ASMR Gaming 😴 Astro Bot PS5 Relaxing Gum Chewing 🎮🎧 PlayStation 5 Controller Sounds + Whispering 💤

ASMR gaming news gretings everyone and welcome to a special ASMR gaming astrobot video so today instead of Super Mario Sunday we are going to be playing the new PlayStation 5 game astrobot I'm super excited I've not played this game yet but I've been hearing the absolute best things about this game like ever so I'm curious to check this out I'm chewing two delicious pieces of blue raspberry bubblegum so oh my goodness the start screen is literally the the PlayStation one memory cards this is so cool okay just for that this game already has like a ton of charm like let's start okay here here we go here we go by the way if you hear any background noise I have my cousins and family over CU it's Sunday so apologies for any uh any laughing or playing in the background is this is this this is a giant PlayStation 5 flying through space and and it's full of just a ton of fun Bots here we have astrobot who's this oh UFO okay we got a scary mad looking alien from who knows where look at this guy oh why is he so angry yo he hates the PlayStation 5 why what's he trying to do he's trying to like steal the CPU he stole it no we need that to play games and he's out of here oh my goodness he said he even he even has the audacity to wave goodbye yo the PS5 explodes oh my goodness Crash Landing okay yo already I'm I'm interested in the story oh yo that PS5 is absolutely destroyed can we get an F in the chat for the PS5 there oh wow is he all right astrobot are you okay oh where are we we're like in some desert oh look at the controller PS5 controller wait a second oh if I move the analog stick it actually moves wait if you shake the controller oh that actually felt like that was so cool oh what do we have to do okay that recharged astrobot or something he's good as new the vibration on the controller is actually a little bit loud so I had to turn it down so apologies but the last thing that would make a video relaxing is just like a loud kind of like hammering like you know loud vibration controller sound okay so that's how you run and jump there's like some I don't know what that is there's like some laser thing okay that's attacking there's like feedback when I'm walking on the sand I can like feel it in the controller okay we have some coins here yo is that the PlayStation logo all the coins what is this hello can I talk to you how do I talk to you hello oh sorry I did not mean to hit you I guess we can't interact at all no nothing okay well uh here how do we okay there we go there's like a buried satellite here okay it's trying to find our friend I guess let's see okay satellite is gone we're calling the oh we're calling the PS5 controller oh okay I want a controller like that one you know what I am getting like Super Mario Odyssey and Mario Galaxy Vibes just already from the start of the game here I'm excited let's see where this goes okay here we are here we are I think this might be like space or something yeah okay the so these are levels that we have to go to wow they look like like different like galaxies or things like what what is going on here we can actually fly around scan scan for new levels oo gorilla nebula okay let's visit the gorilla nebula this reminds me of Mario Galaxy so much oh it's you give me back that piece of my PS5 please that's an Xbox Fanboy right there that alien only loves Xbox okay Sky Garden let's go this is the first level I'm so excited I can't I can't wait to play whoa okay got like flamingos flying around if you tilt the controller I'm tilting the controller right now I'm flying wow yo Sony had the absolute best developers make this game their Geniuses out here okay I played a lot of Mario to know there's always hidden stuff so like I'm sure there's stuff oh I see something pink over there what is that what is that oh wait how do I get up there oh what's this oh there there we go I knew it I knew it and let's try to head over here what's what's in this these little containers like have coins PlayStation coins oh my God when I'm walking there's like little feedback in the controller you you all can't hear it cuz I'm I'm probably going to just like mute this out but it's a tiny little vibration like sound when I'm walking on like grass it feels like I'm actually walking on grass right now wow Everything feels so smooth and responsive this this you know what I'm impressed the graphics look great too everything sounds nice feels nice I love the music the asro bot music here let's head over here oh is that one of our friends hello how do I talk to you okay bot rescued oh I can control the controller and zoom in that is awesome okay let's head over I think that was a safe Point okay I'm just going to collect my PlayStation coins I don't know what you can do with these coins but I'm sure they're important okay hello there oh yo he turned into slime hello there another bot bot rescued okay I see one of these containers 66 coins let's head over here woohoo what a Charming game score oh my goodness I just hit that without expecting that to actually go in we destroyed an enemy and we got the goal astrobot future soccer player confirmed here we have some flamingos oh look at that another secret another Secret there's Secrets hidden everywhere in this game oh my goodness this is just the first level okay uh nothing there you know what there's probably something on that tree I just feel it there's probably something on that tree here we got a safe Point uh you know what I'm going to try to jump on to the tree over here wait there we go nothing nothing okay uh oh we fly over these guys there we go the lasers just destroy them there we go okay there's a ladder but I want to go over here oh another enemy wow if you have a PlayStation 5 you have to get this game trust me this is