they gave her a second of talk about him she was like he's contributed so much to the world like politically musically like everything he's done is so important like it was so obvious she was like if I say something general enough it will apply and then of course they asked serious like what did you think about being accused of only being here to promote your model in career a lot that you were a model I am and she has a really funny response she's like if that were true why would I be on this show I can get modeling jobs what I can't get is a man this is why I'm on Flavor of Love if I wanted to be on a TV show to promote my modeling career I would have been on America's Next Top Model next they bring out red oyster and I feel so Vindicated because her whole little segment on the reunion is them framing her as a spy them saying she is someone who you would not want knowing your business FL house you didn't want knowing your business I'm back and yes I agree red oyster was the employee of the house she was working for flave she was also trying to win his heart but she was like no I was going to get employee of the month and honestly up until this point in the reunion The Vibes were good there was Bano there was push back but it was mostly light-hearted things take a left turn from here on out so they do a recap of all the people who red oyster was exposing so Sears gets brought up again I don't know if this ever went viral or got popular but this clip of her cry over being misunderstood it's tough It's so tough to be misunderstood so they bring red oyster out and you know of course she's wearing red she's got her riding crop and a lot of the people in the audience start booing her FAA like gets mad and starts shouting about red oyster's behavior and I'm like I don't even remember them speaking maybe they did but I don't remember cuz phaya went home pretty early and I don't even think I consider red oyster a spy at that point so I'm like what beef do they have I will say that while I was confused over Thea being the messenger I didn't necessarily disagree with her message your loyalty should with yourself you loyal to yourself you could do what you did real about that's what it's about it's your responsibility to tell F the truth and then the tables the script it gets flipped on red oyster we find out that Miss thing is legally married she got Miss Latin sent home because she was calling her ex man meanwhile you're married and that gets brought up I think Miss Latin brings it up someone brings it up Miss ltin is in the room at this point and she's like red oyster she's like well I wasn't stupid enough to call him from the house so that's the difference I guess also to be more fair her and her husband they're legally married but they're not together I'm assuming they're separated red oyster doesn't say quite exactly what the situation is and flave actually is pretty chill about this he's like you know what if you would have told me this I would have understood I'm not mad at you I still got love for you I just wish you would have told me and at this point if I was pumpkin hottie or Smiley I would have punched a hole in the wall like what do you mean maybe not pumpkin because she didn't like she withheld the truth maybe not hottie cuz she withheld the truth but at the same point so did Red oyster and flave was so mad at pumpkin and hottie he eliminated them but now with red oyster it's like it's just cool maybe it's because it's over and done with and he can't do anything about it now and speaking of because we're on the topic of Secrets we do bring out Smiley and hottie at this point and flave is like oh I eliminated you just cuz I knew you didn't love me but I did like you I just wanted you to work out your issues or whatever Smiley is like you know what it's cool it's whatever I'm proud to be single right now and I'm just happy to have work out the issues that I needed to work on she does say that she enjoyed being on Flavor of Love despite it all which clearly she did because she comes back for Charm School Smiley AKA Leen she is so chaotic on Charm School like as much as you wanted to be like Smiley get it together you also want to root for her like she she's very in touch with her emotions hottie on the other hand she stays in character and it's like my elimination was unjustified because I think I would have been the perfect person to accompany flave on his superstyle lifestyle and Flav was like n f that cuz had I known that you said this was my man my mansion and my money you would have went home the moment I heard that because I don't want any girls who are here for my money and not here for me and are like bold enough to admit that at my house to the cameras that are filming my show and then he says not only that you also try to kill my mother by giving her a raw chicken so next we have Miss Goldie and she is introduced as the girl who did not participate in any of the backstabbing in the house which I think is an accurate description and she is met with cheers Fan Fair Applause she was the clear fan favorite in the house I guess not only cuz she was funny and likable but also because she was not getting involved in this super super Petty drama and flave himself he even see so excited to see her like jumps out of the chair hug her whole night so Goldie gets heated and they start asking