Star Wars Outlaws - Part 2 - Prison Break

guys and welcome back to Star Wars Outlaws we are currently in route to J's hope J's hope okay so this is where W brought the trailer with the hope of upgrading our Blaster welcome to a brand new town out here in the desolate Frontier dude this game is is massive that was 1.6 km of traveling to get here from where we last left off so Welcome to our next adventure how you doing big guy holy cows what you mean him meeting with zerich bash I get Happ to work with the Pikes but zerich bash is dangerous are you kidding this is what meragana is all about opportunity more syndicates means more work for us th him better know what he's doing the Empire to check them s isn't going to just have free rain we're good trust me somehow I feel like that's not the case probably right interesting it's cool seeing all these factions Waring and stuff check out the ship ni W's been busy W's been doing a great job let's talk to him how you doing buddy good to see you you did this all yourself uh-huh it's hard work but it'll all be worth it when she hits the atmosphere and Soares uh yeah you ready for those fuel injectors yet no no soon hold on to them for now pricey Parts can disappear around here okay so we're going to go assemble the ion module right here got a modifier Blaster standard I module configuration that fires ionized particles effective against Shields and droids we could configure it and burst we've got a casing and converters looks like we're going to have some more upgrades improved accuracy super cooling damage as we go on we've got another upgrade to plasma got transpar steel and Ray accelerator improves the accuracy of the light okay we can install this as well I think that just Auto installs it okay we're good to go we're good haven't done that in a while Duna my blaster's good to go you going to give me that job now yeah below mentioned you'd stop by I'll send you the location of the stash get inside and take what's in there all right I can do that good find me in J's hope when you're done what you doing little guy I like that you could pet all the little weird looking animals in this hey come come here come here I'm just trying to pet you you hey there don't really look that friendly maybe it's a weird weird looking tail you got in the end there all right niy come on off to another Heist this game is so beautiful look at all the different terrain and the waterfalls and everything else welcome to the Lost step I'm imagining Our Best Bets not going to be just going right in the front or maybe that's what we want to do I'm not sure this is it Hut cartel Storehouse I mean they're not going to be very happy with us here this is the location dunk has sent me oo that capacitor looks dead guess this is why I needed the ion mod are we going to be able to shoot it ah there we go okay and then we could switch to the BL Ah that's cool so this is going to be good against droids and Shields and then this is obviously more for a I guess I'll just take these then see what else we can grab here got a data pad exalted one I've managed to make inroads onto Shara this will be the first of many credit deliveries you could expect from this operation may also take a moment to thank you again for sparing my life unlike those of the other Hut and forcers don't take that opportunity lightly and we'll repay you much as I can from veric okay get back out all right I mean I guess that was about the easiest Heist we could do we've had a couple of heists thus far and they've taken a lot more than that let's call our speeder we're going to go back to Jon's hope we're going to go meet up with our friends yeah look at this giant expansive landscape dude this has been pretty good so far like I'm I'm enjoying it no what you guys think I know kind of like early gameplay concerns I saw some clips on Twitter like people were upset or whatever but I feel like it's been pretty good she was talking to us do we want to go talk to somebody what's up oh she's got a cool looking cool looking speeder how you doing hey you look like you can handle yourself on a speeder you want to race sure I could use the practice you're confident let's see if you have the skills to back it up okay okay I mean let's drive what's the plan where are we going feel like yours looks a little bit faster than mine get ready of to race in one second oh God all right so we just got to go buy the checkpoints here I guess there's no like boost or anything is there I'm pretty sure it's it's just all straight up you just hold down the gas and you try to go as fast as possible this isn't much of a race where is she she's she's taking the main roads we can take the shortcuts obviously you can get a little bit creative with the angle that you're taking where's the next [Music] one this way she's nowhere near us here getting a nice lay of land might get some Intel for some future places that we might want to go holy cow dude this the game is beautiful you got to give them that like this this is a cool location I'm excited to see some of the other planets too this way this should be the Finish Line right hey nice racing I'll get you next time though hey who said there'd be a next time yeah there's no way a speeder like you could resist a rematch I'll be around is this a bad thing can I bro I'm on a speeder what are you doing shoot all right we're going to be fine let me let me try to take this thing out switch back to our Blaster NX are we good bro we're good okay that was lucky she led me right into a trap there I'm not sure we can't loot this thing I still don't really know how the loot and stuff works in this game obviously we're learning as we go we're picking up loot to be able to sell but it seems like we just have a simple Blaster and that's just going to be our weapon for the rest of the game game and we aren't really going to be able to we could upgrade it obviously but we aren't going to be able to switch things up apart from that I don't know we're back baby I just love seeing all the the ships flying around and stuff like this is a very immersive Star Wars experience here this must be the daruda diner chill bro we got an old friend here how you doing new place same face hey uh here's what I got some sort of track in transponder bunch of credits too keeper wasn't after those anyway Huts didn't want to pay tribute so now instead of their little cash this transponder will eat him straight to me remind me not to get on your bad side don't worry I'm good to those I can trust which is why I'm going to give you a tip a tip like more money no something better I got some friends who could help you out get you a better slicing kit rig that speeder of yours you'll have to track him down yourself but that should be enough to get you started thanks I mean information is more valuable than credits right you know you can keep those little Revelations to yourself talk soon thank you Dana all right so we've got an upgraded Blaster it sounds like we're going to be able to get an upgraded speeder and some other stuff soon too bring to me and then we should be able to fly finally all right I'm on my way our ship is just going to be right back here I believe underworld rumors we might be able to do a little side mission there too I know we've got um so if we check our Journal here ah okay this is cool so we've got Intel these are going to be like you know the spaces where we can get items and and valuable things and whatever expert Intel the bartender the diner and jantas I hope know someone who could rig a speeder with a boost upgrade we could boost the speeder underworld rumors for the slicer I actually feel like we should probably do both of these before we move on to our next main mission which is false flag we also have a Hut cartel opportunity if we wanted to work with them it's kind of a a side mission there let's let's do this I'm going to track this let's boost the speed and upgrade our equipment early feel like we'll get more use out of that in that case hey I'm looking someone who can rig my speeder trouble with the winds huh is it that obvious CEO roak is the best bike modder on this side of the hii but she's not keen on Strangers that's okay neither am I she hasn't been around lately maybe her friends in kadua know where she is kadua yeah yeah that's uh just outside near Orana it's a wind fishing settlement right wind fishing obviously okay so this is kind of almost like a a mystery type thing we're just going to slowly piece this together going for a ride try to meet this person try to get them on our side and hopefully be able to upgrade the speeder eventually now I know we have ah fast travel points here it is okay so we can see places we can fast travel to J's hope I'm going to go I guess back to Mirana City that should take us more towards where we're trying to go and I think the other thing the the slice and Rover is also in this area but now if we check our map we would to go back to our Journal I actually untracked CEO's people this should be I think a little bit closer to where we currently are if we zoom out yeah okay that works out nicely this map is just huge dude we