Category: Film & Animation
Hai punya ibu yuliana api disembunyikan begitu mengenai rumah katanya waktunya mahal adito [musik] woi woi pulangnya kayu cendana mayat oi oi [musik] hmm gimana dibeli uang smk kejedot paling licin jika bunuh feby setengah dulu ini pop untuk menunjukkan sarimulyo membela pertanyaan elegan itu pakai... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Lights camera and action let's give a standing ovation to the remarkable women who have graced filipino screens for decades here are the top five oldest living filipina actresses each a true legend number five caridad sanchez age 888 kadad sanchez a true oldie but goody at 88 has been captivating audiences... Read more
Category: News & Politics
I hear people all the time uh people you may not expect say you know we need something different this isn't working i hear it from democrats people haven't been particularly involved in politics there is something happening people are looking for an alternative and the second thing i want to say specifically... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
In this capital behind me i served as both senate democratic caucus chair and the senate majority leader but today i say goodbye adios i've had enough i am now another near lifelong democrat who is joining the growing number of people including key groups like latinos who are leaving the democratic... Read more