Category: Education
What could you say a participant really possesses after completing the series? well to quote my friends from the wizard of o one word courage and and i share that with you because often times people are not successful in the profession of selling is because they have fear they fear what to... Read more
Category: Education
What could you say a participant really possesses after completing this series well to quote my friends from the wizard of oz one word courage and and i share that with you because often times people are not successful in the profession of selling is because they have fear they fear what to... Read more
Category: Education
Intro my name is angelica bernal and i am a lone star college honors college alumni i transferred to cornell university to why cornell the biomedical engineering program i'm from venezuela and i always dream of having the best possible education and i always wanted to be a scientist i really was attracted... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Important update from chattanooga state campus lockdown in effect due to a credible threat on thursday morning chattanooga state community college officials announced a credible threat on the main campus this prompted an immediate lockdown and a substantial law enforcement response students and staff... Read more