need some sort of a boost or some sort of something especially if we're going to be getting in more races maybe being able to make some money at it or something at some point or just simply getting from A to B it seems like this thing's pretty important so try to get her fixed up right off the bat let's hope that bike mon is around here huh wind fishing wind fishing first time I've ever heard of that all right could do a village is anybody home I hear somebody Hello next you see anybody oh over here how you guys doing how can I be of assistance I'm trying to upgrade my bike this is Kad right maybe what's an off worlder like you doing here I'm looking for CEO roak that's right there you Empire uh no no I I heard she can rig my speeder seeo left we don't know where she is can't believe you're still protecting her after what she did well I'm not she's living Cliffside near J's hope got it J's hope so going back to where we came from perfect oh boy there's some smoke up there that must must be what we're looking for try to go up to the top of the cliff hopefully she's okay with there's smoke there's often fire might be some trouble we made it CEO got a hell of a view up here my goodness that is a forbidden looking thing up there I'm not even going to say it are you CEO I need to kick up the power on my speeder I don't work with offworlders anymore but you look like you're out of options got a name right sorry it's K KV I can help you K but if you want a real kick I'll need a part an atmospheric accelerator the imps have one in their wind Harvester so you want me to take it why don't I just steal it for you then oh yeah then take these they'll power down the turbine and that's your way in all right sounds good take care of it and meet you back here all right new Quest had to work to get here but uh we've got it can we ready I want to ramp off this thing can we jump this we're going to find out oh my God Nick Nick you good bro okay you cannot jump off mountains got to be honest I'm kind of wondering how good of an idea it is to give me more speed on this thing cuz we tend to send it already as is but this this should be fun I love this thing okay sorry niy oh my God no I feel like we should have seen that coming maybe we just stick to the the pathways CH pathways are good pathways are really good Pathways usually mean you've got a place you can cross you've got bridges over here and I see a big spinning fan so I would imagine that is probably where we want to go she did give us those disruptors how do I use those um mag disruptors just secure them to the Circuit panel near the turbine gu I could have figured that out oh and they're low capacity so the charge might not last all right let's go next so we should hurry up we're good baby I guess we could call our speeder in here right Beauty those charges didn't really last pass the a turbine but now my exit's blocked shouldn't be a problem for you though I mean you are really good at this no yeah I am you'd just think there'd be an easier way to get an atmospheric accelerator actually I only made the one it's in the converter room at the top of the Harvester the Empire stole it I gave it to them in exchange for some offworld parts I didn't know they'd use it to divert the winds cut off our Farmers well the good news is they won't have it for much longer I thought we were going to be walking at this point but now all right so there's one of them we got to go up top to be able to find it we're going to be fine might be locked in here until we find it that's perfectly a okay okay and who knows what's lurking down in these steps this is probably use a few more of those M disruptors spe restrict area okay now we do have this new thing can we just straight up I mean NX can you hit that oh there's a thing here oh forget about NYX Trev come on there it is with this no here we go got a ladder we're supposed to be going up so this is a good sign okay looks like these fans are turning on occasionally I'm going to stay in the middle not try to get blown off this Nick chill bro hang in there we got this all right going to go down what do we do here we're going to have to shut this off somehow ah there we go I knew it had to be something got this new ability to be able to shoot Electronics so might as well use it down here just hang on there this okay should be able to crawl up over there but a faster speeder better be worth it this is more than I thought we were biting off sounds like we're going to have things that we're going to have to time up here want to get over there maybe down here we go go go go go go go go go go Beauty okay wow and we're going the wrong direction now we were supposed to be going up which way I think we're supposed to go that way but I'm going to take the loot some actuating modules the fact that there are no people no animals no anything down here is comforting but also a little bit concerning cuz I feel like there's got to be something why do I get the feeling you didn't really need this thing to boost my bike well I could have used something off the shelf but this accelerator will give you a much stronger kick I'll be the judge of that okay so these things are going we're going to have to watch out for that go go go go go go shoot not a lot of room for error here do we want to go up I don't think we want to go up I'm going to chill for a second we good to chill here I hope we're good over to the left and drop down holy cow okay um probably don't want to stand next to that when you're shooting it look like we might be able to go across now this up do we we miss anything back there I'm feeling like we miss something back there yeah we could send nyck to go get it but sometimes I do the last one a little bit too fast got that let's go some re accelerators going to be hop hopping up here going to the left my goodness that made me nervous right there oh okay patience is a virtue Trev look at this thing I can feel it vibrating now I didn't realize it in the moment all right we're good can we go up where do we go where do we go where do we go oh shoot I don't know where to go where are we supposed to go what's what's the plan here it kind of looks like up but oh you could just straight climb this okay I didn't realize all of this was just climbing timeable that makes things a little bit easier drop down over here I want to make sure there's no loot over there I don't think okay probably don't want to get pushed off by those trap we're just going to keep climbing dud they I mean they've done a it's just maybe it's new to me but they've done a good job hiding the climbing that like it's enough that if you're paying attention you'll see it but it's not like a bright yellow very very obvious type of thing all right NY I guess we're doing this what's our plan here we're going to have to jump across oh my God that scared me all right now we're going to have to go across here hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry I don't know how much I pushed that we're good just wait be smart wait we're going to keep going up let this thing go slow as smooth smooth as fast keep going forward never really know is that blue thing something I don't know all right Solid Ground let's go another ladder is this that can't be it right in One Direction I'm thankful they don't keep keep you in these Tunnels for too long and they kind of give you like a that must be it a one-way thing what happens when we take this there's going to be something is it going to overheat is it going to exp accelerator it looks like this place can't run without it I told you it has some serious kick and hey with the winds back to their natural course you'll have a way out to be able to pick that up all right mean I like the sound of a way out we just going to be able to go out over here all right look at that we already got our speeder up here it's the way we came hold on here we go okay Yep this is this is the faster thing that we were talking about oh my god dude what the fudge this is so fast okay we're going to be fine oh we go whoa n you hanging on back there I mean this isn't installed yet is it or is it just the fact that it's it's near us it's working I don't know what kind of magic we have going on here but it's it's pretty quick all right we made it welcome back felt like a lot for a little piece but should be worth it what did I tell you CEO easy I never should have made this at least now it'll be used for something good good is a bit of a stretch well I like you a lot more than I like the Empire where's your speeder so it wasn't even installed yet I think we were just riding the winds in there you're all set bet it's strong enough to ride double now huh really I meant your little pet there yeah me too that's what I meant thanks hey yo I should go see you around K okay made a new friends got an upgrade that wasn't too bad now is more like let's see what we've got going on I don't oh we've got an ex okay well that's just not good was there a an accelerate button oh boost we have the Boost now okay I've been talking about how I wanted a boost so we've got to boost if we want it that's I'm thinking is probably going to come in