Astro Bot - Full Game Walkthrough Part 1 - Gorilla Nebula 100%!

Intro what's up guys Zach Scott here playing astrobot for the PS5 thank you PlayStation for a free Cod for this game this is a sequel to Astros playroom and that game was a surprise hit on my channel in fact its first episode has over 3.8 million views thanks to you all leaving over 29,000 likes I'll be thankful for each and every one of you that drops a like on this video astrobot is already getting talk of being game of the year so you do not want to miss out on this series subscribe now to join 5.4 million awesome subscribers I'll do my best to bring you even more incredible content just let me know which games made you subscribe and which game you most want to see me play in the future now without further Ado let's play astrobot here we go space the F well there's a shooting star so beautiful where are we other than space are those like that sound reminded me of like classic PlayStation stuff and there's a PS5 one it's a party one with a dis player by the way did you notice that the one I have right now that I'm recording on what's wrong stop oh an alien [Music] kind of an ugly alien get out of there uh-oh uh-oh he's tearing it apart how am I going to play this game with the PlayStation 5 torn apart he got that thing whatever that is I've never opened up my own PS5 so I can't really speak to what is inside of it I guess I couldn't open it up but then I may not be able to play this game and yeah I have a dis player too although I've never used it but I got it just in case you never know and well part of it has crashed to with the to I was going to call this Earth but I don't know what this is It's like a sand Planet like tattooing or something but um this game is supposed to you know really pay special treatment to the the a lot of PlayStation franchises so I'm excited to uh see what it has to offer in those regards wake up he's going to need some repairs maybe oh cute little fox like thing oh I'm controlling this I'm using a real life controller to control a virtual controller shake it yeah that makes sense get out of there I think you can actually buy this exact controller I'm just using a different one get in in there I didn't know that was possible good as new there you go and that thing is Crash landed too whatever you are I noticed the counter on this PS5 piece it was at 0 but it did it start out at I don't know was it 300 come here come here this guy wants who double jump nice this guy wants to see me too punch got to pick up my PlayStation coins obviously hey I already knew this I just learned it myself on my own I don't know what other moves I have though I have punch and jump and here we go punch you good as [Music] new are you getting a message what are we doing what are we doing here [Music] off you go wow the controller becomes a plane man I I need to buy that one well that was pretty cool so this must be like our home planet Earth not really home but our current home I guess who hi so yeah we're going to go to the gorilla nebula we have uh 42 of those 16 of those puzzle looking pieces and two of those I don't even know what they are but let's go check things out alien give me that back this game is really nice and colorful all right all right so we have some worlds here to check out first world Sky garden now what in the world I Sky Garden don't know what those mean so we're going to just going to dive in to the Pink Flamingo world I don't know what it's called well I guess I do know what it's called it's called Sky Garden are we going to is this a flying stage oh do I got to use motion controls here we go Motion controls Sky Garden I've landed all right so right off the bat I'm curious about what whatever this is oh you joking kidding me it was coins okay what is this more coins okay you know I don't know what all they have to offer here but [Applause] this more coins I like how they come right back to me me oh I missed it now this game when I played the previous like game it had great music I can punch a bird oh I I probably need that to get those coins right all [Music] right of course the visuals look amazing it makes me hope that uh you know I'm recording this in 4k I'm I'm looking at it in 2K so you guys will be able to watch a 4K version of this is that a bigger coin or is that the same [Music] size I just don't want to want to have missed out on any Collectibles hey get out of [Music] here all right hey I see you I see you what's up dude [Applause] bot res so I got to Rescue Bots okay great hey you're right in there that's sweet all right does that do anything is like a safe spot I guess what am I going to use these coins for I guess you never really asked that in other games rescued another bot you better believe it and then the next two Bots they have something by them [Music] so I don't really know what that means ow what what I got shot in the back you never do that to me again oh beautiful flowers I'm just I'm I'm mesmerized I'm trying to figure out my way around here all right let's go this way do I swing from a Vine of course I [Music] do I don't yeah I don't know how tricky this game is going to get on the first level oh my gosh how about you get out of here so I don't know like how like you know I don't know if it's going to like I'm already thinking to myself like do I need to like look under the level or something for these Bots to rescue I don't know I guess I'll know as soon as I miss something you know what I mean that's kind of how you start knowing these things okay checkpoint these look [Music] dangerous what do I do oh yeah use my laser to cut them in half now see there's a ladder up [Music] here but there's also a path over this way there's a there's another ladder over here and that is one of those puzzle pieces one of three come on [Music] nice and this guy bot rescue so he looks interesting he looks does he look kind of like is that who is that kind of looks like ratchet right tool up mechanic I don't know maybe I'm going [Music] crazy oh Square yeah punch what do I do power up punch there you go whoa what the heck get do I need any of these all right let's go so water [Applause] slide oh it's oh I'm underwater now [Music] okay all games are going to be judged by if they include an underwater level all games especially Platformers should be judged by how well they handle if they're enjoyable to play wa I just went into an underground lab or something if they're enjoyable to play when you're underwater then it's a good game like like by default and if not then well you know you got to really take into account some other things unzip the water that was the next spot yeah that that was that the albs yeah okay so multiversal Rebel albs From Another Dimension riveting yeah so yeah this is the references that I've heard about that