Alan Picasso vs Azat Hovhannisyan LIVE Blow by Blow Commentary
Published: Aug 24, 2024
Duration: 00:56:30
Category: Sports
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in a building the co- Main Event the WBC sponsored this so we got we got to give a shout out to Macio sulan the judges Ray Miguel and Andre those are the judges and your referee Hector AFU we got to introduce the fighters we got the Mexico flag out high in the sky for all the Mexicans to see in their land and and abroad everyone y'all heard Canelo they focus on the Mexicans Focus praying in the corner right now is um Picasso dripped up with rival gloves on focuses um hovan he looked like he ready to get socked in the face like yes but I can give it back twice tfold fighting out of the blue Corner your Challenger of tonight's co- Main Event beating on his glove beating on his chest 21 victories four defeats with 17 Knockouts as that [Music] H look at him focused and ready right there like now it's war time now it's time for me to go bust the next man's head to the white me shaking and Sh of Jimmy Lenin Jr get him right has h heia AKA crazy a and his opponent across the ring focused and up and coming young fighter with the flag behind him his people's energy behind him everyone's behind him is backing him clapping their hands 28 victories zero defeats with 16 Knockouts in his own backyard from Mexico City Mexico Allan Picasso Focus looking him getting his back and everything ready look at the group that was just performing they over there pumped up look ready got the microphone still in their hand soon as y'all done can we spit our second verse look at him boo he look like he on that [ __ ] he was like I get mine from Colombia like bumping his gloves together right there there you go Allan P hasso oh he got it on him represent Mexico there you go got the flag on his trunks right now letting the people know this is what I'm representing I'm in my backyard these is my people behind me and I'll be damned if he come out here and trying to defeat me in front of mine hell t n n no I ain't having it not me not today I damn sure tell you this right here right now that's the thought process of Allen look at everybody getting up out the Rings all the performers and everybody getting out the ring the young 24 year old they performing in real time the referee got both the fighters grabbing their R I gave y'all instructions in the locker room I expect a clean good bout touch them up respect yourself therefore you will respect the sport break out ladies and gentlemen it's going down the cold main event we got Alan Picasso versus aat hovan it's about to go down it's about to pop focused and ready is The Undefeated fighter Big Bowa Casino where your chipset and I'm all in that's the fighters let's go round number one popped off hands in the ring meeting in the eye of the storm by the Chamber of truth right now Mexico is taller tonight is Picasso jab flipp down to the body and we all know hovi soon as he get caught with a clean shot you going to damn there have to separate his head from his shoulders cuz he going to keep it coming a hovan is always bout that bout that and the referee he got his normal referee garbone but in the back of the neck and on the shoulder of the good shots right there jab but the straight right is I see Riad season so is turkey back in this they talking about Mayweather o money and um Rat season WBC Macio suan he in bed with turkey or is it the Crown Prince goddamn this wild y'all let me know um [ __ ] oh you can't to [ __ ] to two minutes and the 14 seconds look at strong stiff jab thrown by Picasso oh Picasso trying to get him up out of there and with a name like HOV venician and he get a knockout oh he trying to say Macio going to give him that paper he's like damn that paper you ain't got to take 3% from the my belt that means like the San needs that right hand down to thebody with a left hand it funds the making of more belts so you pay me more 1 minute and 53 seconds left you want to win and be on top right your ego will not allow you not to hold the belt Now give me that 3% one minute and 43 seconds left that was my D jab fcking out byov missed that shot taking a step back got to recalibrate in real time real time throwing the right hand down to the body is hovish missed that shot the jab is hovan coming forward with a right hand uppercut with the left hand missed them shots was Picasso upper cut with the left hand missed his Picasso one minute you got a Picasso in the ring 1 minute and 24 seconds left left hand missed by hovan he's saying ain't no ho in him double right hand going down to the left side of the body of the little boy 1 minute and 16 seconds left jab flipped out marching forward right there right hook up top Landing right there by the little boy upper cut with the left hand landed by Picasso he trying to be a man tonight swaying back and forth throwing a right hand down to the body missed him shots was over another right hand going down to the body is hovan missed that shot one minute flat in this opening round one of 10 we got hovan we got Picasso somebody going to get clean cold clock I want to see violence y'all remember that um what's that the seed the Chucky but violence is bad violin are bad VI Lind screeching music is ruining the goddamn country 43 second 43 seconds left that was Chucky on the SE of Chucky goddam it jab with a right hand going down to the body by hovan good shot right there by HOV straight right HOV that's the wife she pumped me up to that um hold oh good body shot with the left hand landed by Picasso but a left uppercut simultaneously landed to the head by hovan you hit me to the body I'mma hit you to the head and made the best man win cuz my shot land aead um 19 seconds left Picasso missing them shots right there he trying to let off his hands but but uh what's his name hovi and he blocking them shots like y little ass ain't gonna be hitting me with all that power you got no not me not today not on the co-main event the referee talking to him like keep it clean keep it clean Al watch Watching God damn it we got re season all up on my shirt who you think sponsoring this event going back to that neutral corner right there that's the referee he watching Floyd like what you doing with that check hey he just like what you doing with that oh in the back working out right now working on his pass is Gotti ladies and gentlemen John Gotti II versus Floyd Mayweather two up next in his locker room right now we see bananas and oranges and apples on the table is um what's his name John Gotti thei is working pass he got Mexico on his forehead right there uh he think he had a shot in the first fight that's why he was pissed off and he said um I let I I allowed Floyd Mayweather to put me to sleep before he start beating my ass and then once he start Landing shots I was supposed to wake up but I never woke up and then I feel I can just beat him up in this fight like what type of thought process these dudes be having you had no shot you was getting beat up my dude I'm talking to John got it a third because we seen the first fight and I was like what the hell he's talking about and how the hell you going to allow a next man to D you to sleep before he even sock you in the face and you knowing your main job is to go destroy him so how the hell if it's kill or be kill and you talking about he lured you to sleep you not ready for battle like you sit your ass down what the hell you talking about he lured me into a battle when I'm knowing I got to defend myself at all times he put me to sleep and beat me up so therefore I feel I can beat him this time around this [ __ ] crazy letting his hands go as venician up off the stool ready to go throw them