helpful when we need [Music] it nicely done lost for a short burst of speed going to be able to get over jumps easier going to be able to Traverse more Beauty we'll take that I don't think I'm going to go for like 100% or anything we'll definitely do some side missions when they make sense and they sound interesting but I feel like the improved slicer is going to be really important I would imagine we're going to use that to get into higher profile things break into bigger more important boxes and whatever else or rooms or what have you so I'm going to try to grab this upgrade as well I don't know how much the uh the Boost is really going to help but we'll we'll see I guess okay so we want to go to McCall's gambling parlor we want to search the area for an opportunity of somebody looking for a slicer I you to put me in contct with it is I am not interested in cont she for taking any other perhaps I should have a few words with this good luck with that he rely leaves the dwn district he practically lives in our Landing I mean we're friends with the Crimson Dawn get some Gooding gear all right let's go talk with is's contact I'm going to purchase this Nar Shada Thief belt stealth takedowns restore health I feel like that's hey thanks probably pretty good that I don't know we haven't really spent any money yet we've been collecting a lot of stuff and not using it so we can go to our load out we're going to be able to throw that bad boy on there okay new weapon holster helping us out with being sneaky but um yeah we're we're in nice with the uh the Crimson da so we should hopefully have an easier time I don't know we'll see how do we get up there it's this way right I'm assuming it's going to be down in that secret area that we stole from in the first episode so it it pays to be bad huh it's going to increase my health a little bit here didn't need it but we'll take it nobody sees us nobody blasts us is that him right there got something Bud bad guys walking around or we good I'm assuming it's this guy huh we've already been back here this is perfect we saw all this yesterday so uh do you know named Isa Bren she's not looking for more work oh I don't want to hire her I'm I'm a slicer too I just want to talk you know what suit yourself Isa I got some amateur here asking for you is this a joke I'm on a job what do you want oh um my name's CES I'm looking for some new slicing Tech and and I heard you're the best around here best you don't say bring me an imperial code sequencer then we'll talk huh just becoming an Aaron girl she actually sent coordinates lucky you she must have heard of us our Legends okay so we want to go to Southern Falls we're going to have to sneak out of here I feel exposed don't slide off the edge there that could have been really bad let's go steal some Imperial codes and let upgrade our slicer got to love this new boosting ability we have baby I do honestly I feel like it's a little not that great I'm hope we use it at least once I I hope we at some point need it to be able to get across the gap or something like that I feel like it it's not nearly as good as I thought it was going to be but I think like I said this slicer this is of like a primary tool we've been using so it's hang on it's got to be something one to the southern Falls here hopefully not running into the wildlife Cod sequencer probably carried by a technician okay so let's see what we've got going on here we're going to want to tag some people up Imperials up ahead okay one of them saw me she's trying to come check us out n Go attack her she's done there it is as long as we thin him out a little bit we're not going to have to worry about somebody calling for backup and stuff so we're going to wait for this guy there's like a a very timed thing you got to wait for NX to get there he's not going to be able to do it right away and then he won't stay there for too long come on baby come on come on come on what what the let's Che it out I don't think it actually killed anybody though oh well this is a restricted area leave those new turrets at the base are more troubl than their to bring in a sequencer to update the entire system let's go next no signs of trouble she reports as big thing gets taken out n go get him take him down ni person up top might see us all dude this is Savage okay we've got two guys up top and two guys down though I think we could probably shoot the guys up top what is this there hold that no contact but keep your guard up this rotation always dead we're going to be able to shoot that eventually go get attack him one two got the Imperial code sequencer Isa I have your code sequencer where do I bring it V good timing I'll send you my location come as soon as you can and we're going to be able to get two more dude we are an Unstoppable Duo I will take the sniper rifle I'll take the loot up here and then we're also I'm assuming we want we're fine I'm assuming we want to open this up this open we can use our Electronics Blaster to be able to open this and then that's going to get us some more loot here can slice this so this is what we're trying to oh see this stuff like this is where it would potentially be useful it's none of those oh are these sometimes the same will they ever be the same or how does that work I don't think they're the same none of those ah we've got three out of four okay so we know oh God we don't know where any of them are though we're just going to have to get lucky this one's either first or last well we know the first one's this one this one is the last one so this one has to go here or this one shoot we haven't guessed it it's going to be down to two oh we got it baby let's go we had a a 50% select transfer arrest credits we'll take 100 credits there we had a 50% chance of that working that that's pretty good I'll take all this obviously a better slicer is is going to be beneficial to us and that's what we're working towards right now so we're going to go take this Imperial code to her that was pretty good that was fun I enjoyed that hey you didn't say you were working at Imperial compound well now you know I'm corner in the Northwest garage I guess you're going to want me to find a way in just stay alive I really need that sequencer I'll try so we're sneaking in an Imperial base right now which is an entirely restricted area and I don't think we know how we're going to get in I think we found ourselves a way in on this back side are these wasps or something what's def what's that I don't really like this but we're just going to have to go for now where is the garage so going to go meet with Alia in the garage oh so they know she's in here we're going to have to be really careful just going to take out everyone we can all right n go get him hey hang in there ni you got it is beautiful is this I'm wondering if there are Gates that we can get in to kind of like move around a little bit you know what I mean get this open NY can you get this we can no idea where we're going but I'm hoping we're going the right direction right that's down here get that vent open back up top it feels like we're getting just like 10 minutes ago must be the okay I'm in good I sealed the doors meet me in the back room that must be the garage this is unbelievable how did she even get into our systems no one should be able to lock us out like this so they know she's in this garage and they're locked out currently they're trying to get back in they can't get in of course they changed the protocols on my last job Isa I got it the voice is real good now I might actually make it out of here just need you to Hitch that to the antenna on the Roof oh perfect no problem maybe it's plan C we're already at plan C hey I'm having an off day oh and while you're at it keep that ship out there in one piece I am done with this place so we're going to help bust her out of here to the roof only is okay we good nobody up here yeah don't mind me just on the roof of the enemy base where do you want me to put this on this thing over here that looks like a good spot to put it dude there are so many people all over the place cameras and all kinds of stuff the sequencer up now what now I activate the turrets not bad they won't Target you so you'll have a clear path to the control tower from there shut down the anti-air defenses but wait how' you do that a lot of experience and the right kit climb myor well we're wanted that's not good we got jum we're going to be fine disable the entire defenses sliced turrets will not attack K okay let me let me pick this up really quick we got a sniper rifle over here first time using this bad boy good night got him he's already dead and that thing already ran out of of juice That's crazy dude I don't know if I love the way they do weapons in this continue the sech next go get him danger just take care of business distract them for a minute we're going to be fine respond The Fugitive is more dangerous than original maintain engagement and reinforcements you seriously next we going in here go get rid of that I'm at the tower and I'm headed to the shuttle I'll lift up as soon as you get those defenses offline how am I going to get out of