they're going to do here so that's great to know let's get out of [Music] town this game of course looks amazing do I need to worry I've already fought these guys I just don't want to get hit in the back here let me I can't really do my charge here what else we got can't really take those guys out it's just going to be one of those things where like if I miss something I'm going to have to go back through and that's going to be sad for [Music] wait where did that Flamingo guy go are they flying now wake up bird [Music] there he is and now how do I get him it's a good [Music] start I'm guessing oh there's some water over there [Music] too okay okay let's let's pull this maybe this will help [Music] [Applause] me now that looks good obviously but I'm afraid it'll I'll move on and so I do want to try to get this guy first now there's uh let's see oh a diving board that's pretty [Music] cool [Applause] oh what about swimming up this this waterfall is that a possibility for [Music] me I don't think it is I missed these over [Music] here where are the other guy go I don't have a gun I need a gun so I can shoot shoot the bird down confetti hello how do I take out that bird also oh there's something over here another bot to rescue good there we go see aren't you glad I'm looking all around cuz I need to look her all around obviously it just seems like maybe hold on can I jump up here that doesn't have any sort of boingy boing on it how do I get this guy though I'm so worried that if I actually open this up it's going to end the level instead it got me what I need to get that guy all right [Music] I get paranoid and oops there we go I got the second puzzle piece I get paranoid when they they give me options in games like this I start thinking to myself like oh they're just trying to mess me up they're just trying to all right come here oh nice I got all those coins what's over here [Music] huh is there anything more that balloon lasts only for a limited [Music] time all right uh let's [Music] see how do okay that's where I'm going I guess anything around here here that I need to worry about I guess not oh this is water hold on excuse me I see it I see it oh boy oh boy oh boy got it that was those also go down so I got all the puzzle pieces which is wonderful and then what's it here guys another another bot there's one more bot now I got to wonder is there is there anything hello hello that looks about like the ends there's something going on in here there's the last spot so I got to wonder like did I miss something cuz I got all the Bots I got the puzzle pieces is is there anything else that I need to know about I guess not or maybe I do but we'll find out later I'm going to look over here before we leave again maybe I'm being too thorough you never know some like every time I play a game like this I'm like are they being tricky are they trying to mess me up but maybe they weren't maybe they weren't there you go and there we go we got all the [Music] Bots now we're all going to fly out of here wait what was that oh okay I got you I was like I thought it was showing me something I missed like hey you missed this all right so let's see how we did on this stage the Bots are going back 7 of 300 I I was right about it saying 300 so okay so it seems like I got everything there what in this one is puzzle pieces I had thought that maybe okay okay I get it so what stage is truly next Sky Garden's complete let's we could do azte Trail now here's the thing I don't know all the PlayStation franchises and like some of them I don't like really remember the name but which one's next you think I don't really know which one that would be technically next let's just do this one next asz tech Trail this one has a portal or something so let's dive Az-Tech Trail in we're going in believe you me oh yeah oh yeah Crash Landing all right so now that I know how this game is structured how do I get through here oh oh wait what what hold on so that it'll vibrate oh okay yeah there we go got it I'm always expecting something else than what they're giving me so I'm always like trying to expect something a little trickier I thought I had to light up all the blocks and I was like trying to figure out like what order to do them in hey guys no thanks I don't have that balloon guy anymore is this giving me crash Vibes I don't know I don't know yet we'll see what they do uh [Music] no hey I see you over there oh I missed I missed come over here come over here all right first bot rescued get out of here this is a big level we got a lot to do ah are you not close enough that was good leaping lizards get out of here [Music] oh all right so we're going to figure out which one block it is and there's a treasure chest already what do we got [Music] sweet I got fighting [Music] arms there we go I like that it tells you what to do cuz sometimes I truly don't know what to do and I can figure it out but do I want to spend time figuring it out that's like kind of the philosophy behind modern game design is like does the player actually want to figure this out give me your baby it's like no all right fine what's down here coins of course waa I found all of your nuts these nuts right here spot rescued and who are you Mr Chipmunks I don't know what you are squirreling away all your [Music] nuts all right what do we got what do we [Music] got I don't know I'm just looking there's a bunch of nuts over there or something a bunch of nuts there too do I do anything with these nuts hey hey yeah look I knew it was crash type Vibes Crash Bandicoot right there very cool and this is coming from someone who never really played much Crash Bandicoot you know what I'm saying okay fill it up with water and that's a puzzle peace the first one hopefully yes indeed there's one path to go let's finish looking at this path though oh I didn't even see those coins over there beautiful stage beautiful game design anything hey I'm going to punch you if you're around me I'm going to you're going to get punched it's like a it's like a nesting doll [Music] what the heck thank you oh you know what I don't know if that lizard was worth anything [Music] uh I like the ability to punch though I'll admit that this is pretty cool you leave him alone next one [Applause] rescued so we not only do we have the two but we also have like a portal or something if we miss the portal I have to come back in and take a look for it you know what I [Music] mean oh I get you I got you I'm going to slingshot myself I'm going to wait till they align again perfect there you go there you [Music] go that's one way to do it I hear you I hear you I'm coming I'm trying to figure out the way oh there's the way get out of here I'm here to rescue my boys all right two more Bots two more puzzle pieces and a portal or something some sort of swirly thing