hands Mayweather need to knock this clown out I ain't [ __ ] with nothing about Gotti Mayweather go beat the brakes off this loser to I'm talking [ __ ] ladies and gentlemen don't mind me goddamn it I just thought about that dumb [ __ ] he said like come on man make that make sense you can't two that's why I want to see Mayweather knock his ass out trying to be arrogant and cocky and the referee wave it off and you trying to beat the referee up oh yeah you tripping you really on that [ __ ] [ __ ] 2 minutes and 10 seconds left Round number two 12 I leave my Ranch to now saring back and forth was um Picasso he over there trying to um HOV um trying to paint hovan up God made him in his image and now Picasso talking about I'mma go rearrange that [ __ ] trying to go swell up cheekbones and [ __ ] is nitty one minute and um 40 SEC 48 seconds left Round number two2 pupping that jab out looking to counter punch right now is hovan double shots to the body with the left hand complaining to the referee hey you can't be complaining to the referee throw them shots get shots to the body landed on the body body you talking about he's hitting me on my pelvis he hitting me on my thigh my upper leg and the referee like no he didn't shut your ass up and fight to the death and now he's fighting to the death body shot with the left hand landed by Picasso uppercut on the inside with the left hand uppercut with the left hand again right there split the guard by Picasso Allen is good look oh jab with a right hand good shot right there by Picasso good shot by Alan look at everybody looking referee fed up he got two phones on his chest with paper and pin uppercut on the inside with the left hand missed that shot was Picasso somebody walking behind him with a backpack on body shot with the left hand landed by hovan straight right going down to the gut landed by hovan one minute flat in round number two of 12 a whole lot of about now it's two of 12 y'all just said 10 seconds they tripping in Mexico earlier it was [ __ ] oh no it was a belt so you're lying that was me I was thinking about the last fight what's this battery about to die in a minute we'll plug it up I still got um time 44 seconds left Round number two 12 jab oh good jab with the right hand two punch combination shots landed by Picasso he's really um painting the face of hovan and you can see hovan's face looking red cuz it's just ready to be hit it's like a sign say hit here Picasso 30 seconds left body shots with the left hand going down low that left hand to the body is causing friction and problems to the body shot with the right hand good shots hey the assault to the body by hovan is lovely I'm loving what I'm seeing that's a 24 year old frail boy body go beat it down to Oblivion I don't give a damn hit him chip his goddamn pelvis and make him go get a hip disc replacement that's whole whole venian game plan I just gave you keys to Victory 8 seconds left backing up against the ropes I believe they're on the Southeast side of the um squared Circle uppercut on the inside throwing that stick down to the body taking a step back right now it's Picasso switching stances and look at the referee like time you got to go on and get out your business goddamn I got to make sure I'm sharp and it look I know what I'm doing tonight cuz the money is watching that's both the fighters going to sit down in their neutral Corner getting their instructions and now they showing John got it the third in the locker room breathing heavy like my opportunity to go defeat money weather is here the man to beat up Mayweather drop him socks the [ __ ] out of him make him fall on the canvas John got it a third trying to go knock out Mayweather y'all he trying to knock him down he trying to put hands on Mayweather he said yeah I ain't playing with him this time I'mma go out there and I'm going make it do what it do baby uppercuts inside left hand body shot good work right there by Picasso and took that shot well was hovia remember henan and he take shots you can hear him just flush on the chin by Kimbo Slice and he be like that's all you got can still throw mine I can still let off mine you forever my rival that's what he wearing on his gloves they got a Asian ring announcer there you go it's um International down there in Mexico City that paper is everywhere only thing we appreciate down here is green goddamn it that was on life God damn it um what he say oh never mind I forget it he was like only color down there is Green Country Mike know about that he like it's not my time fighter get knocked out they're down there where I'm just going to leave it for you look upper uppercut with the right hand by Pico that was country mik ladies and gentlemen he be tripping from time to time left hand thrown on the uppercut with the left hand oh good right hand o hey Picasso over there throwing them lovely shots but going back down to the body hey that left hand to the body that's going to right hand over the top good shot right there by hovan get shot by hovan he got to focus that left hand to that right side of the body and backing him up letting his hands go as hovanesian uppercut on the inside with the right hand hovanesian letting his hands fly uppercut on the inside with the left hand we got to B we got to fight yeah this [ __ ] heating up now they put the time up Mexico they tripping with the goddamn technological problems they having and then they popped up red red bars and now they popped up round number three or 12 it happens goddamn it I can't do this [ __ ] I need to be taught by them right hand going down to the body is like we both learning one minute and 40 seconds left hugging and holding right now it's hovanesian like just hold on the referee's coming to pry you apart and the referee referee Pride him apart jab right hand to the body with a left hand with a jab split the guard upper hey he's holding in the back of the head you can't hold in the back of the head and just hit and he smiled like I understand English now like what the hell is hovan doing he was holding the back of the head down the Picasso trying to shoot uppercuts and the referee came in and said stop doing that and hovan looked at the ri like what the [ __ ] are you talking about I'm not doing nothing smiling and [ __ ] like if he can get away with it the referee caught him though keep it clean goddamn it what the hell is Joe Cortez when you need them I'm fair but I'm firm left hook missed that shot body shot with the right hand missed by Picasso left hand uppercut on the inside by Picasso with a right hand off the ropes with a right hand missed by hovan with a left hook landed by Picasso double jab puffing split the guard landed right there by hovan marching forward with a body shot with the left hand good shot right there with a left hook uppercut on the inside but a left hook landed flush landed by Picasso it's Tit for Tat dip D Bob and we even got away from them shots I'mma stand here with my 10 toes on this canvas and I'mma beat the brakes off you body shot with the right hand going down low hovan uppercut with the left hand you miss I'm forced to make you pay hell you doing I put the work in in the gym and there's nothing you can do to me and everything I can do to you I'm turning into leonitis take from them everything and I'm giving you nothing you're my prey and I'm the Predator look at Julio CA Chavez senior there you go calling a blowby blow like fighter get knocked out there you go shout out to julisa Chavez senior ladies and gentlemen ringside watching this fight doing his thing he got his tuxedo on with his bow and his tie over there looking sharp where his son at probably somewhere whing uppercut on the inside Miss now was a left hook missed by hovan sweeping