Category: Sports
Snaap to a game and kurad gets hit in the [applause] helmets oh that is so so [applause] scary brian evil immediately gets down face to face with curad uh-oh brandon hyde's going to go shout brandon hyde's thrown his helmet away brandon hyde is pointing at the yankees dugout and the benches have emptied... Read more
Category: Sports
[applause] mount castle bounces it to vulpi who has a trouble finding the handle gets it to second too late a run scores everybody's safe and it's a one-run game in the night up steps backwards right there never really got the rhythm see the ball come up hit the heel of the glove and never had time... Read more
Category: Sports
Learning from experience so last year we did this kind of around the same time and i joked about being like the school bus driver i'll be honest now it feels like i'm a chauffeur driver because that's where we're at now we're not in the bus anymore you guys are in limos the this this has been a crazy... Read more