Category: Sports
Walk them down walk down walk him down walk down walk down walk down down down i was posted on the corner where the j's at roll up in the 4x4 Read more
Category: People & Blogs
At the end of the day this is a dream for john guardi theii you know your idol is a cross from you in the [music] ring how many people could say they sparred their idol quick combination there from weather oh come on ref that's not a behind the head shot that is not a behind the head [applause] shot... Read more
Category: Sports
Introducción mi libro narices rotas 101 historias reales de boxeo ya está disponible en amazon para todo el mundo en formato físico y digital en él podrán encontrar historias de crimen misterio humor y entrevistas a nueve campeones mundiales no esperes para pedir tu copia link en la descripción durante... Read more