right hand missed by hovan pupping that jab St on his defensive mind right now it's Picasso ready to turn and flip the switch and make his offense just let it rip SW slip the jab of henan underneath the left armpit is the head of Picasso the referee came in separated him get your head from up underneath that next man's armpit and then popped his head out ready to strike pumping that oh good right hand and a counter punch left hook landed by hovan ladies and gentlemen it's only heating up that's the end of that round it's a 12 round bout and these Fighters just going out there throwing their hands and just letting the shots just rip just fly getting the instructions from the corner and these Fighters are implementing the great game plan that their Corners is telling him look at the sitting down in the corner they zoomed in in the face of Picasso he sitting down nodding his head yes like I'm taking everything you're telling me corner I'm downloading everything open your mouth drink this water hydrate me corner and down there showing the replay slapping left hook keeping his right hand up blocked that shot was Picasso throw a left hook on the inside up cut uppercut with the left hand missed by Picasso upper cut with the right hand left hook landed two- punch combination straight left straight right hand landed but a counter punch by hovan with a left hand landed straight right hand back against the ropes get shot by hovan missed that left hand dip di Bob and weed when he was on the ropes and got away from them shots was Allan Picasso as that hovan up off the stool and Picasso focused and ready like I got to go get my get back you punch me in the mouth in front of my people I'm from Mexico City and you dis respected me so I got to beat your ass that was the thought process of Picasso both Fighters is up off the stool right now ready to go throw and looking determined body shot with the left hand landed by hovan hey that right that left hand to the body going to clean him up keep using that left hand hovan if hovan keep using that left hand to the body and them later rounds because it's only round number four 12 it's going to pay pay pay dividends and in them Championship rounds for hovan left hand to the body that shot is there all night good two-punch combination uppercut with the left hand hand landed B head to the Head good shots right there tip for Tat you hit me I hit you the referee is talking to hovan stop you need to keep up your punches keep your punches above this line right here I ain't going to tell your little ass again that's the referee talking to hovish and if you ain't listening I'mma take your gloves off and I'mma beat your ass now y'all continue to fight that's the referee he's fair but he firm two minutes and 6 seconds left shout out to Joe Cortez that's the referee God damn it uppercut on the inside short left uppercut on it split the guard good shot by Picasso ping that jab out marching forward as whole venician like I got to get my get back you disrespected me and now I got to make your face pay 1 minute and 48 seconds left Round number 412 throwing the right hand down to the body get shots hey the Bodywork is there right hook missed that shot don't be head hutting the body ain't going nowhere if hovan just focus on that body hey it's going to be hell to tell the captain he can't lose in front of his people in Mexico not from hovanesian he was like how dare you lose to hovanesian God damn it you can't come over here and I'm not putting you on my one minute body shot with the right hand landed right there by Picasso left hook missed by Picasso dip die bobbed and weave and hovan looking at him like I can't believe you threw that [ __ ] you green holding down his head hey he got a weird Obsession of holding down the next man head is hovan right hand over the top good shot by Picasso uppercut with the left hand by Picasso good shot by Allen good jab landed by hovan good shots right there by hovan landed hell of about I'm loving what I'm seeing ladies and gentlemen this is going to be a battle about tonight puffing that jab out missing his assault trying to shoot a uppercut was hovan uppercut with the right hand left hand missed those shots was Picasso got him on the back foot right now got up off the ropes going back down to the body Working The Angles and revers oh uppercut with the left hand landed by Picasso oh you thought you had something or you ain't really had nothing goddamn it you only um you do what I tell you to do and now it's time for me to go Implement my game playing body shots right hand left hand uppercut on the inside like there good shots landed right there by hovan loving what I'm seeing throwing his shots oh good right hand around the guard Lander right there by Picasso hey they tip for Tat if you hit me I got to hit you I bet you my Eagle going to be um here still standing soon as I knock yours out your earlobe jab flicked out by hovan look at him Focus right now keeping that guard down and then keeping his guard up as Picasso like yeah I'm I'mma stay disciplined yeah I'm a counter punch too oh Str right there landed by both the guys godd damn it look at the referee calling time cuz that's the end of that round woo we heating up ladies and gentlemen goddamn where where the hell is um Megatron from Transformers when you need them then let me strip the very flesh from his body and you will my Apprentice sitting down as hovan hovan sitting down in his Corner they giving him water right now and they're rubbing him down giving him instructions he's not in his head and you can see the inflammation starting to come on his face it look like he been getting touched by leather but he's focused they showing a replay right hand around the guard good shot landed by hovan and a right hand coming right back at him by Picasso doubled up on the right hand right there by Picasso tow up the left side of the face body shot and then a counter punch right hand good shot by hovan uppercut on the inside with the left hand landed clean if you going to be over that big toe shooting uppercuts all night and I'mma clean his ass up uppercut with the left hand landed by Picasso that was the they they were showing the replay of what transpired in the previous round now both the fighters is up off the stool in this round ready to go at it 2 minutes and 51 seconds left holding on and the referee got to come separate him like separate goddamn he referee they won't help themselves puffing that jab out there in the middle of the Ring of the eye of the storm of the Chamber Of Truth Chamber of Secrets let's see um if you can take on my battus two minutes and um 34 seconds left body shot with the left hand uppercut on the inside with the right hand around the guard good punches landed by hovan straight right hand double time blocked him shots with hovan left hand to the body landed by Picasso oh left hand straight right uppercut with the right hand uppercut with the right hand left hook around the guard right hand left hand landed right there by Picasso and then showing his bravado Landing the right hand this henan beating on his chest like damn all that come on with the smoke goddamn it I'll beat you to Oblivion as well one a body shot with the left hand that was not low that was clean hey that was a clean body shot that was not a low blow that was clean the referee call timeout good body shot by hovan and they said it was a low blow and then he over there playing in a row acting like he got clean cold clocked in his baby makers they need to show the replay that [ __ ] did not look like it was a low blow that looked like a clean body shot by hovan they need to show the replay cuz this is madness look at hovan looking I know this mother clucking lying I'm