Category: Sports
[music] i'm always [music] but it's hard because i'm falling i'm [music] but it's all because [music] foreign [music] [music] remember seeing a similar twist [music] [music] [applause] and gabriel jesus had to put that one away [music] [music] and roof has fouled the goalkeeper kimuru saying he didn't... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Yoyo competition [음악] bs yeah [음악] [음악] h [음악] tennis practice [음악] ah [음악] skydiving [음악] ne [음악] [음악] [박수] [음악] roller coaster [음악] c t [음악] sled [음악] [음악] he [음악] [음악] [음악] skateboard [음악] [음악] [음악] long goodbye oh [음악] bowling ah [음악] punching bag [음악] 잘 [음악] car racing [박수] [음악] uh [음악] [음악] [음악]... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Let the games begin a [음악] [박수] [음악] [박수] [음악] [음악] 아 [음악] [박수] [음악] [음악] r [음악] [박수] [음악] [박수] [음악] h [음악] e [음악] [박수] [음악] [박수] [음악] ah [음악] [박수] [음악] [박수] [음악] [음악] det [음악] [음악] [음악] [박수] [음악] ah [음악] 네 [음악] ah 하이자 어 [음악] 어 eh [음악] [음악] hora [음악] 하 우와 [음악] he [음악] [음악] [박수] [음악] [박수] [음악] the great... Read more