Category: Sports
Beautiful [applause] play and i guess miles clay court tennis puts more a premium on the quality of your approach correct or not oh that's a big [applause] strike oh that is [applause] outrageous oh yes that's some repost would you believe it oh he's made it and i think the monch as let it go or did... Read more
Category: Sports
Well what on earth why is joov suddenly stopped there rard clearly thought it was going out so he kind of stopped he reacted to the call he didn't make a call he didn't actually stop the point he stopped just because he's stops doesn't mean the point stops just because he stopped doesn't mean the point... Read more
Category: Sports
Buona giornata a tutti bentornati e benvenuti qui sul mio canale se ancora non l'aveste fatto io vi invito ad iscrivervi e a lasciare un mi piace al video se sarà di vostro gradimento si è concluso il day one degli us open con un bilancio che vede il 50% degli azzurri e azzurre accedere al secondo turno... Read more