here going this way where do you want me to go [Music] this has got to be it right 22 met up ahead of us I guess the the the question mark thing is not what we're worried about we're worried about the the tower how you guys doing get threat escalated we're going is now your highest that maintain contact take that deactivate the turbo lasers we're going to have to slice this thing all right here we go Feet Don't Fail Me Now so we're going to have bang this one and then the last one beautiful we got it deactivate the turbo lasers are defenses are down and I am off this MO call me when you're out of there v sick that's really cool thank you really appreciate that one it's pretty awesome we're just going to have to fight our way out of here this you know wouldn't say the gun play is our our best or the game strongest suit but maybe be able to call our speeder and just run can we grab one of these things no next get that thing open this is not going to be good I want to get a little bit of give me a break attention unit we have reports of a deadly in your little bit cover I'm just going to try to run man Hunt's been launched be eliminated how do we get out of here nealer at all costs can I just jump this this is bad really bad down the hill I'm fine I'm fine can we jump off this go go go [Music] shoot jump down here run runer finding the targets top priority death Troopers inbound death Troopers are inbound we're going to be fine interfere with their mission we're going to call our our speeder and we're going to be able to get the heck out of here hold tight time to go got a chance Isa I made it out and not in cuffs you said you were looking for better St Tech right yeah my kids seem better days I have an extra stash with Zen it's a pretty nice one too I'll tell him to meet you on the calls okay do we have to fight the death Troopers or can I can I just move on with my life and pretend like that never happened cuz I feel like we've got like a festar wanted level or something right now we're just going to try to go to Mall's and and get away from [Applause] this atss and stuff all over the place oh this is this is a restricted area we might be in trouble um I don't okay that's a road block bro I I didn't realize what that was that's a futuristic Star Wars spikes strip uh I we're we paid the price for this we lost 500 credits you know what that's okay I'm going to pet This creepy looking thing we're going to be fun so we we just pay 500 credits respawn and we're going to go we can restart our life that works how you doing new slicing kit hopefully this is going to be worth the Sidetrack for just take it so I can get back to my district prove myself after all all right so we've got a new slicer like I said hopefully that's going to get us some some better Loot and stuff new ability unlock all kid to slice a range of devices and use Jokers to give her an edge able to connect to Advanced terminal list devices interact with a device Pro pressing R3 to slice it I I hope that was worth it I don't know I got your slicing kit thanks we got pretty Sidetrack there I'll send you coordinates to a cach you can test it on and I couldn't have done it with got your help you live up to the name what do you mean by that tell you what I'm hold up on Rell space station until I figure out what's next for me don't be a stranger all right IA is a new friend so there's an advanced slicing practice thing in here I think let's see is that this slice data Port okay so we're going to slice is this going to be a tougher slice this thing the right spot beautiful okay disable the energy barrier and that's going to get us here's our first bit of loot that we're going to get from this new Bandit mask speeder trophy is that something we can sell I don't know but this is our first treasure area we've gotten to with the new slicer that we didn't have before here's the far theier trap we haven't tried this yet didn't we pick up a a tip like a winner that the smallest farer was going to win 290 8 I'm I'm guessing on kg's 878 so we're going to go let's put on the 878 we're going to bet on Stargazer let's place all of our bets we picked up something in the last episode right at the end that said that the smallest far year was going to win I don't know know when that was I don't know if we had to run here right away or what got to see if we can turn 50 credits into 348 abely got a bad feeling the fact that they're so far ahead off the rip there's no way it's going to it's going to keep that way these know how to on a let's go okay I was right yes sir we picked that up when we were down in the Crimson Dawn uh thing before so that made our money back from dying right there okay I'm going to what we're going to do is we are going to go get back on the main mission uh thing here false flag okay secured the fuel injectors all right show this on the map we're going to go back we're going to fast travel back to Johnson's hope we're going to put the fuel injectors in our ship and hopefully get off this freaking planet I think we've overstate our welcome give these things to our friend here hey hi hey got the fuel injectors here perfect let's get them installed okay look for our propulsion all right fuel injectors are good just give me a minute to get her ready for takeoff this looks like it's seen better days it flies kind kind you got another job for me how do you feel about Crossing imps not good K tell her not good I thought that's a no no around here that's why we pin it on the Pikes and how do I know Crimson Dawn won't burn me after I pull this off you don't but that's the game we play and yeah I play it better than most you just have to sneak into an imperial station and delete some data is it in space no she's not ready yet I'll be fine I was talking about her the ship we'll get it [Music] done I like all the factions Waring against each other but the hyper drivve is still on the FRS oh so I still can't jump guess the core worlds will have to wait wait can do a little bit of perusing up there though okay new Quest false flag huh ship looks fixed up let's do it you're sure it'll fly Waka she will she probably will let's get out of here up we [Music] go and just like that we're in space welcome baby okay coordinates incoming got him take get easy on the controls okay appreciate the ship right I I got it a these coordinates aren't for the space station first you'll need a way in we disabled a shipment freighter on route to the station they were hauling sansana sansana like spice not until it's processed pick it up and pose as the delivery all right so got to be careful about space debris out here thank the solar wins for that but don't worry this ship can handle anything there's the ship blast the cargo loose uh oh that's the cargo right there sorry I fire up the tractor beam that's our Mark drop the cargo or die Raiders Just What We Needed hold on I need to change uh I don't like that it's it's not inverted controls invert Starship y AIS always W I know we have to fight I can't get the cargo if they're firing on us just protect the Trailblazer we want to aim for the white circle there I think oh there's Pursuit mode interesting so it'll it'll Auto this is our lucky day two ships to gut more of them oh come on we were stealing this First Press X to lock onto an enemy ship X again to fire a missile we can try to finish him off there beautiful now we got another one this way space pirates out here going to see if we can't lock on again NOP we just take it down the old fashioned way then can we pick up their stuff afterwards I saw a triangle to retrieve let's get the rest of that cargo maybe it was the cargo here we go retrieve this stuff there got it perfect we now have s s on board I'll um put the space station coordinates in we'll be fine we'll be fine like we're going this way all right nothing like a little space combat so this is what we're breaking into yeah just don't do anything suspicious you know what I'm going to disable the ship weapons just in case okay it's a good thing I turn those guns off I tried pressing the shoot button so we're going to just fly in here pretend like everything's normal just coming into fuel that's Aller you are in unauthorized space turn around and prepare to be fired upon negative negative our Darius G-Class Freer ran into some trouble had to switch to this ship for your uh cargo delivery of Precious Minerals precious very legal minerals follow the tie escort into docking base three submit for inspection inspection at least we're in right AA what are we stealing anyway nothing your deleting Debs every Syndicate in mogana owes Governor thordan money the records are on that station so I find the Data Vault delete the pike DS and Thoren things they've messed with his records wipe the data frame the Pikes Crimson Dawn comes out on top why do I feel like lra's using us it's Crimson Dawn she is every everyone's got an ulterior motive out here deep in Enemy Lines not this way no this way okay boxes of Sansa we've got okay this is a lot you know it's not too late to just hand over the cargo and get out of here no I need parts to fix my ship and this is how I get them we're