Category: People & Blogs
Intro [musica] tokyo postponement and experience mister b si è sentita eccome avete mai screen alex james core i9 sei games e carità swimming background perché senza un oscuro dei preti che mi ero già in forma e monde serie the ship comes to one thing the markets penso che già dal at home in the water... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
So tell us about swimming specifically so like how did you get into swimming like what was that initial story how you got into it yeah i was about uh four years old and i have been going to physical therapy uh since i was six months old you know i was diagnosed at 19 days old with osteogenesis and perfecta... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
The pool in your garage so we need to get into the swim training element here so first of all tell me about the garage pool yes so i'll never forget this i went to my parents i've probably been at home for like a month now and this is after the post moments confirmed and i went to them i'd done some... Read more