really fun right now Everything feels top quality like now I understand why this game was getting nine out of 10 10 out of 10 review scores like what what's this to oh woohoo that reminds me of like Super Mario Sunshine wait is that ratchet ratchet from ratchet and clink we actually get ratchet right here the first level yeah oh if I tilt the controller he moves this game is incredible what do we do here they have so many oh you charge okay super punch oh my go no I fell I fell okay I'm going to be careful with the super punch from now on that was dangerous what is this do we just hit this or who oh they're bouncy like floaty balls or whatever inflatable yo this is so much fun wo oh my goodness oh look at all the fish okay you know what this might actually be one of the best games we got this year this might actually be one of the best games Game of the Year Contender possibly oh I didn't even know that would do that okay wait let's try to hit this one another yes what is this oh oh okay one of these one of these things okay let's charge up the punch yeah what's this it took us somewhere where are we oh my goodness uh okay there's some weird rabbit jumping thing oh there's there's a bot in there we have to rescue him what is this why is there a zipper wait oh that is so satisfying that was super satisfying yeah oh also from Ratchet and Clank from the new one I haven't played it though I know this is a character from uh the recent Ratchet and Clank game look at all this stuff oh and that gives me coins too I didn't even know those were enemies woohoo my mind is completely like blown right now I'm so happy playing this game I think I'm going to play this like every day until I beat it I don't know if I'll play it on the channel but if all of you want more astrobot be sure to let me know in the comments cuz I will definitely play more of this game if you all want to see more oh oh oh wait no oh this is like a whack-a-mole where you got to be fast wait no I was too slow come back here yes okay I think we did everything here except like what is the purpose of this rubber duck like oh coins okay I guess we got some coins no I cannot go up on the tree can I just say the swimming is so like Smooth oh it's so satisfying to swim like the controls are like super responsive bot rescued yeah I love tilting the controller there okay some more enemies why is there a penguin sleeping here what in the world wait does he wait a sec wait a second does he wave hello he waves back that is crazy if you if you tilt the camera to look at Astro Body Waves why is that penguin sleeping let me sleep with wa we can sleep next to him I was about to say let me sleep next to you look at that both chilling out here getting some suntan oh wooo can I just say that was incredible how the game knew that I would want to like actually rest on that chair and it lets you actually kind of sleep next to the penguin there they really thought of everything okay and oh here's a zipper oh what is this what in the world okay uh you have to press the R2 button whoa whoa and let me grab this shiny thing okay I don't know what these are supposed to do but they look important I'm just going to fly up to everything and see oh yep and see if there's something hidden there's a secret enemy on that one here okay let me see if I can fly over and no ouch ouch astrobot just takes one hit and he's out that's interesting I thought he would be a little more resilient to damage since he's like a you know bot there we go got him you know what I'm I want to try flying on top of the the rubber ducky over here inflatable okay I think there's a secret area up here here let me see let's see where this goes yes secret secret area yeah give me that there we go and if we go up here any secrets no okay wait let's try that again though okay there has yep there is something up here I knew it see that's what happens when you play a lot of Mario games you always know there's secrets secrets somewhere this really feels like Mario Galaxy to me or Mario Odyssey okay let's head up here okay oh is there anything hidden no okay grab the coins okay there's definitely something on these trees they look suspicious let's see yes okay there was a huge coin oh save point up there and and a large coin as well okay let's make our way up here there we go oh I'll just jump across yes safe point where does this okay wow we can see the view from where we came from what a nice area this is just like the first level there's so much to do okay oh swimming again okay I love looking at the fish here just swimming around oh let me grab that there we go oh yes I got one of those special pieces pieces of uh I have no idea a puzzle the swimming is so satisfying these are like really smooth and responsive like swim controls oh oh gotcha oh hello there there's a bot down here we almost have them all we just need one more just one more and we got them all some coins okay I think I got everything that was down here we can head up whoa oh if you use the inflatable like power up ability you instantly go up to the top makes sense makes sense okay there's like sting rays or something down there oh I see this can I there we go wow we have so many coins if any of you know what the coins do let me know in the comments I know some of you bought this game here okay there we go last bot last one bot rescue let's go everybody woohoo here's a safe Point let me see if there's anything on these trees okay nothing anything back here oh that tree has something I knew it I knew it you always got to check you always got to check there we go okay I feel like I'm missing something but let's see where this goes breaking the glass oh I think this is the end of the stage is okay wait let me just check we got some fish swimming around anything special okay I think we can go let's go finish level yeah oh they all