Category: Sports
Voici le tirage au sort complet de la ligue des champions voici les h adversaires du real madrid en ligue des champions cette saison les h adversaires du manchester city cette saison les h adversaires du bayern munich cette saison incroyable voici les h adversaires du psg cette saison les h adversaires... Read more
Category: Gaming
And so the penalty shoot out about to commence and as a player this is when you have to hold your nerve [applause] and the penalty converted here and he steps up to take his penalty and he's denied them from the [applause] spots and it wasn't the greatest penalty and it's been saved by the keep [applause]... Read more
Category: Sports
Passe muito [música] [aplausos] perigoso falta o árbitro assinala [música] livre joel welman gan no capítulo físico e ficou com a bola com uma entrada [aplausos] palosa estica o pé podem lançar o contra-ataque joga rasteiro para as costas dos defesas avançou bem com a bola será que pode criar oportunidade... Read more
Category: Sports
Olha só agora o hendrick passou dos limites que que aconteceu não faço a menor ideia vamos descobrir junto então vem aqui comigo a assessoria do hendrick é muito boa porque aquele ditado né fale bem o me dá uma agonia os caras tirar as marcas nos uniformes aqui fale mal mas fale de mim isso tá acontecendo... Read more
Category: Gaming
Has now shifted to the stance welbeck battles to win it [applause] back bruno fernandez manchester have it back and they can go again time to deliver now canny capitalize chooses the go back and here's rashford he'll have a [applause] go and out to safety he gone out for a throw [applause] in oh that's... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Intro starting from 1960 like clockwork every four years all of europe immerses itself in the passionate atmosphere of football across 17 uefa european championships numerous football legends have shown brightly on this stage in the history of football exceptional players have graced the european stage... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] leonel messi and cristiano ronaldo have been excluded from this year's bendor nominees marking the first time since 2003 that neither football star is in contention for the prestigious award messi the eight time winner who claimed the most recent balandor last year and ronaldo a five-time recipient... Read more
Category: Sports
Well anna three games three wins how much does that one mean your first win here uh all of them mean a lot because the first one was my first game as a liverpool manager the second one was my first home game and this is the first uh big win i think if you want to call it like this so all of them mean... Read more
Category: Sports
That in the times when we have every day another war when we have violence everywhere when we have only negative energy in the air there's an event where people celebrate when they are patriotic when they are happy when they they don't think you know fans here don't think that the football match is... Read more
Category: Sports
Well erling congratulations on the win um it is a 3-1 victory in the end but was it more nervy at times than it had to be given how much you dominated the match i think first half we we dominated we could have scored several goals uh second half they they had the ball more and they had more chances... Read more
Category: Sports
欧国联即将迎来 葡萄牙主场迎战克罗地亚 葡萄牙在去年的欧预赛当中表现出色 但在今年的正赛上 葡萄牙发挥并不是太好 他们在小组赛最后一场不敌格鲁吉亚 面对捷克也是惊险胜出 进入了淘汰赛后问题更明显 防守能力强 但是进攻端始终打不开 最终倒在与法国的交手 输在最后的点球大战 但葡萄牙世代交替已经完成 年轻人足以支撑整支球队 相比于葡萄牙 克罗地亚则是经历黄金世代逐渐老去 他们在小组赛败给西班牙 又连续两场平局 直接惨遭淘汰 球队进攻端有火力 但后防线已经是他们一大败笔 双方本次阵容名单 都与上次欧洲杯差不多 历史交锋来看 葡萄牙取得3胜两平一负 完全占据上风 攻防两端也表现较好 我预测葡萄牙1:0克罗地亚 Read more
Category: Sports
So can we just slow [music] down so it's way we go [applause] then pedro plays it forward welbeck welbeck not easily shrugged off the ball can he deliver get the towering header mire tries to clear no messing about just bludgeoned way up to meet it decent enough try a more than decent attempt peter... Read more