that we haven't quite figured out [Music] yet [Music] okay there's the puzzle piece I wish I could punch the coins number two get out of here I'm just oh no man it's just one hit but thankfully there's a lot of checkpoints what's that Green Owl doing at the are you joking kidding me what's that Green Owl doing at the bottom of that does that matter I don't [Music] know yeah you don't have nothing to do now all right all right get ready for the move the move's here there we go there we go what do we miss there's something up there maybe maybe maybe not it's hard to tell it looks like that a yes though that there is something up [Music] there yeah I'm going to need to jump on that tree I hear something [Music] uh let me get on this platform there we go I mean it's doable to get on that tree [Music] right there we go all the puzzle pieces [Music] but okay okay okay I get it I get it yeah yeah that's not the best thing to try out but H I got to be able to get on that tree though right and I the camera won't even go that [Music] way get these lemur out of here I don't want to move on until we figure out what's going on with this [Music] tree that's something is that the portal is that [Music] who oh wow that's a cool mechanic right [Music] there sorry I'm being a little quiet cuz I there you go okay so I missed a b not that's the Eco Warrior who is that I don't know who that is whoa I can shake the controller whoa that's cool get out of [Music] here all right so that was pretty cool I am missing a bot rescue though so let's go clearly it wants me to go that way but all I want to do now is just get over to the tree like I said it's just [Music] coins we are missing some sort of a a bot like I don't know where this how far back do we need to go to get this bot anybody no I've already got this [Music] right that was the puzzle piece I guess I didn't see this tree though what in the world does anyone see a bot anywhere that I would need to be aware of I thought no I got one that was here huh this is [Music] weird does anyone else know where any of the Bots are am I I I fought [Music] here and I went up there and all it was was coins even though there we go there he is I'm glad I went back now here's the thing I don't know where this like portal thing [Music] is I I'll look for it obviously I [Music] will all right let's let's do this whatever this is let's do it oh what I thought I was going to I thought it was going to work hold on all right we're ready we're ready we're we're ready we're ready boom champ mantro oh [Applause] wow we we're in a [Applause] fight all right yeah but see I didn't get the the portal thing so I'm a little bit worried that I missed something major we'll see we'll see I did get all the Bots I did get all the puzzle pieces yeah yeah so we need to quickly figure out what we missed there because I'm going to have to go back in and find it and I don't know what it was exactly I don't even know if it's a portal thing it just looked like it could be so for here yeah I seem to have missed whatever the portal was on the Aztec Trail so as soon as I find it I'll be right back cuz I don't want to miss that all right I'm back in the stage by the way and this I don't know what this is but if I break it what is what does this do what are we doing that costs me 200 coins so is this bird going to tell me what the secret is is that what the bird's going to do we'll find out maybe next time I'll just find it on my own all right this bird is lighting up now hold let me fight this first what's up bird oh it's in [Music] here how do I get in there [Music] hold on let me do I need to take out these torches or something indeed I do what a secret I mean I maybe could have figured that out I probably would have taken me a long time to figure it out honestly it's here it's here it's here so this is what is this [Music] oh is a portal just an alternate exit if so maybe it would be a good idea to to kind of uh get the portal after I've already completed the rest of the stage cuz it was just going to take me [Music] out boss Galaxy oh wow okay so wait go go back yeah maybe maybe I'll do should I do the huh that's a good question fan club should I do should I do this no I should just do it now it's available now let's do it now hold on there's thing secret I think Lost Galaxy: Fan Club in this [Music] song all right two puzzle pieces a bunch of bots let's go up this is the fan club oh I bet there's going to be fans Oh I thought I don't have my other ones all right hello [Music] fan oh oh I got you I got you so that comes down all right get out of there hey Mr guitar alien all right let's pull this one wide open there lizards in here whoa what are you doing okay there's a bot up there obviously and you are the first bot to be rescued get these lizards out of here you don't belong up here lizard maybe they do I'm just disturbing them oh that's a spike okay I walked right on that Spike I was like that's a spike now this guy still rescued it is is this a door anything [Music] important all right you guys spikes as well no but you would put me in spikes if you had your way whoa look at that lizard get out of here lizard you're looking like me oh get those guys away are they going to explode oh no no I I'm trying to jump over them it's okay we'll we'll get that we'll do that again little fox looking guy there we go cut them open look at all of these fans I see you here I'm coming for you all right who is [Music] that okay I don't know who that is I don't have to know everything though I already know so much I don't have to be burdened by this knowledge this is pretty cool are we good is there anything else over here that I need to worry about I guess I'm on the lookout for puzzle pieces there's one whoa Mr guar alien get out of here no don't be tricky about it just give it to me okay what do I do what do I do I just take it I just take it that's mine there's a bot to be rescued too right these are kind of like bonus levels I suppose what is this goodbye all these fans that that guy is to rescue never mind I will rescue him but don't to be so difficult about it I like all the leaves I know hey come here okay so many leaves no no oh good riddens to [Music] me all right all right we're going to boost up why can I make that ah my fault my fault entirely my fault entirely I will learn my lesson maybe there you go lesson learned hey another puzzle piece great now we just have to get this [Music] guy dude is right here got him somehow somehow got him holy cow all right we're closing this up [Music] uh no to crushing me please oh at least it didn't crush me I thought it was going to crush me for a second if I missed instead it just booted me out so that's fine there we go we got the timing right no wait there's the last one and we have the puzzle pieces too I don't