her questions and she was like I did not get involved in the drama because it was not that serious I was just there to Vibe I was just there to have a good time and that's what I did immediately though I did not see this coming she calls cherry out for talking about her because at the end of the first episode or second whichever one Cherry got eliminated I think she got eliminated first she was crying screaming throwing up like I said probably because she was all on top of flave and I was like what do you mean I did all of this just for a girl to be puking in a bucket on the couch and she gets to stay and I have to go St baby let's take things to the stage wait a minute baby my name wait a minute you're not in this wait a minute she called me out please give me a chance to say what I need to say say but just no no fighting well she justes need to put my name out there then please uhuh no no no quit and so Goldie is like regard regardless I stayed you went what about it are you mad and Cherry oh my God like I said she looks amazing I love her outfit she's trying too hard to have a moment which is why I feel like if you get eliminated this early you need to just stay home because you don't have that much to talk about so you've got to try to have these moments or you're just like sitting there like a piece of furniture honestly I love Goldie in the show I remember being kind of annoyed with her in charm school cuz she was always making a joke out of everything but here I think it was the perfect amount and like she was really good glue for the rest of the girls are just like a little breather Inn a sense like if they're fighting there's drama we Pan the goldie we know that we're going to get to calm down and just watch somebody chill and be regular and so at this point New York and pumpkin are about to come out last well oh not last cuz heaps hasn't come out yet but they're like oh no we can't have them two in a room together they might fight again cuz they have unfinished business and so they have them both back in the green rooms like yelling at the cameras well New York is pumpkin is just sitting there so New York comes out first she struts out the girls are looking sad looking upset set New York is walking like she owns the place Cherry again tries to have a moment and then New York clock turn is like you know what didn't you go home the first [ __ ] night and I'm like exactly Cherry what can you possibly have to say what can you possibly have to be mad about maybe she went home and watched the show cuz it's been I think they said like 3 months since it ended so I'm assuming it probably aired in between I think that's what usually happens with these reunions because half the time they fight because they find out about stuff they didn't know about during filming so maybe Cherry just went home watched the show and was seething cuz she's like I could have done better than these girls but I guess we'll never know and so like it pops off they New York and Cherry kind of almost not really fight but finally what comes out of this is security gets rid of cherries she's escorted out so New York and flave have a little moment she's like no flave we're cool it's still all love and flave reiterates that it was very clear to him that New York was here for Flav and flave alone and was not here to make friends with the girls and that's one of the things he liked about her so pumpkin finally comes out and big Rick is already situated between them you know that way they can't jump on each other immediately and they're asked how they feel about each other and I like dang New York has a lot of memorable quotes from the re Union alone cuz let me get the my ass bent on pause but I'm F to press play pumpkin tries to have a little girl P where she's like I'm just here for my girls and some of them clap some of them don't and New York gets up and tries to get in pumpkin's face and be like girl I'm sick of you I'm still sick of you I don't care how much time it's passed you spit in my face someone in the audience y to New York like don't spit don't spit and New York is like well I would never because I'm not nasty she does try to hit pumpkin which like you know what get your get back cuz she spat on you but she she announces it before she does it which gives big Rick just enough time to get in between them however going to B [Applause] SL and then at this point so we cut back and there's two like rows of little columns in between them like in front of pumpkin in front of New York and so what L says they each get 30 seconds to say they're find final piece to one another and lay it to rest they do a coin TOS so pumpkin gets to go first first thing she says is that she doesn't need a facelift so apparently this comment has been on her mind for months I would assume after the episode aired people were probably bothering her in real life over it and then she does her go to where she tries to insult New York by saying she looks like a man so you know very cated very shyy to me that's a bit of racism like very Insidious behavior on pumpkin's behalf but you know like what else is new so it's New York's turn to say what she has to say no words just action she flips a little Podium and tries to Lunge for pumpkin and I'm like damn yet again pumpkin gets away and she Shields herself like kind of amongst other girls where