dance they all dance when you finish the level that's great I love that let's go oh what is that thing what was that wait are we supposed to hit that it doesn't really explain uh press l okay I did oh no I think we were supposed to hit that shiny thing the game didn't tell me what to do I had no idea it's my fault it's my fault okay let's sit down here what's this I think this is where we came from but it's telling me to go here crash site okay there has to be a reason it's telling me to go there I guess we'll VIs is it wait there we go okay since this is on the PS5 like it loads instantly like we're already here just like that what's H what's happening is our PS5 okay it's still destroyed but maybe we fixed it a little bit okay it's it's slightly fixed 1% fixed uh let's see one two three oh the Bots That We rescued they're here they're all dancing they're happy you rescued your first Bots many more are scattered Across the Universe so if we find more I think they'll continue to like fix this crash site area so uh I don't think there's anything we can do here now let me just see no not really okay it's all right hello oh wow that's that rare Playstation One memory card from Japan with the screen on it I forget the name of that one um oh man I forget the name there's a there's a Playstation One memory card from Japan that had a screen on it and you could like put your saves and you could play like little mini games on the screen but it was like a Japanese exclusive I forget the name of it though that's so cool this game is full of references to stuff like that okay let's get out out of here there's nothing much to do here I think we have to rescue more uh more Bots there are so many levels though like if we are in the gorilla nebula and there's like six levels or something here creamy Canyon what's this place Aztec Trail I kind of want to go here cuz this looks like ice cream themed or whipped cream themed let's go let's go snow levels are we is like really really fun I love them here we go W oh wow there's snow there's like ice cream snow every everywhere look at that hey oh got that oh woohoo woohoo oh are we supposed to push this okay yeah and oh I didn't even know I was supposed to swing and hit that tree that's so funny oh man and let's jump over here oh we got a we got one of our bots on the tree okay we got them down and let's see let's save them there we go wait is that snake is that snake from Metal Gear Solid legendary mercenary hello there Snake yo we have snake in an astrobot I had no idea oh one of these things oh Secret this game is full of secrets we we are only on like the second level and I'm just like overwhelmed by the secrets you can find oh take that take that there we go I kind of like how enemies like they usually eliminate you in one hit but you can also eliminate them in one hit so you just got to be like fast there we go oh wait a second I got to push you this way is this psycho mantis from Metal Gear Metal Gear Solid psycho mantis okay wait a second oh yes we got him yeah that is that psychomantis from Metal Gear Solid what is going on this is crazy I'm loving all the references this game is amazing oh wait watch there like a giant like seal a statue here this doesn't do anything okay that's so funny whoa there's like a charging like dangerous Pig here ah leave me alone grab him by the tail oh what do we do oh you spin him woohoo da oh nice okay wait and spin you into the ice there we go oh I'm ice skating right now we're on ice we're on ice I'm ice skating oh this is chaotic leave me alone the ice skating physics feel really nice there we go okay I I need to push this one over there I need to break the ice CU I see there's a bot over there that needs to be rescued wait a second please go that way please go that way ah stay there stop okay you know what I'm not even mad cuz the ice skating is actually fun woohoo there you go rescued you know what we are not finding a lot of the Bots this uh this level it seems like they're really hidden well cuz like we only found like three and it shows that there's a lot more than that there we go what in the world is that yo it's like ice cream Mountain wait a second wait a second here I need to throw you I need to throw you turn around okay and spin whoa enemies enemies yo I killed all of them whipped cream Mountain we knocked them out oh there we go another bot okay we have four we have four now I missed three though like where are the other ones the end of the level's like here wait no no I don't want to go to the end I didn't know it was going to push me to the end of the level oh man we only got like four Bots we missed we missed a few we missed a few at least we got snake but still I have no idea where the other ones were I tagged that uh that that like Secret at the end there though I got like 100 coins this time I made sure to hit the l&r triggers at the right moment so that's like an end of stage bonus thing okay so we got the Aztec Trail we have a new level unlocked and and I think there's even more levels that'll appear once we beat these ones and then there's like a final boss possibly cuz I see something scary looking chained up there with a chain so it must be some kind of a you know scary boss fight maybe but I think that's where I'll end this video here I'm having a lot of fun with this game I I don't know if you can all tell but this is really fun this this game feels like really well made uh super good quality and I definitely recommend it so uh yeah if you if you like uh like fun platforming games like Super Mario Galaxy Mario Odyssey this is a game you have to buy on your PlayStation 5 if you can uh I recommend it this is a good game so uh yeah if you all like this video I'll try to have a new one up very very soon and uh yeah so long and a farewell

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