look at him I'mma take this breath and look at the young man Alan Picasso like I'm perfectly fine I had these [ __ ] come perform for me and um they sung their whole song taking a point away oh they tripping now the referee went back to hovan and took a point away they need to show the replay and the referee responded after Picasso was complaining he got hit in the nuts so if the referee and then the referee can't be um just [ __ ] waiting talking and talking waiting for the fighters to complain and [ __ ] referee the hell is going on and the referee went back and took a point like look how that young man is looking sitting down cuz you hit him in his nuts knowing he was trying to get his [ __ ] on later in the night now I got to take a point away from you cuz you ruining his evening like what type of referee [ __ ] is going on this is madness ladies and gentlemen they didn't have to take a point away from Hoven they didn't have to take a point away from that man it is what it is goddamn it you can't complain over spilled milk what I can absorb it body shots Landing clean by hovan he picked off he pissed off body shots on the inside but the left hook landed by hovan taking a step back missing that right hand was Picasso through the right hand he wasn't even in range right hook missed that shot now he trying to kick it on the ropes is hovia that's where you don't need to be if your ass is going to be caught on the ropes it's it's going to be oh goddamn to your ass 1 minute and 12 seconds left Round number five or 10 pupping that jab out his hovan 1 minute and 7 seconds left Round number five of 12 keeping his hands h uppercut on the inside with the left hand missed that shot was Picasso one minute flat round number five of 12 eye the storm of the cham of Truth jab flicked out by bovan right hand uppercut on the inside but a body shot landed by hovan with the right hand good shot jab with a right hand over the top thrown by Picasso look at people this dude over here yawning and [ __ ] with a beer in his hand how the hell you gonna yawn with a hosp he tripping right hook landed right there by Picasso look I just hey trying to pump up the crowd is hovan you better focus on Picasso right hand over the top pumping a crowd up right now as hovan like yeah we going to give him a fight we going to give him a Blow by and I'mma give him a blowby blow like no other pumping a crowd up in between shots and in between throwing his shots is hovan getting Jabs landing on him cuz he trying to pump up the crowd goddamn man hairline rash receding cuz all these punches coming in cuz he trying to pump up the crowd you better focus on your follicles 10 15 seconds left ref number 52 referee coming in separated him he got a season to cut he think he fresh in Mexico hey look we the live blow my blow ladies and gentlemen we whing we being we being ourselves jab flicked out with a right hand left hands and missing all them shots right there and then um split the guard and hit his ass right in his mouth like your little ass ain't doing [ __ ] to me that was um hovish and at the end of that round both Fighters going to their neutral Corners Saturday October 19th Battle of the Giants we got Francis Janu versus Fara I'm going be calling that live Blow by blow on the pfl and look at the corners they um they talking to hovan like the shots that you're throwing they're right there what I need you to do I don't need you to be kicking it on them ropes I need you to let your hands go I need you to be first I need you to assert yourself going out and up off this stool going into this round do you hear me heavan hovan that's what you need to do that's the corners talking to hovan I don't know what they said but I just made some [ __ ] up it sounded good to me um uppercut on the inside they showing the replay uppercut with the right hand body shot with the left hand that was land low blow but that land it landed on his thigh not on his nuts right hand landed by hovan but a left hook landed by Picasso they landed shots at the same time look at the WBC ref he's supposed to be paying attention in case the next man fall down and the referee got to look at him to get the count but his ass on the cell phone like what the hell we going to be doing after the fight God damnn it everybody in town tonight I got a little money to spend he over there tripping 2 minutes and 53 re between the lines God damn we going to be whing with the blow by blow 2 minutes and 47 seconds left Round number 6 to 12 so that me six to 12 so we at the halfway mark y'all this [ __ ] g o good like that them old KFC commercials jab flicked out by Picasso they got um Kentucky Fried Chicken down there in New Mexico look at Jimmy lenen Jr like I wonder never mind I ain't even gonna say it to I forgot I was recording godd damn boo I was about to start talking about the sh n soon as I seen U Jimmy Lenard Jr oh let me stop damn it good jab flicked out by um hovan jab flicked out after that right hand missed by hovan slipped that jab was Picasso like I knew your little old ass was going to throw that shot I mean look at you scoreboard two minutes and 10 seconds left Round number six of 12 talking about the judges scorecards but it's too close to call for you to be calling scoreboard remember I hop in all I hop in the fighters heads and I tell y'all what they thinking in real time it's sort of like good right hand over the top by Picasso it's sort of like that SpongeBob episode when he was hopping in everybody dreams so I hop in everybody head and I let y'all know what's going on throwing punches is oh good shot right there right hook of uppercut with the left hand landed by hovan now I'mma hop in the head of Picasso oh goddamn I didn't know he was this fast and these shots is starting to um cause a little trauma to me I'mma close Hands and see how um HOV venician fist so I got to tighten my defense up that was the thought process of Picasso body shot with the left hand landed by Picasso Pat jab pumped out right there he's like I'mma paint my way the victory that's Picasso um his art is in the ring representing the WBC maricio and he was like I'm trying to make myo proud that's the WBC um young um future Champion Picasso cuz they want him to get the belt so he can represent for his hometown and then he was like I still got to charge you that 3% but I'll break it down to just uh 2.5 cuz you from New Mex you from Mexico City Mexico quad 1 minute and 3 seconds left Round number five round number six to 12 holding on Close Quarter range now they holding on and look at the corner I don't know who dude is in a um in a red what's that a Red Hook hoodie he over there beating on the canvas and [ __ ] like his fighter ain't listening to him good body shot with the left hand doubled up to that with a left hook to the Head good shot right there landed by Picasso upper cut with the left hand thrown by Picasso missed that shot and landed that counter punch left hook by hovan but a body shot landed right after that by Picasso referee coming in saying keep it up it's okay I deal with Fighters like y'all before right hand to the body by hovan left hand to the body landed by Picasso Tiff fat it hit me better believe I'mma hit your ass right back where you hit me I'mma mirror you goddamn it I only took I only took the energy that you gave me Al so now they over there showing me they got psychic powers straight right hand landed by Picasso good right hand split the guard landed by Picasso upper cut with the right hand Miss Pap Picasso body shot with the left hand trying to smother them shots but that shot landed nonetheless close quter rain trying to hold on to the next man in the referee body shot with the left hand oh left hook landed right there by hovan