Kate Martin and Megan Gustafson Playing with Caitlin Clark Needs To Happen (Aug. 25, 2024)

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:15:43 Category: Sports

Trending searches: megan gustafson
[Applause] hey together 3 2 3 where it we out this your boy Ace here and welcome to track and Ace so let's talk about this one this is a very interesting I just did a Kelsey Plum video yall might want to check that one out just talked about a a weird scenario where Kelsey plums because he's a free agent could play with Caitlyn Clark but I really don't believe that is a move for both of them I think especially for Kelsey plum because Kelsey Plum isn't too old at this point where I think that' be a good move like Kelsey Plum just turned 30 she's got at least a good three four five years left in her prime where she could still start and contribute to a team if she was more like 32 33 34 especially like 33 on the tell end of her career I can see it because then you could probably turn her into a backup point guard behind Caitlyn now you got a veteran point guard coming off the bench she can teach the team the young team and teach Caitlin some um tricks or traes that she knows in a way I just kind of want Kelsey PL to be with Caitlin but I don't think that move is I think she's going to stay in Las Vegas but actually a better move for her would actually be Chicago man because they need a point guard for cardoo and Reese but let's talk about Kate Martin and Megan gusterson two Iowa players who are on that acis team now Megan gusterson had a really good game against Chicago today I talked about that game Asia Asia Wilson was n of that game winner but so was Kennedy Carter so um like guson ended up having like 13 points uh four rebounds and three threes coming uh I believe she got the start today I believe she got the start today so she was 5 for8 for the field 23 minutes and she's someone that doesn't really need to play like like I'm asking for Lexi Hall to play 30 and eventually 35 minutes a game but I don't think she's someone because I look at her as a starter but I would look at her as someone that could come in and out of the starting lineup but she'd be mainly like a bench piece for us and I think she will provide some great death cuz right now you can make the argument she's better than ktie L samelson now she is a center but she could play power forward she could play um cuz she played right next to AIA Wilson so she was a power forward today uh she could play the three and playing small forward so I don't I don't really think there's a real big difference between her and ktie L samon's position on the team but she be excellent piece I don't think she a mind playing for to be honest I don't remember seeing her as a free agent for next season but if she was man I I was just play with CeCe I think she would mind playing with CeCe man keep that I Iowa Spirit going on in the pros bro I I I would love to see it she never played with um Caitlyn Clark at Iowa but I think she I think she'll Revel in the opportunity to play with her man um she's been staying on the west coast the last couple of Seasons she was with Phoenix the year before um but I think Megan G in wouldn't mind coming and playing with CeCe bro I just I really don't think she really don't think she a m and you know she's someone that's you know been a little bit of a journey player she's played overseas and stuff like that so she's very seasoned she's a very Season Pro uh knows exactly what to do provides the size she's almost 200 lb 6'4 I mean this girl is definitely what the fever need coming off that bench I think that Megan Gerson will be a key piece and it's not like it'd be too expensive to get her so you can make that you can make that move either that or a trade um but I will I will do it man I I will I saw enough out of heard today I'm not just going off of what I saw today but I'm just saying like if you can make that move go on ahead and make that move man because I think Megan G will be just absolutely perfect because like I said this Indian te it needs to get rebuilt a little bit especially with the role players she's somebody she's only 27 too so you know so I think it's a move that they can make uh for sure she's 27 so like in a lot of different ways she'd be at 27 Megan will be somebody who I would look at is like I'd say she's okay 273 28 29 30 yeah she she could fit with this team and helped them win uh a slew of championships um she's at the right age she's at she's at the right age and plus she she be 28 starting next season so yeah I I will make the move I will make the move it's not like she's probably going to be a starter I think she'll be In-N-Out starter like in certain situations she'll start but uh she'll be mainly a bench focal player and the same thing with the next player Kate Martin we all want K Martin she played with we we we felt kind of shitty about the fact that when she got drafted by the aces uh and I blame Lyn dun for that cuz she allowed um she allowed K Martin to go to uh the aces instead of them drafting her man they they they wasted the pick on Celesta Taylor who I actually think it was a great piece with Caitlyn I still kind of hated that Celeste Taylor didn't make it here man cuz Celeste Taylor was a really good defensive player and she could have developed like Alexi Hall man and it it's just crazy how we let her go uh that sucks man and because we could have used that pick on Kate Martin bro like that that really drives me crazy man that we wasted that pick like that but anyways you got Kate Martin man Kate Martin she's going through some injuries right now uh she may need surgery in the offseason I don't know like we'll see but she's getting really limited game time right now with the aces because of that injury so um but you know next season man I'll bring her in man I I feel like K Martin could really contribute more to the team here than anything especially coming off the bench she's played with Caitlin before said that's perfect and played very well that's how she actually really got drafted she's a top 20 player coming out of college because of Caitlyn and so putting her back with Caitlin would be awesome because she Thrive so much and Kaylin knows where she's got to be on the court she can Thrive and to be honest I'm G say this you know y' y'all know I've been bigging up Lucy Olsen and Sophia Centron on this channel and I'mma keep bigging them up because I really believe they're that damn good but if you think about it though if Kate Martin with her skills she probably probably could do the same exact things that they can do as far as on the offensive side of the ball like I want like in the WNBA I don't know what type of player Lucy and Sophie are going to be just yet but at least I know with Kate Kate has shown some flashes in the WNBA that she can do the damn thing uh before she got injured like she was had some really good games earlier this season I think K Martin playing with Caitlyn Clark at this level will be interesting and I like I said I think she could