doing this we have to so you want me to just what distract the imps will you find The Dana Vault oh great idea Waka I'll sneak out on the cargo elevator Perfect all right is it this way what did I get us into next let's just sneak out and find a floor plan unseen the next job will be better open this door immediately you must submit for inspection I do not enjoy repeating myself find the Data Vault and do not raise the the alarm remember the Pikes are of our guests he'll know what them as such got a lock over here the Pikes are not our guests feel no obligation to treat them as such got that beautiful and so to move get in moving I don't want to go ahead and get her to shut up I got to find the Data Vault hello there welcome to the trail bler good cover yes what's good cover I think you have a sensitive shipment for this station the moving pieces you know there's a reason this ship succeeds with others you see that's reinforced dur steel pling sh they're well named because uh they def you understand right okay I see you yes now about the shipment here it's easier to show you come inside oh my goodness okay Nick stay back stay back we're going to be fine almost got see him right there we're going to be okay just stay down the price for a Russian certification gorak is expecting his good to be next go sabotage that terminal you know how this works I don't know if we need to but why not extra and you have before breakast beat That Thing Up Baby okay we're in I don't know if this is where we're trying to go but we're we're in kind of we're not going to be able to go through the energy gate there back in through the tunnels the vents were used to this we're in terminal will have a floor plan then we can find a Data Vault okay so we want to find a floor plan find a Data Vault move from there who placed a sensonic shipment in the ventilation Chanel please contact maintenance group this has been left unattended the results could be disastrous to say the least Where Do We Go From Here is this oh I think that's what we want is it just going to Auto go can I send oh just Auto goes okay this is absolutely terrifying get that open love how I can open it but I send nck to open it sometimes I understand increasing our credit flow but is the risk really worth it you could always request a transfer I've considered it but but you're getting used to the life the extra money affords aren't you what can I say Thoren makes it very difficult to leave that's our terminal they're all there gu we can't have Pikes just wandering around this station attack have you got one get the second there it is this is our terminal right here okay Data Vault Data Vault it's in the maintenance Bay all right let's get that door [Music] open hey K the officer inspecting the goods you found the files no keep her busy I was just thinking the Pikes run Mirana maybe instead of deleting their Jets you frame Crimson Dawn tell gorak everything and get a big reward double cross a think about it what's stopping her from cashing in on your death Mark I mean that's dirty I never told you about my death Mark work gets around K oh wait she's coming back that's dirty they're going to let you potentially double cross them can I shoot this thing or is that going to this way we're fine take him down sabotage that get out of Dodge they're probably going to come back got a camera over there we're going to have to evade hey NY this is you buddy go get him all right n go get him who's a good boy that's what I'm talking about done okay n the door we can send NY to open that obviously we're not going to be able to go through until we can get there I mean you can shoot the cameras I just don't don't want to go loud if we don't have [Music] to okay take extra care we have an inspection coming up soon you don't have to tell me twice I still remember the last time still can't believe we had to dump that if I love all these sounds that are happening I'm doing my best not to get found here we're getting closer but it is certainly not easy we could to just drop oh I didn't mean to jump into that I meant to just get off override the lock okay guess it's time to go got it all right that was a dumb way to take some damage up we go that was close I think we almost just got found out right there this up and that and this I hear enemies going to go ahead and tag them just to be safe Imperials over there got some trouble ahead there's got to be a way around then might be down here oh they're moving perfect [Music] rer that all c i we've got our oh we don't have it right now actually I was going to say we've got our our whatever you want to call it supposed to be a combat deoy shoot I don't trust anyone what the let's blow that up get it next no one's getting by me let's take a look that thing and then maybe go attack him good job little buddy way to get it done that's three for one no alarms no nothing that was a a bit sketchy I'm not going to lie but we got it done there's a camera over there how do we open this thing up what do you see got a data Spike we can use here let's see what we've got going oh sector secure secured [Music] me there's maybe we need to go through that camera to be able to get to that that stash I can't tell which way is our main objective it kind of looks like it could be this way wreck that terminal next or that could be the terminal did you get it you sabotage it got some more Tech here as well just got to be patient Trev got that all right let me go see did that shut off the thing outside I mean if we've got this extra spike thing slicer I'm hoping that shut that thing off no so what do we think is behind this door that could be so important I don't even think we can get to that okay we're just going to we're going to continue on the path then it's not worth it we've done well so far I don't want to give this up at the end just for some loot we can come back later if we need it can we go through here no NYX can you NY get that over there power this thing off we can just Mosey on out and take him down let's go or her pick this up access this computer is there something we want to do here security cameras we could slice to unlock those we could turn those things off we'll put this one here this one here this one here this one here okay so that's correct this one here this one here this one here okay we've got them all but they're in the wrong order this one goes here for sure and then we're down to this one which has to go here and that one which goes there beautiful all right so we can disable the security cameras maintenance energy barrier disable that as well ah I see what we're doing so now we're going to want to backtrack it's good thing we got this better slicer I don't know how much we've used it yet how much we could have gotten anyway just desite tell maintenance about the rist the team on L se04 and fish insist the fuel rails are cor cor correctly adjusted excessive levels of pressurized steam makes the Stormtroopers lenses fog up my troops can't keep putting up with these poor working conditions okay I want to pick up the stuff around it though thank you some iron open up a container we got that and the cameras are off so we're going to be able to go through here to be able to continue on the floor plan said the data vault's here somewhere probably there over there okay so we could potentially go down there can I get over there n push that button n can you make the the Tie Fighter go there's a big a big robot are you freaking kidding me dude wait do we not want to go go across like that I feel like we probably do let's let's try to go back up top that was not the smartest move in the world I thought we were going to be able to jump or there's going to be like a button prompt or something that popped up and it just never it just never came okay do we have ah we're fine got to wait for this thing to leave us alone just be smart we're good here can we jump this I see what we're doing I see our our path I mean there's nothing to swing from so I think we I have to jump it I wasn't sure if that Tie Fighter coming out was going to knock us off or what is there anybody else looking at us this guy of course as soon as he turns around I'm going to send ncks to attack him then we're going to jump over there and get it done we could send him to attack him right now I just feel like bum rushing and attack is maybe not our best idea nothing here we could distract show time buddy it's your time little guy come on just shoot it beautiful job little buddy that's what I'm talking about we got a blaster rifle there I don't think we need it I think we should just be able to get in here hopefully there's nobody in there we got to worry about little bit early on the the first one but we got it there H the Data Vault okay let's wipe some oh my gosh dude this was a stressful Mission holy cow come on come on there's going to be somebody there these files are impossible to understand no what are you one of th's guys whoa uh yes no you are an intrusive and if you don't want me to sound the alarm you'll get me out of here I'm sorry you are BOS knck I'm th's bookkeeper fancy name for a prisoner I thought prisoners were