know what mudon are I just don't I haven't played enough PlayStation games I guess but we are done with this bonus stage thus getting more Bots give me that and more coins which we I guess we can use to find secrets if we want to all right so go back home and I too will go back home I believe the gold flag is good right go back crash site wait what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait did I hold on I'm doing I'm working on on the gorilla nebula was I supposed to do the crash site first I'm so [Music] confused who knows maybe not maybe we'll do the crash site later I honestly don't know it has 30 of those guys 11 of those guys I don't know let's just go back let's just go back it wants us me to go there though doesn't it it wants me to go to the crash site let's return back to the crash site Crash Site: Exploring see what this is all about hopefully you feel a little rejuvenated there we go there we go indeed it's like a proper level now holy cow I'm returning everyone I've rescued maybe I I mean I hope I'm not early here you rescued your first B many more are scattered Across the Universe so search every planet and try to rescue them all agreed we don't have enough puzzle pieces yet to fill in but we are at the crash site [Music] itself oh man I'm so confused two come over here this guy's going to do something for two he's going to move this thing do I need help too all right I need help too and that's a puzzle piece in itself okay okay let's go what is this what did I just do these are Collectibles this is how to look at all the special now why does she have like a thing Multiverse Rebel this is like a miios right all right I'm just going to [Music] sure and then that's to return home changing room under construction I don't know what all I'm supposed to do here right now there's something over here what do we got to do over here you need 10 well we have 10 come on you guys we got a bigger Rock to [Music] move and I'll help out too and it's another puzzle piece okay so I kind of get what's happening we can perhaps rescue for more few more people here also get more puzzle pieces stuff like that at least that's what it seems to be wanting to do here how many do I need for this 10 I got them come here everybody we got uh you got to you got to lift these up for me my pal thank you and another puzzle [Music] piece what's over here I don't even know all right and then uh there's crash hanging out over [Music] here I don't know what he's asking asking for everyone over here for crash no I don't [Music] know goodbye [Music] everyone 10 we got 10 we got 10 at least [Music] right oh and We rescued a bot in the process which is really cool we need 10 Here For What what are we doing what are we doing are you making a thing for me to crawl or is a swing to climb there we go so this is another puzzle piece for me great and then I know there's an exclamation point like it's like probably telling me to go back it's like go back do the regular stages but don't you guys want to see this too I don't think I have whatever ability is I need to jump across there and we need 10 here I am trying to hit the right button not to beat you up let's go oh wow take me over and then don't forget to take me back okay come on back I'm glad we're getting more puzzle pieces obviously and a couple Bots here and there [Music] rescued this looks important one day I don't really see anything else and I've been [Music] looking okay yeah three more great don't know how that happened but I'll take it and then what does this [Applause] do see [Music] you all right that was cool good to check in obviously and then now we're going to go back to complete the gorilla [Music] nebula that one has a gold flag too great let's go do a creamy Canyon M delicious creamy Creamy Canyon Canyon it's snowy or creamy it's creamy I keep thinking it's cold rather than cream but it's maybe it's cream oh I made it I thought I didn't make it what's up guys I'm trying to punch you guys first got these sprinkles out of here there's a guy right there what is this it's me as ice cream I look worried for some [Music] reason oh wow something going on over here watch out I rescued you you didn't even know you needed rescued you were just playing [Music] around and then uh up over here this guy needs to be rescued [Music] too who are you oh is that is that snake Metal Gear hold on ah I skipped it accidentally probably was [Music] and hey a puzzle piece great that's what I like to see do I I probably need you to help me jump I didn't make it you might need to come a little closer I made it never mind get out of here oh he took him he's he's taking him [Music] far got him dude I chased him down and that's a that's another Metal Gear guy probably right man I am so unfamiliar with the PlayStation franchises I need to do better come over here I need probably jump over here dang it that's probably not close enough it probably is close enough cuz I got it hello Frozen dude I'm glad that it's honoring all the PlayStation franchises I wish I did know more about [Music] them it's a pig oh wow he got me he got me I ran up to punch him and he punched me with his nose how does that work what are we do doing what are we doing oh he has a thing on his back uh that's where I want him there you go it's going Hog Wild [Music] here [Music] oh uh I I have been over there right maybe oh shoot shoot I thought I could stand on [Music] that I really thought I could stand on that my [Music] bad so yeah I see you [Music] guys oh what all right I'm just falling through I'm just falling [Music] through thank you he can be used to break stuff too that's good to know [Music] whoa I really feel like I need a weapon or something here holy cow okay hey there's a puzzle piece the last one these guys are just going on and [Music] on can you guys slow it down for a second thank you what are you guys looking at oh I see that what does that do [Music] oh whoa yeah break all that for me please I know I know I'm trying to find out who I need to rescue everything's been broken and you've been rescued and that is okay we missed the bot somewhere that that's got to be another Metal Gear guy or something I just don't even know [Music] uh I'm I [Music] skating yeah I can't go much higher than that I'm out I'm [Music] out so yeah he's up there this has got to be the guy right boom oh come on come on you got to you got to know to go that way right [Music] H we got to have these guys moving the right [Music] way there you go there you go thank you now you're in the right position and was that I missed no I missed a guy someone else [Music] who who did I [Music] miss okay well so it was before this cuz I mean I was here oh is this it I just don't know here come charge into me really all right I broke that that had to be [Music] something