Category: Sports
So every single little part of this team they're rallying together there's a togetherness there's a comfortability factor there's a love for rob thompson i love the attack mode of here's a right-handed pitcher one who's been damn good too right trevor williams has been no joke for the nets and let's... Read more
Category: Sports
This team is wi different baby they show up to the ballpark with the idea of there's no way in hell that we are losing there's just no way they could be down three runs with with one inning to go and you got to make sure that you play the game as hard as hell cuz one slip up one little oh you could... Read more
Category: Sports
I don't want anybody to utilize that part of the phillies to not appreciate the great of it because while there are definitely things they have to clean up on the bases there is no way in hell if you have brain cells that you let that overshadow being 20 games over 500 20 games over 500 hold on a second... Read more
Category: Sports
Name a hypothetical and i bet you already happened in a win cody clemens roa roas and nick casos hitting home runs on that west coast swing they do it so many different ways that's not going to change it's who they are they're pissed off that last year happened the way that it did because they were... Read more