usually in you know cellss creative punishment it's what I get for being so smart all the governor's bribes gigbags Shady Deals they all go through me K we got to hurry this up just pick who you want to pin this on uh let's help each other then scrub some records for me and I'll get you out of here do data easy what do you need frame Crimson Dawn or frame the Pikes um I mean I I kind of like Crimson Dawn dude this is tough I all right I like that you actually have some you have on record someone wants to get G in trouble Brave sure stupid maybe I'll W them and meet you in my extraction Cruiser extraction Cruiser I've had a long time to plan this Intruder get it one from that terminal behind you I like that it it feels like there are some impactful decisions here and like you could totally replay this and actually have okay B what do I do call the carg El a different story line you did it Intruder it's moving so we're going to have to go pick him up aren't we my name is k yeah whatever I saw a ladder that we could potentially use over here extraction isting up here there's a button on the back that should give her a power surge and then maybe we could follow him through to safety hopefully did I see a camera yeah there's a camera right there there you good yes yes follow me I will lead us out of here you're going to drop this energy barrier a what I got you K get back here the imp's not buying it I'm working on it man I Blazer down but they're trying to pry her doors open hurry up I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming any more piked visitors coming through today ready yeah yeah let's go let's do it the scale of our operation keeps them in line I'm all for it my God Governor th knows what he's doing I don't know what we're sabotaged when we press that that we good door is closed need you to open it yeah I got it bosck sector clear nobody in here one person dude this has been a really good Mission I've really really enjoyed this wouldn't it be faster if I carried you what I'm not leaving my stuff here of course hey the other door didn't open you sure you pushed the right button I'm learning as I go here bosno wait okay here we go hey hey hey what you do I'm fallowing I don't know what happened I I pushed a button find me Intruder you have have to get down here oh is this about bosnak right here complaints about the accountant on the station there for think it's necessary remind you but the organization yada yada okay hey so how'd you end up here an a no sense of humor cly the back Gods Intruder someone's coming I'm going to get you don't you worry BOS you there uh-oh I ask what you're doing here you know this is why you are never going to get that promotion you can't keep your Lo out of people business how did you even get down here we can't go that way to CCH you blasted are you threatening me I'm just saying such a shame bled you I'm calling this in letting you out of my sight I'm that's it I'm sounding the alarm I wasn't sure if we were supposed to go loud or not cover no one gets away dead dead just don't let them do any alarms or anything they're not letting up hey beautiful are we good these energy barriers don't have a terminal take them down and nice trick now let's go that stressed me out right there we've been silent this entire time I did not want to messed that up but we're good from the next terminal all according to plan yeah no [Applause] Flawless everything's going exactly how we would have drawn it up here bosnik did that work beautifully just let us sneak back on the ship and get the heck out of here [Music] pleaseed so I'm going to have to go to the control Bay and authoriz authorization H I heard where's the hanger control Bay up ahead okay slow as smooth smooth as fast TR be smart about this there's a intr the [Music] bay to report here that just scared the absolute crap out of me let's break the alarm so that's an alarm that we keep breaking [Music] down open this up reported near thego Bay TK 28599 get down there that was our opportunity right there we could have potentially need another p in seor both over we're going have to wait for her to come back I think she might not come back you freaking kidding me take down got hurt got him let's go okay I'll access that computer in a second let me make sure we get our our loot I'm here for the loot baby can't go through there so we're we're just going to take care of this now No Loot over there all right we're not getting through that hanger with all those Troopers maybe we can get them out of here let's see what we can do going to have to hack this thing again okay I feel like the blue lines matter something here so that one's in the correct position we know that the other two are not it so we're going to try these two that one's in the correct position so it's it's got to be oh God this no this we got it somehow let's freaking Go activate evacuation protocol approve the cargo shipment H Storm Troopers are clearing out down there this is our chance next let's get back to the ship okay so we're just going to send everybody out I you know this could be a good idea could be not so great we'll see we'll be fine buddy it's going to be a lot of movement we good going this way you're an enemy of the empire hi there get them take W drop the cargo ramp let us in US who's us just open the ramp something's wrong it's cam I'll fix it run [Music] ni can I pick up somebody's weapon or something please oh God blow that up use ion Blaster modules to disable their Shields maybe there's a lot of Troopers out here I get it just don't let theiler I'm trying I thought we were going to be try to run to the ship but no it just it wants us to stay in fight oh God we're fine we do have a thing in front of us it's a little bit better got him can we shoot him up over get that onard we just run I guess we just run okay get the heck out of here oh no no that was our way out then we'll make another [Music] one goodness gracious that was ridiculous use the boosters get us out of here boosters on Full Speed a had full Boost we can make it we're out we're good I don't think we're good not yet we aren't ties are still on us oh we need to get away from this station fly back through the debris field ties hatte it in there okay so we're going to head this way we got more boosts engaging copy all right you see that Imperial comm's relay we get over there we wipe its data the am forget all about us right okay guest I'll need to take out these ties first of course we're going to have to take out the ties first he's down this one over here I hate when they do that dead let's go they're shooting at us can't slice that relay with these Ties on us I'm on it so we got some more coming when you're directly behind them they're really easy to hit that's one got to get turned around kind of wait for your your moment there it is he's dead that's it we've lost them he did it we did it who's this guy in the jar uh BOS bosno bosno good yeah great get close to the relay and I can wipe the system just need a few seconds uninterrupted clear one at status attention pilot go it's like we were never there okay are we good we're all clear let's get back to Marana quick you all good back there BOS this is insane look at this planet in front of us here fell to rush like that you guys interrupt occasionally here we go so is this guy joining our crew or we're not a crew and no he is not dude seamless transitions through a cut scene down to the planet this is a I didn't realize how big this game was and we're only on what one of six or seven planets something like that welcome [Music] home game's about to open up we're going to have a ship we can take different [Music] places that was great [Music] there we [Music] go all right I think I'm good all right lra better be impressed uh yeah I'm sure they'll let you play ofok however it is you do that I'll be back soon don't trash the place bosno all right bosno you take it easy just hang out float around we're going to go talk to a hope we're making the right call back in the Crimson Dawn here SMY really kind of locking them in you get it done uh yes there's something else what is it thon's bookkeeper is on my ship he's looking for protection knows every deal the governor made in Marana that is unexpected good to pick him up right away so do I finally get to hear all of crimson Dawn's Secrets just one the Bounty Hunter who's been chasing your death Mark her name's Vil and she's got a rep huh guess that means I have a rep too in this line of work it pays to be anonymous well that's ominous wome B's getting picked up and I got paid what's the next part you need I can't stay on this Moon any longer yeah yeah one thing at a time here before we get fixing the hyperdrive you need to upgrade your speeder oh come on Wala I already did that why does it matter well you'll see come meet me at the marketplace Cantina it's uh more private than the Call's dude let's go so we okay you're starting to get a rep you know what that means already did something we get off to sha fast it means more work I got a nice curated list of jobs here for you and I'm not the only one lots more people will hire