or maybe it maybe it was it something happened oh it's a it's another portal thing or something come here come here we got to do this we got to do [Music] this we're going in it's a disco ball is this going to be a secret exit or something I think this is going to be the secret exit yeah okay let's just take it I know that we still are missing some Bots H maybe I should have gotten the boss instead I don't know let me continue on with this stage I I want to I want to get the Bots I want to finish up the Bots cuz I'm missing them I don't even know did it count the Bots that I had already it did okay good but clearly I was missing I'll come back in I'll do this stage next that stage looks fun but I'll come back in here I'll go over here I know it's talking to me it's like come back we found more but hold on going back into this nebula here we don't have a golden flag on it we're missing just two Bots we got to figure out where these Bots are oh my gosh how did I not how did I not noticed this before get out of here Pig how did I not notice this there he [Music] is there we go that bot is now rescued let's go get the next one so okay I been kind of walking around here all the time I did not pay the extra money to have a guide show me so now let's go this way cuz I did go this way earlier I saw like the end coming up there so I was like ah come back all right so now we're going to see what this is all [Music] about come on piggy I just grabbed you by your tail ooh gotcha wow are you about to rescue too indeed you are the last one and we're out of here so we got everything again got to appreciate that for sure oh I missed it it's just coins he wasn't there for very long gold flag please tell me gold flag I mean we got the extra Bots gold flag heck yeah another stage a lot of bots uh three puzzle pieces construction Construction Derby Derby let us go in who I bet if I hit H give me those oh that was bad oh puzzle well we're actually flying oh boy are we going to make a landing cuz that was the first puzzle piece there we go made a landing got all this yellow junk everywhere I don't know that was the the best move but sure hi guys all right I don't think they mind hey B HS oh wa holy cow it's the PlayStation equivalent of Donkey Kong all right yeah yeah hey bud all right let me climb up [Music] this can I can I control that seemingly not oops big coin coins over there too makes you wonder how much of this I mean are they going to put a puzzle piece at the top it makes me wonder if like this is like the type of thing that like they would consider too difficult like we're not going to put a puzzle piece up there that would be too go to reach okay course I thought the first puzzle piece was a little tricky all right when it's the first one I get I get happy like you know what I mean like if if I didn't miss one I'm happy the glass is breaking look out guys not safe I'm in concrete or something and you are too but you are saved into my [Music] controller whoa I'm Magneto awesome hey thank you so much what's this over here though I guess I already did that when that guy dropped like this give me more magnets I love [Music] it wow look at that that was cool say what I said that was cool let's go up [Music] here I see they're putting coins at the top of these but you never know I mean I guess you never know but we'll know if we're missing something that maybe I needed to look at this a little bit more seriously okay get for me my thank you oh a doggy dog what does the doggy dog do wow I can just break through things like that oh wow I think I've caused a big problem there's a lot to do here still hold on not done destroying things not yet what I do something like some sort of confetti what did I do oh do I got to somehow get those in there like [Music] what did it's in [Music] all right man how many of these do I got to score though you know what I [Music] mean this is like one of those things where it's like well maybe if I get like a few baskets and I get some sort of like reward oh stay there stay there this ape has its own glass stuff all right I don't want to move on yet I want to finish up there's a bot up there yeah so I want to do that first all righty there we go [Applause] whoa all right I see you I see you I'm going to get I'm going to get you sure yeah I'm just coming for you dude like this all right number three I'm still curious about this basketball goal I said I'm still curious about this basketball goal oh wait maybe if I put myself in there I I'll I'll get [Music] something it's not unreasonable to think that I'm in a what just one coin dude I don't know I I I put myself in I put some basketballs in I'm getting like one coin each time I just don't know if there's any hope for let's get one more one [Music] more literally don't know what to do there so there's one path over there that looks like the way to go there's also this side path for a puzzle piece let's collect enough cans to there you go there you go what did you say your name was my name is Zach Scott games oh no puzzle number uh Zack Scott games puzzle number two big coin oh here's a what if I make a giant basket with a magnet like what if I just like no I need ah oh no am I out no I wanted to see about making a a big big oh no there's got to be something over there right here's a way to do it maybe all right maybe there's nothing back there maybe there's nothing back there I was thinking I would get like a giant magnet oh I can still try I can still try here we go come on like this I need there we go I don't think I can shoot it in I'll try but no never mind never mind let's just move on I'm too obsessed with this basketball [Music] goal ding dong who's home oh I knew the alien was going to take him whoa rude move got [Applause] him oh oh shoot I didn't know this was going to be a shock wave I almost got hit by the other shock wave though all right those bells are out of my way look all these cans what do I do with this guy hit him from the back hit him from the back and get out of here you're welcome am I missing [Music] anything we'll see we'll see I don't know power on ooh the goo it's slippery and slidy see part of me definitely wants to go that [Music] way wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let's be real let's be real they want us to go here first oh shoot major blunder all right let's see about this oh okay maybe maybe they didn't want me go up here first they wanted me to go here second now does this have a special exit ises this PaRappa the Rapper what am I doing are these invisible plat forms or something what is what is happening here now I am familiar with Parappa you got to believe love have struck Lyricist they cool poocher the power of self-belief you got to do what did you all right [Music] oh wow what what the heck is this for don't poop