Category: Entertainment
What's going on people what's going on chat we're testing kebab today at hugi the absolute supporter number 1 in his stream so let's go there now friends and then we'll take you with us dennis said we'll take you with us and try it out the kebab and see if it 's really a 10 , it's there i have not... Read more
Category: Sports
[musik] herzlich willkommen du bist ja zusammen mit china und das will ja wohl erfahrenste spielerin ihre liste mit den ganzen jungen und noch nicht so erfahren ja es läuft sehr gut ein bisschen anders als in den letzten jahren schon gesagt dass wir haben einfach viele neue gesichter dabei was aber... Read more
Category: Sports
You're playing for the highest honour for an olympic ticket in front of full stands. we were in the tunnel and said: ‘come on, let's spoil this party for them’. against hungary. in hungary. we need one more step. that's a shot i practise a lot. i've seen svenni take this shot so many times in practise.... Read more