Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:18:32 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: aew all in 2024 results
this is an aew review after all you know what that means blood there's going to be blood you know what we need medical gloves I stole from the plasma donation center how's it going guys my name is Maddie P welcome to wrestling reviews my new series where I go through wrestling pay-per-views and watch them so you don't have to or maybe you can go back and watch them but without further Ado let's get into it aw 2024 Allin is the culmination of a year-long string of events that have gone on at a starting last year with Jack Perry and CM Punk's oh strangle match everyone knows about that that's not important to me what is important to me is the quality that happened here tonight starting off the show we had pack and the BBC Club Blackpool combat Club the patriarchy the Bang Bang Gang and House of black I got to say some standouts in this match to me were the Bang Bang Gang I've been into WWE more than anything else my whole life and I love aew which is why I'm reviewing it I'm not fully caught up in they roster is pretty massive so please forgive me I'm a quick learner and I promise in the coming weeks this won't be a thing there was this spot where the Bang Bang Gang essentially two of them were on the backs of their opponents on the ladders and I thought that was incredible I'd never seen that before it's very very refreshing to see something new pack is one of my favorite wrestlers right now after seeing him and a bunch of stuff through the passing weeks on AW claudo is surprising I got to see him a few months back at a show out here in Vegas and he was astounding to watch strength is I got to say I've been watching wrestling since I was three and a half Christian Cage is basically a core memory I remember how upset I was when Edge and Christian won the tag titles Dudley and the hardies I didn't understand why I still don't understand why I'll never understand why I I really led the spots with the hairspray those were also very unique I was also happy with the people that won the match for obvious reasons Christian Cage loses yay that's all I have to say out of that one I give it three and A2 out of five matties Tony storm versus Mariah May if you're not familiar with the current storyline that they are entangled in Mariah May was the Protege to Tony storm AKA Gloria Swanson she obliterated her with a white heel it was uh huh I needed these for the memory alone this was a match I was really looking forward to I really really enjoy Tony storm I think she's one of the most interesting interesting characters we've had in a long time and her ining work is excellent as well she's strong as [ __ ] I wasn't sure about Mariah May until the heel turn I'm sure like a lot of you guys it's impeccable her heel work is really really really [ __ ] good and interesting her kissing the head of one of the announcers to slapping her own mother who the [ __ ] does that is this [ __ ] Eminem leading into the match I thought that they had a lot of opportunity to create a huge star or IA they did what I was hoping they do they capitalize on that [ __ ] she is now the women's champion and she's going to do an excellent job I hope as long as she can keep excelling and and progressing which is all great Champions that's all you have to do get better I don't see her stopping anytime soon I'm sure she can top this it's not a diss on this match this is one of my favorite matches of the night I only true hope for Tony storm after this is like a two Monon long break after that if she comes back she'll be the biggest baby face in the world Mariah May keeps up will be the biggest heal in the world it'll be awesome 4 and a half out of five mates for sure maybe after a rewatch maybe even five but for now I'll go four and a half to five matties it's a really good match you should watch it the next match is one I was looking forward to between hook and pretty much everyone else it was three onone and they did a great job hook came out with this eye patch over his eye and it looked really good it was a good look for him but it was it was all bait and switch it was amazing it was a great gimmick that he was able to pull off and he played posum on everyone the spot with the barbed wire big cast going through it and his weird green boots they were fly that was an excellent shot the outlaw Brian Keith who I enjoy very much I L that he had his belt buckle at one point ready to put work in that was excellent as well I love that I got to see Taz Taz is one of my favorites as a kid he choked out Kurt Angle he's also very famed ECW Champion if you do not know uh definitely go back and look at his run human suplex machine but the hook is amazing I love his theme song as well he's been one of my favorites for a while I don't have much to say bad about this match there was nothing in it though that was truly over the top it's all about getting his father's belt back right and that's that's what it is at its core his belt now right passed down on to him excellent story I feel the execution could have been a little better but overall 3.8 to four it nothing truly wrong with Chris Jericho I've been watching since I was three and a half as well that man can still I was surprised he could still go in in a lot of these spots his Lion Salt kind of kind of worried me cuz he kind of came close to the mat a little bit but great work that's all I've really got to say oh I also Lov the spot with the cricket balls and the the hi guys on the on the bat that was was very creative I I I truly am starting I I've been