so your boy Mikey has lost a lot of money over the past 2 days as I say in every video investing in gme and AMC stock is extremely risky and today I woke up with my call options down over 70% so I was down pretty bad I don't know if I have to even tell you guys what I did after that but I'm going to tell you guys either way you know I bought the dip I bought more GameStop calls I averaged down into more $23 calls I did that while GameStop was trading at around $19.70 and I could lose every dime you know every time I buy call options I know in my head that I could lose every freaking dime but with what I believe is about to happen over the next couple of days it is worth the risk before I do get into why I believe that though make sure to go down and subscribe if you guys are new to the channel because I do update you guys on AMC and gme stock every single day so on earnings GameStop dropped 10% from $24 and then in the morning today it dropped even harder at one point it was down around 16% it did hit alow $19.31 and over 28 million shares were traded today so we had a huge day of volume the obv the on balance volume is still high you know when we bring it up and we zoom out guys it's still at all-time highs it's not going lower people are accumulating the stock so when I saw GameStop below $19.60 it did hurt me a little bit it did hurt me cuz I I was down like over $1,000 within you know 24 hours but I did average down like crazy and towards the end of the day we did see the volume go even crazier and GameStop ended the day at $20.64 you know that's a pretty decent game about a 5% gain I believe from 1930 to 2060 uh so that's there and you know if we take a look at the history of GameStop whenever there's a sharp decrease there usually is a bounceback now obviously none of this is financial advice I'm not telling anyone to buy sell or hold but normally when there's a sharp decrease there's normally a bounce back so just putting that out there I do believe it is going to bounce back I do have a bunch of money on the line as for AMC you know I'm still holding all my shares for AMC as well AMC closed the day at $4.95 where it closed yesterday and it didn't really move too much you know in the morning it kind of dropped a little with GameStop to $471 but then it climbed back up to $4.95 at the end of the day uh only 7 million shares traded for AMC and I do believe when Gamestop starts to run I do believe it's going to be GameStop first AMC is going to follow now a lot of people are like oh this is why you shouldn't compare AMC to GameStop they're not the same stock obviously they're not the same freaking stock I understand that guys but if we just take a look at the history from alltime lows AMC is up approximately 100% it's alltime low is $238 so it's up a little over 100% from alltime lows from GameStop's 52e low it's also up about 100% a little over 100% it was $10 back here pretty similar am I right or am I freaking wrong is that not similar so that's why at the end of the day I still believe GameStop and AMC are trading similar now chewy stock was up over 8% today at $30.24 everyone knows that roring kitty tweeted the last time he tweeted a couple days ago you know it just makes you think like maybe RoR Kitty knew there was going to be a crash today maybe he knew there was going to be a big drop on earnings today might just be the day he sold and bought GameStop at a discount it's not guaranteed obviously but it's definitely a possibility so this is my updated call positions I always do post them on X if you haven't follow me there make sure to go follow me my username is Mikey's money I said when you have a gut feeling stick to it I'm holding the gme stock calls for moas and I'm so happy I had the opportunity to buy some under $20 let's go gme and AMC to the moon so this is my updated call positions on gme this is all my calls I now have over $2,400 loaded into GameStop calls about $800 worth of calls expiring on October 18th and $1,500 calls expiring on September 27th so in 2 weeks guys now like I said it is risky I could lose every freaking dime but I really do feel like in my gut that the Third Run is going to happen now you guys do your own research before investing into any stock I'm just here talking about what I'm doing with my money and you guys know I had to buy the dip you guys know I had to freaking buy the dip so you know the glasses always have full you could look at it as negative or positive I was pretty sad in the morning when I saw GameStop just crash even harder but then I was like you know what screw it screw it GameStop under $20 calls calls calls calls calls that's what I freaking thought a couple seconds later and that is what I did I bought calls I did make this post on X as well I said gme stock has officially formed a bullish shark pattern if anyone was waiting for a dip this is it I just bought $1,500 worth of $23 calls because YOLO gme and AMC to the moon so that was when I only had 1,500 when Gamestop stayed trading at $19 I put in an extra, I was like screw it you know I really just felt like this might be the last opportunity the last call for call options that's just it that's what I was thinking so here's a bullish pattern and a bearish pattern as you guys see GameStop almost formed this bullish shark to a t you know this is the bullish shark here on the left now if we take a look at the past month you know this is like the past 2 3 weeks the bullish shark has formed and we already got to bounce back up towards the end of the day to $20.50 I wouldn't be surprised if it continues going into tomorrow the volume has picked up like crazy and I really do believe people are just going to start buying up GameStop stock sending it higher and higher I believe we're going to elevate higher than $24 which is why I loaded up into call options I am so freaking ready for this moas you guys don't understand this is extremely risky because it can keep going down you know no one knows what the freak is going to happen stock could go up down no one knows but no no risk no Ferrari that is just the motto no risk no Ferrari you guys do what you want