Browse Transcripts

Magic Dust Madness: Mike Lee Hypnotizes Amsterdam High Students! thumbnail
Magic Dust Madness: Mike Lee Hypnotizes Amsterdam High Students!

Category: Entertainment

You're you're the winner so what you win is actually a little bag of what's called hypnosis dust and this hypnosis dust with just a little pinch of it can like knock people out when you throw it at them so watch if i just take a little bit and i come down here what watch what happens when i throw it... Read more

Students Forget Their Names?! Hilarious Hypnosis with Mike Lee | Bellefonte High School thumbnail
Students Forget Their Names?! Hilarious Hypnosis with Mike Lee | Bellefonte High School

Category: Entertainment

Name but no matter how hard you try until i snap my fingers you won't be able to remember your last name if you understand that nod your head yes yeah this guy right here keep your eyes closed in a moment i'm going to wake you back up you're going to be 100% convinced that your name is chaa so you're... Read more