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School shooting survivor mom shares his texts during incident #shorts thumbnail
School shooting survivor mom shares his texts during incident #shorts

Category: Entertainment

We're a small county like we're a small community and it just blows my mind shocked in complete shock um i work at a warehouse and i had on a helmet and i just threw my helmet off and ran into a truck so that i could make a phone call um he didn't answer so that's when i text and i was just like i'm... Read more

Reddit what is weighing your mood down the most right now thumbnail
Reddit what is weighing your mood down the most right now

Category: Entertainment

Reddit what is weighing your mood down the most right now i keep overthinking about how people view me like do i come across as a normal adult or incompetent my actual weight and it's high number i'm concerned that the guy a few posts down might actually try a dead chicken lull some are being almost... Read more