it's like played off it's like hey what's up glad to be back isn't New York crazy and so then New York is kind of sat off to the side with big RI holding her back essentially and then we bring out our winner hes hups looks like a Bratz doll I can't the girls are serving in this reunion I enjoyed so many of their looks they look great also I'm sad because this is the last video I get to say hes I've got a bunch of comments and people were like are you from Baltimore like do you have an accent like why are you saying it like that it's just because that's how New York says it I can say Hoops Hoops Hoops Hoops anyway laa is like okay so what's been going on with you and flave since the show ended and she kind of asks both of them but almost immediately flave directs the question to heeps so she's like oh we're still best friends we're still cool and everything and I'm like it's obvious not much happened because when heeps walked out on the stage to greet flave it was very obvious they hadn't seen each other in months cuz they're like hugging like hey you look good you look good like they ain't seen each other in a minute probably since the show ended that's he's like my best friend we love each other to death we still right here with each other we're always going to have each other's back but it's just it's like that but it's not like that I knew it I knew it New York knew it you know I knew it from the beginning I seen chemistry but it wasn't like hoop said like that this that's how you put it right and I'm like are they about to announce season two right now like it's very obvious and obviously I'm aware at this point that a season 2 existed and I'm like are they going to do it right right now before the season even officially ends they're like we need y'all to know right now this relationship did not last and we are going to be casting soon so they don't outright announce a second season is coming but they imply it as much as is humanly possible and flave is like yeah I set out to you know achieve a goal with this show and find love but that goal was not achieved so I would be open to doing the show again and then at this point they're kind of just like well good night Flavor of Love season 1 that's a wrap like it ends on kind of an Abrupt note in my opinion and honestly this reunion felt so shortly we didn't get a lot of individual moments with the girls like I basically touched on everything and summarized it like people like Miss Latin we didn't get to speak to miss Latin and hear more about her side of her calling her ex it was only brought up when red oyster was like no actually I'm not a hypocrite because I didn't call him like this reunion it wasn't bad it just felt very short and like we could have touched on more than we did and obviously this is sort of like the fledgling days of this sort of reality TV so it makes it kind of obvious to me why the reunion is one episode and also Mak an obvious why when we went down the line shows started doing like two reunion episodes or three reunion episodes that way they can touch on everything that's happened in the season because it's kind of hard to summarize eight or nine episodes within one episode but yeah that's the note that we end on basically did all of this just for flave to end up back where he started but we got some H Jinks out of it we got some mem and some clips that were still using almost two decades later which I do think is pretty iconic and we got a few of the girls on the show this is where their reality TV careers this is where their name their prominence ass TV personalities began or at least for some of them like the hotties like this was their like breakout reality TV moment if you will but yeah our Flavor of Love season 1 rewatch is over I feel like I just want to ramble because I'm like it's over there's nothing more to say but I had fun I hope y'all had fun this took six weeks I think thank y'all for bearing with me for um you know missing a week of the uploads which was kind of cute cuz we got to Jaa out and make it last also I did a recap of Charm School season 1 last year actually and it's basically the same format is these videos where I do Clips do my reactions I think maybe a little bit more of the like aesthetic stuff but that is essentially the spin-off to this show but some of the contestants are from season 2 of Flavor of Love so if you're like oh I don't really know those girls don't want to watch sorry but if you're intrigued and do want to watch CH School season 1 that is already on my channel ready to go in a playlist so of course as always thoughts opinions feelings how do you feel about the win I know some of you probably most of you have already known that heaps was the winner if you have feelings still all this time later share them down below if you just found out and have feelings also share them down below and if you watch all of the videos thank you for watching them I hope you enjoyed them and I hope this was fun for you as always thank you so much for watching be sure to like comment and subscribe so you can stick around for more and if you'd like to become a channel member and get early access to videos the link is in the description again thank you so much for watching I love you all so very much and we'll see you so very soon bye-bye

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