on me I don't know what those are for exactly I did not mean to do that I was trying to hover over him good ridds so what is this all about this is about a rescue operation so we need one more bot and I think one more puzzle piece I'm a little curious about something I know this is going to be backtracking the end is up there maybe I'll just check it out later if I have [Music] to or maybe I won't what say what I'm going to feel ridiculous if it turns out that one of the puzzle pieces is on top of a crane if I don't look on top of every crane here [Music] oops what the heck is that okay there's a bot over there you leave him alone who is this is that umjammer Lami shredding sheep why rap when you can shred I remember room Jammer they got to make a comeback I am missing a puzzle piece I don't know where it is but I definitely will check down here oh [Music] wow what do I once I found it oh there's the puzzle piece I don't have to worry all I do is worry but now I don't have [Music] to you can't resist whoa we got to go we got to go okay thankfully I have don't worry about any like Collectibles or anything right now I can just get away from that Big Ape put my dog in his dog house I like this fora N [Music] gami I know I know got it nice you got to believe all right please tell me there's a gold flag there oh I forgot to go do that secret stage though so maybe I should do that before I do the boss I have not just 20 but 35 for you so I will go back I got gold flags and all this stuff but I need to go over to the portal area which is where right down here cuz it's another stage to do over here cuz if we got we got you know cuz we got it you know what I'm saying funky Fung guy Lost Galaxy: Funky Fungi three was sorry what was it five coming in for a landing whoa or maybe oh shoot dang it I forgot that they throw stuff at us now during these thank you all [Music] right I knew it was going to be one of those wind ups [Applause] [Music] hi Who Who Are You bot rescued Vampire killer is it is it Castlevania [Music] stuff wait am I missing anything over [Music] there sorry I'm just going to take a step back I was what was this nothing to worry about never mind you got to just beat these guys as quick as you [Music] can I'm going pretty fast through this but I do feel whoa all right what's the what's the what's the what's the gimmick here okay hold on hold on one second do I just go in or something's got to blow that [Music] up and that something is no clue oh maybe do I just hit [Music] it huh well maybe it's [Music] coming all right what do I need to [Music] do I feel like I'm missing something I definitely feel like I'm missing something oh there's actually Something In The Water to get me dude I don't know what to do right now they're not even giving me like a wait does he blow up oh I didn't see [Music] this uh there you go you all blow up you're welcome it's quicksand whoa [Music] amazing a oh wait that helps [Music] but this is cute what in the world dude hey hey that's the second puzzle piece oh no what are you guys doing looking at me all right so either the other puzzle piece is in here with me or or you know or I just missed it [Music] let's see about over here okay get out of here all right got him [Music] there we go hey buddy all right bot rescued I don't know where another puzzle piece would be [Music] though huh it must be in the out [Music] give me [Applause] that I don't know me who hold on hold on all right [Music] where do I go oh there we [Music] go where we going now get him out of here I messed up and I got to fight oh dear oh [Music] dear come on come on come on come on come [Music] on where where am I going there you [Music] go wow okay so maybe the puzzle piece was before what is [Music] this oh yeah get get that off what the heck okay ew I don't think this guy's here you need some water don't you this is incredible this stage is much longer than I thought it was going to be too hey dude that's got to be Castlevania right okay oh he crushed me I just walked in here and he crushed me just like that rude all right all right all right great I think I'm going to ignore him unless I can't show yourself I don't know why I did that why I bothered with him I don't know [Music] whoa oh how did I [Music] [Applause] [Music] miss there a big guy up there oh I I might need that hold [Music] on and dang I think I did I miss [Music] one I think I am missing one right hold on let me we'll take a step back and look a big old fish so I'm missing I'm missing I need to go back maybe it'll let me go back maybe I got too too gung-ho about it no fall damage that's good so wait [Music] where am I missing one or am I just not thinking about there's yeah there he is something up there I know I still have to go back anyway [Music] how do I get that guy though literally don't know how to get that guy oh that actually let me go quite far but not I mean not quite far enough in in my books there's something going on [Music] all right let's see what we [Music] got no how do I get up there okay [Applause] [Music] ah I don't know if this is the right move but it seems like it could [Music] be is there anything for me to pick [Music] up gosh oh wait is there another hole over there hold on there might be another hole over there that might be the real way hold on one [Music] second if there is a hole that way it's going to [Music] be dude I literally don't know well I have to come back here and wait for the puzzle piece so let me just finish it up I'll try to figure out how to get that guy in just a bit maybe I'll use the bird I don't know I think I have a good idea where the puzzle piece is though but we'll see all right so yeah we got to go back in and then after we finish this one up we got a boss to do I think so that's exciting yeah one character and one pzzle piece let's go all right so I'm going to pick up this stick of dynamite take it over here and sure enough that is indeed where the puzzle piece is and now we just got to figure out how to rescue the other guy I don't even know how but we got to figure it out it might be just as easy is getting to the tallest point here with this I didn't even think about this wow okay okay wow okay we got him we got him and now we can probably easily get out of here maybe all right we got him I'm just glad we got him we got the puzzle piece and we got the bot so let's go all right and the benefit of finishing again I think we got [Music] everyone and uh let's grab this we get more coins I now have over 2,000 coins very cool and then that that stage should have a gold flag now cuz we got the extra bot the extra puzzle piece indeed it does and now we're going to go over here and face off against the boss so I know we can go to this planet we'll go to that crash site after we Face Off against the boss probably the