you now oh thanks Dunka so we're moving up in the criminal underworld interesting so come see me at malls is that a threat a peace offering G is not going to be happy with us J that's weird we did the upgrade earlier on a side mission but we would have had to do one anyway hey with the nav computer in your repairs not sure how much am I going to owe you okay we're friends we'll get to that I wouldn't call us friends you will because I just found you an EML 850 compatible nav computer and uh since I know what I'm doing it's free what's the catch no catch there's this old R Beed in amberine and it's loaded with compatible parts it's not not stripped already look I mean we tried the winds picked up and not all of us have fancy Speeders then part of it collapsed and sealed it off can't I just like boost one off a pike Cruiser or something not possible Trailblazer is a custom job off the-shelf Parts won't cut it you're lucky I even remember this wreck even luckier that I have a plan I just uh need a class 11 power core and where exactly am I supposed to get that all kinds of places like uh you know Imperial compounds we barely made it out of that space station alive you trying to get me locked up I'm just trying to get your ship fixed you're welcome and uh don't die all right back under the nose of the Imperials welcome to the wreck baby we're going to the Imperial com station in Boulder Forest looks like it's a fair ways away so we're going to assume oh wow yeah it's it's back in the very back back there um I guess we fast travel to jantas and head north from there let me guess it's the giant one with the the satellite array on top of [Music] it I do see seems like these Imperial bases have a thing off to the left fairly commonly I don't think I'm supposed to be here going to try to be sneaky about it if we can can and maybe not make as much noise as we are can we climb this is this climbable it is come on ni let's go no time like the present have to find a secret way in and hopefully not be seen we might have over here on the [Music] left those things are bad news all right here we go another day another comp station there's no way they'll expect this not to place this thing to unlock it dude these are my favorite all right let's see what we've got here I I really I need to figure it out I'm going to do some research and maybe see some comments from you guys after this I don't know if these does it tell you like the order to go in is it bang bang bang bang no see none of the other ones have that one involved so I have no idea what to do here let's see what we've got going on okay so we know that one goes there I guess we could try this try this try this we got it those were not related to the blue lines at all but security doors open I'm at that Imperial compound waa good now remember class 11 power core it' probably be near an engineering area but somewhere a little more secure maybe look for an office a smaller room okay engineering area it's going to be tightly guarded I'm putting in for a SC right away down I not going to make it through there dude she's kind of a a Savage do we would to go through here or do we would to go up top I saw a ladder over to the right small room hello all clear don't tell me it's that easy okay there's no way careful Beauty access this computer disable an energy barrier I think that's going to open up the thing back to our left I don't love this think I'm going to try going upstairs I don't love n do you have anything here oh boy multiple see something climb up what the fudge what do you see what that what go oh my God that was so freaking close let's let's go baby be careful cuz he might turn around and try to come this way I was so scared right there but we're good okay there's we got to worry about this thing too we tag him Imperials feel like he'd be easy to forget we're good for right now there's a a console here let me see what we've got going on here report we're going to need to slice this hopefully is the person to our left coming or our right I mean I don't think so so that one's going to be somewhere we could try that this this this we got one of them right okay so it could be this this this no okay so we know the last one's going to be the circle this one's going to be this this boom all right Bing Bang Boom disable cameras open up security door it would it be good to go just take him down copy that all clear I'll clear down this will do the trick we have a sniper rifle if we want it I doubt we're going to be able to use much of this where do we think this tiny office could be maybe over there n attack got him do we think it's in there that looks like it's got some security to it I mean we don't really have a choice we just got to go down here in that it looks pretty well guarded get that open there's another little room over here get that open next the door let's see what's going this is a restricted area I mean this looks kind of like an engineering area does it not what was that we should invest you're not authorized to be here this is not good nothing well that's helpful I was really really worried there can I climb this use our data Spike bro what the fudge there's so many places okay let's go is this it oh my God this isn't it is it Syndicate data forgery investigation we need Vault codes do you think we could get vault codes off of this girl okay I'm going to take her out I think I might know where they are where it is the power core whatever you would to call I think it's over on the other side there were two like heavily guarded gate areas we went to one this obviously wasn't it I think it's the other one where we spawned in let's move what are you doing here what the squad needs is more discipline take them down NX freaking go huge someone nearby we might be able to drop down in this okay we're we're in good shape unchanged she's going to see some bodies wait for her to get over here attack attack job next appreciate you buddy there's something over here there's some sort of an alarm panel over there maybe let's disable this and maybe try dropping down here wait use this this looks like an engineering area well that's our sign Trev after all this exploring we may finally be here are these the only two in here n attack take him down n one and two we good think we're good that's that's a power core okay ni can you grab it or can you n do your thing flip that is that going to open it up for us yes let's go baby perfect I'm going to be able to pick anything else up okay we got it so now we just need to reach the old shipwreck let's get the heck back out of here my goodness that dude we were all over this base didn't get seen which which is great old shipwreck doesn't look like it's too far away let's be smart are we going to be able to just jump off down here not our best move there we're going to be fine just stay right here don't let the atst see you and we're good go go go go go go holy cow dude what a freaking day call our speeder in my goodness that was a bit too close for comfort okay so are we going to be leaving Imperial area it looks like we are technically we could can we fast travel to Jon's hope and we're going to be able to get the heck out of here my goodness that was something the stealth is really rewarding the trailer will take us anywhere we want find a big score we set for life we've come a long way from the workers District buddy it's only up from here I think there's probably going to be a few times that we get knocked down a couple pegs but we'll do our best so this Naf computer it'll be pretty easy to find right you just need to get through the Maze of hallways clim through some ancient bubble and the whole doesn't in on you oh easy then so we're just going to try to climb this I guess she's always talking about wanting to find one last big score and they can you know right off into the sunset together I don't think that's going to happen here hey I think I'm at some kind of tunnel that'll get you to the wreck only way through is with that speeder let's go baby okay been able to get through there otherwise this is just so ridiculous back in here this whole world is so ridiculous going to keep pushing all the way through get to the old spaceship and here we are V I'm here what do I do all right install the power core and hit the capacitor with your Ion Blaster module with the core in place the door should open right up core goes here I guess let's power up the core hit it with our ion Blaster I'll hit this he was right wow look at this place Waka I'm in amazing right these high Republic Cruisers were something special nav computer will be on the bridge so good luck so we got to get through this entire thing all the way up to the bridge to be able to get it and who knows who or what is lurking back in here dude some of these locations are just like this is like a like a a Uncharted Star Wars game kind of with all the climbing and the jumping and the exploring it's good vibe for sure tombor Star Wars it is a little little one-dimensional how's it going I mean in terms of the hyperdrive doesn't really need a nav computer to work right as long as you don't mind ending up in a black