Category: News & Politics
Let's see what trump has to say about the second debate her campaign is saying tonight washington post is reporting that she wants a second debate what's your answer she lost she wants it because she lost do you have an answer well i don't know i have to think about it but if you won the debate i sort... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Americans are smart and when you look at cnn they were looking at a product and they weren't buying it and when zaz goes to the handling company conference and he tries to sell the company as a whole nobody was buying it either i think you have a great brand but a crippled product that there may be... Read more
Category: News & Politics
What's the most money you ever made on one of these affiliate marketing email campaigns um without going into the specific details of what and how um i would say 30,000 in a day at 12 or 13 years old probably 13 yeah so when it's happening at 13 years old what money is that what what account is that... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Now look i mean there's obviously a lot of crazy stuff going on in the world i me the historic events over the last like over the weekend and i mean on a personal note it's you know i mean seeing donald trump get get up after getting shot in the face and pump his fist in the air with the american flag... Read more