Category: Gaming
Well good evening to you and welcome on this most perfect evening for a game of football to which we look forward immensely it's hardly a surprise that everybody has come here in their droves this being a fixure that has received so much coverage in the days leading up to it and it's good to see that... Read more
Category: Gaming
Well good evening to you and welcome on this most perfect evening for a game of football to which we look forward immensely it's hardly a surprise that everybody has come here in their droves this being a picture that has received so much coverage in the days leading up to it and it's good to see that... Read more
Category: Gaming
Well good evening to you and welcome on this most perfect evening for a game of football to which we look forward immensely it's hardly a surprise that everybody has come here in their draws this being a picture to that has received so much coverage in the days leading up to it and it's good to see... Read more
Category: Gaming
Well good evening to you and welcome on this most perfect evening for a game of football to which we look forward immensely it's hardly a surprise that everybody has come here in their droves this being a picture that has received so much coverage in the days leading up to it and it's good to see that... Read more
Category: Gaming
[applause] well good evening to you and welcome on this most perfect evening for a game of football to which we look forward immensely it's hardly a surprise that everybody has come here in their droves this being a picture that has received so much coverage in the days leading up to it and it's good... Read more
Category: Gaming
[applause] well hello and welcome to what amounts to football heaven it doesn't get a whole lot better than this the conditions utopian the sun is high in the sky it's a truly beautiful afternoon and the crowd reflect that their faces hopeful their smiles beaming levels of excitement and expectation... Read more
Category: Gaming
Well we have the most perfect day for you a warm hello in every sense of the word the sun is out the football has a special place on this most idilic of days this of course the fixture to which we've been looking forward so very very much and for so very very long the scene could not be more beautiful... Read more
Category: Sports
Argentina ganó una final manchada lo de la fifa no tiene ningún tipo de sentido cuidado porque le han puesto una sanción a la selección colombia tras el partido contra argentina de las eliminatorias el día martes y además quieren quitarle los tres puntos a la selección tricolor han pedido quitarle los... Read more
Category: Gaming
[musik] see to find over and over the st so there no reas make ex again i can't be your friend can't be l can't be [musik] selamat datang di series road to glory victoria clone kita akan melanjutkan lagi ya dan ini kita udah berada di bulan eh bentar kita masih di bulan maret ya kita akan memasuki bulan... Read more
Category: Gaming
[applause] it's an inviting looking ball [applause] that he's in plenty of space here room for the shot it's a thr [applause] in over it big chance oh that is rather wayward oh look i don't want to sound too dismissive but from here that looks a harder thing to do [applause] sends it forward that's... Read more
Category: Sports
Luis díaz celebró su partido 100 con liverpool con un golazo y una asistencia frente a branford el guajiro abrió el marcador en el minuto 13 del primer tiempo en una fantástica salida en el contragolpe tras el cobro de un tiro de esquina por parte del brenford la contra la lideró diego yota quien le... Read more
Category: Sports
欧国联即将迎来 葡萄牙主场迎战克罗地亚 葡萄牙在去年的欧预赛当中表现出色 但在今年的正赛上 葡萄牙发挥并不是太好 他们在小组赛最后一场不敌格鲁吉亚 面对捷克也是惊险胜出 进入了淘汰赛后问题更明显 防守能力强 但是进攻端始终打不开 最终倒在与法国的交手 输在最后的点球大战 但葡萄牙世代交替已经完成 年轻人足以支撑整支球队 相比于葡萄牙 克罗地亚则是经历黄金世代逐渐老去 他们在小组赛败给西班牙 又连续两场平局 直接惨遭淘汰 球队进攻端有火力 但后防线已经是他们一大败笔 双方本次阵容名单 都与上次欧洲杯差不多 历史交锋来看 葡萄牙取得3胜两平一负 完全占据上风 攻防两端也表现较好 我预测葡萄牙1:0克罗地亚 Read more