good shot landed body shot and going to the head he got Picasso retreating but Picasso still throwing them shs nitties still throwing them shots both Fighters is looking at each other cuz the referee hopped in call time that's the end of that round it's going down for show what the hell is s sell when you need them ladies and gentlemen cuz tonight it goes down goddamn it it's going down tonight and we in new we in Mexico City live and they all here throwing hands goddamn it go out there and get a street Taco authentically goddamn it what the hell you mean they in a city I seen skyscrapers and everything everything everything look turning a cat on your ass everything look at um hovan with the uppercut on the inside with the left hand they're showing a replay what popped off that last Rizzy right hook over the top landed by Picasso Tit for Tat ladies and gentlemen I'll beat the brakes off of you and everybody else who got something to say about it ja Jazz flicked out right there real life blowby blow whatever I say that just come off the top of my Dome neurons is just ticking I'm talking ladies and gentlemen whatever pop in my head I'mma say that [ __ ] is nitty goddamn it over there taking a little sip of a sip goddam it that's what I mean that's what I need God damn it pumping that jab out look at 2 minutes and 51 seconds left we got Picasso and we got hovan round number s to 12 it's a whole lot about and they out there ready to go unive each other I can't believe it I can't believe it 2 minutes and 38 seconds left now you got to get it right looking at him trying to trying to get on the inside with a jab flicked out by hovan switch stances and miss that shot throwing a right hand keeping his head off the line and being defensive minded right there was Picasso missing him shots with hovan in the middle of the Ring of store pumping them Jabs out his Picasso with a right hand but a counter punch right hand thrown in landed by hovan with a jab flicked up by hovan counter punch with a straight right hand missed that shot was Picasso taking the uppercut on the inside with the left hand thrown by Picasso missed that shot Close Quarter range trying to um uppercut on the inside miss that shot throwing a sweeping left hook but going back down to the body with a left hand is Picasso to the body of hovan missed that shot with a straight right hand landed on a guard blocked that shot was hovan missed that leaping left hook was Picasso P that jab aiming towards the chest is Picasso close C the range holding on the referee got a come in and separate them he's talking to Picasso keep it clean right hand to the body left hand to the body two PCH combination flush landed clean get shots right there by HOV Nation HOV nation and this is a HOV Nation Channel [ __ ] it landed clean on Picasso goddamn it HOV venician turning uppercut and you can see Julio cisa Chavez Jr he's telling U Picasso to shoot the uppercut shoot the uppercut you I just literally seen Julio cisa Chavez um senior stand up office commentator te table and tell his young fighter Picasso shoot the uppercut shoot the uppercut young man he better listen to one of Mexico's great Jula Chavez Senor he told Picasso to shoot the uppercut and he ain't listening to the Mexico's great disrespecting the Elder how there how you GNA disrespect him now let me stop he like godd damn he can't hear him he over there hey look at hey there you go hey Julio Chavez senior he covered his mic he talking to Picasso personally like shoot the damn uppercut God damn it um then Julio back to the people and it's like if a body shot with the left hand landed right there by Picasso good shots right there left hook around the guard up p on the inside block that shop that left hook got in landed by Picasso holding on right now the referee saying work it out and you can see the wear and the tear on the face of hovan that's a face only a mother could love 35 seconds left Round number 7 to 12 hold known right now is hovan he's like the wear and tear is getting to me and look at the young whipper snapper he is like yeah I can take oh good right hand after a jab good two-punch combination by hovan and then up left hook Lander right there good two- punch combination landed by Picasso hit me I got to hit you and I bet you my shots going to um shock the crowd left hook landed and then you can see Julio Chavez s he's saying he need to shoot the uppercut left hook landed by hovan and then and then talking to him screaming to Picasso right now is Julio Chavez senior like you oh shots on the inside by hovan body shot with the left hand and then doubling up with that left hand going to the cheekbone landed by Picasso referee hopped in and call time that's the end of round number seven round number eight round number nine hey they having fun with that drone they got in the arena next Saturday we got KSI special live event oh it's the Misfits we got Danny arens versus Danny Simpson hold on what's that say a re hey I can't see that [ __ ] God damn it I think I need glasses n it was blurry and [ __ ] and then how they had the colors they were blending in now they're showing the replay so it's the Misfits boxing I'm going call this [ __ ] I just couldn't see I'm I'm getting at that age right hand on the inside remember we grew up on the computer we was the first ones with AOL dup and [ __ ] knowing you can't use the regular phone cuz you about to turn on the internet hey y'all remember that [ __ ] the AOL you couldn't use the phone cuz you was about to get on the internet and you always had that female cousin who just stayed on the internet all day like God damn it I'm supposed to be calling H girl like the hell is WR with y'all facts straight right hand missed that shot throwing the uppercut on the inside with a left hand to the body thrown by Picasso he trying to um over there show The Art of boxing tonight doing his Thug thizzy that's what I'm talking about all the stor the middle of the ring this a damn good bout right here ladies and gentlemen it's tit forat I'm loving what I'm seeing right now from Picasso and I'm loving what I'm seeing from hovan and we already know hovan he going to be right there in front of you it's only you going to have to use a tank to get HOV Nan up out of there he ain't taking no [ __ ] from nobody he's a strong man oh letting his hands go right there oh good shots landed right there fans is up trying to hold on is hovan hovan trying to hold on good shots coming in landed right there by Picasso left hook landed by hovan left hook land right hand thrown right there oh good shot oh another right hand landed by hovan what's going on oh good shots right there by the fighter I thought it was over for one hell no we in the building throwing them shots at your ass and hold on right now with the fighters the referee got to come separate them cuz they letting it go y'all they letting it Fly pressing the issue body shot with the left hand landed by hovan get shot to the body with the left hand right hand over the top block Dash good jab split the guard landed by hovan one minute and 36 seconds left Round number 8 or 12 the referee coming to separate him talking to hovan you need to keep your protrude now that for forehead up off that next man watch it Pur oh good left hook Lander right there by Picasso bovan coming right back at it throwing a body shot with the left hand landed right there by Picasso referee separate them say y'all go throw them hand good right hand landed by Picasso body shot with the left hand on on the inside with the left hand body shot close oh good right hook landed by hovan letting it go good shot right there that's what I'm loving to see and look at the people behind him they real close looking at this fight