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Do we become angels when we die?
No, humans and angels are distinc... thumbnail
Do we become angels when we die? No, humans and angels are distinc...

Category: People & Blogs

Do we become angels when we die no humans and angels are distinct creations of god when we die we do not become angels the bible says that humans in their resurrected glorified state will be like the angels in the sense that we will be immortal and will not marry but we will not become angels we are... Read more

Rapture | The Only 4 signs Left  | Strange Things Happening Worldwide thumbnail
Rapture | The Only 4 signs Left | Strange Things Happening Worldwide

Category: Education

The rapture will be forceful and sudden the rapture is perhaps the most important prophecy for us to understand because it may have a personal impact on us this video will help you understand what the rapture is and its personal and practical significance the term rapture itself does not appear in the... Read more