gorilla nebula oh wait hold on we only have 42 maybe the boss is just like I'm so confused I thought we had way more than that hold on what's going on at the Guerilla nebula here oh oh we get 20 from the boss okay that I was like wait a second how am I missing so many we have every these all have gold flag so we got 20 oh no oh we don't get 20 we okay we we unlock it for okay I got it I got [Music] you we can dive in what's over here what the heck is this wait that's is that that bad that's good what is this it's another stage retro Rampage one there's one that's interesting that is another I didn't know there was secret stages here so this there's only one character there seemingly uh let's let's do it let's do this stage what the heck is this another stage stage what the heck all right let's start doing these bonus stages really quick let's dive in Retro Rampage 1 here wow I cannot believe we have these bonus stages now retro Rampage lots of pixels [Music] here I guess I'm just fighting maybe get out of here oh yeah okay who are you bot rescued this is disciplined Warrior you must defeat this Dragon punch to stand a [Music] chance okay so got that tree on the way out so these these secret stages are really cool I guess they get me extras let's go do this one over here this called rolling star Rolling Star Sola [Music] Sola and there's like hardly any load time between these so that feels good too thank you yeah let's get on top of you cuz all these spikes are going to hurt otherwise wa [Music] rude oh that's so [Music] narrow what I had it perfect okay I'm just here [Music] wait what okay it's fine it's fine but we'll get it here can we roll on you really [Music] [Applause] quick do do I what is happening how do I get this [Music] thing I'm so confused by this oh got it I still fell all right finally who are you a cute little cat aspirational cat T per is human [Music] meow am I waiting for anything special here or am I just going to leave I think I just leave goodbye son how many secret stages are there I did not realize secret stages would be popping up like this [Music] how do you know when you have all the secret stages hey come here now come here I'll find you I got a puzzle piece from that [Music] huh well is that [Music] it I just I don't know how to know I guess we'll know when we beat it and we Crumble Rumble 1 don't have everything that would be the indicator I believe crumble Rumble one time to crumble time who all right cool we got some sort of sports bot home run hero all right that one was easy that one was perhaps the easiest one all right [Music] 43 I mean sounds interesting but it just doesn't sound like you think I'd have like 44 or something you know what I mean I don't know how to know if there's more okay maybe we just go on there was two on the left side are there going to be two on the right side side or no all right let's just go on this I have no clue what's going on we don't know this will be 44 if we get this one Mighty Chewy Boss Fight I guess wow banana City over here who okay don't scare me I'm going to run so this is a proper stage probably with a boss at the end I guess but we actually don't know what's here is the thing oh shoot I'm supposed to supposed to laser that guy my laser feet all right come on you're joking kidding me you've got to be joking kidding me with that for sure all right lasered gotcha come here little monkey do I get the dog back what do I get I get the dog let's go robo oops great I'm breaking through it all let's go ahuh so this is this is probably the boss okay it is mighty chewy oh we we got to go we got to go wow this is more like a Chase than oh shoot dang it I ruined the momentum of it let's go come on Mighty chewy let me in your mouth where are we going huh [Music] there we go y you you're I cannot believe it I cannot believe I'm ruining this boss fight let's go let's go for real all right we got this we got this it's going to be epic sequence it's going to be epic when I do it all in one go I mean that's the only way to do it I guess is all in one [Music] go thank you what do those traffic cones do to [Music] you son of a gun dude okay I'm I'm like dying in the easiest way possible seemingly let's go all right come on throw it at me thr we don't have that that far to go I shouldn't be messing this up but it's # relatable [Music] right I'm coming for you let's do it let's do it what are we doing [Music] all right banana is there a way to attack this guy [Music] yet boom give me that hair I don't know what am I doing okay I was going to try to hit him in the eye he's got a pink eye now that was pretty cool bring another Bell into the mix what the heck is this nailed it oh dear there's that Bell everyone knew that Bell was coming back give me that other eye thank you [Music] that's one angry aim o [Music] okay oh give me those beautiful teeth I'm just going to smash teeth dude oh shoot I didn't know he was going to do more chops I thought it oh that's okay I'm back no more teeth for you oh get me in there your throat is made for dogs oh wow the city is celebrating cuz I'm the hero of this story he's got his own custom firework well I appreciate a good show and I got his bananas [Music] come on guys let's [Music] go I'm ready all right let's go let's go that was pretty cool Andy we got the gold and is there something else there's always something else where you going where you going why you going there what is that Apes on the loose this is a big stage dude what the heck is this all right so I thought I mean I thought after the boss we would be done but apparently not Apes On The Loose we got to do apes on the loose let's go Apes on the loose wow maybe this is a fast stage I don't know give me all those bananas get out of here Apes on the [Music] loose hey I'm back you got to catch your Apes dude me fine I'll catch the Apes whoa I transformed he's taking a nap all right so I guess I got to catch these Apes these apes are on the [Music] loose where' you [Music] go I think I got him all right so they're all Apes on the [Music] loose do I even need to look I don't know [Music] there we go but keep in mind I'm also in the process of looking for uh puzzle pieces too what's over [Music] here dude I caught [Applause] one all right that's number [Music] five I just be checking all of them honestly oh I can go fast that's [Music] good I can beat him up oh there's a puzzle piece don't mess up this oh boy that's number two so we got to find like the first puzzle piece [Music] obviously all right there's something over here there's a spaceship hey ape you thought it was a good idea to be on the loose but it [Applause] wasn't I don't know what I'm [Music] doing all right what's this all [Music] about uh yeah yeah get that guy come back come back oh it blew up in my arms all right all right