right now they looking at their young fighter right now like Picasso he in about right now he about to get all the love and respect from everybody um to the performers that perform their whole six minute song to everybody six U 50 seconds left uppercut with the right hand with a straight right landed by Picasso 47 seconds left Round number eight of 12 holding on right now body shot with the right hand landed by hovan close to the range holding on back against the ropes right now is Picasso 38 seconds left the referee separating to me keep talking to um hovan he's like hold no body shot with the left hand by hovan good shot upper cut on the inside close cter range forehead to forehead we close quter range we're in a foam boo with it now if you tried to turn in the Clark Clint I mean if you tried to turn in the Superman Clark Kent I'll beat your ass before you switch out your uniform 18 seconds left that's the thought process of the fighters meet me in a foam Booth left hook on the inside landed by Picasso like I'mma paint your face how I want it to paint it holding on tossing and turning look at the fans holding on Ling in like the fatigu to set in breathing out his mouth is hovan shooting the left throwing that left hand jab with a straight straight right with a left hand missed that shot H venan lunging in missing shots shielding up blocking them shots and the referee got to hop in between the next man throwing hands to let them know that's the end of this round you got 60 seconds to calm your ass down and then I give you permission to go beat his head again now they got the Drone in the arena ladies and gentlemen but they got the arena all blacked out yeah it look like that [ __ ] ain't packed like that you can see people floor side on um the with the floor seats but soon as that drone went all the way up at the top God damn it all that [ __ ] is black out so we can't see nothing I wonder if anybody even there there like can't afford it they tripping inflation in Mexico too this [ __ ] crazy hell is going on in the world today we're going into round number nine we close to them Championship rounds look at the replay look at right hands landed body shot landed by Picasso upper cut with the right hand left hands but that right hand came in those other shots was blocked on the gloves of hovan hey we got TMT hats we got TMT shirts everybody in TMT all in a row look at Mayweather said we going to make my [ __ ] look good I'mma buy tickets for all 15 of y'all sit here wear my merch and smile and cheer um 2 minutes and um 30 54 seconds left he give me that yob I'm like to make sure I floor I need some brusis and just a couple pints that's right I call a blow up on the phone look just get in where I fit in goddamn it 2 minutes and 38 seconds left Round number N9 of 10 I mean 9 of 12 this is champion ship well they saying it's Championship but ain't Nobody Got no real belt body shot with the right hand going down it's like it's inter but they still owe that sanctioning fee don't don't knock my hustle hey look that's the sanctioning bodies don't knock my hustle goddamn it the ego will oh good left hook on the inside landed by hovan good shot right there fighting like a true champion tonight both Fighters just putting their all and putting they everything I'm rocking with both of them if they was running for president I'd turn in to U what's his name Terry crw on Malibu's Most Wanted I I'm a vote for him I'm a vote for him down with Landing the right hand on the next man's cheekbone I'm a vote for him one minute and 54 seconds left they was like who is that that was Alan Picasso known from socket mother Cluckers in the head I'mma vote for him one minute and 47 seconds left good straight right hand landed by Picasso good shot right there body shot with the left hand but a jab of a straight right is hovan missed that right hand but the jab and the referee is saying keep up your punches and hovan looking at the referee like keep up punches these shots is clean and saying come on is hovan waving Picasso in like come over here and fight that Mexican style and come over here and get clean cold clock your ass can't withstand my shots I'm taking yours yeah my face a little [ __ ] up but this part of the sport that's henan this is part of the Sport 1 minute and 18 seconds left throwing down to the body with a right hand missed that shot with a left hook missed that shot was HOV venician he throwing hay makers and look at everybody on the phones not looking look at Jimmy lenen Jr he over here got a smirk on his foul he's intrigued and this about like this [ __ ] good body shot with the left hand like still got the microphone in his hands like the microphone with Jimmy Lenin Jr they just become one he was like yeah you never know when I needed 54 seconds left from round number nine of 12 good right hand thrown on the inside Jazz flicked out and look at Picasso he's like this dude ain't going nowhere I usually and I'm used to hitting guys with these shots and I put them out of there and just taking my shots as um hovan left hand to the body right to the Head good two combination landed by Picasso then went in the clinch and the referee had to come separate him cuz they won't help themselves 30 seconds left Round number nine of 12 faints on the inside moving down to that left hand side I want to see that upper cup with the left hand by Picasso that'll probably do some damage left hook thrown right there by a body shot coming right back at hovan after hovan threw that right hand and Miss with a left hand missed by hovan throwing these shots and they fast body shot with the right hand landed good shot with the left hand that's not low that's not low good shot right there by hovan with a left hook to the Head trying to come oh good left hook to the head by hovan oh another left hand landed by hovan got away from that left hand pressing the issue getting closer and closer another shot right there oh this going to be real interesting I don't think Picasso going to do too well in them Championship rounds round number 11 and round number 12 cuz the pressure is getting to him and he's breathing a little heavy that fatigue is coming in sitting down in his Corner as hovan you can see the wearing tear on his face the inflammation starting to come on his eyes he looking the forehead is protruding his hair is leaning over it look like he got a um hold on the wife over here laughing and [ __ ] I'm speaking my mind goddamn it God damn it I ain't talking [ __ ] I'm just calling what I'm seeing he's sitting down in the corner I'm looking at him and he looking as the ladies would say he looking a hot mess look at Gotti in the back still standing up walking and pacing back and forth like I got an opportunity to go beat up Floyd who beat up 26 world champions in his career and I think can just go beat him up in the ring hey you never know what if John Gotti land a shot and knock out Mayweather oh [ __ ] the world will go crazy and I'll be mad I can't get my shorts I was like I just got to rely on the blowby blow I was like goddamn hopefully they show up goddamn it but you know this algorithms and um this this internet [ __ ] wild goddamn it but it is what it is I just got to continue doing what I do best that blow I blow 2 minutes and 44 seconds left in round number 10 to 12 referee is trying to pry him apart they acting like they don't know how to separate now he talking to Picasso like calm down goddamn it or I'mma Be both y'all ass the referee talking to aonan I didn't warrant your ass too many times T not you really tripping if you keep this up I'm might have to disqualify your big head ass now continue to fight that was the referee talking to both the fighters then he was talking to havan