hole no oh great and I'm guessing the bridge is still further in hey if it was easy to get to that computer would be gone by now I kind of like that though like this this is a game that I mean it's fun I think the weakest part is probably the combat it's like it's okay at best it's not bad it's just okay but it's it's more rooted in this the story and everything like there there is a sense of adventure there is some stuff going on but movement and Gunplay and stuff isn't your main objective how am I supposed to figure out where the bridge is we just keep pushing forward I don't know what to tell you okay Jesus W this thing is falling apart around me why do you think we stopped strapping it everyone figured it wasn't worth the risk except you it's a calculated risk K and I'm good at math where did we go from here oh there I mean we're not getting off this planet otherwise so I don't think we have a choice o this is freaky guess we go up yeah I don't like being inside the old Rusty ship not my favorite keep getting a bunch of checkpoints there's got to be up right there keep switching off of that do we need more stuck or there's two of them keep switching back to the main gun cuz I feel like there's got to be something in here right whoa was this the ship's reactor this is ridiculous dude I have no idea where to even go where do you go from here there's got to be a place to climb over here the scale of all these environments is is really impressive I mean look at that we are inside the reactor of a Star Wars ship I really don't like the ominous music say maybe check for some loot maybe not you know let's just stay on the straight and narrow not going to dilly dally not going to oh God uh this way not going to wait around just going to keep things moving down there we go come on ni hang in there little buddy it's like a loot spot back there maybe not looks like the weight of the bridge is shut maybe if we get the reactor going how are we going to manage that what the I do not like this please get me out of this just cut it out very thankful the fact that we have not seen any things yet bro what the fudge the game is still scaring me even though we have no enemies I need to get power to the ship somehow I I think I'm at the reactor H that's your best bet it's probably multi-step activation from bottom to top if it works at all she want go all the way to the bottom of the reactor makes sense thank you Game all right that should warm it up anything good back here on now don't make it that easy on me probably other stuff too but not going to lie I'm not the the biggest fan of this area so I'm just going to try to keep pushing [Music] forward if we have another segment we can turn on in the middle and then maybe turn on the top and call it a day Bing Bang Boom reactor's online we can open up the door grab our computer and get the heck out of here looks like we're going to have to climb those aren't we okay reactor's up now let's see if it'll power the rest of the ship oh my [Music] goodness okay I think we got to climb up to the top there she is hey I think that actually worked that should get us to the control room okay is there something up here is the question I'm really surprised we haven't had anything yet is this it w I think I'm almost [Music] there that's great yeah you okay huh oh yeah uh just fixing the Trailblazer com it up okay why do I feel like this has gotten really really ominous all of a sudden is this the bridge transfer data this is B get attacked out of nowhere by a fleet of Nile ships Castle's leaking field rapid pce man to jump into hyperspace but got no idea where we're going so that's where the big crash happened dude what the fudge has happened got to be a way to get that lift to come down going I see one thing right here turbo lift works too looks safe maybe we shoot it again this better be worth it across jump oh my God I thought I saw that moving earlier but I wasn't sure we almost just got smooshed I'm assuming we're going to jump across this as they open this is just ridiculous pick up what we can as we go I just to like all the banging and the booms and the falling stuff and her freaking out she's making freak out she's supposed to have this under control and she's doing all the W sound effects making me nervous Wala I made it huh oh yeah perfect nav computer will be in the console okay why is he being so weird I can't pry this open I think it needs authorization on the other side all right authorization granted just we grab the KN computer oh those are zerk bash agents how did they find us get oh Jesus stroke not [Applause] good let's do this where'd he go how are they so strong something's not right about this Nix let's grab it and go now I knew there had to be something bro are you freaking kidding me come on run this looks like a Nast grab go don't be mad Kay I mean I knew what she needed I know what she's been through I'm the one who fixed her you're going to kill me for a ship for the Trailblazer zerich bash wanted you alive but I can't afford any Loose Ends [Music] neither can I she's the one hunting us right if this is about Leo ship or the rebels it's just a big big misunderstanding I don't care at least hear me out what a plot twist this run no good double tring my just after my chip come on this way run baby run let's go niy dude so we've we've got a a bounty hunter after us or like a a oh jump just kidding can't jump look you uh got the wrong person just going to have to keep running I think found us this is bad come on to the right left round up the middle go got a bounty hunter after us we've got these super soldiers after us okay okay let's just take a second here enough just come quietly get him ni who are you [Music] run oh I said run I would do as he says here we go not the best heal I was trying to do like a cool jump heal was that no no no we need to get out of here next keep running we'll we'll jump to anywhere else if the ship's even there give me the speed and let's just go let's just go let's just go let's just go let's just go let's just go just GTFO I tried to do a really cool jump peel out of the thing and it it just wasted it from now on it's just you and me n like it should be so you can't trust anybody out here especially yourself when you're driving hold on next n you deserve a better owner than I not going to lie just getting you in all these situations you're little cutie I don't deserve to be shot at and chased and wrecked on motorcycles but I'm doing my best here and that hurt we can probably just jump this okay so there's a bounty hunter after us Hunter fighting over me is over a stupid stolen ship that Veil person almost had us we need to get rid of this death mark fast things are not going well for us back at our ship here we going to be able to just plug this thing in and call today she'll be here any minute I'm sure you hear that ni k v we meet at last who are you saving you was hard I'd rather not kill you you have a name they beat us back here Jaylen V and I hear you got into sl's mansion without these where'd you get this is what I do Secrets contacts credits I'm the one who brings them all together J fck this really is L's Mansion isn't it mm and the schematics for a safe filled with 157 million credits worth of unmarked bestar ingots and I can get you inside uh-huh you got a Droid Smith to shut up that gatekeeper enough explosives to blow through that chromium time lock and don't forget sto's amped up security since your last little visit you'll need two slicers to get in get in how about getting out if it wasn't for NYX I'd be in the ground you'd need an enforcer you'd need a whole crew that's right with half the prize to split however you like this job it's a Death Wish well you're already dead Okay SLO runs the most lethal Syndicate I've ever seen and he wants you gone so he might as well take from him on the way out push back Rob his fortune bu your freedom that easy there's a reason people like me don't push back on people like SLO survival exactly and I for one I'm tired of fighting for the scraps left by Rich overdressed tyrants like SLO this Hood this is our chance you and I can break him together you really don't like this guy I'm just trying to tip the scales for People Like Us K what do you think a in nd5 has the list track them down get our crew oh and don't stab me in the back Andy's programmed to make sure that doesn't happen Galaxy's yours so jayen and Indie five you believe that can we trust them I believe if you follow the plan no one gets hurt great dude this is getting thick that I was I was not ready for that I honestly did fully trust our our friend that was fixing the ship so I I guess we're going to be taking off for the next galaxy huh build the rapid configuration K signed up for a heist with Jaylen VX is enforcer Droid nd5 to break into the Zer Brash crime Lord sl's Vault came must jump to another system and find and recruit more members for the heist crew we've got an Intergalactic Heist about to happen hope you guys are excited I will see you guys see you later okay then in our next episode peace out

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