with your money you already saw my position in calls around $2,500 in calls YOLO freaking yolow this guy said depending what it updates to we retested the 200 and 100 Moving Day average and held bounced back up and closed above 21 bullish to the tits so AMC closed back at $4.95 multiple analysts are saying AMC stock is looking bullish as far as Gamestop we says 100% sell sell sell sell makes you wonder like maybe I don't know maybe it's a hedge fund maybe it's a hedge fund trying to get us a sell at $20 because they're screwed these billionaire investors that are on the verge of going bankrupt are going to do anything that they possibly can to get us to sell but I'm pretty sure they've come to the conclusion that we're not selling at these dirt cheap prices at least the majority of us you paper hands obviously the paper hands are going to freaking sell but I don't think roaring Kitty is done I think he's just getting started and you know just with that little tweet we saw the momentum in GameStop you know I really do think raring Kitty is the Moos Catalyst for GameStop and AMC it's not going to be no earnings call that's for sure we already freaking checked that off the list not going to happen and you know there was news of GameStop diluting on earnings so yeah that did cause the price to tank a little but how much money are they going to raise the good news is Yet to Come guys the good news is Yet to Come and GameStop did report positive cash cash flow so the GameStop business is profitable just running as a business without the $4 billion in cash guys I think it is a huge opportunity I think it's not every freaking day when the best investors about to hit a million subscribers you know posting on X making the stock market move like crazy I think it is an opportunity and I am willing to take the risk which is why I already dump my money into calls calls calls calls I mean I'm addicted at this point you know I got my AMC shes on the side but I feel like calls a lot of money can be made guys this guy said it's official at current price Gamestop gme is now more than 50% cash per share profitable and cash flow positive so like I just said GameStop is confirmed to be cash flow positive the cash is freaking flowing guys yet it dropped a lot of people are crying about it you know oh my God GameStop down 15% what the freak are we going to do guys what has been the motto on my freaking Channel this whole time ever since I started from day one it's buy the dip buy the freaking dip now you guys do whatever you want obviously but that's my motto I'm G stick to it buying the freaking dip that is all I got to say are you going to buy the dip or are you just going to let the opportunities pass by GameStop di yet again below $20 and I saw it as an opportunity so I took it even though I was hurting inside I was hurting inside you know I lost lots of money I'm still with you guys though and I bought the freaking dip I did make this last post I said look at roaring Kitty's last tweet I would not doubt if he sells all the chewy stock he purchased and puts it all into gme stock under $20 this would be the best play of all time I really do think when roring Kitty comes out with his portfolio update everything's going to be all in in GameStop once again it's just roaring Kitty like buying the dip buying more GameStop at a discount that is my prediction roaring Kitty is now 998,199 when he hits 1 million subscribers I mean I've been saying it on my channel and you know the last time he went live it wasn't good for GameStop but what would be good for GameStop is if roran Kitty comes out and gives us his portfolio update and he bought more if he bought more GameStop that's just going to be the nail in the coffin for all hedge funds about two videos I did decode the Roaring Kitty live stream thumbnail on the top right of the thumbnail it says I'll wager with you I'll make you a bet that line is from the movie The Baba Duke on Netflix and it goes on to say I'll wager with you I'll make you a bet the more you deny me the stronger I get he is talking to hedge funds he is talking to billionaire shorts that are short on GameStop that are short on AMC that are short on stocks that retail investors invested he's basically telling them you know the more that they try to deny him the more that they look at him as a joke the more that they laugh at him the stronger he's going to get he's about to freaking hit a million subscribers I'm pretty sure all 1 million subscribers have more than likely invested into GameStop at one point in their life I mean he is building a freaking cult at this point and I am all in on it I am all in on it that is all I got to say but that is going to do it for this video I hope you guys enjoyed if you did make it to the end of the video and you haven't subscribed yet what the heck are you guys doing make sure to go down and subscribe like I said your boy Mikey has lost a lot of money just in the past day off the GameStop calls I did take a loss of around $700 on the $23 calls expiring on September 20th I did take my losses on those and I dumped all the rest of the cash into $23 calls expiring in October and I added some I averaged even more into the GameStop calls cuz that's how confident I am I averaged basically an extra $2,000 all into GameStop calls extremely extremely risky but that just shows you guys how much that I personally believe that this third run is going to happen I do put my money where my mouth is and I could be wrong I could be freaking wrong guys you know I was wrong about earning it dumped we got rug pulled it was freaking terrible and I lost a lot of money but I bought the dip I bought the freaking dip that is all there is to it but I will keep you guys updated on what happens to AMC and gme stock so make sure to stay tuned on my channel and I'll catch you guys in my next video as you all know I'm buying the dip here we go come on push it the DI the DI here we go come on push it in the DI bu the DI here we go come on push it bu in the D bu the DI here we go come on push it oh my God what's happening

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