but havan I'm watching the fight havan don't look like he's doing nothing wrong this referee got reass season he tripping tonight body shot with the right hand going down low Mario suan in the building they trying to pry up Allan um Picasso he making um groups do they whole song plus four they a Lo lowkey a concert no vocals no let me stop two minutes and uh 4 seconds left and it was like no they speaking in N [ __ ] that's different God damn it they supposed to sound like that jab flipped out right there I was like what [ __ ] that [ __ ] hot I want to listen to the album 1 minute and 54 seconds left give me a some bro wilding out goddamn it cooking corada on the grill saying I like this [ __ ] hot God damn it I want to watch CoCo for some reason 1 minute and 44 seconds left Mama Coco left hook throw missed that shot or a book of life got away from that right hand right there was Picasso who do it was hovan he saying ain't no ho in him upper cut with the right hand good shot right there and that left hand to the body landed look at the people they over there I don't know what the hell is going on Picasso WI a fight and you can see the fans cuz he's from Mexico City so I'm looking at the expression of all the fans in the ring they worried they like God damn this Venetian is something different where the hell is he from and good right hand landed by Picasso still throwing shots on the inside right there looking on the referee coming in separating them prying them apart now the referee saying now go continue to beat each other head in 1 minute and 3 seconds left Round number 10 to 12 hold known as Picasso the co- Main Event up next we got money Mayweather versus John Gotti the third John Gotti the third so I say like me John got it a thir versus money May all day it sinkle the Mayweather um 47 seconds left for round number 10 to 12 and that um and and it's called the mmm Mayweather meets Mexico God damn you talking about money May money meets Mexico so that's the mm andm let's go that's the mm and M Money Mayweather meets Mexico that's hella M God damn it a and then we can add dot dot dot 21 seconds left Round number 10 to 12 throwing a left hand miss that shot was hovan keeping his hands down low body shot with the right hand landed by hovan made um good left hook landed by Picasso after three dropped them hands oh this a lovely B I'm loving what I'm seeing from um hovan over there strong but Picasso still fighting like a true champion like I'm fighting in front of my people they putting the battery in my back I'm the Mexican Energizer Bunny and I promise you you won't defeat me both Fighters going to sit down in they neutral Corners they getting their face wiped down talking about um Fighters got it rough they getting pampered right now look at John Gotti still standing up like this is my moment just standing there trying to look like his great-grandfather you ain't thugging like him Goddamn it you grew up on a good education with mixed martial arts goddamn you better calm down look flicking that jab out throwing a left hook looking to lay that left hand saying let's go saying I got power tonight look at the replay uppercut with oh good left uppercut by Picasso you got to love the replay good shot with the uppercut on the inside with a jab Over the Top by Picasso I can give it to you what what what what what I these laid these hands on your face your face now your face is swollen up in the place today look at everybody looking homeboy pulling up with the TNT he got the hat on backwards and [ __ ] he was like I'mma show the people in Mexico City how to properly wear a TMT hat and then they was be like but is you getting that Mayweather money you part of The Money Team they was like you got to go ask um Jackie long is working now he part of TMT too two minutes and that was that real husband's of Hollywood they was like Jackie long is working that [ __ ] was hilarious 2 minutes and 35 seconds left he was like part of The Money Team and then Jackie was like um that don't mean everybody got money I'm just part of the team like 2 minutes and 28 seconds left shout out to that uh that's my that used to be my [ __ ] The Real Husbands of Hollywood God damn it 2 minutes and 19 seconds left Round number 10 to 12 uppercut on the inside with the left hand by Picasso oh good shots right there by hovan left hook landed by hovan right hand over the top landed with a body shot with the left hand going down to the body two punch combination uppercut with the right hand landed right there by Picasso good shots right there saying keep your guard right and shoot and split the the grip and land where you need to land and probably [ __ ] it Go bust his lip that's what you supposed to do that's what you're getting paid for to cause trauma on the next man senses make him close his eyes and then I see a Picasso Fist and I was like it's not even a um welcoming painting right hand uppercut on the inside missed that shot missed that left hand was uh henan hold known round number 11 of 12 1 minute and 38 seconds left referee coming in separating them like y'all don't need to be this close goddamn it we want to see flush shots land on the next man he you doing smothering your shots jab flick out you won't get another opportunity I'll let you know that now they was like but I need I joke I joke I get I get I don't think my joke is working I must flee 1 minute and 19 seconds left Round number 11 to 10 body shots going down low with the left hand good shots to the body with the left Hand by hovan dig down to the body with a right hand why the referee pushing him off the referee on some [ __ ] tonight why he's um stopping hovan from his assaults good shots on the inside landed right there by hovan landed some clean good shots right there too now that wasn't hovan that was Picasso he landed those shots on hovan show enough did H what going on oh that's a child um 50 seconds left Round number 11 to 12 left hand missed them shots right there was hovan look babies just be popping up out of nowhere God damnn it have enough of them they be everywhere 40 seconds left Round number 11 there talking about daddy uppercut on the inside with the left H I'm hungry daddy right hand on the inside gets shot by Picasso with a left hand to the body left hook landed by Picasso but a body shot with the left hand landed by hovish everybody glued to the fighters round number 11 20 seconds left we going into the championship round oh good left Huck landed right there by Picasso oh good left [ __ ] landed right there got Julio Chavez senior up on his toes right now talking to him here you go they in they tuxedos with they black bow ties I need to go sit next to them and do the blowby blow they say it in Spanish I say it in English we working together goddamn it bilingual staff um holding look I gotta go work down there with um Julio cisa chois him Goddamn it do the blowby blow right turn back talking to Jimmy lynon Jr where the hell he disappeared to he was like I gotta go get my fix the hell is going on I got to go get my paperwork together go announce the fighters aial view of the Arena people showed up and they showing out ladies and gentlemen the co-main event of Mayweather versus Gotti 2 up next we have 50 and0 Mayweather versus 2 and 0 John got it a third showing a replay of what popped off in round number 11 straight right hand landed flush on that left eye get shot by Picasso shocked the [ __ ] out you in your eye for looking at me crazy in the build up straight right hand landed on the ear left ear I'm going try to tear up your senses uppercut with the right hand landed by Picasso Alan Picasso going to win this bout hovish need a knockout but he going to win it's going to be it's too close to no it