starting to get sick of those spots where they triy to update the tax I always hated the tax anyways the only one I saw that I liked that updated was the Legos up until this one I really like the cricket balls but I know that [ __ ] hurt that had to that had to hurt chrz Jericho was like Mica I'm The Learning Tree the Young Bucks versus FTR and the acclaimed this match was for the Tag Team Championships the trios tag match with another man I've been watching since I was very very young I'm old Billy Gun the acclaimed really brought it for me here they can be very original and I just want to see more of their originality of course building off of those things and also I do understand the famouser the famouser uh or the fame Asser either or I do understand that because that is their Mentor but overall they're one of my favorite tag teams in the division that's the most minor complaint I can ever make about someone is to just be more themselves cuz they got it they're who am I I believe it was Bowes who who started doing all the spots with everyone else I thought that was was super dope I loved when Billy Gun got to go in there for a second I really wish that the Young Bucks did less kicks FTR remind me of the Village People their strength is really crazy not my favorite match of the night but that's just because I wish the Young Bucks didn't win I think the Acclaim should have won in my opinion I'll give it a 3.2 to 3.5 it would have been a 3.8 if the Acclaim won Casino Gauntlet Eliminator match too many people to name in this I'm not going to do it you can't make me rodri strong was there I haven't gotten to see a lot of rodri strong my whole life I was bougie as a kid because my brother would only let me watch WWE so Ro was definitely uh not happening and the Indie scene was not something I was really privy to and I I'd love to see more of his matches though I thought orange Cassy was great I I wish he got to do a little bit more one of my favorite wrestlers appeared from the Dark of the [ __ ] depths Ricochet boy did he look good and now look there there were a few moments where he had to regain his footing how ever rings are built differently and I think he's just used to a differently built ring my upset of the night my upset of the night Christian Cage showed his freaking face in these year Parts again he won my God what did I do this time F the record Christian Cage is one of the greatest on the mic ever he makes me laugh consistently he's so vicious it's great I do think Ricochet should have won it would have had more of an impact on his debut Jeff Jarrett was also a fun sight to see he's been more enjoyable lately than I ever think I've enjoyed him which is strange I know like usually usually wrestlers don't age that well but he's he's really done something ex exceptional for the casino Gauntlet Eliminator which I wish was an actual Eliminator where people got eliminated going to give that one uh we'll give it a 3.6 to a 3.8 on the mdty scale just wish Ricochet won then it would be an 8. 177,000 but that's just me being a petty [ __ ] mjf versus will Osprey for the American International Championship of Pancakes hold the syrup on this one folks couple of weeks ago we got another Banger from them which was an hour long exceptional match this one not so bad either not so hard on the eyes itself this one was a pretty good followup I'm not going to lie it's around the same score I must say it would have been a weaker match without the inclusion of one Daniel garia I like him a lot not like that thought the tiger driver added to the story elements of it having to choose whether or not to get that out of the hands of the Despicable mjf his snot Rockets are a lot take that from someone who snot rocket at someone before but he's a great heel he's he's entertaining as [ __ ] and one of my favorite wrestlers so that's got to say something but I can't wait to see what he and Daniel Garcia do it's felt like a Marvel movie more excited for that chapter than I am the sequel but it was still a great match it was 4.2 4.5 on the Matty scale only thing I wish they had done differently honest to God I wish Osprey had been carrying around that international title for a few weeks it would have felt like it it would have a been a call back to a lot of things and I know they've kind of done that before but why grab it out of the trash if you're just going to not utilize it as a prop and be like I'm the Champion that would have given a little more depth to mjf changing it to to the American Championship because now you have these two feuding titles that are are are based off the same thing more or less one is a bastardization I gave it what I gave it I like the match a lot can't wait to see what happens with Daniel Garcia by my mixtape Dr Britt Baker DMD versus Mercedes Monae for the TBS Women's Championship God damn this whole [ __ ] needs a nickname I haven't gotten to see Brit Baker or Mercedes Monae a whole bunch mat where have you been getting [ __ ] and being homeless oh Dy must admit what I did see of this match which was most of it was very enjoyable very Tech more technical than I thought it would be which is fine the only the only thing I have to say is the pacing I wish it was just that much quicker I think it's about a 3.8 on the Maddie scale I love that the that Camille got kicked out I think there needed to be a CM Punk Drew McIntyre bracelet situation Brit Baker should have stole the sunflower glasses or Camille Mercedes Monae by the way showed a lot of Feats of Strength very strong very strong woman I would love to see her and Tony storm go at it that would be epic I like that they kept taking