Category: Sports
Always a special buzz on the opening day of any cup competition the first and only time when all teams regardless of stature history reputation start from the same position everybody can have the same hopes everybody the same dreams this could be our year we're going to do it again it will be us at... Read more
Category: Sports
Special buzz on the opening day of any cup competition the first and only time when all teams regardless of stature history reputation start from the same position everybody can have the same hopes everybody the same dreams this could be our year we're going to do it again it will be us at last those... Read more
Category: Sports
Special buzz on the opening day of any cup competition the first and only time when all teams regardless of stature history reputation start from the same position everybody can have the same hopes everybody the same dreams this could be our year we're going to do it again it will be us at last those... Read more
Category: Sports
Good football all around [applause] there play cross field changing the point of attack great work on the overlap a lovely feeding is such a good mover oh he's got a crucial block in there he's shifting through the gears here just eases him off the ball young boys really can't go chasing this game too... Read more
Category: Sports
Buzz on the opening day of any cup competition the first and only time when all teams regardless of stature history reputation start from the same position everybody can have the same hopes everybody the same dreams this could be our year we're going to do it again it will be us at last those are the... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] nson sergio ala gets his pass away corner it is then concentration levels are very good and so is the commitment this game could yet yield a winner he's not played the ball that's a foul referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture [applause] [applause] scar... Read more
Category: Sports
The [applause] kick and that has been cleared triple cast his mad here crossed in once more and that has been cled away and now the break away [applause] chip through keep sees it all the way pass is intercepted up towards the front line play in with accuracy buan sends that a long way oh can he get... Read more
Category: Sports
[applause] and that has been [applause] clear well that was well positioned and and well pinched they can't hurt with their backs to go looking for options for movement that's well done really robust he's fizzed it forward pressing is intense and it's play off forwards with intent and he's had a hit... Read more