hold on redo redo oh I missed there you go hey just cuz he doesn't have you doesn't mean I won't have [Music] you what the heck dude you're so [Music] fast wow this gu is annoyingly fast oh my goodness hey there's a puzzle up there hold on I'll get it in a [Music] second this guy [Music] dude this guy is annoying how what's the secret to getting this guy he's so fast I'm going to throw Dynamite at [Music] you there we go I had to bring out the big guns all right how do I get wait what's going on oh dear take a ride to the ap's [Music] mouth all right I got to get that somehow there you go that was the first [Music] one all right so I've been there I've been there I haven't been here this is the third puzzle be this almost plays out like a bonus stage I got to figure out how to get like on top [Music] oh you're an [Music] ape H got him he thought he can outsmart me but I'm the smartest I don't even know what game this is from all right three puzzle pieces oh that way is not [Music] good come back I'll get Dynamite trust me I will ah I'm just spamming [Music] it this guy is obsessed with running away from [Music] me son of a gun all right all right what if ah where you going now dude I went up the wrong way of the slide I learned that from the [Music] playground there's one oh mud [Music] hey whoa whoa you can't just run from me all the [Music] time oh my [Music] gosh oh my gosh sometimes it's just so oh [Music] impossible all man he got [Music] away ah I got stuck on the mud again [Music] Jiminy Christmas there's got to be a better way to do [Music] this oh my gosh he's not even getting worn [Music] out thankfully got him holy cow there's only one more of these pesky little Apes left shy ape yeah right that guy's shy all right let's see what we got oh hold on yeah I think I think the answer is we go up here [Music] now let's see about [Music] it there's the last ape up here but how did I miss that how did I miss that [Music] are you who I need to [Music] capture mother ship's memory oh hey I need that spected do I capture him [Music] all right you're mad I get it I need this I think is it Dynamite [Music] no got him there we go give me that memory now you're in a barrel full of [Applause] monkeys and then I need that [Music] still rescued ship part nicely done will that go in the controller will that all fit it fits all right uh yeah let's go let's go I forgot I forgot that was me I look different maybe it's a skin all right so do we have everything we need we're bringing back a bunch of apes Crash Site: Mothership's Memory & Exploring wow you've rescued the mother mother ship's memory it's no use in this condition though let's repair it yeah let's go ahead and repair it then I [Music] agree what what butt yeah boom and then I'm going to hammer [Music] it with the motion controls it's in it's in I don't know if you should be banging on it like this but [Music] whatever there we go come on oh move your finger oh oh boy and then yeah put these in whatever just good enough dude this there we go this part is complicated and then sure yeah pull the lever we got it dude put it in the Mother [Music] Ship I don't care where it goes nice I do risk breaking it but whatever we're done and I love that he's riding on a memory card all right so we got a bunch more how many total do we have here 54 that's an even number and we got one of the puzzles finished nice and shiny puzzle here huh and what does that get for us the gacha lab is open time to spend all those coins you've collected indeed all of them I might want to save a few here I [Music] am what is this oh another one another one made a crash landing over there way over there well I think I know how to get there but first where's this gacha lab here and what is this [Music] now huh I want to check out the gacha lab I just want to see what all we can get we're going [Music] in all right let's just spend a few coins I only need a lot of them but how do I do it yeah there you [Music] go I got squaws give me another I got popup Pals now honestly I don't want to spend all my coins doing this but we spent three Vampire Slayer Sanctuary that's cool all right let's let's get out of here I know that I got to do this a lot more but I want to hold on to my coins in case there's something else I need to do with them oh wow so he got to show up [Music] oh there's more puzzle pieces so there's a lot more to do on this stage obviously how do I get those those are squaws oh I get what's [Music] happened hold on how do I get those I mean it's right here come on there it is there it [Music] is and then uh what is this guy guy I thought he was over here is it on the other side of [Music] it I don't know where that dude [Music] went anyway uh let's go ahead and check this out there's going to be plenty of time to come back here and do my thing but we have uh 25 now are you going to make a bridge what are we going to do it's a tight rope walk to this bird thank you bird for holding on to this and not eating me when I get to the other side do appre this a whole other section whole other section hey I know enemies would be [Music] here 25 we have 25 let's get 25 we can res few more in the process wow there is a lot to do [Music] here oh you need me too that's [Music] right now we got four more a bot rescue yes indeed a bot rescue and another bot rescue we have 59 Bots rescued and there's another one over there too so don't be surprised if we have even more [Music] 100 I don't have that but I have 60 20 we have [Music] 20 and what is this [Applause] Spyro wow all right see you Spyro there's so much to do here now I mean it's so ridiculously overwhelming 30 yeah we have 30 let's let's do 30 make a wall for me to run up let's [Music] go I didn't even need the last one honestly and here you are wakey wakey he's going to find the next planet for me next galaxy next nebula whatever it is [Music] [Applause] where to so obviously we got a lot more to do on that home planet and we'll we'll get those that done throughout these episodes and then looks like next episode is going to cover this uh octopus looking Planet [Music] thing which is going to be the uh the tentacle system now did we get this one done we got the gorilla nebula 100% complete guys so that's fantastic and really you all are fantastic thank you for being here thank you for watching be sure to come back next time for more I'll see you then for Astro bot goodbye I'm Zach Scott subscribe if you have not if you like this video and want to help the channel grow all you got to do is click the like button below thank you so much for watching you can now join on YouTube and become an official member of Zack Scott games and if you want cool shirts like this visit Zack scott. shop come back next time for more [Music]

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