ain't it's too close it is a close bout but Picasso is winning this bout ladies and gentlemen he up by one round he up by two rounds on my score card real close bout but Picasso is clearly winning this bout it's hella close but he's clearly winning pping the crowd up right now it's Picasso hovan in the knockdown and a knock out but a knockdown added that much close if he get a knock down this round I have it a draw but if he don't get a knockdown and Picasso continue to do his thing Picasso going to win on the judges scorecards 115 113 on all scorecards 115 113 winner by unanimous decision Allan P um Picasso but it's still um 2 minutes and 27 seconds left and it's 12th in the final round and we don't know what's going on I ain't no Mr Cleo God damn it Mrs Cleo she a little bit too old for me 2 minutes and 19 seconds left 12 in the final round so I can't say the future so that's why they got to go out there and throw them hands at one another cuz only time and tell the victim look at the referee saying separate separate separate just re seesing all up on them body shot with the left hand right hand over the top throw another right hand throw another right hand thrown clubbing him in the back of the head why is he hitting him in the back of the head like that aonan is tripping left hand thrown right there where the hell he from uh 1 minute and 55 seconds left they said it when you um did they ring announ you should remember that you announced the fighters didn't you I think he from armia or some [ __ ] like that yeah um something like that so he he better get his Edge nitty together 1 minute and 41 seconds left 12th in the final round was just clubbing and hitting that man in the back of the head like he was supposed to Jabs down to the body good right hands Over the Top by hovan he's saying I got to win by any means necessary I'm in his backyard oh [ __ ] I forgot he was in Mexico they probably gonna have it 116 112 1 minute and 23 seconds left Round number 12 or 12 you know somebody going to have it um um a draw 115 115 overruled body shots with the right hand with the left hand going down low as henan left hook missed that shot with his right hand uppercut with the right hand good shot right there good place punchman good shot landed right there by Picasso he over there really tried to um paint the next man face with some trauma oh right hand landed by Picasso missed that dipped and doed and Bob and weave and got away of the shots of hovan and landed a clean flush shot right there by Picasso over there probably sealed around left hand thrown right there with that left hook referee saying work it out work it out godamn it I ain't going to tell y'all no more y'all need to um listen to my voice and then look at the cameram man they just running everywhere that camera look heavy as hell I need me two or three of those godd damn it I got to step my game up um 35 seconds left Round number 12 or 12 just walking around with a big ass cam quarter like what you doing recording life holding on jab flicked out double jab that for he threw five Jabs and Only One landed straight right hand blocked that shot was Picasso like all I got to do is stay on my feet and I'm going to get the Victory and you going to be swolled up in your hotel room with a long flight home talking about godamn I didn't even get the Victory and I look like this that's going to be the thir look I look like this and I ain't even get the victory godd damn it and you got to get on that flight home it's going to be a cold lonely flight I'll be damn beat up and [ __ ] goddamn it that's the end of about nope the referee just separated them because they just close quarter range left hook missed by HOV nian that's the end of about the fighters is showing their love the fighters is showing their respects there you go great sportsmanship that's what we want to see after beating the brakes off the next man hitting them all in his head messing up his senses at the end of the baell cuz we're professional I can go and hug you I can tell you that you're my brother and I appreciate you for trying to make me great again that was the fighters down there Mexico look at pumping the crowd up everybody showing love to Picasso damn good fight right there putting his hands up represented well for Mexico cuz that was a hell of a rout hovan keep your head up you gave a hell of a um effort right there but just showed his will showed his might Allan Picasso ladies and gentlemen the young man like I got grit I can take a shot and I can diss a shot out look at hovan looking disappointed now they showing a replay what popped off Saturday September 21st um Anthony Joshua versus Daniel dubo so subscribe now so you can get the notification because I will be going live for that Anthony Joshua and Daniel dubo so you get that notification you going to be in and you going to get in where you fit in good right hand thrown landed by Picasso they showing a replay of what popped off throughout the whole bout straight right hand landed by Picasso uppercut with the right hand landed by Picasso no these are shots in this 12th in the final round no this the 12th in the final round they showing and I'm loving what I'm seeing looping right hand missed that shot was hovan jab flicked Atlanta right on his mouth they got the Hat on his head and [ __ ] the international boxing and they got um you think your way to Victory and look at Anthony Joshua and Daniel dubo two big ass gantu is about to go throw them hands at the wimbley arena so I can't wait for that goddamn it that Anthony Joshua I think he going to knock out Dub cuz du he chinny so you know Anthony Joshua gonna clean his ass up meet him right down the pipe with a straight right hand take his ass out sort of like how he took out Robert helenius so that's how I see AJ defeating Daniel dub but don't give Daniel dubo a second chance and don't give him his second win cuz he going to dig down to the body but we going to see if that body assault pays divid Dan on AJ pumped up showing his love to the people as Allan um Picasso like I appreciate everybody coming out watching Mayweather and I appreciate him for put me on this card in this co-main event waving the Mexico flag high in the air right now was the fighters like we already know what it is cuz we in Mexico City but this is for the fans and [ __ ] who don't know what we represent look at Jimmy lynon Jr in the ring he on tvsa ladies and gentlemen give it up for your Fighters and a hell of about Round of Applause for both these Fighters taking his gloves off right now going to his neutral um going to the corner to go show love nope the referee is calling for honan's hand the referee is calling for Picasso's hands what's this they over there um propping them up and [ __ ] they already giving them sh nitty they put it in the hands of Picasso we got this merch over here and look at hovan's face look tow up from the floow up the wear and tear looking crazy hovan looking like a young with hair Joe on Fear Factor throwing his hands in the air ladies and gentlemen the young man with the victory now the referee smiling and [ __ ] maricio suan WBC about to be strapped on the man they putting the WBC shirt on him they probably got some money behind him the way they acting improves to 29 victories zero defeats with 16 Knockouts winner by unanimous decision Allan Picasso Alan Picasso with the victory this is the co-main event up next I'mma be doing a live blowby blow like I'm doing now for Floyd Money Mayweather versus John got it the third so I'll be right back for that fight ladies and gentlemen subscribe to the channel right now so you'll get that notification up next the return to the ring Floyd Mayweather versus John Gotti II have a that good one