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Reagan is the Worst Movie of the Year: Review and Breakdown thumbnail
Reagan is the Worst Movie of the Year: Review and Breakdown

Category: Entertainment

It's mourning again america and that means i'm mourning the 2 hours and 20 minutes of my life i spent watching this horrible movie that's time that i'm never going to get back and if you add in the 15 to 20 hours it's taken to write edit and upload this video that means that even from beyond the grave... Read more

Reagan Movie Review. Is it A Snorefest? #ReaganMovie #DennisQuaid #moviereview #biopic #documentary thumbnail
Reagan Movie Review. Is it A Snorefest? #ReaganMovie #DennisQuaid #moviereview #biopic #documentary

Category: Entertainment

Got a chance to see reagan with dennis quaid and penelope andne miller let's talk about it right now welcome back to the channel everyone thank you so much for spending time with me as we rant about movies comic books and television shows as well as the occasional board game my name is frank zenka i... Read more