the glove from one another I kind of wish Brit Baker won but I am happy with Mercedes Monae going over I kind of see her going over for a while you know Jack Perry versus Darby Allen for the TBS I hate CM Punk Championship Darby Allen one of my favorite wrestlers Jack Perry jungle boy the scapegoat all of that another wrestler I enjoy watching very much I haven't seen Darby Allen's other coffin matches I probably should go back and give those a rewatch I thought there were some enjoyable spots I was still making a ofata don't let me lie to you it was a good match it wasn't terrible it was not my favorite match of the night but it was serviceable I think it could have lived up a little bit more but I I think and I hope Darby Allen's about to be the champion I hope that would be excellent that would be dope I see both of them going on to be champions in the future I just wish neither of them would be so gimmicky with the glass and things like that the skateboard will never get old you should keep doing that and that's about as hard as they should take it I do think that Jack Perry and Derby Allen finding themselves masochistic siblings if not best friends that were almost made for each other in matches like this where it's hardcore anything goes but at the same time they're so good they don't need all of that and I know everyone else says that and the pins were a little much but different different nonetheless very look I'll give credit where credits do it it wasn't terrible and it evokes emotion so it was interesting in some way they're going to go on to do great things they're in a great place already in my opinion or in a in a place where they can Thrive and Excel and learn and grow to be even bigger feel like Darby could have could have gone a little bit longer just because that's who we've seen him as before as someone who won't quit and gentlemen your main event swerve Strickland the aew champion versus Brian Daniel the what is he going as right now Brian Danielson versus wor Strickland for the aew championship [ __ ] this match was one of my favorites of the night I haven't seen a whole lot of swerve and I haven't seen a whole lot of DB Cooper I'll admit they're they're both on my list of people I I extremely love and need to go back and rewatch match after match after match after match up I don't have a whole lot to say on this I think it was perfectly timed I thought also that out of anyone my biggest complaint with some of these matches tonight is there were a lot of pile drivers a lot of them weren't Landing correctly a lot of people landed on their heads a far larger amount than other other companies I've seen that's alarming and concerning but at the same time when you get to swerve and you get to dbdb Upright start when you get to Brian Danielson swerve Strickland you don't see one botch it's expertly done Landing flat on their back in most cases nothing was that wincing to me they looked like absolute experts both of them also this gets a billion points for Bun B did I say that I hope I said that I love they just kept [ __ ] kicking out man one after another it doesn't matter what he gave to him he just kept getting up and I know that's that's supposed to be who he is but this is one of my first introductions truly to him and this is some matches for me to go over and watch both of these two gentlemen please i' I'd love it the kids playing a part of it was was great to see real though I thought that little girl was going to whoop sv's ass I love the trash talking swerve is is excellent at what he does there were the tiger throws are whatever they were that Brian Daniels was Daniel Bryan was doing were just were just Flawless man they were Perfection excellent out there and swer looked like a badass too he [ __ ] brushed off a knee to the chest like it was nothing you one gets a 4.8 to a five probably closer to a five if I rewatch it these are just my opinions but yeah that was my favorite match of the night for sure it Main Event lived up to it wimbley was hyped wimbley was a great great audience great to see no issues with that match to me if you can think of some let me know if you lik them if you didn't tell me tell me why I'd love to hear your guys's opinions and thoughts overall the show to me gets a 4.3 out of uh five mates maybe even higher up than that probably a 4.4 five recommend watching it there are some you can maybe fast forward through a bit it's all it's all this is all subjective also love when swerve almost got out of the lock just to get get Spock and ah no to get put right back in that son [ __ ] and stomping the mud holes in his ass swerve stomping mud holes in front of the kids was crazy uh loved watching it let me know what gu uh if you guys want me to review older pay-per-views from aew or WWE uh the only other thing I have to say they need to work on their angles for the production crew you miss a lot of Transitions and moves yes for my dad overall I definitely recommend this one go ahead and watch it please let me know what I should watch next for wrestling or anything anything you guys want me to review did you like this did you hate this do you love this do you want this are you going to marry this FTW kill what are we doing otherwise you guys uh please go ahead and feel free to like share subscribe click on the channel to find my other videos where I do my web series long story short detailing stories and things I've gone through in my life and what I've learned from them I'll see you guys at bash and Berlin please be sure to like share and subscribe and be safe love you guys watch wrestling

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