Category: Gaming
Hey guys metal jesus here and i am in downtown seattle for the penny arcade expo also known as pax west hax is very different than the expos i normally attend because instead of having a bunch of retro games hax is all about new games upcoming games it's very similar to e3 actually so this is going... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] wendy's new country fried hamburger junior hamburger deluxe hot baked potato with sour cream fresh caesar salad secret recipe chili and chili cheese nachos regular fries regular size coca-cola classic and 12 oz frosties super quality and taste on wendy's super value menu nine items just 99 each... Read more
Category: Sports
È deceduto all'età di 63 anni dopo aver combattuto per tanto tempo contro un cancro sydney eudi noto nel mondo del wrestling come sid vius ricordato dai suoi cari come forte gentile e amorevole l'omo aveva svolto la professione sportiva di wrestler per quasi 30 anni ritirandosi nel 2017 tra i suoi grandi... Read more