do everything that Kelsey Mitch could do I really do I think she could get you about 20 to 25 a game if you put her in the spot where she needed to do that I think she could deliver it she's done it before um K Martin could do it man I'm telling you like Kate Martin just needs to be in the right situation I don't know what the aces is the right situation for at this point in time but it's a good thing that she's on a championship team because she's going to learn a lot from being on that team uh around of the championship players Kelsey Plum AJ Wilson and Jackie young and all of them Chelsea gay like she's going to really learned a lot playing with that group um and she's playing with Megan gon right now so that's a nice thing I like to see the two Iowa players together man and on the same team but I think K Martin can definitely help the fever quite a bit quite a bit uh even if her roads to come off the bench like I'm telling you man if if if if Indiana can make a a few moves like this little moves and these are little moves that I'm talking about it will work I I I could go on ahead and make a video right now about Nia Mo but I the reason why I haven't done it yet it's not because of time it's it's just really because I believe Seattle's molding her to be their next point guard behind Skyler Diggin I really do I I don't think that they just got her not playing for no reason I just think that they really got her molded just to go watch Skyler for a season or two and then they're going to start her she's going to be an eventual starter but if I really feel like ni Mo was in a situation where she could have got released then I would definitely want her to be the backup point guard for CeCe bro like it'll be just not even not even close but K Martin would be so perfect fans would love oh the fans go AP [ __ ] if K Martin was here imagine K Martin with with Caitlyn and Lexi Hall on this court at the same time at the three two and the one that' be crazy that actually be crazy because Kate Martin will probably could get the the the the sport the space in that Lexi HW can provide once they start respecting Lexi as a three-point shooter then you got if we were talking I was talking about this with somebody about the ability that Lexi has to cut and slash on the offense imagine if you got that because you know you're going to get that from kmar K that was km Mar's game in IA was slashing imagine if you got that with Lexi on the other side CCE could look to the left to the right somebody gonna be open because you can't cover them both like as far as like trying to double or uh because you still got to and this is where Indiana has to make sure that the paint is good so teamu going to need more than T in my opinion Timmy man they're going to need more than her they're going to need another Center but if you had that hey Hannah Stokey might be here man so you got that that'll be perfect and then you dve Lucy ol and Sophia sron oh man you got a squad bro like you will have a cheat Cod some people don't trust satu Sab and I understand but I still take her I I take her but if you can find someone better than sat to let me know I mean in the comment section let me know if you can find someone better than sat and I'm not saying that like I think s like you shouldn't say anybody El I'm actually legitimately asking is there somebody else out there either free agency or in college that you would rather go after than sa like I want to know for me personally I will go I'm I'm a little bit more focused on Matty seagers the year after in 2026 I'm a little bit more focus on her I like her game and if we can get her she's going to be restricted though but I I I will still go after MADD seers bro I will still go after her cuz she's a baller y'all know how much if you've been watching my videos this past week or two man y'all know how much I respect her as a baller so that's that's another option you could go with um again Kia nurse girls like that that are veterans I will go with them because they don't they don't dominate the ball like Kelsey mitell does and they pass better than kelu Mitchell and they play better defense than kelu Mitchell this is why I want to change his team up a little bit because this could be a great defensive team not just a great offensive team this could be a great defensive team this could be a great defensive team and that's the only thing I like about sze is that her her her her her approach is defense but sometimes I think she got the wrong defense out there man you know what I mean cuz she play like more of a prevent defense man um than a pressure defense so that's the only thing though but yeah man if you get like a great one ofone Defender like Alexi Hall that'd be great though but I think K Martin will fit in I think Megan gusterson will fit in a lot I think they'll bring over that Championship pedigree from the aces even though they didn't win with the aces last year still coming over being with those girls man and seeing how they practice how they get ready for games and all of that stuff and how they play during the games I think that's great stuff that they could both be bringing at the same time to the fever you know and even if you can just get one I mean I think you got to go try to get one of the two got to go try to get one of the two man and it shouldn't cost you that much if you got to make a trade or even in free agency when they become free agents man but let me know in the comment section what y'all think below it was a great game with the Aces and sky today man I hope y'all was able to catch that game on CBS man it was fuing great man but give me your thoughts in the comment section below what I thought about all this um I got a patreon y'all we are very close to putting up this first spars game um I'm starting to really catch up on my Olympic stuff uh uh Olympic uploads on my other channel I'm getting real close to uploading the spars game I might be even it might be up today or tomorrow cuz I'm getting I'm real close to putting that first one up man full games will be on there all you got to do is sign up on the patreon and watch them uh also if y'all want to donate man and if y'all want to donate I got a cash app dollar sign can change to my name y can do my like my boy L Professor much love to him much love to el professor L Professor I'm might have a new Lucy ome video coming out this week trust me I'mma have a new one probably after Monday's game I'm planning on making a new Lucy osen video um I got it's something else I want to talk about with her but we're going to have a new Lucy OS video make sure y watch my other Lucy o videos as well but he gave me a $10 donation earlier the week for the Lucy oen content so I appreciate him man but I'm going have a new one up coming up later this week um dollar s change my name through the cash app if y'all want to donate through Bitcoin scan the QR code on the screen right now y'all can scan that QR code and send any Bitcoin if you don't have Bitcoin also 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